Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2405: Sword light as electricity


They had already agreed that as soon as they rushed into this battle, they would start to urge Dao Fa with all their strength.

Unleash a wide range of Taoism with all your strength,

Jiayu thought, breaking this battle,

At least a few large-scale Taoism must be released!

To know,

Dozens of Yuanying Flower God’s powerful main artillery bombarded together,

However, break a 10,000-person team into a few big pieces!

The three Yuanying Flower Gods here can't be compared with dozens of Yuanying Flower God's powerful main guns.

Countless apricot flowers, blood knives, and water splashes began to rush into the battle.

The whole formation began to tremble,


"Rumble rumbling----"

The thunderous explosion,

Passed in one after another!

Countless screams,

Sounded from all over the battle.

Some monks rushed out of the formation,

Scurrying around in the entire array space!

Some monks rushed to the outside!


There was a huge shock!

This 10,000-person team is

It exploded and turned into a dozen yuan!

Some pieces fall down!

Some pieces are suspended in the air!

They have different formation patterns, not every fragment can fly!


Jiayu was shocked-----

I know how capable I am in the large-scale Taoism I have issued!

The Taoism issued by the pool is not much higher than himself!

Break the battle of these ten thousand people into pieces,

Is it mainly the way of Commissioner Qian?

By the pool, his face seemed to be so peaceful forever.

Sure enough, it is water system rules, plant system rules and soil system rules.

This old money is pretty good.

Thought to the pond.

far away,

Within the formation of the Qiongwen plane,

The images around the Yuanying Huashen River stayed at the same time.

"Half tea time, the three Yuanying Flower Gods broke a 10,000-person team?"

"The cultivation bases of the three Yuanying Flower Gods on this mountain flower plane are beyond imagination-----"

The apricot color keeps shining,

Turning around, he has rushed into the formation of a 10,000-person team next to him.

The **** escape light, and the watery escape light rushed in!

This time, countless icy debris bursts!

Once rushed into the battlefield, it was an endless glacier!

Once entering this battle,

The sky is full of ice cones!

One person hugs thick, several feet long!

There are countless mysterious runes on the ice cone!

Above some ice cones, thunder was shining.

Flames rise above some ice cones!

"This formation is really good!"

Said Chibian.

"By the pool, you are so calm----"

Jia Yu said.


Countless blood knives cross in the air!

One cut down,

Hundreds of ice cones were blown to pieces!

In an instant, countless loud noises made the sky full of ice debris.

A big knife in Jiayu's hand, shocked!

. Face surprised!

Four figures came from among the icy debris in the sky.

Wherever you go, everything becomes nothing!

"Fellow Yuan Ying, teleported from other formations so quickly."

Said Chibian.

"Chibian, you have merged the same rules, what are you afraid of----"

Commissioner Qian came over.

"If you dare to break in, you don't have to go out."

A round-faced Yuanying Flower God said.

See it at a glance,

As if like an abyss!

"No need to go out, but it's not me, it should be you---"

Member Qian smiled.


A cyan light burst out and swirled in the sky,

To lay down towards this Yuanying Flower God!

In an instant, this Yuanying Flower God only felt,

There is a wave of fluctuation in the air, put yourself in a cover!

Heavy as a mountain!

This Yuanying Flower God is shocked!

With a mouth, a red light flew out,

It's a shield,


One gear toward that warhammer!

Apricot brilliance flashed,

It seemed to flash countless times in an instant!

Towards this Yuanying Flower God, cut over!


Like thunder across the sky,

A snow-colored sword light flashed across an incomparably mysterious track,

Like an eternal glacier, he slashed towards Commissioner Qian!

In an instant, as if in extremely cold,

A shield appeared,

On the shield, there are countless mountains and rivers emerging,

Just a block towards this sword light!

"This person, urging countless sword lights, is able to control the shield with divine consciousness and block my blow!"

The master of this snow-colored sword light was shocked.

This formation,

It was presided over by him.

Sword Jue urges,

As soon as the snow-colored sword light spins, it will be bypassed!

The mountains and rivers that emerged on this shield,

In an instant, it turned into a ripple and flashed!


On this snow-colored sword light master,

Countless ice cubes emerged!

Block this ripple,


This Yuan Ying flower **** who urges the snow-colored sword light,

But entered a pause,

Even if this pause is less than a few percent of an instant,

Apricot sword light flashed!

Countless ice cubes exploded!

This Yuan Ying Hua Shen who urged the snow-colored sword light,

The armor exploded!

A big hole has appeared!

It's too late to even scream,

The sword art is urged, as if there are thousands of ice cones flying,

This urging the Yuan Ying Hua God who sent the snowy sword light to retreat wildly!

Commissioner Qian waved,

An apricot blossom was shot,

When these apricot flowers bloom,

Among them, as if there are countless mysterious runes,

It turned out to be like a warhammer,

In the eyes of this round-faced monk,

It's like a big mountain.

The round-faced flower **** had no choice but to use the sword technique.

Cut to this apricot blossom!

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand again,

A golden light blasted towards countless ice cones!


There was a muffled sound like a huge thunder. ,

Among the countless ice cones, a channel was blasted out!

The apricot sword light flashed,

Has turned into countless stars, rushing into this passage.

That Yuanying Flower Divine Sword Art!

As soon as countless ice cones appear, they will be cut out!

In an instant,

The apricot sword shines,

Dozens of ice cones scattered towards the surrounding!

Apricot sword light,

Already rushed in!

Wherever he went, the cones of ice exploded and turned into nothingness!

Without delay, a shield, glowing red,

One stop toward this apricot sword light!


There are already several big holes in the shield!

There is another sword mark on this Yuanying Flower God, blood flying sword!

This Yuan Ying Flower God Technique is reminded!

A piece of ice of a hundred feet,

A roll like a big wave,

Pounced towards Committee Member Qian,

This Yuanying Flower God has already rushed into this hundred feet of ice!

This battle was originally presided over by him, urging this battle,

Not easy.


The apricot sword light flashed,

It seems to have crossed thousands of miles!

In an instant, on this piece of ice,

Numerous big holes have appeared!


Countless big holes have appeared on the ice of Baizhang!

Suddenly exploded and turned into countless ice chips.

That Yuanying Flower God, standing in the air,

There are more than a dozen holes in the body,

Looking at Commissioner Qian, he couldn't believe it.


Yuan Ying rushed out from the top door,

Rushing into the ice, there is no trace!

The body of the Nascent Soul with more than a dozen holes has suddenly exploded!

The Yuan Ying Flower God who fought against the pool had already stepped back.

The Yuanying Flower God who fought with Jiayu was making a tie.

However, they are the same as the round-faced Yuanying Flower God,

Can't believe it!

This is just a few tricks,

A Yuanying Flower God was killed!


This round-faced Yuanying Flower God, let out a howl!

The three Yuanying Flower Gods, in an instant, have joined together,

Flying sword in hand,

Fa Jue fully urged!

Seeing Commissioner Qian, his figure retreated,

Has rushed into the ice and snow!

.Commissioner Qian did not urge the sword to cut the past.

The three Yuanying Flower Gods together,

He is really not sure!

When the sword art of the pool was collected, it was still so indifferent.

Jiayu, standing there, couldn't believe it!

If he confronts Commissioner Qian, that is a few tricks!

Several Yuanying Flower Gods battle,

Within hundreds of miles, the ice and snow were all broken into pieces!

The whole array map has been shattered by a fraction.

Commissioner Qian waved his hand.

Put away the treasure of the Yuanying Flower God's storage artifact.

Countless apricot flowers,

Towards the glacier,

As if in an instant,

Apricot blossoms have grown on the vast ice field.

Point to the pool side!

Countless splashes landed on the ice field!

Jiayu wakes up like a dream!

A reminder of the law,

Countless **** knife lights rushed towards the ice sheet.

Where the Dao Fa has passed,

Like a huge thunder!

A scream sounded.

"Puff, puff, puff, puff!"

Fountains of flesh and blood,

Rush out from the formation!

But for a while!

"Rumble rumbling------"

The entire ice sheet has suddenly exploded and turned into more than ten pieces.

Or fall,

Or levitate!


There are a few more shocking earthquakes!

A tens of thousands of people from dozens of miles away face off,

Was hit by three galaxy vortexes,

It had already been bombarded by the powerful master of Yuanying Flower God for more than ten shots!

On the battlefield, more than a dozen were sitting in the valley,

Be rushed and swirled by these three galaxy vortexes!

Dozens of thousands of thunder and fire rushed up!

Among the countless screams,

This formation also turned into more than a dozen pieces, flying towards the surrounding!

"The ten-thousand-person team completely exploded nine! Three heavy losses!

Send me an order---attack----"

far away,

Commander of the Qiongwen plane,

That Yuanying Flower God, let out a howl!


Thirty formations are in full swing, as if covering the entire sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and running towards the battlefield!

In a hall, surrounded by thunder and fire!

The round-faced monk sat in a gorgeous seat,

"Your Excellency, the formation of the Qiongwen plane has already moved towards us!"

A four-diamond flower **** reported to the round-faced monk.

These Yuanying Flower Gods are the commanders of this battle against the mountain flower plane!

He looked at the nebula formation,

For those essence and blood,

How much energy did he put into it-----


He said, expressionless.

The Mozu’s 10,000-person team began to retreat.

Shanhua plane also stopped shelling.

Yuan Ying Hua Shen’s powerful main gun has lost half of it,

Hundreds of monks died during the foundation period!

But flying thousands of miles,

The formation of Qiong Wen's plane has already rushed up.

In an instant, dozens of thunder fires of tens of meters have crossed the sky.

There is another series of thunder and fire!

Within thousands of miles,

Surrounded by a series of huge thunder!

The entire sky was once again flushed red by countless thunder and fire!

The monks on the mountain flower plane stood out of the formation one by one,

Less than half a day,

The ten-thousand-person team on the Qiongwen plane,

Has the upper hand!

The opposing team's 10,000-strong formation has begun to explode!

"Our intact ten-thousand-strong formation, but half of the opposing team!"

The round face Yuanying Flower God, clenched his fists!

"Go towards our control zone!"

The round face Yuanying Flower God gave the order.

"Airship team, come on!"

In a short while, thousands of magic weapons, but a few feet long, galloped over from a distance.

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