Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2417: charge


Hundreds of magic weapons fire at all monks who can be seen,

Hundreds of gunfire crossed one shot!

The monks tried their best to urge the magic weapon of sword art,

Or urge the body shape, fly at full speed,

A series of loud noises sounded!

Some monks rushed out of the huge fireball,

Thousands of monks have been reduced to pieces!

For ordinary monks,

The cannons of these carts are very powerful,

There was a fire,

The spiritual thoughts of the monks in the foundation building period can urge the magic circle to control these artillery fire,

It is not so easy to just want to escape.

"These cannons are just the initial level of the Three Diamond Flower God."

Hundreds of miles away, on a mountain peak,

More than a hundred monks stood,

Watch the battle of Juan Tieguan,

It was Red Wolf who spoke!

"The defense level of these artillery vehicles was even worse, but when they rushed into the Juantie Pass, more than 100 ships were destroyed.

However, there are far fewer master monks in this iron pass than there are at the fire pass. "

Wanlidao said.

"Look, this Qiongwen Plane Joint Committee, can it conquer the scroll barrier?"

Wanli Dao asked the other Jindan monks.

"If they have a 10,000-person pair = team battle,

The monks of the Qiongwen Plane Joint Committee have already taken advantage,

However, it is hard to say if you want to occupy the Juantieguan.

Look at---"

Said the soaring sword.

Hundreds of thousands of thunder and fire blasted toward the formation of a Jindan team.

Around the Jindan team,

Surrounded by mountains,

But suddenly exploded and shot!

But for a few moments,

As if there are thousands of fireballs exploding,

The entire formation has turned into hundreds of fragments and shot!

Among these fragments, there are the magic weapons of the Golden Core monk and flying sword fragments!

Several Jindan cultivators have tried their best to urge the magic weapon flying sword,

Once the battle was broken, thousands of thunder and fire blasted over,

The urged sword art was immediately scattered by thousands of fireballs!

Their golden core grade is not high,

Fall down immediately again!

The golden core monk who took the lead, took out a map and reminded him.

Brother Jindan rushed into the formation.

From the array, dozens of swords blazed brightly, one punch!

A formation control center has been cut to pieces!

"They only occupied a quarter of the wall of Tieguan.

Brother Jindan, dozens of them have been killed! "

Yuan Tie said.

"The Yuanying Flower God fights, the Yuanying Flower God on the Qiongwen plane has already gained the upper hand."

Inspur Knife spoke aside.


Commissioner Qian, the few Yuanying Flower Gods by the pool,

Watching the battle of the Yuanying Flower God of the Qiongwen plane, the River Demon Clan Yuanying Flower God.

A Yuan Ying Flower God of the Joint Committee of Qiongwen Plane,

A white armor,

Urges thousands of sword lights, like valleys, like big waves,

A tie with the opponent!

A flame of sword light burst,

This Yuan Ying Flower God already has an extra shield in his hand, with a backhand block!

The shadows of the mountains emerged,

The flame sword light, facing the shield, has been cut a thousand consecutive times!

The mountain phantom has been blown into countless pieces!

But there was a cyan light swept, facing the flame sword light,

Thousands of swords have been exploded in an instant!

A loud noise like a thunder,

Flame sword light, back again and again.

The phantom from the body protection magic weapon burst out immediately!

This white armor Yuan Ying Flower God and the Yuan Ying Flower God Sword Art that urges the release of the blue armor are reminded.

A twist,

The sword light like a fire wave has been cut into countless sparks,

A scream,

Already hit a sword.

But immediately, another figure rushed over,

Sword Jue urges,

It is tens of thousands of swords and lights!

The cyan sword light had to be collected,


Block these tens of thousands of sword lights!

The flame sword light urged,

All kinds of Taoism emerged immediately,

A reminder of Yuan Ying Hua Divine Sword Art in white armor!

The sword light is like a valley, in the waves,

The flame sword light retreated dozens of feet,

But it can be blocked!

But there are thousands of sword lights,

Sword light blew towards this flame,

A shield emerged,

Countless lava rivers are rushing,

One stop toward these thousands of sword lights,

In the midst of a bang,

The sword light flame, shoots hundreds of feet!

Thousands of broken pieces of copper bricks shoot!

There were a few big holes in the shield!

A probe into Yuanying’s Flower God, who urged the flames and swords of light

The power is greatly reduced, but it can be used!

Use it if you can.

The Yuan Ying Flower God thought that urged the flames and swords to pass.

Once the standards of the two sides are not much different,

The magic weapon of Yuan Ying Hua Shen's might, it can be beaten.

Yuanying Flower God battle,

One shot is a thousand swords,

Both parties have invested more than ten Yuan Ying Flower Gods,

It is possible to hit the sword at any time,

They didn't pay attention to the battle situation in Jindan team and Juantieguan at all.


A formation control center,

More than thirty figures rushed towards the Juantieguan!

"A few Yuanying Flower Gods fought, and the formation control center, protected by the city wall, was immediately broken.

We can't let us take the sword light of the foundation-building period and the golden core period to block the Taoism of the Yuanying Flower God. "

A golden pill rumbling.

Several Yuanying Flower Gods fight,

Brother Jindan came closer,

Boomed by the aftermath,

Even flying swords, magic weapons, and flying swords are blown to pieces together!

Yuanying Flower God battle,

The city wall has collapsed for more than ten miles.


In all the battles, even approaching, dare not approach that area.

"This is the battle of Yuan Ying, the magic weapon of Yuan Ying Flower God can also support for a while,

It's like old money, the Yuanying Flower God magic weapon is chopped to pieces! "

Quinn said.

Continuous He Yuanying Flower God battle,

Every time Quinn was defeated and wounded,

He can only say,

It's because of the great commissioner Qian, it's not that Quinn is incompetent.

"There is not a single three-line rule fusion with such a diverse baby flower god."

Commissioner Qian watched for a long time,

I was surprised too.

Only then did I know,

It is difficult to achieve the integration of the three series of rules!

Sure enough, water system rules, plant system rules, and soil system rules merge,

Among the Yuanying Flower God,

Already counted as a strongman.

Member Qian suddenly discovered that after so many years of cultivation,

Finally, there is a feeling of disdain for sentient beings!

There are more than a thousand magic weapons,

Rushed out of the 10,000-ton team on the Qiongwen plane,

Rush towards the rolling iron gate,

Just this time,

The more than 1,000 artillery carts that rushed into the Juantieguan first,

Most of it has been lost!


The monks in the rolling iron pass,

Thousands of them were destroyed by these gun carts!

The transmission array shines,

There are cultivators constantly teleporting from the Mozu Ten Thousands Team to the Juantieguan,


Pounce on the monks of the Qiongwen Plane Joint Committee!

This time,

Hundreds of thousands of thunder fires,

Bounced at these gun carriages.

Hundreds of thousands of fireballs exploded,

Form a fire wall a few miles wide!

Dozens of thunder and fire burst,

Cannon carts are not as capable of spurring sword light like monks!

Block the thunder,

As soon as the gun carriage fired,

Part of the thunder fire was exploded,

Other thunder fires,

It can only be resisted by the defense method!

This artillery car will protect Daofa from shooting and explode!

Tens of thousands of thunder and fire rushed over,

Fell into the wall of fire,

Tens of thousands of huge fireballs exploded!

The space within a few miles,

All twisted and broken!

The group of artillery carts rushed into the rolling iron gate,

Has been

Destroy more than 300 ships!

As soon as he rushed into the rolling iron gate, more than 10,000 fireballs, thunder, and boulders blasted over!

Dozens of artillery carts rushed to the front,

Even the artillery fire was too late,

Explode to pieces immediately!

Keep up with the gun carriage,

Hundreds of gunfire crossed one shot!

Within dozens of miles,

A huge fireball rises!

Fragments of buildings shot into the sky!

There were screams,

There are hundreds of sounds!

More than 10,000 flames, thunder, boulders, and water arrows came from everywhere.

The protective method on the gun car shines with all its strength!

Hundreds of flames and thunder fire blasted onto a gun carriage,

The artillery car and the protective road law,

Turn into thousands of fragments and shoot!

Hundreds of gunfire,

Blast towards the building complex more than ten miles away!

Hundreds of huge fireballs spread and shine,

The fragments rushed into the sky with screams!

"The monks who can get out of the car in battle like this kind of fortress,

At least the golden core is needed, or else, the foundation-building cultivator, so many Dao Fa blasted over,

I was bombarded by the aftermath of the Daofa explosion,

Immediately exploded to pieces. "

Langchao said.

"The golden core monks on the Qiongwen plane, the number of deaths has exceeded one hundred and thirty!

Not even half of the wall of Juantieguan was occupied.

I said, equip the monks in the foundation period with weapons like gun carts,

Able to play the offensive power of the Three Diamond Flower God,

Definitely the mainstream in the fortress battle! "

Said the red wolf.

"Well, monk Qiongwen, who got out of the car to fight, more than 3,000 people,

But for a long time, more than a thousand people remained. "

Wanlidao said.

There are various magic weapons that rushed into the rolling iron barrier along with the artillery cart,

There are more than 3,000 monks,

Rush down the magic weapon to fight,

These monks, everyone wears powerful armor, shields, flying swords,

From the view of the monk on the plane of Shanhua,

The monks in the foundation period, wearing battle armor, shields, and the world of Taoism within the flying sword,

There are also hundreds of miles!

If used in adventure, treasure hunting, ordinary monk battle.

Monks in the foundation period,

Use these magic weapons~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to fight against the monks of the same level,

Has occupied an absolute advantage!

It can be seen that the Qiongwen Plane Joint Committee,

Refining the magic weapons used by the monks during the foundation-building period has also worked hard.

However, more than three thousand people,

Half a day's effort will cost half of the battle!

"This is the Taoism on the wall, and it's all used to deal with Jindan team.

If the thunder fire, half of it is directed at these artillery carts, the monks in the foundation period,

It's pretty good whether these monks in the foundation period can have hundreds of people left. "

Yuan Tie said.

Another wave of more than a thousand artillery carts rushed out of the tens of thousands of people on the Qiongwen plane.

This time,

Flying with the artillery, there are hundreds of polygonal magic weapons,

These magic weapons, thousands of runes shine densely on the surface,

At a glance, it feels like

Towering like a mountain!

"The magic weapon in the defense is very strong. They will use these magic weapons to establish a line of defense in the iron barrier."

Said the red wolf.

"Boom-boom boom-boom boom -----"

As if there are thousands of thunders, rolling towards the horizon!

Tens of thousands of thunder fires rose from the three places closed by the rolling iron at the same time,

Go to these artillery cars and use the old protective magic weapon to build a line of defense!

"Use the artillery fire used to deal with Jindan team to deal with these artillery carts and river protection magic weapons."

Said the soaring sword.

In an instant,

This convoy of guns, together with more than a hundred polygonal magic weapons,

Surrounded by countless huge fireballs!

As if countless thunders sounded,

The entire space has been shot into countless pieces!

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