Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2422: Yushu

"The Thousand Miles Mountains are completely the same, although they are not jade.

But it is a great place for cultivation, this mountain range is very suitable for the cultivation of earth monks. "

Member Qian said.

There are several spiritual gathering places on the mountain flower plane,

There is no other place like this.

"There is a Yushu in that place. We took the Yushu and left.

When I was building the foundation, I got the inheritance of a senior in this plane of fire.

This is what the senior said, this Yushu was discovered by him.

Natural creatures, whoever finds them, gets them.

It was only natural that I took Yushu away here. "

The big head pointed to a part of the mountain and said.

Commissioner Qian nodded: "It was like this. You said that the yushu has been growing for 100,000 years.

On this mountain, there is no such original snow school. "

The original snow school is the martial art on this bluestone mountain.

"Are you sure to break the ban?" said the big head.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand,

.Apricot brilliance has rushed into the air,

After a while, Commissioner Qian nodded.

This prohibition, the monk at the top of the Four Diamond Flower God,

There is absolutely no ability to break open.

Commissioner Qian and Big Tou have rushed into the mountains after a show of escape.

After a while,

In a valley, before the ban,

A plant grows out,

But for a while,

Already a few feet tall.

The figure of Commissioner Qian and the big head appeared on the plant.

Big head found,

I am in a space,

This space is hundreds of feet wide!

"Old money, your Dao Fa has advanced to this kind of master."

The big head said in surprise.

This method, in the eyes of mortals, is a legend.

An apricot brilliance,

Rushed into the prohibition, in an instant,

This apricot brilliance has turned into ten thousand runes, twisting towards the prohibition.

During the prohibition, a lot of runes appeared,

These runes, the river apricot color brilliance touched, immediately stopped, and did not move!

The magic weapon of the same series of rules and runes fusion,

Even Yuanying Flower God can stop for a thousandth of an instant.

Commissioner Qian’s apricot brilliance,

Water system rules, plant system rules, soil system rules rune fusion,

Touch the rune in this prohibition,

This prohibition, you can't move.

This is the true power of the integration of multiple rules!

The apricot brilliance stretches forward quickly,

But time for a cup of tea,

A passage has been revealed during the prohibition of more than ten feet wide!

Commissioner Qian and the big head rushed out of the plant,

For a flash, rushed into the prohibition,

In an instant, it has rushed into the bluestone mountain,

Where the commissioner Qian and the chief executive have gone,

Bluestone, like ripples,

After walking for a few miles, "There is another restriction?"

The apricot brilliance flashed, the restriction has been stopped,

Commissioner Qian and Datou walked past the prohibition.

The closer to the direction pointed out by the big head, the more prohibitions there will be.

Walked more than three hundred miles in the mountains,

Indeed a cave,

There are dozens of feet wide,

In the middle of the cave, the elder is a green tree,

One foot high.

Each leaf has a large palm, with nineteen leaves.

There are mysterious lines on every leaf,

The lines on each leaf are different,

Let people know the treasure at a glance.

It looks like a real plant,

One touch, the quality is like jade, and there is a warm feeling.

Commissioner Qian released apricot Guanghua alone.

There is a sense of the fusion of the rules of the soil system and the river plant system.

"Good baby, you get this yushu, and you can integrate the rules of the plant system and the rules of the soil system. There is hope."

Commissioner Qian,

This is comparable to the magic weapon that Quinn got, the magic weapon rewarded by Nabiyou Temple,

Where is the strength?

It really deserves to be a baby that has grown for 100,000 years,

Commissioner Qian was a little jealous.

It also depends on the quality of the treasure.

This jade tree can be regarded as a treasure to prove the Tao.

Can be refined as a battle magic weapon.

Without refining, it is better than your own Nine Treasure Show Off Tree.

The Nine Treasure Mystic Tree, Committee Member Qian refined it for a while, but did not refine it.

Refining for many years,

It’s better to pick up the battle spirit root fragments from the battlefield of the blue plane,

This makes Commissioner Qian depressed.

"I come---"

The big head said,

As soon as he stretched out his hand, Dao Fa released, and circled the Yushu,

Yushu has slowly emerged upward!

"Hold on, I won't take your baby---"

Member Qian shouted.

This big head, I am afraid I will take his baby.

Sure enough, the prohibition has been touched.



On the rock wall, a door opened,

Next door to this Yushu is a secret room for cultivation!

In the rock wall, a Yuanying Flower God and a Jindan monk rushed out.

It seems that this original snow school has also discovered this jade tree.

Next to the Yushu, a secret room was built.

Yuan Ying Flower God, must be a master of the original snow school.

Brother Jindan exclaimed at the big hair:

"It's you----"


The big head turned around and said to Commissioner Qian,

"This golden pill, we sent it together."

I didn’t finish talking about the big head,

The golden core monk, already shaken, returned to the cultivation chamber next door,

Shouted: "Cut-----"

A reminder of the Yuanying Flower Divine Sword Art,

Looking at Yushu, he hesitated.

"Our Snow Field faction finally found out that there was this baby, you guys, go out to fight with me!"

It seems that this Yuanying Flower God also knows goods.

"No need to."

Commissioner Qian said,

With a wave of his hand, a blue light was shot, but it was a warhammer,

It hits a golden light, but it is a golden mace, it hits an iron light,

It is a iron mace.

The three magic weapons swirled in the air,

Emit a cyan light, a golden light, and an iron light,

Facing the Yuanying Flower God,

Yushu has not been affected at all,

This Yuanying Flower God has a meal,

Apricot sword light flashed, flashed!

This Yuan Ying Hua Divine Sword Art is displayed!

It seems that there are countless huge movements, bombarding themselves,

A burst of thunder sounded on the urging defensive Taoism!

Fragments of Taoism, sparks,

Burst out thousands of times,

It's like releasing hundreds of fireworks in an instant!

"Boom -----"

In the sound of the huge earthquake,

Every inch of this Yuanying Flower God began to rise and fall!

The defensive Dao Fa urged has been shot into countless fragments,


The armor shot into countless fragments.

This Yuanying Flower God,

Break free from the power of the three magic weapons,

Fa Jue with all his strength!

The power of Taoism is already less than one-tenth of its original power.

In an instant, dozens of blood arrows shot from his body!

There are already dozens of big holes in my body!

Although this baby is good,

However, the different esoteric rules are merged so well.

If you can't reach it, you can't merge after sitting for hundreds of years.

With dozens of blood arrows shooting,

Dozens of thunder fires exploded.


The Yuan Ying of the Yuan Ying Flower God flew out.

Shouted: "Who master, come to oppose my original snow school?"

The cyan brilliance flashed,

This Nascent Soul has been involved in the warhammer.

In the secret room next door,

The Jindan monk stretched out his hand and patted it, and the person was gone.

The entire original snow school suddenly screamed!

One after another,

Like the thunder and fire hidden in the huge rock, it has appeared in the air.

Groups of monks,

Rushed towards this secret room.

Big head Dao Fa reminded,

This Yushu has been put away.

Commissioner Qian reached out,

A passage appeared, but it was only a few miles long.

Commissioner Qian's expression changed: "The prohibitions in the mountains have all been activated. Walk from the air."

The figure swept through the secret room,

In front is a passage.

There were already more than a dozen monks, rushing towards Committee Member Qian.

These dozen monks stopped in shape and continued to rush forward!

The magic weapon that has been urged, flying sword, and the whole person,

It has exploded suddenly!

Turn into thousands of fragments and splash!

Commissioner Qian and the big head rushed past these fragments,

Thousands of swords blasted over.

Although the big head can block these sword auras,


The speed must slow down.

Commissioner Qian grabbed the big head,

Apricot shine!

Charged at Wandao Jianqi,

The apricot shine,

Thousands of fluctuations, rushing at the ten thousand swords,

The sword energy in the middle has been reduced to countless pieces,

Commissioner Qian and Big Tou suddenly rushed over.

Turned another turn,

Dozens of warhammers, shields, mountains,

Smashed towards the Qian committee!

On these magic weapons, Taoism lingers,

The whole space is distorted,

The cyan warhammer suddenly became bigger and bigger, hitting these magic weapons!

A cyan ripple swayed!

"Boom, boom, boom---"

Space debris, magic weapon fragments burst out like stars!


The screams sounded,

The first few cultivators have been beaten by space debris and magic weapon shards!

Apricot Guanghua once punched,

Brought a huge shock wave,

Dozens of monks flew up suddenly!

Then, burst into countless pieces of flesh and blood!

"Rewind, Yuanying Flower God---"

A wild roar spread,

The monks retreated one after another.

Commissioner Qian and the big head rushed out of the channel~www.wuxiaspot.com~Zongjian Yuanying Flower God has fallen, Yushu was taken away. "

The shout, spread out quickly!

Dozens of monks gathered around.

Sword tactics, shields, magic weapons a block!

Apricot sword light flashed!

In an instant,

All the magic shields have been exploded,

Urge to issue these shields, the master of the magic weapon,

Everyone showed an unbelievable look,

It has exploded suddenly!

Turned into a sky full of flesh and blood!

A long and long prohibition,

Thunder and fire shining among the boulders,

Charge towards the apricot sword light!

In an instant, the apricot sword light burst into the sky,

Towards this ten thousand zhang ban!


The prohibition of hundreds of feet was blown to pieces,


Apricot brilliance flickered! Commissioner Qian is not a god,

This ten thousand-foot-long prohibition contains too much mana!

Apricot Guanghua flies along the prohibition,

In an instant,

There were already tens of thousands of thunder and fire, blasting towards Committee Member Qian!

Commissioner Qian's Jian Jue reminded!

In an instant,

The big head saw it, as if there were countless thunder fires flying towards him,


The apricot sword light fluttered, without touching those thunder fires,

Those thunder fires are not flying to the side,

It exploded suddenly!

It's just a moment,

Big head already feels that he is flying thousands of miles away!

Flying in that distant starry sky for more than a year!

In an instant, this feeling ended,

Commissioner Qian and the big head have reached the ban on entry.

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