Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2426: Mixer

The guard went in to report, and after a while,

Walked out and said to Committee Member Qian: "Come with me."

Commissioner Qian followed the guard to the attic in the middle,

Into a large room,

The guard exits,

In the room, a middle-aged monk was already sitting there.

"Drum-horn mixer, I've been looking up for a long time."

Commissioner Qian gave his hand.

The middle-aged refiner nodded.

"What kind of magic weapon you want to refine, below 300,000 middle-grade immortal stones, I won't accept it."

Said the middle-aged refiner monk.

Commissioner Qian waved his hand, and a ban was already enveloped.

Take out a storage bag and give it to the middle-aged monk: "Three million middle-grade immortal stones, buy the coordinates of the green sunflower plane."


The middle-aged monk wanted to stand up,

But found that

There was a wave of fluctuations on the opponent, and he was already unable to move.

The opponent is the one who defeated the master of Lotte Gate!

He is just an ordinary golden pill,

For him, a great man like Lotte Guanzhu is already a heavenly existence.

"it is good."

The middle-aged monk said,

Take out a piece of jade room, Dao Fa urges,

The spatial coordinates of the green sunflower plane,

It has been sealed on Yujian.

Commissioner Qian took a look,

It is indeed a spatial coordinate.

Commissioner Qian nodded, put away the jade slip, and left this large equipment pavilion.

In the mountains,

Commissioner Qian walked into a boulder,

This is actually a prohibition imposed by the committee members and big heads.

Take out a seat to transmit the array, and remind you of the method.

The teleportation array has been enlarged,

A wave of volatility has rushed into the surrounding space.

After a long time, Commissioner Qian nodded.

"This coordinate is indeed leading to the plane under the jurisdiction of Biyou Temple.

That would be easy. I can contact a large teleportation formation set up by the Celestial Star Joint Committee. "

The big head nodded.

"Qingkui plane, I don't want to go anymore. It's better to be able to return to the teleportation array of the Celestial Earth Star Joint Committee.

Commissioner Qian played a mysterious trick,

The magic trick rushed into the plane teleportation array,

The plane teleportation array immediately teleported out the magic trick played by the Qian committee.

The runes on the plane teleportation array flashed quickly.

After a long time,

A message appeared.


Commissioner Qian said,

Step into the teleportation array with one foot.

The big head also stood up.

The entire teleportation array flickered,

In a flash, it has entered the space.

After a long time,

Several silhouettes came quickly from afar,

Jianguang slashed continuously!

In the loud noise, this restriction has been broken.

These figures are under the restriction,

took a look.

"They have teleported into other planes, and this person's spatial skills are quite high."

A figure said.

"Did they teleport to that plane?"

Said the figure next to him.

"I don't know, the approximate direction should be the plane under the jurisdiction of Biyou Temple."

The figure said.


The figure next to it said that several figures have been prohibited.

Fa Jue flickered, and it was far away to the horizon.

Commissioner Qian and Datou walked out of the teleportation array,

Beside the teleportation array, there are already thousands of sword auras.

But immediately,

These tens of thousands of swords were separated, and several monks walked out of it,

He bowed his hand to Commissioner Qian.

"Meet Committee Member Qian."

Commissioner Qian saw that it was a few three-diamond flower **** masters from the Gripen Legion!

The Gripen Legion and the Taibai Legion, in recent years,

Three-diamond flower **** and four-diamond flower god, out of a bunch.

Commissioner Qian nodded and walked out of the teleportation formation with the big head, but they were in the same hall.

"You go back to the mountain flower plane first, I'm going to have something."

Member Qian said.

The plane where this teleportation array is located is several planes away from the planet Earth.

After a long time,

Loquat Mountain,

Commissioner Qian walked into the hall of Li Pharmacist.

"Old Qian, it's been a long time since I saw you, your cultivation base is great -----"

Pharmacist Li greeted Lao Qian,

Was taken aback.

Commissioner Qian’s cultivation base makes great progress,

Pharmacist Li, I can't see it anymore.

This shows the difference between Li Yaoshi and Chibian.

By the pool,

At a glance, you can see the fusion of the three rules of the Qian Committee.

"I went to the plane under the jurisdiction of the Lord Wan Lei."

Commissioner Qian said,

This said, the pharmacist Li was interested.

"Oh, talk about it."

"Help the big head to get a treasure and get some golden cores. This is some of the gains from refining golden cores."

Member Qian said.

Take out a piece of jade slip and give it to the past.

Pharmacist Li took a look at the jade slip, his face changed.

"Old money, you and I just know these things."

Li pharmacist said.

Commissioner Qian nodded.

Turning around, he has already left the hall where the Li Yaoshi is.

Walk towards the business association next to Pipa Mountain.

The business association is much more lively than Pipa Mountain, with crowds surging.

Kun Mihui this business association,

It is already famous in a dozen planes nearby.

Commissioner Qian walked into the lobby,

Immediately, a shopkeeper in the lobby came up,

He bowed his hand to Commissioner Qian.

"I have seen Lord Qian."

Of course, the core members of the Star Joint Committee must serve well.

"Where is Kun Mihui?"

Commissioner Qian said,

"In the hall."

Said the treasurer in the lobby.

After a while, with the Qiang Committee member, he has entered the hall of Kun Mihui.

Kun Mihui had already walked out the door.

"Old Qian, it's been a long time since I saw you, your cultivation base is great -----"

"It's as lively as yours here-you are also fused with the same rules."

Commissioner Qian said that as Kun Mihui walked into the hall, she sat down.

At the beginning,

The jade slips that Kun Mihui gave to Commissioner Qian,

Some are descriptions of rule fusion.

Kun Mihui’s ability to collect these jade slips is much better than that of Committee Member Qian.

Hundreds of years later, Kun Mihui has also merged with the same rules.

"Old money, you can even knock down the fire,

My business association, compared with Huo Duoguan, it can be placed in Huo Duoguan,

As a building.

Compared with Huoduiguan, I don’t dare to mention it-----

In recent years, your monks from Tianyangxing have come to Loquat Mountain less and less. "

Kun Mihui said.

Battle of Huoduiguan, Battle of Juantieguan,

The demons and human races occupy the same power on the Qiongwen plane.

It's not surprising that Kunmi Mi got the news.

"How about the collection of Dao books that harmonize with Yin and Yang?

I don't want those powerful secret skills, these yin and yang mana reconciliation books should be easier to collect. "

Member Qian said.

Commissioner Qian has read a lot of those powerful secret techniques and Taoist books.

There is not a book of secret skills that can make a practitioner's power of Taoism surpass the level of fusion of mysteries and rules!

Those secret skills are not just a combination of Taoism and mystery?

Of course, these combinations are more mysterious, more complex, and powerful.

It's like a rolling iron gate,

Those Yuanying Flower Gods on the Qiongwen plane throw thunder fire.

If there is a thunder and fire, it will make Yuan Ying spend a few months, half a year of refining,

Then the power of this thunder fire is far beyond the ordinary Yuan Ying Hua Shen naval gun.

"Of course."

Kun Mihui took out a few Taoist books and a few jade slips and gave them to Commissioner Qian.

Commissioner Qian looked at it, yes.

"Old money, the plane of the cloud, has recently skyrocketed,

There may be treasures, and you monks on the mountain flower plane should prepare to go hunting for treasures on the cloud plane together. "

Kun Mihui said.

"Treasures have emerged from the plane of the cloud, not bad.

Kun Mihui, for so many years, haven't found the cave house of the monk of the transformation stage? "

Member Qian said.

Ordinary treasures have only so much effect on the committee members.

"Monsters of the Deity Transformation Period? They truly achieved one flower and one world,

Maybe a one-foot-old stone is their cave house,

Can you find? "

Kun Mihui said.

"It's true----"

Member Qian said.

The god-man cave house on the Anshan plane~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Commissioner Qian, decades after their expedition, they have disappeared.

"Is there any jade slips you bought? I'll help you explain them."

Member Qian said.

In the past, it was Kun Mihui who took the initiative to ask the Commissioner Qian to comment on the jade slips.

Now, Commissioner Qian doesn't say anything, Kunmihui doesn't mention it.

It seems that the advanced Yuanying Flower God has improved a lot in understanding of Taoism.

The insights of these ancient monks collected by the mountain flower plane are incomparable with the jade slips collected by Kun Mihui.

Originally, the jade slip annotated to Kun Mihui.

Now, Commissioner Qian’s Dao Fa level has improved, and he has used his insight into the fluctuation of the star chart,

From those jade slips that have been annotated by myself,

I also realized a lot of the mystery of Taoism.

"Oh----I have some here."

Kun Mihui took out dozens of jade slips.

Commissioner Qian took a look,

On these jade slips, all are some mysterious sentences.

A monk with multiple rules,

Can understand some, the level of the same system of profound integration,

It's not bad to be able to understand a few sentences in a piece of jade slip.

Kun Mihui refused to take out the jade slip that she could understand.

"I can understand these jade slips, but I will annotate some of them and send them to you."

Member Qian said.

"it is good----"

Kun Mihui said.

He and Commissioner Qian both had Zhou Tianxing, and Commissioner Qian's cultivation base was far ahead of him.

"Old money, my business association, how about opening a branch at Huoduiguan?"

Kun Mihui said.

"Kun Mihui, your branch can be set up in the fire

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