Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2428: Lotte Guanzhu

"Be sure to find this teleportation array,

Find out which force controls this teleportation array. "

Lotte Guan Guan said.

It is obviously impossible to find the Yuanying Flower God.

Find that teleportation array,

This is the worst requirement of this mission.

"I didn't expect Yuan Xue sent them to have such an important task.

Originally thought, but a general school. "

Said the four-diamond flower god.

The three-diamond flower **** next to him quickly pulled him.

"The original Xue Sect, only the real Zongjian is a flower god, who has occupied such a good training place for so long.

With so many forces on the Plane of Fire and Iron, looking at that mountain, you don't want it.

For hundreds of years, the original snow faction has not had a major battle.

do not talk. "


The flower **** after three diamonds said so.

The four diamond flower gods stopped talking.

Everyone has been away for a long time,

He walks like ordinary people.

Through dozens of planes, you can find this plane with magic treasures,

It's already pretty good.


From a big tree, a face appeared.

This Yuan Ying Flower God is just a step away,

They are walking here, and the tactics are all urged.

With one stroke of his hand, it was already a flash of sword light!

A cyan brilliance, a golden brilliance, an iron brilliance,


Boom at a few people!


The Yuanying Flower God said that when he looked at this magic weapon, it was indeed the plane of Fire and Iron, the Yuanying Flower God who broke through the Lotte Pass.

These magic weapons are out!

Lotte Guanzhu and several monks felt,


It makes them feel like an ordinary person meets a master.

These four diamond flower gods,

Or urging the magic weapon, or urging the magic trick,

It's almost like slow motion.

These Yuanying Flower Gods dare to come, but they will not be prepared.

Immediately took out a shield,

On the shield, a sacred hall is facing the cyan brilliance, the golden brilliance, and the iron brilliance!


That sacred hall has emerged from the shield!


A thunderous tremor!

With a few monks as the center, a big pit appeared,

This big pit has a radius of several thousand feet and a depth of one hundred feet.

In the big pit, everything becomes nothingness.

Several four-diamond flower gods and three-diamond flower gods, like cannonballs,

He shoots away from the surroundings.


The magic weapon of the three three-diamond flower gods has broken up.

The master of Lotte Pass, but backed by dozens of feet!

"The magic weapon for the fusion of the same rules and runes."

Commissioner Qian said that he really brought a magic weapon.

This magic weapon of the same system of rules and runes fusion is more mysterious,

The power surpasses the fusion of the same system rules comprehended by Commissioner Qian.

Commissioner Qian wants to understand the fusion of multiple rules, and for the fusion of the same rules and runes,

There is no deduction.

The red sword light flashed,

One thousandth of an instant, it turned into hundreds of thousands of stars,

Towards the Lord of the Lotte Pass,

The Lord Guan of Lotte Pass was shocked,

He just merged with the same rules,

No matter how mysterious the sword is,

For a thousandth of an instant, it was impossible to urge such a starry sky out.

Divine Mind reached an instant, urging millions of fluctuations,


This mana must be urged in the form of sword tactics,

Among them, it has to go through a reduction, and it also depends on the monk’s own sword skills.

The Lord of Lotte Guan, the divine consciousness reached an instant, urging millions of fluctuations,

In a thousandth of an instant,

No more than 40,000 sword arts can be triggered.

Facing the sword light that exceeded his urging ability several times,

This Lotte Guan master roared: "How can his Taoism advance to this height in just a few decades?"

Shield with full force!

Sword Jue full force!

In an instant,

Hundreds of thousands of red sword lights burst out,

There are countless red flowers in the sky,

In an instant, shining ten thousand,

Beauty is like dream.

"Boom, boom, boom------"

As if thousands of sparks burst out,

In an instant, these sparks had already crossed hundreds of miles.

The surrounding four-diamond flower gods, three-diamond flower gods,

Not only could not intervene in this battle,

Once this spark shot, it couldn’t even urge the light to escape.

One by one urges the sword tactics, urges the magic weapon,

The sword shadow cuts wildly, the magic weapon spins,

One touch towards the countless sparks!

"Puff, puff, puff----"

Several three diamond flower gods exploded at the same time,

Turned into countless splashes of flesh and blood!

A four-diamond flower god, holding a few pieces of magic weapons,

Back a few hundred feet,

His face is already extremely nervous!

There are already a few **** arrows on his body!

He urged several magic weapons to explode,

This blocks these sparks.

There are a few monks who came with the Lord Lotte Guan,

But the sparks of Yuanying Flower God's battle shot out,

He is the only one left!

Lotte Guanzhu, backed a few hundred feet!

With this sword urged by Commissioner Qian,

He felt as if there were thousands of mountains, smashed over!

Each flaming sword light is like a big mountain.

The sword art he urged, in an instant, had already burst out!

Nearly ten **** arrows came out of him.

There are already several large holes in the shield,

Fully urge the magic weapon of the same system of rules integration,

He had to urge the Sword Art to be issued again, he could not urge the other magic weapons.

Turning around, pounced toward a piece of grass!

In an instant, he has escaped into the grass.

Can achieve the integration of the same system rules,

It is already easy to practice various escape methods,

Those who can achieve the fusion of the same system rules, of course, know the importance of reconciling Yin and Yang mana.

Really know some important Taoist mysteries,

It will not limit the way of a master god.

The subordinates of the main **** of the fire system turned to practice the fire system,

The main **** of the water system specializes in water system Taoism when he gets subordinates, and that's not the case.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand!

But that big piece of grass,

It suddenly turned into a big swamp!

Sword Jue urges,

A scarlet sword shines into the sky,

Cut towards that swamp!


Hundreds of feet deep, there was a scream,

Lotte Guanzhu’s shield protector,

Rushed out of the swamp.

Originally, his escape was already hundreds of miles away.

Unexpectedly, Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand,

The grass turns into a swamp,

His escape method has been unable to unfold!

Crimson sword light cut, and he hit another sword!

I suddenly rushed out, wanting to escape from the air!

The flaming sword light rushed and circled! Where can he stop?

The head has risen!

Yuan Ying immediately charged towards the sky!

The scarlet sword light around,

Yuan Ying has been ingested in that red flying sword.

The scarlet sword light flashed, shooting out a spark,

In an instant, it had already shot three hundred miles!

The four diamond flower gods flew at full speed,

I felt shocked!

The whole person rushed towards the whole sky!

A red sword light circulated around,

He has taken away his soul, Jindan,

In a flash, he had already crossed three hundred miles and charged towards the fiery red flying sword!

There was a crisp applause,

A monk in Tsing Yi walked out of the space.

Stepping out, you have reached the front of the swamp.

After watching for a while, he turned around and said to the senior committee member Qian: "Old Qian, the three elements of mystery rules are integrated.

With a lift of his hand, Yuanying Flower God cannot escape. Did I not reach the fusion of the three-line esoteric rules? "

This monk in Tsing Yi is exactly the Li Yao Master.

Even if you know the structure of the three-system Xuanxuan rule fusion,

One's own spiritual thoughts cannot reach a certain level,

Reconciling yin and yang mana will not reach a certain level of consummation,

The fusion of the three-line mystery rules can not be understood.

It takes a considerable amount of time for one's own mana, to reconcile the yin and yang mana.

"Pharmacist, it's not difficult for you."

Member Qian said.

Pharmacist Li nodded, but was really surprised.

"This teleportation array is set up on another plane."

Li pharmacist said.

Pick up the magic weapon used by Lotte Guanzhu to find the teleportation array,

"This magic weapon is good, show it to the Shengong Temple."

The shield of the magic weapon of this rule, of course, belongs to Committee Member Qian.

"Refining the Nascent Soul, give me a copy of the memory."

Half a month passed,

Loquat Mountain,

Commissioner Qian came out of the hall of Li Yaoshi,

The Lord of Lotte Guan held it, looking for the magic weapon of the teleportation array,

He has already got a copy of the structure diagram.

Some of the mysterious structures,

He can do it.

Commissioner Qian entered Kun Mihui's business association.

The waiter brought tea, while Chairman Qian drank it.

"Kun Mihui, you can step up the purchase of medicinal materials that increase spirituality."

Member Qian said.

The medicinal materials that harmonize the yin and yang mana, take a few pills to urge the Dao Fa to run,

You don't need so many elixirs.

Divine mind is different, take some and increase some.

Commissioner Qian went to Da Mengguan to practice for decades,

The medicinal materials that have been purchased to grow spirituality are old enough, really not many.

Refined into a pill that is useful to the Qian

Can eat for decades,

The increased spirituality is far from enough to comprehend the rules of water system, plant system, soil system, and fire system.

"Old money, I have tried my best to acquire."

Kun Mihui said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Most of these medicinal materials were collected by monks in the foundation building period and Qi refining period.

Looking at luck, it’s not that you can get good medicinal materials if you have a high cultivation base.

Those cultivation sects who can plant enough years of growth medicinal herbs,

Most of them refuse to sell these medicinal materials. "

Kun Mihui said,

Commissioner Qian only nodded.

Only after reaching the cultivation base of Yuan Ying’s Flower God, Commissioner Qian, in order to collect materials for refining,

To upgrade the magic weapon, it can be said that traveling across multiple planes, there are thousands of rivers and mountains.

There are only so many precious refining materials collected.

These medicinal materials for increasing spirituality are old enough and more scattered,

Commissioner Qian said that he went to collect a few medicinal materials for traversing thousands of rivers and mountains,

I'm not interested long ago.

Commissioner Qian set foot on the behemoth plane again.

Commissioner Qian asked A Chou to help collect these medicinal materials.

On the behemoth plane, Commissioner Qian stepped out of the teleportation formation,

Fa Jue urged, and flew towards the Beast Zun Mountain with the speed of the golden core.

After walking for most of the day, Commissioner Qian stopped in a valley.

Opened A Chou's communication circle.

After a while, A Chou flew over.

"Boss, your cultivation base is so high."

A Chou said.

With that, he took out a bunch of medicinal materials,

Commissioner Qian saw that there were not many medicinal materials that were old enough to meet his requirements.

"The medicinal materials brought from the secret realm have been eaten, and the rest have been planted.

A Chou, do you have one here? "

Member Qian said.

"I have finished eating the medicinal materials I brought, and in the medicinal material garden, I asked those subordinates to plant some."

A Chou said.

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