Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2434: the way

"Master, Elder Pond, Elder Quinn, all three of them are Yuan Ying Flower Gods.

Procurement of medicinal materials to increase spirituality, all three Yuanying Flower Gods need it, how can it be so easy to handle----"

Yuan Tie said.

Jiayu, he opened a sect,

These precious medicinal materials,

The mountain flower plane will never come out.

Commissioner Qian has refined the pill for more than three years.

Did not go to Dameng Pass, came to Qingyin Mountain of Tianyangxing.

This fighting spirit root has grown to a height of thirty feet.

The crown of the tree reached more than one hundred feet.

Hundreds of years have passed since the time of planting this fighting spirit root.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand, and a water polo of more than ten feet appeared, hitting around the fighting spirit.

Around this battle spirit root, slowly, turning into a swamp,

This swamp, slowly, turned into the same as before.

This is the multi-faculty integration rule of Commissioner Qian, the best method that can be urged.

Commissioner Qian walked through the planes where the battle spirit roots were planted.

The strongest Dao law that integrates multiple rules has been performed once.

Water system rules, plant system rules, and soil system rules are successfully integrated,

Commissioner Qian’s need for fighting spirit roots is no longer as urgent as before.

Over the years, some information has been collected.

Biyou Lord God is the Lord God of Dao Law of the Plant System.

The Dao Fa of the plant system was originally stronger than other main gods.

These fighting spirit roots are absolutely unusual.

The longer the growth period, the greater the power.

Commissioner Qian arrived at Biandan Mountain,

It also urged fluctuations and performed Taoism.

Began to comprehend.

After a while, the sky full of flames appeared.

The fusion of fire system rules and water system rules, plant system rules, and soil system rules,

At Damengguan, but some progress has been made,

Commissioner Qian decided to go to Biandan Mountain to have a try.

Water appeared in the flames,

Mountains appeared in the water, and plants grew in the mountains.

Commissioner Qian, while comprehending the fusion of the four elements of mystery rules, is running the magic art of increasing spiritual consciousness.

I have been taking pills for increasing spiritual consciousness.

Commissioner Qian followed the fluctuation of the star chart and deduced the direction in which the four elements of the mysterious rules could be affected.

The flames of landscape plants and plants fluctuate over and over again.

I don't know how long it took, and mountains grew out of the plants.

Water system rules, plant system rules, soil system rules, fire system rules,

One step forward.

Of course, the requirements for divine consciousness have also increased a lot.

However, the pill to increase spirituality is finished.

Commissioner Qian woke up from his practice.

At first glance, forty years have passed. The medicinal materials purchased by Shanhua Plane for more than 100 years,

Commissioner Qian went to Ruqiu again to participate in the fair.

Medicinal materials exchanged for precious materials,

But enough for forty years.

Once this pill is eaten, the growth of spiritual mind is very slow.

The growth of divine mind was slow, and the member of Qian’s chairman sat for 300 years.

The progress of the fusion of these elements is not as good as these 40 years.

Commissioner Qian stood up and walked out of the prohibition.

Today, the fighting spirit root has grown for hundreds of years,

Across the ban, the monk who guards the fighting spirit root,

You can also feel the mystery of plants.

Guarding the fighting spirit root has become a good place to feel the mystery of plants.

Originally, the Golden Core cultivators had shied away from the task of guarding the spiritual roots.

After hundreds of years, the task of guarding Linggen has become a sought-after task.

The plant system Xuan'ao itself is very useful for planting and alchemy.

The fusion of the mysticism of the plant system, the mysticism of the river and the fire system, is of great help to alchemy and refining.

The Jindan brothers are not stupid,

The mysticism of plants, Taoism, is really on the road of cultivation,

Very important part.

Brother Jindan, it is impossible for the martial art to provide you with everything you need,

Planting precious medicinal materials and refining alchemy depends on yourself.

It has been built for more than a thousand years, and the Jindan monks have sent out equipment stores, mines, medicine gardens, or ventured out on their own,

I have collected some precious plants,

Those who cultivate the profound knowledge of plants,

Collect some precious elixir for planting, and you can use it.

In terms of cultivation, they have an advantage.

All rush to come.

Of course, the monks in the foundation construction period have a poor cultivation base.

Want to watch the battle spirit root,

An application must be made and issued by the monk who presides over the things of the mountain flower plane.

"This fighting spirit has always been planted here, the best,

Every ten years, the mystery of this battle spirit is different.

Comprehending the plant mystery here is much stronger than comprehending the plant mystery in the ordinary jungle. "

A Jindan monk said.

"Really, every ten years, the mystery of these plants from the battle roots changes again.

Ordinary plants, I don't know how far away. "

The Jindan monk next to him said.

Commissioner Qian walked out and was taken aback.

It turned out to be like this,

It took too much time to understand the integration of several rules.

These fighting roots have grown for hundreds of years,

It’s no longer the original seedlings,

For these fighting spirit roots, I should re-understand it.

The monks bowed their hands to Commissioner Qian,

Commissioner Qian nodded.

After saying a few words, let them practice hard.

"I will consider your needs, Master,

These battle roots will not be refined into magic weapons in the near future. "

When the Master spoke, that means,

The battle roots planted on several planes will be preserved.

Brothers Jindan, cheers were thunderous,

Shouting Long live Master.

These battle roots, but a dozen,

Over the years,

Shanhua plane, but through the Gripen Legion and Taibai Legion, I got a few battle root fragments,

However, these few battle spirit root fragments,

But it is not as good as the spiritual roots used by the fighting monks directly under the Biyou Temple.

Most Jindan cultivators have no part in these fighting spirit roots.

It's better to plant it here to let everyone understand the mystery of plants.

Commissioner Qian went to the fighting spirit root near Biqiu Mountain and spent a few months studying it.

Sure enough, as the golden core monks said,

The mystery of these fighting spirit roots has changed a lot.

Commissioner Qian is enlightening,

With his current cultivation base, it is easy to comprehend these mysteries.

The communication circle sounded.

At first glance, it was the mad lion king.

Forty years ago, like a battle on the plane of autumn, nine Yuanying Flower Gods fell,

Since then, the mad lion king has disappeared.

After forty years,

The lion king sent a communication.

The same system of rules, the integration was successful.

"Mad Lion, long time no see."

Commissioner Qian greeted him.

"Old money, I have integrated the same rules and prepared a table of wine, thank you,

If it weren't for you, I wouldn't want to get out of the plane of autumn. "

The Mad Lion King said, earnestly.

"it is good----"

Commissioner Qian nodded, how do you say, the site of King Mad Lion is beside Qingyin Mountain.

When someone speaks, he always has to go.

Mad Lion King can appear at that fair,

If it weren't for Ah Chou, Commissioner Qian would not know that there is such a trade fair.

Ajan and the others, set the night market on the plane of autumn,

It's also for this trade fair that will be held in a while.

Next to Qingyin Mountain, the Mad Lion King Cave House,

It's still the same as before,

A group of monks stood and saw a ray of light, which appeared from the horizon, and immediately landed to the side of the cave.

A few monks stepped forward and handed over to Committee Member Qian, "Excuse me, is it Master Qian?"

Commissioner Qian nodded.

Hundreds of years have passed, and there have been more than a dozen gold cores in the cave of the King of Mad Lion.

The monk went in immediately to report.

After a while, the mad lion king has walked out of the cave.

Seeing Commissioner Qian bowed his hand: "Please-----"

Commissioner Qian also gave up.

At first glance, the cultivation base of the mad lion king really merged with the same rules.

Commissioner Qian and King Lion enter the cave, and the waiter serves tea,

After a cup of tea time, the banquet has already begun.

The banquet is of course rich.


The King of Mad Lion said that the Commissioner of Qian, the King of the Lion, began to eat and drink.

After eating and drinking,

"I saw the sword mark of the head of the Zhengzun faction. It was fierce and violent, and it was in line with my sword skills.

I watched the sword mark of the Zhengzun faction leader for a day. Although the secret realm of the Zhengzun faction was blown to pieces by the aftermath of the battle between the Yuan Ying and the Flower God,

I realized the path of cultivation,

Over the past few decades, the same rules have been integrated. "

Said the lion king.

A dozen Yuan Ying fought, a huge aftermath,

The secret realm of Zheng Zun, even though he has used the Taoism, is in the space, it is still broken!

The mad lion king, but from the sword mark of the head of the Zhengzun faction,

Comprehending good fortune, found his own way of cultivation.

Incorporating the rules of the same system, it is on a high level among the Yuan Ying Flower God.

"Old money, such as the plane of autumn and several planes near the plane of autumn,

There are a few places where the spiritual objects that produce increased spirituality can be picked once more than a hundred years later. "


Mad Lion King in detail, let's say those places again.

"For example, there are several places near the river on the plane of autumn~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I can't go, and I lost six Yuanying Flower Gods in World War I.

A plane, a thousand or hundreds of years, may not be able to produce six Yuan Ying Flower Gods. "

Said the lion king.

It turns out that, like the plane of autumn and several planes near the plane of autumn,

The lion king dare not go,

Simply, I told Commissioner Qian about the places where the artifacts were produced.

Member Qian was also happy when he heard this.

The rules of water system, plant system, soil system, and fire system have been integrated, and certain progress has been made.

Put it in the Yuanying Flower God of that plane,

It can be said that it is a master.

There is nothing I dare to pick from these spiritual things that increase spirituality.

Commissioner Qian was very happy and had a great time eating and drinking.

After a day, this came out of the mad lion king's cave.

Without going back to the flower plane of the mountain, stepped onto the teleportation formation and headed to the plane of Ruqiu.

Like the plane of autumn, in a valley,

The stream flows from the valley,

In the valley, a pool of water is formed, a radius of several miles,

As soon as Commissioner Qian stepped forward, a path appeared in the pool.

Commissioner Qian followed this path and walked hundreds of feet.

In the pool, there is a dark river.

Along this dark river, I walked more than ten miles,

Walk out of the water along a gentle slope,

It's a space with a radius of 100 feet,

In this space, there are more than a hundred plants growing,

Half of the plants bear fruit.

Some fruit is green, some fruit is red.

The King of Mad Lion said that the red fruits are ripe, and these fruits ripen every three hundred years.

Azhan and the three Yuanying Flower Gods opened a night market, but they couldn't see this kind of fruit either.

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