Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2445: 0 Grass Pie

"The cultivators on the Ruixian plane have already begun to gather, but there are not many flying ships dispatched."

   A three-diamond flower god, walked in and arched his hand towards Cambran.

   Cambrian wanted to occupy this mountain range,

  Naturally, the news from the plane of Ruixian,

   Cambrian knew it.

  "This mountain range is of little value to both parties. The demons come to attack.

   also because there was a neutral position on their front. "

   Kan Bulan said.

   gave a piece of jade slip to Commissioner Qian: "This is the detailed information on the combat power of both sides on the Ruixian plane."

   Committee Member Qian took a look: "This Demon Race’s airship is not bad. The bulkhead is six feet thick, and rare refining materials are refined.

   The defense power has already caught up with the general Yuan Ying Flower God. "

  Chan Qian thinks, I have insight into the fusion of several lines of mystery. Once I practice in retreat, it is more than 100 years.

   several retreats, for hundreds of years,

   The crafting of all kinds of magic weapons on this airship, it’s a blast.

   With so many materials, the plane of the mountain flower can't make it.

   Attack on the fire stack,

   Refining the powerful armor of the Yuan Ying Flower God for the Golden Core monk, shield,

   refining more than a thousand naval guns with the power of Yuan Ying Hua Shen,

   The precious materials of the flower plane of the mountain have been used a lot.

  Chan Qian wanted to build an all-copper building similar to Da Mengguan in Biandan Mountain,

   can't come up with so many materials.

   Member Qian thought, moving some buildings from Huduiguan.

   Re-refining those buildings as the formation control center,

   First arrange a powerful formation on the periphery of Biandan Mountain.

   The construction of the airship must have been postponed.

   These airships are just for use.

   "These airships are not bad, they just happen to be used. Kong Yun is a real person, we rushed into the opponent's fleet,

   The opponent’s Nascent Soul Flower God will definitely play, and the Jindan team can fight on the ship,

   Take those airships over. These airships will give you one sixth, how about? "

   Member Qian said to Zhenren Kong Yun.

  "Well, in these floating airships, large-scale magic circles can be refined, and once large-scale magic circles are refined, it is a good magic weapon.

   Cambran, my agreement with you is to occupy this mountain range, the madness pass. Now, the combat mission has been achieved,

   This airship is not part of our agreement. "

   Kong Yun said the real person.

"of course."

  Cambran said, this kind of bulkhead is six feet thick and it’s not easy to build.

   The Yuan Ying Flower God fused with the same system rules can move into the floating spaceship and refine it into a large magic circle.

   This airship was immediately transformed into a large magic weapon.

  Like this mountain range, it is located in front of the battle line, even if the prohibition is arranged, it needs continuous patrol by the monks,

   The powerful airship is just right.

   The Demon Fleet is not ready for battle. They marched while looking at the monks on the plane of Ruixian.

   The three-diamond flower god, quickly walked in.

   arched his hand towards Cambran.

   "The head of the Baicao faction came to visit."

   Kan Bulan smiled: "Baicao faction, originally in this rock mountain, some medicinal fields, of course, just some medicinal fields.

   We just set a ban, they came so quickly. "

   "That Baicao faction, how strong is it?"

   asked the Commissioner Qian.

   Baicao Pie, when you hear it, you know that it is a kind of medicinal material.

  "Their school has several four-diamond flower gods and Yuan Ying monks, none of them.

   Planting medicinal materials, alchemy is a master. "

   Cambran said.

   This kind of sect, planting medicinal materials, refining alchemy, and refining tools,

   Although there are not many masters, they can still exist in the realm of cultivation.

   Mountain Flower Plane, most of the Qi-refining monks, monks in the foundation stage, mainly engaged in planting medicinal materials and initially tempering materials.

   If it is not for planting medicinal materials,

   The Qian Qian committee really doesn't want to accept so many monks during the Qi training period.

   Planting medicinal materials, initially tempering the materials, the method is simple, but it takes time,

It is impossible for    Daquan sects to be all made by their own disciples.

  "There is no Yuanying Flower God, the demons occupy this Rock Mountain, and they dare not approach it.

   don't have to see you. "

   Qian Qian said.

   "Well, I have to buy some medicinal materials and medicines from them every year. It doesn't matter if I see them."

   Cambran said.

   The Qian Qian committee was silent.

   After a while, this three-diamond flower **** came in with a male monk and a female monk.

   Male monk, four diamond flower god, female monk, three diamond flower god.

   The male monk bowed his hand towards Cambran: "Cambran, I haven't seen him for a few years, and he was amazing as soon as he took it. I regained the entire Rock Mountain. I admire it. It should be a good birthday celebration----"

   Cambran arched his hand and smiled all over his face: "Real Rinpo passed the award, but he won the battle with all his strength."

   The nun just smiled: "Cambran, we have known each other for many years, I know you are a generous person,

   We Baicao sent those medicine fields, when will we send someone to accept? "

   Cambran’s smile remained unchanged.

   Qian Ren He Kongyun, the commissioner of Qian, would not speak with a three-diamond flower god.

   The Three Diamond Flower God spoke up, he is Cambran’s cronies.

  The relationship with Cambran is much more ironic than the relationship between Commissioner Qian and Cambran.

   "Benevolent fairy, the area occupied by the demons, whoever lays it, belongs to whom.

  This rock mountain has been occupied by the demons for four hundred years, why don't you accept it----"

   The three-diamond flower **** said.

   The expression of the monk of the Baicao faction remained unchanged.

   The head opened his mouth: "Cambran, I am a four-diamond flower **** who is hundreds of years ahead of you.

   At the beginning, all of you praised the establishment of the business association and came to us to buy medicinal materials.

   I can give you a lot of discounts. "

   Cambulan's face was a bit silly.

  "This, let’s not hide it from you, to regain Panshi Mountain, it is mainly the merits of the landscape guest Yuanying Flower God, Kong Yun Yuanying Flower God,

  This rock mountain range ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has been another third, and it is allocated to the Shanshui guest Yuan Ying Hua Shen, I am not good at it-"

   Cambran said,

   Nineteen golden cores died in battle. If there is no armor sold by the committee members of the Dao Fa world,

   Jindan will die more in battle.

   The armors and shields that Cambran bought from the Commissioner Qian were all equipped with these golden cores.

   Otherwise, Jin Dan would be willing to fight fortresses?

   A few words from the Baicao faction monk, just want to accept?

   The Baicao faction monk glanced at each other.

   Yuan Ying Flower God, and Jin Dan monk, are completely different grades.

   "Senior, we have some medicinal materials, which must be planted in Panshi Mountain to have the best effect, you see----"

   This Baicao sect monk gave his hand to the real member of Qian Ren He Kong Yun.

   "The Demon Fleet is approaching, you Baicao sent to deal with it---"

   Kong Yun said,

   He and Cambran also have friendship, and he said this without any kind of politeness.

   "We have some ancient and secret methods for planting medicinal materials, you can take them out."

   said the sister.

   Cambrian did not make a sound, the Corridor of the Beasts, not an ordinary business association,

   He is a four-diamond flower **** who has already started to practice the rules of Taoism and the rules of alchemy, he also knows,

   Those secret medicinal planting methods are gone.

   "Oh-----the secret method of planting medicinal materials in ancient times, let me just say it."

   Qian Qian said. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, give a reward, and your support is my biggest motivation.)

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