Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2451: Medicinal herbs

A trip to Panshishan on the plane of Ruixian, not in vain,

   has refined a pill that can be practiced for 30 years.

   Ordinary monks, even if they reach the Yuan Ying Flower God,

   also keeps running around for the things needed for cultivation.

   Of course, Yuan Ying Flower God is more free than Jin Dan monk,

   Committee Member Qian first realized the fusion of the mystery of the starlight and the mysterious river plane.

   This experience is one year.

   This is the fusion of water system rules, plant system rules, soil system rules, and fire system rules.

   This time, I practiced for more than ten years, the water system rules,

   The fusion of plant rules, soil rules, and fire rules has made some progress.

   More than any previous practice progress.

   The Commissioner Qian stopped,

   This time, the practice progressed so quickly.

   The Chief Qian himself thought that in the past 30 years of cultivation, there would not be much progress.

   The fluctuation of the star map, the fusion of the mystery of the star light and the mystery of the plane all played a considerable role.

   This fusion of the mystery of the starlight and the mysterious river plane should really be understood.

  The Commissioner Qian thought.

   The fluctuation of the star map, the fusion of the starlight mystery and the plane mystery, slowly weakened,

   The progress of cultivation has slowed down quickly.

   The deduction of the fusion of the rules of these several series of rules by the Commissioner Qian has reached the limit.

   deduced along the set direction, thousands of times of fluctuations, Commissioner Qian’s mind was barely controlled.

   Anyway, like water rules, plant rules, soil rules, and fire rules,

   How many Yuan Ying monks, deduced that there will be no progress for hundreds of years.

   The Qian Qian committee has made some progress in almost every deduction.

   can already be said that it is a miracle not big or small.

  The Qian Qian committee felt that there is no need to be too demanding.

   This time the deduction is over,

   The Qian Qian committee stood up. It has been more than 30 years, and he feels it is fast.

   Forty years have passed since the Baicaomen entered Panshi Mountain,

   Let’s go and see if the medicinal materials that are equivalent to three thousand years of spiritual growth have been cultivated.

   The Qian Qian committee stepped out of the prohibition,

   Among the surrounding buildings, the Jindan monks, the monks during the foundation construction period stood up and bowed their hands to Commissioner Qian.

   Qian Qian nodded.

   At a glance, among them, there are also a few monks who have cultivated to the fusion of the mysticism of the fire system, the mysticism of the plant system, and they can choose a fusion of the mysticism from the starlight, and it will immediately be the fusion of the three systems.

   Member Qian nodded, and a word came out.

   "The Nascent Soul I gave you, have you refined it?"

   In one fell swoop, the voice spread: "The ancestor, it has been refined. The advanced four-diamond flower **** peak is not a problem."

   This person is actually a monk from the Qian family.

   The Nascent Soul obtained by the Commissioner Qian from Panshishan, has the memory of practicing the fire element in the Nascent Soul,

   gave this Yuan Ying to this monk.

   The Qian Qian committee has refined the power of this Yuan Ying a lot.

   But thirty years have passed,

   This monk has refined the Nascent Soul. This is the difference between the Golden Core monk and the Nascent Soul.

   Advanced four-diamond flower **** peak monk, completely sure.

  Other golden core monks, who hasn’t gotten a good thing or a good treasure for himself for so many years?

   There is no need for Committee Member Qian to worry about this.

   The Qian Qian committee walked out of Biandan Mountain,

  Biandan Mountain is not far from Biqiu Mountain,

   I was upright, and after a while, I had reached Biqiu Mountain.

  Biqiu Mountain, there is a teleportation array to go to Panshi Mountain.

  Panshishan, the brilliance of the teleportation formation flashed, the Jindan monk guarding the teleportation formation took a look,

   Master head, quickly arched his hand forward.

   Member Qian came to the hall and sat down,

   Brother Jindan moved forward and handed a jade box to Committee Member Qian.

   "This is an offering from the Baicao faction to the head."

   After finishing speaking, he held the jade box and gave it to the committee member Qian.

   back out of the hall.

   Commissioner Qian opened the jade box and took a look,

   There are indeed forty medicinal materials, and the rules fluctuate.

   is indeed similar to the fluctuation of medicinal materials at the Ruqiu Plane Fair,

   However, the effect, is it equivalent to the three thousand-year-old medicinal materials for increasing spirituality,

   This will only be known until the pill is refined.

   The Commissioner Qian put these medicinal materials into the Shenfu.

   Several shadows of golden fruit have reached the peak of the four-diamond flower god.

  The perception of the fusion of several rules is of great help to the Jindan monks.

   Thousands of years have passed. The various high-level Taoist books obtained by Commissioner Qian, the techniques summarized in the jade slips of those ancient monks,

   The shadows of these golden fruits have been practiced almost.

   "Where is the soaring sword?"

   asked the Commissioner Qian.

  The waiter came in and bowed his hands.

   "A few days ago, I went to a social gathering on the plane of Ruixian."

   Qian Qian nodded.

  He must refine these forty medicinal materials to see if they have the equivalent of three thousand years of efficacy.

   This is the only way to deal with the head of the Baicao plane.

   after a long time,

   Soaring into the sky, the sword walked in, his face sullen.

   bowed his hand to the committee member Qian.

"Master, I went to a sorority meeting held on the plane of Ruixian. They wanted Panshishan to play, but I refused. I said, Master, you are practicing in retreat. It is unpleasant. Our mountain flower plane, but come This Ruixian plane is planted with medicinal materials, so much is needed."

   said to the sky sword.

   Qian Qian nodded: "It was so, did Cambran go to the sorority party?"

   "Cambran sent a diamond flower **** to go, the attitude is the same as me, haha. Na Kongyun Yuanying flower god, in this rock mountain, only 10 years."

   said to the sky sword.

  Chan Qian nodded. It's been a long time since I saw Cambran, so I went to him.

   Member Qian went out of the main hall, shook his figure, and flew towards Kuangshengguan.

   I arrived in front of the big formation set up by Cambran~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Take a look.

   Although it is not as good as the star formation last week, it is much stronger than the formation set up by Xue Tian Zhenren!

  Sure enough, Fighting Beast Corridor is better than ordinary business associations...

   During the ban, a few Jindan cultivators immediately rushed out, and handed over to the committee member Qian: "I have seen real money!"

   Sword cuts the four Yuan Ying Flower Gods, and the Chief Qian is the main force.

   Cambran’s Jindan knows that there is no money committee,

  This rock mountain, they may not be able to hold it,

   "I'm going to the Beast Corridor on the Ancient Grass Plane."

   Qian Qian said.

"please follow me."

   Committee member Qian followed him into the ban and reached the Kuangsheng Pass.

   Along the way, Commissioner Qian saw a lot of precious medicinal materials, thousands of them everywhere.

   Even the planting technique of Cambran is higher than the mountain flower plane.

   entered the Kuangsheng Pass, turned a corner, went upstairs, walked out several hundred meters, and arrived at a teleportation hall.

   Here, a teleportation array leading to the Corridor of the Ancient Grass Plane is set up.

   The transmission array brilliance flashes, the transmission begins,

   The Commissioner Qian has arrived at the Corridor of Beasts on the Ancient Grass Plane,

   Cambran was already standing outside the teleportation array.

  The Qian Chief Committee member can easily slash the Yuan Ying Flower God. Cambran’s attitude is quite enthusiastic.

   The masters of the fusion of several lines of rules dismissed a monk at the level of Cambran.

   "Old money, it's been a long time since I saw you, sit ----"

   Cambran said. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, give a reward, and your support is my biggest motivation.)

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