Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2458: Yuanying's consideration

The floating spaceship here suddenly fired at the floating fleet on the plane of Shanhua.

A few feet of thunder fire across the sky.

Compared with the artillery fire fired by the mountain flower plane, the color is lighter, and it does not look as deep as the thunder fire fired by the mountain flower plane.

There are fewer lines in the thunder and fire.

More than sixty thunder and fire, touching the landscape and starry sky,

The mountains, rivers and starry sky hovering beyond the Shanhua plane fleet, turned into countless fragments, splashing all over the sky!

A volley,

The protection method of the floating spaceship on the Shanhua plane has been destroyed by one third.

However, the thirty aerospace ships were not damaged at all.

"These airships are similar in appearance to our airships. They should have been captured. Why are they so powerful?"

In the opponent's fleet, a Yuanying Flower God suddenly jumped up!

The floating fleet on my own side is twice as large as the opponent.

Regardless of urging artillery fire or urging defense Dao Fa, it is inferior to the opponent!

Originally, because of the floating spaceship on his side, the other side was more happy, and he had disappeared.

"The monk who controls this fleet is quite strong!"

Another image of Yuanying Flower God emerged.

More than 30 stars and ten feet thick cross shot again!

The thunder and fire of the demon floating spacecraft suddenly blasted past the 30-odd lines of starlight!

Starlight, the fragments of thunder and fire blast away!

A floating airship suddenly exploded and turned into a few big pieces!

"If this goes on, even this fleet won't be able to fight, not to mention the decisive barrier to capture.

A few of us went to war and knocked down that fleet! "

Another image of Yuanying Flower God emerged.

"it is good"

Said the captain of the fleet.

If the fleet's combat power is average, then Yuan Ying Hua Shen will fight!

A reminder of Yuanying Flower Magic Sword Art. Thousands of swords were slashed, and the naval gun of the ordinary Yuanying Flower God was smashed to pieces!

The mighty artillery fire of Yuanying Flower God, although its power is great, wherever it can be like Yuanying Flower God, there are millions of rounds in an instant.

From among the demon’s floating spacecraft, three sword lights suddenly burst out and burst into the air.

Have crossed over a hundred miles,

Jianguang cut! The landscape and starlight suddenly exploded, shooting out countless fragments!

Three swords of light. Suddenly advance!

Without Quinn giving orders,

Thousands of starlights, each one a square meter of starlight, banged towards these three Yuan Ying,

Jindan team. All control the airships, let go of these methods.

These three Yuanying Flower Gods. Jianguang urged, repeatedly blocking,

The speed of advancement is not so fast!

"Tell Luanpo, let them play.".

Quinn spoke fiercely, and his figure shook. Turning into a starlight and spinning,

In an instant, Quinn had appeared among thousands of stars,

The snow-colored sword light urged. Thousands of snowflakes, slash towards a Yuanying Flower God!

Three swords fluttered, twisted towards thousands of snowflakes,

There was a huge shock,

Thousands of snowflakes have gathered together and have escaped into the stars!

This is the doctrine range of the airship,

The three Yuanying Flower Gods couldn't do anything to Quinn.

Next to a floating spaceship, Quinn showed his figure.

The light on his face turned again and again before he recovered.

Looking at the flying sword in his hand, fortunately it was the magic weapon rewarded by the Biyou Temple, and it was not damaged.

"The three Yuanying Flower Gods are just as stressful," Quinn said.

"It seems that Quinn's strength is average, that is, the level of regular Taoism. Some four-diamond flower **** peak cultivators have practiced regular Taoism."

In the ironclad,

Luanpo said.

He wanted to see how the strength of these Yuanying Flower Gods on the Shanhua plane was.

"The five Yuanying Flower Gods on the Mountain Flower Plane are very mysterious by the pool, Jiayu, I think he practices very advanced techniques.

Qian Xing, progress is rapid, there are three diamond flower gods merged,

Quinn, big head, even if he advanced to the Yuanying Flower God, his strength was average. "

Beside, a middle-aged monk said.

A pair of eyebrows are curved.

He has been practicing for more than three thousand years.

Luanpo nodded: "You can play."

After a while,

Only then did I see that in the Tie Dingguan pass, three escapes were urged,

Like an arrow, it cut through the sky and came over here.

As soon as the three Yuanying Flower Gods appeared, they were soaring!

The three Nascent Soul Flower Gods of the Demon Race didn’t care about smashing the floating spaceship.

As soon as he turned around, he had already rushed out of the protective tract of the flying craft.

It took so long to go into battle. Fortunately, the protection methods of these thirty ships are connected.

Quinn thought.

As soon as he turned around, he was already standing with Luanpo and the three Yuanying Flower Gods.

"Luanpo, here comes"

Quinn said.

Luanpo nodded, waved his sword, and stretched out his hand towards the three Demon Yuan Infant Flower God!


The three Yuanying Flower God looked at each other.

"Four against three, you can fight!"

Several Yuanying Flower Gods are together, and the ordinary formation is set,

If the other party does not have a powerful magic weapon,

For a time, it cannot be defeated!

I saw Luanpao Dao Fa urged, sword light surged, like a rolling mountain,

The rolling mountains, undulating like big waves,

The magnificent mountains seem to have the charm of soft water! .

Beside, three swords light whirled and twisted towards them!

The Mozu Yuanying Flower Divine Sword Art is reminded, everyone has a shield in their hands,

It has turned into thousands of thunder fire, ice, and thunder, rushing towards the sword light that has been cut!

The air exploded like a huge thunder, and countless Daofa fragments shot out!

The mountains below the Yuanying Flower God's battle were touched by fragments of this Dao, and a hundred meters of thunder fire rushed up.

It's like a huge thunderstorm!

The forbidden formation of an ironclad pass, the airships on the plane of Shanhua, and the airships of the demon race together!

There is no day, it is impossible to tell victory or defeat.

The mountains vibrated, the thunder fire was suddenly shaken away,

With a single spin, he was about to slash towards the opposite Yuan Ying Flower God.

There was a flash of ice next to it,

It hit the mountains, and countless ice debris appeared on the mountains.

However, these ice chips immediately turned into nothingness.

Water system rules The integration of river and soil system rules is no joke.

However, this warfare also took a tenth of an instant.

The opposite Yuan Ying Hua Divine Sword Art is reminded,

Turned into countless thunder and fire hovering, people have been hidden in the thunder and fire,

If Luan Po wants to cut through this thunder and fire, he has to cut a few more swords!

The rules of the water system and the soil system are integrated ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ against the opponent, occupying a great advantage, but not occupying an absolute advantage!

Luan thinks about it, and reminds him of the sword in his hand.

"Huh, huh, huh"

Cut a few swords!

The hovering thunder fire suddenly exploded, "boom"

There was already a thunder flame on the opponent's Yuan Ying Flower God!

This sword was blocked by the armor on the Yuan Ying Flower God!

It wasn't the fusion of the three-line rules that met with Committee Member Qian, the battle armor of the Yuan Ying Flower God, it was completely possible to block a sword.

"Retire this person's different rules fusion!"

The Yuan Ying Flower God shouted.

The three Yuanying Flower God heard them, gathered together, and reminded them of their sword arts.

The floating fleet didn't care, and swept towards the distant mountains!

As soon as the escape method is displayed, one escapes into the mountains, one rushes into the mountains,

Luan Po did not dare to catch up, unless Luan Po's Taoism was much higher than these three.

At this time, I have left Tiedingguan for a few hundred (read the full text of the online game Yasha Buddha),

Suddenly, there was a bang!

There was a burst of dazzling glaucoma in the mountains, which rose more than a hundred meters like a flame!

The three Yuanying Flower Gods were shocked by this dazzling glaucoma at the same time! (To be continued...)

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