Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2460: Grower

With the touch of Jianguang and Qingguang, they suddenly exploded, turning into thousands of fragments to splash!

Forbid a flash of blue light,

He blasted towards the middle-aged man!

The middle-aged man's sword light spun, shakes, and fires a few swords, which has already blasted the blue light away!

The other Yuanying Flower Gods made their swords almost at the same time,

More than a dozen sword lights crossed and cut, and a dozen Yuan Ying Flower God's booming cuts were so powerful!

On this green ban, big waves rushed up,

The counterattack of the prohibition cannot be effectively urged.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

The green rune flashed, turned into thunder, and charged,

With a few sword lights squeezed, this green thunder fire has been blasted to pieces.

Commissioner Qian was tepid with a sword, just like the other Yuanying Flower Gods.

With the increase in cultivation base, the need for medicinal materials for increasing spirituality is simply increased several times!

The medicinal materials that have grown spiritually for thousands of years can't be collected.

Commissioner Qian lacked interest in this cave.

Despite this, near this prohibition, the thunderstorm turned into a big wave,

Sword light hurriedly, thunder and fire flashed wildly,

Within a radius of tens of miles, with the touch of this sword light thunder fire, it has turned into nothingness.

A cup of tea time,

Ji Fang Yuanying Flower God already knew each other's strength in general.

The Yuan Ying Flower Gods in the Yuanbo plane have the worst strength.

Commissioner Qian Luan broke this group, the strongest.

The Demon Clan, the Yuanying Flower God, are of middle strength.

However, Commissioner Qian and Chibian, Luanpo, the three Yuanying Flower Gods with different rules are moving towards that station,

The Mozu Yuanying Flower God had already said nothing.

"A cup of tea time has not entered this cave. The things in this cave. It must be very good. They monks and demons monks. They must take most of them."

Said the 30-something Yuan Ying Flower God.

"Our garden wave plane, who doesn't know, you say that it is awesome, we will do what you say."

Said the Yuan Ying Flower God wearing a black armor.

The other four Yuan Ying Hua Shen's hearts already snorted.

"Kill them!"

Said the 30-something Yuan Ying Flower God.

They, of course, refer to Commissioner Qian and Luan Po.

"They have six people, just like us. The cultivation base is much higher than ours."

Beside, a Yuanying Flower God wearing a deep green sè said.

"That's right, you are not mistaken! Their cultivation base is higher than ours."

Beside, there is another square-faced Yuanying Flower God said.

"I have a companion, Le Jian, coming here soon."

Said the 30-something Yuan Ying Flower God.

"Le Jian, the cultivation base is about the same as yours.

There is something in this cave. The decision is not too late. "

Said the Yuan Ying monk in the deep blue armor.

This 30-something-year-old Yuanying Flower God, his eyes rolled: "Okay"

After a while, there was another light flashing like fire from the sky, and in an instant, it had rushed to Zhang Xiaohe’s restriction.

Stop next to these Yuanying Flower Gods on the Yuanbo plane.

"I'm here, not demanding, just point baby."

The flame flashed and slashed towards the prohibition.

As soon as this person comes, it doesn't matter whether or not they are a few of the members.

The four primordial infant flower gods of the demon clan froze!

The Yuan Ying Flower God with protruding muscles hurriedly spoke to the Yuan Ying Flower God wearing a red armor.

"Both of them, there are already thirteen Nascent Soul Flower Gods! The battle to enter the wave plane of this garden is nothing but so many kinds of Baby Flower Gods participating in the war!"

The other demon primordial soul flower gods are also nervous.

Entering this cave is just an expedition, the warfare director of the Yuanbo plane will not send such a diverse baby flower god.

"It doesn't matter, Suotian is coming. He is a fusion of the same rules."

The Yuan Ying Flower God wearing a red armor,

After a while, another deep blue flame flashed,

The whole sky is reflected in the deep blue,

In an instant, a monk fell into the demons from the horizon.

As soon as the light closed, a monk appeared, the whole body was square.

This monk, who had a face full of flesh, looked at here,

His face changed from hideous to calm, and he said to the Nascent Infant in the red armor, "Why didn't you say that there are so many kinds of infants here? Think of me as a great god."

The Yuan Ying monk wearing red armor slammed his face: "Enter here first!"

The new Yuan Ying Flower God slashed a few swords: "To the sky, unlike the god-man cave, the prohibition in the god-man cave is much stronger than this."

In the distance, the Golden Core cultivators within a few hundred miles turned around one by one, evacuated, and flee towards the distance!

"No, Suotian, the cultivator of the transformation stage, the general prohibition set up is at this level."

The Yuan Ying monk in the red armor said soaring to the sky.

"You have been stationed here for so many years, for more than a hundred years, why didn't you find this cave mansion?"

The Yuan Ying Flower God wearing a red armor said to the captain of the floating fleet.

"Soaring to the sky, this level of prohibition cannot be discovered by the Golden Core cultivator. The Yuan Ying Flower God is stationed here. He wants to guard against the opponent's attack. How can he have time to find the cave."

Said the captain of the floating fleet.

The skyrocket is responsible for their combat direction.

The Dongfu with such a big ban hadn't found it, and the sky was indeed unhappy.


With a loud noise, the green runes burst into tens of thousands of feet!

More than a dozen Yuanying Flower Gods banged for a long time,

A cave entrance of more than ten feet appeared, and the Yuanying Flower Gods were urged by Taoism, and they have all entered the prohibition.

Thousands of miles away, inside the Tieding Pass, the golden core monks watched,

But dare not enter!

"Good Xuan, they didn't fight outside the restrictions. If they fight outside the restrictions, the whole thing will definitely be broken into pieces immediately!"

Inside the Tieding Pass, the Jindan monk of Tianpeng Mountain said.


All the Jindan monks, all appeared in a square.

This square has a radius of several hundred feet.

Yuan Ying Flower God walked to the square, but an invisible restriction appeared.

That 30-year-old Yuanying Flower God. Look at Le Jian.

Zhenren Le Jian stepped forward. Sword Jue urged, slashed towards this restriction!


Jianguang burst into light, and there was a wave of ripples on this restriction.

Yuan Ying Huashen's sword is almost the same as not cutting it up.

With one step, Le Jian had already walked to the side of the prohibition and took a look.

Exclaimed: "Yaoyuan, such a big one!"


The Yuanying Flower Gods all rushed over.

They found out. The square where everyone is standing, on the top of a mountain,

At first glance, all around are medicinal materials, at least, stretching for hundreds of miles!

"There are so many medicinal materials for increasing spirituality, all of which are thousands of years old."

The Yuanying Flower God wearing a black armor said, the Taoism on the flying sword flashed!

"Okay! The medicinal materials for cultivation in the future will take quite a while. Don't worry."

The middle-aged man said.

This cave is more than a hundred. It's all useful.

"Look, it looks like someone is growing medicinal materials"

The middle-aged man next to Luanpo said.

Within a few hundred miles, some people were planting medicinal materials. At first glance, there were more than 100 people.

From a distance, it was the same as the monks who were responsible for planting medicinal materials in the general school.

"If it is the medicinal plantation left by the monks in the transformation stage, no one will take care of these medicinal materials, and these medicinal materials will grow in general.

If we say that this medicine garden has a master, we blasted these restrictions, why didn't we see people coming out. "

Le Jian Yuanying Flower God said.

I'm just finished talking.

I saw that six of the monks who planted medicinal materials had already rushed away!

In an instant, I have reached the top of this mountain, and I have already rushed into this restriction.

The utensils for planting medicinal materials in these hands,

All have been transformed into flying swords and shields. Everyone is holding flying swords and shields!

"Victory, you can enter the pharmacy to collect medicine, defeat, expel!"

A monk spoke.

"Six monks, all of them are the fusion of different rules!"

The monk in the red armor changed his face.

How powerful is the fusion of six Yuan Ying monks with different rules?

Real Sword Sword once said that their four Nascent Soul Flower Gods, all of them successfully integrated the rules of the water system and the rules of the earth system, enough to cover the entire sword pavilion plane.

The three Yuanying Flower Gods have successfully integrated the rules of the water system and the rules of the earth system. Committee Qian is no longer an opponent.

This time, six came!

"According to your strength, this time, six cultivators with different rules are dispatched and shot!"

Said a monk who grows medicinal materials.

These monks who planted medicinal materials urged their magic tricks, and their swords lighted!

Charge towards the Yuanying Flower Gods!

Thousands of swords crossed! With a boom like a whistle,

Thousands of sword lights are like thousands of giant mountains.

Yuan Ying monks reminded their swordsmanship,

Or turned into big waves, or turned into a sea of ​​fire, or turned into mountains,

One block towards the sword light that crossed shè,

Fireballs exploded one after another, sword light and magic, fragments burst into shè,

Each side formed a battle, and the sword tactics made every effort to urge it,

Shrouded all the monks on his side,

Nevertheless, but for a moment, amidst the explosion sound like a huge thunder,

A magic weapon exploded to pieces!

There was already a monk groaning.

But he is a Yuanying flower **** on the plane of Yuanbo,

For a few rounds, despite the presence of these cultivators on the Yuanbo plane, they formed a sword formation,

This Yuanying Flower God has been injured!

His Nascent Soul Flower God magic weapon can compete with several monks with different rules.

A few demons monks,

The sword tactics urged, thunder and fire exploded wildly, and thunder revolved,

But the trick is tight,

Although strenuous, it has survived the waves of the monks planting medicinal materials.

Committee members, Qian, the most relaxed.

I saw Commissioner Qian Qing Jianguang reminding me!

Dao Daoqing sword light, every sword blasted on the sword light cut by the opponent.

I didn’t see Commissioner Qian urging to issue the Shocking Sword Art.

fǎ casually waved,

The sword light that the opponent blasted over has all been blasted!

Not only the demon monks~www.wuxiaspot.com~the monks of the Yuanbo plane,

Even Luanpa and a few of them are shocked in their hearts.

The monk of Yuanbo plane, depressed in his heart,

Continue to fight, the monks on their side must be beheaded!

"This is a battle puppet, it is better for us to join forces and defeat this battle puppet.

These battle puppets are likely to enter the medicine garden, and we can evenly divide them. "

The 30-something-year-old Yuan Ying continued the monk shouted.

Immediately, the Yuan Ying Hua Shen in the fiery red armor replied.

"we agree."

"The priority of medicine collection is qīhu."

Luanpo said.

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