Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2365: Training seat

This person’s cultivation is at the same level as the Qian’s committee member,

Of course there is a powerful Taoism,

Commissioner Qian’s water system rules, plant system rules, and soil system rules merge,

You can let the landscape plants change at will. .

The fusion of rules is not completed in the divine palace,

The main supernatural powers are on Yuan Ying.

As soon as Yuan Ying rushed into the mountain, Commissioner Qian found it.

In the hands of Commissioner Qian, an extra shield came out,

"This shield belongs to me."

True Xuetian nodded: "Of course."

This Yuan Ying monk is equipped with three magic weapons of rules,

The rule flying sword exploded, and the rule warhammer was exploded by a few Yuan Ying cultivators. This rule shield was used to block the attack of Commissioner Qian.

Obtained by the Qian Committee.

"Look what happened to the real person Sajian and Qianfeng."

Xuetian said,

"Luanpo, how are you?"

Commissioner Qian asked Luanpo.

"At least 40 years of cultivation-this armor, not more than 10 years, can not recover, nearly 60 years."

Luan Po said that there were already a few holes in his armor.

Luanpo and Xuetian Zhenren have similar cultivation bases.

The equipment is not inferior to the real Xuetian. If you want to come, the real Xuetian is similar.

Commissioner Qian, the real Xuetian, Luanpo entered the prohibition,

The real person Qianfeng and the real person Sajian sat cross-legged on the sword light,

I'm putting medicine in my mouth.

"Qianfeng, Sword, how is it?"

"At least one hundred and forty years of cultivation, this armor must be refinished completely, and the flying sword must be refined for more than 30 years."

Qianfeng said.

"I'm almost the same," said the real Sajian.

"Let Jin Dan come and repair this prohibition. Let's talk about entering the Great Pass."

Xuetian said.

Several Yuanying Flower Gods entered the Great Meng Pass, which has been destroyed by nearly a quarter.

The Yuanying Flower Gods found a spacious hall and sat down.

"This cultivator with the fusion of the three lines of rules, isn't it from this common frost plane?"

Member Qian asked.

Xuetian thought for a while, his face changed.

"It seems like a demon leader on the Fanshuang plane, urging the Dao. It's a bit like this person."

"Ah---is this the leader?"

Luanpo stood up. .

"Don't know, not sure."

Xuetian said.

"Then let's sit here and talk later."

Luanpo said.

"Only then, Qianfeng, Sword, you hold on."

Xuetian said,

"Xuetian. Since you said that, there is only this."

Qianfeng said.

"I'll go to the plane of Shanhua to get some pill. I'll be back in a few days." Commissioner Qian said.

"That's good-the masters of the three-line rule integration should not be sent so frequently."

Xuetian said,

"Old money, come back quickly."

Luanpo said.

Really saw the master battle of the fusion of the three series of rules, and the feeling of cruising. It's simply too far apart.

Go directly to the plane of Ruixian, and the medicinal materials of Cambran and the head of the Baicao faction need to be obtained at Rock Mountain.

As soon as he arrived at Panshi Mountain, the waiter stepped forward and bowed his hand to Commissioner Qian.

"Master, ten years ago, everyone praised the Vice President Cambran of the Chamber of Commerce. He has gone through the Yuanying Tribulation and has advanced to the Yuanying."

Said the waiter.


Cambran also completed his cultivation. Originally, a hundred years ago, Cambran planned to survive the Nascent Soul Tribulation.

After a hundred years, Cambran successfully survived the Yuanying catastrophe.

Definitely go to Cambran to celebrate.

However, only postponed.

Commissioner Qian has reached Kuangshengguan. The waiter was also very happy to meet with Committee Member Qian.

"I heard that you Cambran advanced Nascent Soul Flower God?"

Member Qian said.

"That is, in the future, our Chamber of Commerce will have a real master."

The waiter said, facing committee member Qian. I feel that Commissioner Qian is not as unattainable as before.

"How is the situation with Vice President Cambran Du Yuanying's catastrophe?"

Member Qian asked.

"I heard that Vice President Cambran, Du Yuanying Tianjie. All the magic weapons were destroyed, but the damage was not serious.

Now, it is ready to fight. "

The waiter said quickly.

Commissioner Qian nodded, returned to the main hall of the Flower Plane of Rock Mountain, activated the Plane Teleportation Array, and returned to the Flower Plane of Rock Mountain.

Upon reaching the plane of Shanhua, Commissioner Qian called the Red Wolf and said a few words. .

Red Wolf arched his hands: "Yes."

From the mountain flower plane, directly teleport to the Great Mengguan.

At a glance, beside the teleportation formation, several monks were practicing cross-legged,

But it is a flying sword, surrounded by magic weapons, and can fight at any time.

I didn't even go to the secret realm of the Yuanbo plane.

Commissioner Qian thought, sitting down cross-legged.

The shadow of the golden fruit in the gods has already begun to refine the pill.

The Great Meng Pass has been repaired and the formation has been rearranged.

In a flash, several months have passed.

"A few months have passed, and no masters have come. Qianfeng, Sword Sword, you first return to the sword pavilion plane to cultivate."

Xuetian said.

"I said, the master of the three-line rule fusion was beheaded, which plane is a major event----

How could a master come? "

Qianfeng said.

"Luanpo and I will stay here to cultivate."

Xuetian said.

Seeing the real person Qianfeng and the real person Sajian returned to the Jiange plane, Commissioner Qian would not sit here in the teleportation formation.

"I'm going to practice."

He stepped into the restriction, and after a while, he entered the place where the spiritual energy of the Qingxu Upper Profound Water System converged.

"The mountains are broken, I have integrated the rules of the water system and the rules of the river and soil systems. For decades, I have no insight into the integration of the new rules.

I haven’t been here for more than a hundred years,

This old money has never stopped practicing! "

Xuetian said to Luanpo.

"This old money, the progress of cultivation is indeed fast----"

Luanpo said.

Commissioner Qian asked for the coordinates of the secret realm, but he did not tell Commissioner Qian.

This mountain flower plane's Zhou Tianxing star battle array, but it is difficult for him to go in for cultivation.

For a moment, Luanpo thought in his heart.

"It's not bad to have old money sitting here -"

Xuetian said,

"Xuetian, your prohibition should also be improved."

Luanpo said.

"Luanpo, you Tianpeng Mountain, some defensive formations. It's really good----"

Xuetian said.

"That is the defensive formation of Tianpeng Mountain, I don't understand it either."

Luanpo said quickly.

Commissioner Qian spent thirty years in this practice.

The pill to increase spirituality is used up,

As the cultivation progresses, deduct the spiritual thoughts needed. It is getting stronger and stronger!

Commissioner Qian went to the big hurdle.

In recent years, Xuetian Zhenren and Luanpo have also practiced in the place where the spiritual energy of the Qingxu Upper Profound Water System converges.

But every time, but for a few years.

They went to the big fierce hurdle. They have learned about the new rules for a few years and have made no progress at all!

The true snowman was chatting in the hall.

"Snow, the mountains are broken, for thirty years. No master has come."

Member Qian said.

"The leader of the demons has been in retreat for a few years. Anyway, in the past 30 years, no master has come.

Old money, but 30 years, your progress is not small. "

Snow is innocent. I watched Commissioner Qian for a long time.

"That's good. I'll go back to the mountain flower plane to get some pill, and I'll be back soon. I said you guys have good medicinal materials, don't hide them."

Commissioner Qian shook his head.

"Where do we have good medicinal materials. You have a higher cultivation base than ours, and your medicinal materials should be more wonderful."

Xuetian said.

Damn, and Luanpo, one tune.

Seeing that your cultivation base is higher than them, if you want to get good results from them. Medicinal materials that increase spirituality, that's no more.

Commissioner Qian thought, stretched out his hand and sent the formation tactics to urge it.

After a while, Commissioner Qian had already reached the plane of Shanhua.

Entering his hall, without even shouting from the waiter, he stretched out his hand and pointed out a brilliance.

After a while, the red wolf has come,

The waiter stepped back and the red wolf entered the hall,

Reached out and took out a storage bag: "Master, what you confessed, over the years, I've been to many auctions, and it's almost done."

Commissioner Qian took a look and found that there were many treasures in the storage bag.

It is the treasure requested by the planter in the secret realm of the Yuanbo plane.

Commissioner Qian asked Red Wolf River Yuantie to control the mountain flower plane, and the materials needed in the area where the planes are stationed,

It can be said that it must be dispatched by Red Wolf and Yuantie.

Over the years, there have been many treasures that growers have bought!

"In these years, Elder Poolside and Elder Quinn, have you received many of these treasures?"

Member Qian asked.

"Elder Poolside and Elder Quinn have received a lot of these treasures."

Said the red wolf.

He estimated that by the side of Commissioner Qian Hechi, Quinn was prohibited from entering the cave.

There must be blessings, but these Yuanying Flower Gods didn't mention a word about the blessings they got in the cave.

The matter of Yuanying Flower God is not something he can deal with.

Red Wolf felt the gap in his cultivation base,

No advanced Nascent Soul, some caves and secret realms,

I will never mention it to you.

Commissioner Qian nodded, and the Red Wolf retreated.

Reached out and pointed to a part of the hall,

The iron plaque of the secret realm of the wave plane in the garden emerged ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ This iron plaque was placed in the hall of the Qian Yuan committee.

Chibian and Quinn, if they want to enter the secret realm in exchange for medicinal materials,

You can get iron medals from the Qian committee.

Commissioner Qian went to embark on the teleportation array to the Yuanbo plane.

After leaving the teleportation formation, the escape method was displayed, and he had already rushed into the mountain.

Looking at the figure of Commissioner Qian, rushing into the mountain,

"These Nascent Souls do not know what blessings they have gained in that secret realm. These years, the Nassitas Flower God has kept coming.

However, every time I came, I left soon. "

Said a Jindan from Tianpeng Mountain.

"No matter what, over the years, Tie Dingguan has calmed down a lot. It is enough that we can practice here."

Beside, a Jindan from the plane of Shanhua said.

Even in Biqiu Mountain, there are only limited seats available for the golden core monks to practice.

Now, around the spiritual roots planted by the Qian Committee,

He also became a Golden Core cultivator and rushed to practice his seat.

"That is, the place where the spiritual energy for our golden cores can converge is not enough. We have many factions in Tianpeng Mountain, and it is even more difficult to arrange the spiritual energy to practice in this spiritual energy gathering place.

Said Jindan from Tianpeng Mountain.

Although guarding the teleportation array, he practiced cross-legged.

"Regardless of the mountain flower plane, Tianpeng Mountain, in the near future, it is impossible to launch a new battle."

The Jindan monk next to him said.

"That's right, last time, but it's a sure pass, the Yuan Ying Flower God came to more than ten."

Said the Jindan monk on the mountain flower plane. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read it.)

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