Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2368: Guiyongguan

"You are at the top of the Innate Martial Artist, this pill is not as useful to the Innate Martial Artist Peak as you think. レm♠思♥路♣客レ"

A person next to,

Round face, small eyes, the peak monk of the innate warrior.

Aotianjian looked at it, and most of the mortals who came here to set up a stall were already cultivated by innate warriors.

The few people who talked to him were headed by a monk in the Qi training period, and the others, at the peak of the congenital period, could be mortal.

Here, exchange some pills from the practitioners,

It is easier for a mortal to cultivate to an innate martial artist.

"Then, how do you sell these pills?"

Aotian sword.

"This medicinal material is good. Bring it here. I will tell you the prices of various medicinal materials here."

That monk during the Qi training period. Looking at Aotian Sword a 300-year-old medicinal material.


"it is good."

The Aotian Sword had taken this 300-year-old medicinal material. This 300-year-old medicinal material was taken out by the Aotian Sword, and it was the best medicinal material.

The monk in this Qi training period, get up with Aotian Sword,

Here are the general medicinal materials and what prices.

"You bring these medicinal materials, these good ones, at the starting price of the monks in the foundation building period, and the ordinary monks in the refining period cannot afford the price.

During the normal Qi training period, the belongings on the body are also distributed by the sect.

The cultivator during the Qi training period does not have so much time and the ability to go outside to hunt for treasure. "

This monk.

Until midnight, I sold a few more medicinal materials,

Everyone closes the stall and returns to the inn.

These inns. most. It was also opened by monks in the secular rhyme refining period.

After more than ten days, the medicinal materials brought by Aotian Sword were sold out.

Aotianjian walked out of the town,

At the intersection, I walked dozens of miles and got on a camel cart.

After walking for more than a thousand miles, I got out of the camel cart and walked into the mountains to escape. Has escaped into the mountains.

After a long time, Aotian Sword had already returned to Tieding Pass.

After more than ten days, most of the dozen golden core monks had returned.

The Bian Dao and Qian Da Committee members have already taken the medicinal materials and returned to practice.

However, the side knife and the Qian chief committee member,

The few gold cores who have been out of the task are in Tiedingguan. The training time is extended.

These golden pills sit together and get up.

"In this popular rhyme school. It is indeed a person with a wide range of friends."

After a long time, everyone came to a conclusion.

The strength is not strong, there is only one Yuan Ying flower god, several four diamond flower god, three diamond flower god.

With this strength, I also want to occupy the mountains where the prohibition appears.

Everyone was surprised.

"Specifically, we need to continue to explore."

Sword cyclist.

Everyone nodded, and the training time at Tiedingguan has been extended. Of course, more time must be spent on tasks.

The Aotian Sword has been cultivating at Tieding Pass for several months, and then he sold medicinal materials near Yongguan Pass.

A few months have passed, and it has been a year and a half since the Bian Dao and Qian Da Committee members confessed their tasks.

For Brother Jindan,

This year and a half, there is no more than one appointment.

I picked up some medicinal materials and passed the ironclad pass.

When I arrived in that valley, I evaded the light and took up the burden.

I went on the road, walked for more than ten miles, and stood by the side of the road,

After a while, a convoy passed by.

Aotian sword moved, the convoy stopped, Aotian sword got on the car and sat with ordinary passengers.

Arrived in that small town, Aotianjian set up a stall,

There was only one mortal congenital warrior in the group of cultivators during the refining period.

"How many of them."

Aotianjian asked,

"They have returned to the medicinal materials. It will take at least a few months before they can come."

That mortal congenital warrior.

Hundreds of years of medicinal materials, for mortals, will have to be purchased within a certain period of time.

The Aotian Sword was set for several days. In the evening, I called a few stall owners and set up a general banquet together.

Eat and drink for a while,

No matter what, they, stall owners, can go to the cultivation faction to sell medicinal materials.

Much better than the average medicinal material merchant.

On this day, Aotian Sword’s medicinal materials were left with the best 300-year-old medicinal materials, and a dozen of them were more than 100-year-old medicinal materials that harmonized the Yang mana.

These dozens of medicinal materials that harmonize yīn yang mana,

The golden core monks can use it, and the asking price of the Aotian Sword is relatively high.

The monks in the general Qi training period and the monks in the early stage of foundation construction may not know the goods and are not willing to buy them.

A monk in the foundation building period brought a few monks in the Qi training period over.

Ao Tianjian looked at it and found that the cultivation base in the middle of the foundation construction period was a good patron of these mortal stall owners.

This monk in the foundation-building period has come all the way,

I bought some medicinal materials and went to the booth of Aotianjian,

After taking a look, he picked up the few medicinal materials that harmonized Yin Yang Mana and looked at it.

"Do you have these medicinal herbs here? Are they picked there?"

This cultivator in the middle of the foundation construction was a knowledgeable person, but with a single mouth, he asked where the medicinal materials were collected.

Herbalists, rely on this to earn some money,

Don't Aotian Sword is a golden core monk, even an ordinary innate warrior, and it won't.

"This, picked by a friend, if you want, at this price, good."

Soaring sword.

The monk in the middle of the foundation construction period turned his face, "Well, after a while, I will send someone to get it."

After that, we walked out of the town with a few cultivators during the refining period.

"Man, hurry up, this cultivator during the foundation-building period is famously cruel to these mortals."

Immediately, that innate warrior confronted Aotian Sword.

"Or, tell him where to gather the medicine, or else, this secular school, you won't use it in the future, let's change the place."

Next to a congenital warrior.

Damn, it's just setting up a booth and selling medicinal materials. When you encounter these things, you don't need to come here in the future. Then you don't need to do this task.

"Then I will tell them where the medicine is collected, this will always be fine."

Aotian Sword,

There are some medicinal materials, monks from Tianpeng Mountain. Picked from the plane of the garden wave.

The monk of Tianpeng Mountain. Collect medicinal materials. But it is much stronger than the monks on the mountain flower plane.

Several Congenital Martial Artists exchanged their eyes, and one Congenital Martial Artist spoke: "Why, you transfer this medicinal material to us, you will come back later."

Aotianjian thought,

He didn't want to have anger with these innate warriors.

Nodding: "A price."

The Innate Martial Artist quoted the price, and Aotian Sword heard it, yes.

These congenital warriors don't want too many medicinal materials. Known by the monks of the secular school.

Aotianjian walked out of the town, his identity is also an innate warrior,

After spending a long time, I walked to the pipe clamp set by the Suyun School,

These monks looked at Aotian Sword,

A cultivating cultivator stepped forward and faced Aotian Sword: "An adult is looking for you, come with me."

Aotianjian nodded: "Okay"

As a congenital warrior, several refining periods. A foundation period is here,

Aotianjian followed this monk. Take a path,

But heading towards the general altar of the secular school.

It is Guiyongguan, that is, more than a dozen peaks are surrounded by city walls. Around the mountain peaks, a plain and valley are planted with medicinal materials.

Once in, there is also a radius of nearly a hundred miles.

These more than a dozen peaks, of course, are the main gathering places of spiritual energy.

On this city wall, a strong prohibition was placed.

Today, these sects have surrounded their sects with defensive buildings.

In this way, it is the real fortress.

Thinking of the mountain flower plane, even Biqiu Mountain did not achieve this.

Ao Tian Jian followed this Qi training period monk to a building at the foot of the mountain.

Aotianjian knows that monks in the middle of the foundation period are generally not qualified to live on the mountain.

Entering the building, the monk in the middle of the construction period was sitting there drinking tea.

This monk during the foundation-building period did not put down his teacup, his eyes slanted,

Looked at Aotian Sword.

"When you are done, you are walking in a hurry"

This monk in the middle of the foundation period.

Aotianjian felt a kind of coldness!

Aotianjian knows that if he is really a congenital warrior, one can’t answer,

Don’t even think about getting out of here today!

Aotian sword arched, "My lord, those medicinal materials grow in these places."

The Aotian Sword came out of several places to collect medicinal materials.

"If you can't collect medicinal materials from these places, you won't use them either."

This monk, waved.

Aotianjian quickly retreated.

During the Qi training period, the monk walked out with the Aotian Sword.

A monk came over leisurely.

Aotian Sword saw that in the battle before Dongfu’s ban, among the several Yuanying monks on the Yuanbo plane, the 30-year-old Yuanying Flower God,

Those few Yuanying Flower Gods all acted on the face of this 30-something Yuanying Flower God.

His name is Zhenren Xuangu.

The Shanhua plane only knows that this person's contacts are quite extensive.

The repair base, the same system rules are merged.

Master Xuangu walked for a while, frowning,

Walk a few steps quickly and have reached a building on the mountain,

The building opened, and a three-diamond flower god, dressed in secular style costumes, greeted him.

"Xuan Gu, you are here, sit down."

This three diamond flower god.

True person Xuangu walked into the building and sat down.

"Just now, I saw a monk in the Qi training period with a congenital warrior, and that congenital warrior seems to be a monk."

Xuangu real person.

"Oh let me ask."

These three diamond flower gods, such things happen every year.

The three-diamond flower **** walked out of the building, with one move, immediately, a monk emerged from Yin's shadow.

However, this monk is no more than the cultivation base of the Ninth-Rank Golden Core.

It is Guiyongshan, the monk responsible for patrolling,

Three Diamond Flower God repeated the matter: "Ask."

After a while, the cultivator in the middle of the foundation construction period was brought to the front of the three-diamond flower **** by the nine-rank golden core cultivator.

The monks in the foundation-building period took things as they were, all over again.

"You guys, bring people here!"

These three diamonds have a beautiful face!


This Ninth-Rank Golden Core is one arch.

Walk quickly towards the entrance of Guiyong Pass.

The Aotian Sword went out of Guiyong Pass, but it went faster and faster, but it went out more than ten miles!


The cultivator in the middle of the foundation construction brought a ninth-rank golden core cultivator ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ has landed in front of Aotian Sword.

"So courageous, dare to be a spy and follow us!"

This monk's sword art in the foundation building period is reminded,

The Aotian Sword didn't even talk, the sword tactics urged, and the stars flashed!

Slash towards the cultivator in the middle of foundation building!

That ninth-rank golden core monk, a sword came towards the starlight!

Ninth-Rank Golden Core, it's not me!

Aotian Sword,

As soon as the starlight vibrated, another starlight split out, spinning around the sword light of the Ninth-Rank Golden Core.

The sword light urged by the Ninth-Rank Golden Core can no longer move forward!

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