Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2372: Conference

"The shopkeeper can refine the materials they brought, and the shopkeeper's craftsmanship is really good.

These monks said as they walked.

For several days, people came to refine materials, and this material refinery shop sells well.

After a few days, several monks came to refine the equipment.

"Do you know that those cultivators who used fine gold to refine tools here, that sword embryo, really sold more than 10,000 middle-grade immortal stones, at least ten times the profit."

These monks said to Xuan Qianhe excitedly,

"That fine gold, that diagonal, how can I say, you want to have three thousand middle-grade immortal stones."

Xuan Qianhe said, earn ten times, is that exaggeration?

However, the refined white gold, hundreds of thousands of medium-grade immortal stones are not too high.

"You don’t know, that fine gold, they bought it from a mine consignment relationship. The fine gold in this mine may be accompanied by mysterious iron. It is difficult to refine and the price is not high. The shopkeeper didn't spend much fairy stones around."

These monks were very disdainful of the monks who came to Xuan Qianhe the day he opened the shop.

The price of fine gold in this mine is not high?

After more than ten days, Xuan Qianhe and the cultivator who came to refine the equipment mentioned fine gold.

These monks all said,

The fine gold in this mine is difficult to refine. Although it is of good quality, it does not integrate well with other materials and the price is not high.

Platinum can be used to refine rule runes, but it can't be used by ordinary refining techniques.

Xuan Qianhe, you use this rune to refine white fine gold. The starry sky in this rune plays a big role.

Xuan Qianhe took from the profound iron they brought for refining,

Bring some.

Xuan Qianhe released a slightly mysterious flame technique,

Can save some profound iron,

After another half month, the mysterious iron material in Xuan Qianhe's hand was already several hundred catties.

The profound iron that these monks brought was generally produced from that profound iron mine.

Xuan Qianhe discovered. These profound irons melt at a slower rate than ordinary profound irons.

Xuan Qianhe closed the store,

Fa Jue urged, and another mysterious rune flew out of the palace.

Every time such a rune is refined, the cultivation of Xuan Qianhe Three Diamond Flower God takes more than ten days.

Xuan Qianhe's technique is reminded,

This rune moves towards the hundreds of catties of profound iron,

The rune turns quickly. Began to refine it.

After a long time, the profound iron had completely melted, and there was half a catty of white fine gold beside the profound iron!


Xuan Qianhe thought, if you take out enough platinum, you can ask the cultivators of Tiangong Temple to refine some regular runes for yourself.

Use these regular runes as the core magic circle and refine it towards one of the magic weapons.

At least, there is also a little magic weapon power.

The headmaster has spoken a long time ago, the golden core monk of the mountain flower plane wants to equip the regular runes, and the golden core of the mountain flower plane himself refines several regular runes. Just equip a few regular runes.

The golden cores of the mountain flower plane are also quite understandable. With so many golden cores, no one can take care of them.

Collect some platinum first.

A few days later, a big man came to the door.

"Refining equipment." The big man gave a few materials to Xuan Qianhe.

"Come and get it in the evening."

Xuan Qianhe said.

In the evening. This big man came over, looked at Xuan Qianhe, and passed over: "Xuan Qianhe, I forged some materials.

These materials are stronger than ordinary black iron-----"

This big man is Ang Tian hammer.

"Ang Tian Hammer, you can also see that there are profound iron, fine gold, and white fine gold from the mine, a lot of them, who are we and who---

I was just about to inform you. "

Xuan Qianhe said.

Everyone is the pinnacle of the Three Diamond Flower God, and the refining technique is similar.

"I inform you that it is the same."

Ang Tianchui said.

Xuan Qianhe and Ang Tianchui looked at them and knew that these benefits belonged to them, it was impossible.

"How did you inquire about the Xuangu faction?"

Ang Tian Chui said,

"It has been more than a month since the store opened. Of course, I have inquired a little about these news. Here, it is far more complicated than we thought."

Xuan Qianhe became serious.

"The result of my inquiries is the same."

Ang Tianchui said. The situation here makes the cultivation base of the Three Diamond Flower God Peak feel thorny.

"Should we tell Meng Dali and Wandering Knife about this platinum spirit?"

Xuan Qianhe said.

"Damn, you didn't tell me anything about platinum. This time, I asked if I should tell Meng Dali and Wandering Sword?"

Ang Tianzhuo said in his heart.

"Of course I have to tell them."

Ang Tianchui said.

"Okay, I will contact them to discuss what to do with this Xuan Iron Mine?"

Xuan Qianhe said.

A few days later, a mountain more than 100 miles away from Fang City,

A figure has already set foot on the hillside, reaching out a finger,

A cave mansion appeared,

He stretched out his hand again, and a vine appeared, covering the cave.

After a while, a few monks suddenly appeared from nearby rocks and big trees.

He looked around and walked towards the cave.

In the cave, Xuan Qianhe, Meng Dali, hovering knives, Ang Tian hammer sitting cross-legged.

Meng Dali and Wandering Knife couldn't believe it.

"There is white fine gold in the black iron mine. Is there such a good thing?"

Wandering knife said.

"Relying on others to refine and forge, to extract a considerable amount of platinum, it is definitely not enough. I think we should go to that mine to see how much black iron ore there is."

Meng Dali said.

"Dali is right. It takes others to refining tools and materials. I don’t know how long it will take.

It's better to go to the Xuan Iron Mine. "

Wandering knife said.

"I heard from the monks who refining tools say that in recent years, this mysterious iron ore has not been mined a lot, mainly for the monks near them. Although the black iron is ordinary, it is also the basic material of the refining tools."

Ang Tianchui said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to go to the mine and have a look. After opening the store for more than a month, I only made half a catty. "

Xuan Qianhe said.

Ang Tianchui quickly said: "I am the same, I have refined half a catty of white fine gold."

Meng Dali stood up and pouted, "Go, go to the mine and have a look."

The platinum has already arrived in the hands of Xuan Qianhe and Meng Dali, and if you want them to take it out, don't you dream?

Several people didn't even leave the cave, and they were prohibited from exhibiting, and they had already rushed into the mountains.

Escaped in the mountains for more than a thousand miles,

For the monk, more than a thousand miles is considered nearby.

"There are restrictions."

Xuan Qianhe said.

Reaching out a finger, a brilliance is released, a prohibition appears,

"This prohibition is fine."

As Xuan Tianhe said, once this brilliance was released, Xuan Qianhe had already understood the general structure of this restriction.

The three-diamond flower god, against the Yuan Ying flower god, with average equipment, can't stop a sword,

It's wrong with Yuanying Flower God, it can be said to be awesome.

The three elements of the mysterious magic tactics are urged, a mysterious rune has been released, and it touches the restriction.

The prohibition did not move immediately, this mysterious rune turned, and the prohibition had been separated.

Several three-diamond flower gods urged them and rushed past the restriction. (To be continued

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