Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2378: Everyone see each other

"Impossible, we are all three-diamond flower **** peak monks, a four-diamond flower **** monk, how could it be defeated so easily---ah-------"

   A black figure uttered a scream.

  His cultivation base, the Four Diamond Flower God, the highest cultivation base among these,

   This is the only time I hit a sword in the mad slash.

   The armor was blown up, but the person didn't suffer much injury.


He said.

   The sword lights that rushed over have already released the Taoism.

   I saw the mountains and rivers, flowers fluttering, within dozens of miles,

   has been reflected in the sky by these mountains and rivers,

   As soon as these Taoisms come out, even if they want to show their escape, they have to rush through these mountains and rivers and flowers.

   Sword Art is urged, and slashed at these landscapes and flowers!

  The landscape and sword light exploded, like a thunderstorm!

   These people have already rushed into the Dao Fa, but they feel that the pressure is as heavy as a mountain where the sword light is cut!

   Those few sword lights surrounded again,

   One of them is the Wandering Knife that they are going to kill this time!

   "Several people, visiting in the middle of the night, it's really elegant----"


   Wandering around the sword and sword tactics, the sword tactics turned into flowers, petals like mountains, flower stamens like thousands of ice cones,

   "Instead of croaking in the middle of the night, it is better to stay and chat."

   Another tall, strong man said,

   With one stroke of the warhammer, a ripple waved open, looking unpretentious,

   The body protection methods of several monks, touched with this ripple, all twisted!

   Xuan Qianhe stepped forward again, and the sword art was urged!

   Thousands of sword gas lasses!

   The sword qi is sharp, and the body protection methods of several people exploded after touching this sword qi!

   Xuan Qianhe, the plant system mystery, the fire system mystery, the gold system mystery fusion,

   is the golden core of the mountain flower plane, some monks who have integrated the mystery of gold,

   The offense is very strong, but the planting technique is average.

   Meng vigorously charged the sword light, and the sword art urged a mountain range, which had already rushed into the sword light of one person.

  This mountain, surrounded by rivers and lush vegetation,

   This man’s sword light is already chaotic, and when you touch this mountain, you can see it, it is as heavy as a mountain, and it has a powerful maneuver.

   There is another force of growth,

   Even though he tried his best to urge the sword tactics, no matter how he could stop it,

   The sword light shone, and the mountain has been blasted onto the armor,

   The flames on the armor rushed to a hundred feet!

   The shards shot, and the monk retreated dozens of feet.

   Xuan Qianhe and the Wandering Knife crossed and swept, these have turned into a few large pieces and splashed,

  The golden core was charged, the water color sword light rolled, and the golden core had been taken away by the wandering knife!

   "These people are all four diamond flower gods!"

   A monk was shocked and shouted.

  Meng Dali, Xuan Qianhe, Wandering Knife, and Ang Tian Hammer's shots are almost the same as the ordinary four-diamond flower **** mid-stage cultivator.

   The monk stretched out his hand and took out a red card. On the red card, there was a majestic and hideous god-man,

   reached out and pointed,

  A man of God rushed out, one hundred feet long, holding a sword, and slashed. The Taoism of Meng Dali and several people had already revealed a path.

   A fiery red with a blue sword light blasted at him!

   This monk has a backhand block, and sparks shoot high into the sky!

   Escape method has been urged, has escaped from the passage!

   came to attack a four-diamond flower god, three three-diamond flower god, there is one left!

   Xuan Qianhe urged the gold-based profound and mysterious fusion, but could not cut through the four-diamond flower **** defense,

   turned around and slashed towards the three-diamond flower **** who flew by!

   These three-diamond flower aegis shields are urged, one stop toward this sword light!

   "Boom----" Fragments splashed on the shield,

   A mountain is indeed a volume like flowing water!

   Shield shakes, shakes!

   The water color sword light rushes and spins, and the head of the three-diamond flower **** flies up in the blood!

   Jin Dan punched!

   "Give me this golden pill---"

   Xuan Qianhe shouted, Jian Guang had already swept away the golden core.

  The battle was over, the four monks and three three-diamond flower gods who came to attack were all beheaded.

   A few people urged the Fa Jue to take the Dao Fa back.

  'S figure shook, and he had already escaped.

   After a while, more than a dozen escapes, hurried over here.

   A glance, but a big hole with a radius of tens of miles.

   "Which power is fighting here, with such power?"

   A dozen monks were shocked.

   This is just a mortal town, where are high-level monks?

   In the valley, a few mortals.

   A few monks on the flower plane of the mountain beat,

   The memories of these mortals have been searched.

   "They are in Xia Cao Town, more than a hundred miles away from the town where you live. They belong to spies trained by a force, just like you and me."

   Xuan Qianhe said.

"The memories of those golden cores have been refined. For these three three-diamond flower gods, one came from Hongshi Mountain, one came from Xuangu Mountain, and one came from Guiyongguan. We are going to explore several major factions. , Come together."

   Hovering Dao said, shocked on his face.

   Why don’t I just present flowers, if you need them, put out such a big battle?

   "The Canglu who seeks the plane of Dao, picks up girls from the plane of Dao, did he say that?"

   Xuan Qianhe said.

   "It's completely possible----no one of the few people who were playing that day could see my cultivation."

   said the wandering knife.

   Several people looked at each other. "If that's the case, these people have a lot to do with the Daoist plane----"

   Meng Dali said.

   "The Xuan Tiao faction of Master Takujian did not participate. From their memory, the relationship between the Xuan Tiao faction and them is not very good."

   said the wandering knife.

   "Why don't you ask Master Tuojian."

   Xuan Qianhe said.

   "They won't show up on this kind of thing. If you find Master Tuojian, you can find it generously."

   Meng Dali said.

"it is good."

   Wandering knife nodded.

   "That Shou Xuan Iron Ore---"

   "We change our looks and collect it the same."

   Meng Dali said.

   Outside the Red Hairpin Compound, after more than ten days, none of the suitors of Master Tuojian appeared.

   A mountain peak stretches for hundreds of miles,

   Wandering Knife came from far away~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At a glance, a few hundred miles, not too big, but there is a gathering of spirit.

   For a faction, it is good to be able to occupy such a place.

   This is Xuan Tiao Mountain, which looks very ordinary.

   As soon as he approached Xuantiao Mountain, a monk came immediately,

   "Stop, who are you looking for?"

   "I'm looking for Master Takujian."

   said the wandering knife.

   "Who are you?" the guard said.

   "I have a treasure that I want to dedicate to the son."

   In the hands of the wandering sword, an extra piece of armor has been added, and after a flash, the glory is shining.

   rise a few feet tall! You can tell at a glance, it's a good product!

   Generally this kind of treasure offering is generally like an opportunity to enter the Xuantiao practice.

   "Okay, I'll report it."

   The guard said, after a while, the guard came out and said to the wandering knife: "Follow me."

   The Wandering Knife followed the guard, entered the restriction, and ran quickly in the mountains.

   has been walking hundreds of miles away, after a long time, came to a mountain peak,

   On this mountain peak, there is a magnificent hall.

  The guard approached the hall with a wandering knife, and another waiter stepped forward: "Bring the treasure."

   The wandering knife offered the treasure: "I want to see the son."

   After a while, the guard came out and nodded to the wandering knife: "The treasure is good, come with me,

   But, don’t ask too much—it’s no problem to become a disciple of the Xuan Tiao faction. To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, reward, and your support is my biggest motivation.)

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