Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2380: Refining planting

 Mountains, the river rushes toward you, but then quickly backs away.

  In the magic weapon, there are only the maid and the wandering knife.

   "You promise to be a planter in our house, Miss."

   The maid spoke.

   "I---I am used to being free, I am not used to being fixed."

   said the wandering knife.

   "You really don't think about it? I won't treat you badly."

   said the maid,

   "I really don't think about it," said the wandering knife.

   was speechless for a while,

   "Thank you---" Wandering Dao said.

   Before the building, the magic weapon came down, the maid and the wandering knife walked out of the magic weapon,

   A waiter greeted him and bowed his hand to the maid.

   "This is the planter."

   The maid said to the waiter.

   The waiter stretched out his hand towards the wandering knife, "Please----"

   The maid went to the magic weapon, and the magic weapon was urged, the magic weapon was already flying, and went to the horizon.

   Wandering around with a knife, there are a few big characters on this gate, Qiu Guoguan.

  The waiter took a wandering knife, climbed over several peaks, and entered a medicine garden,

   pointed to a dozen medicinal materials, and said to the Wandering Knife, "That's it."

   Hovering Knife checked these herbs,

   is similar to the medicinal materials in the Hongzhan Fairy House.

   Fortunately, the Wandering Knife is a fusion of water mystery, plant mystery, and earth mystery.

   medicinal planting is his specialty.

   Soon, he wrote out the treasures needed to grow these medicinal materials.

   "The red fire stone of 300 years old facing south, Xuanbing of 600 years old, -----"

  The waiter looked at the paper in his hand.

There are dozens of kinds of   .

   "These, it will take at least a few days to be ready, you should rest first."

   the waiter said,

   Wandering knife nodded,

  The waiter walked towards the guest room with a wandering knife,

   Along the way, monks walked by from time to time. .

   Walked into the guest room, and on the way, I had already seen a few gold cores.

   Enter the guest room, this is a building next to the flowing water, which looks elegant.

  Autumn State faction, in the Yuanbo plane, but a small force, there are also many golden pills.

   Wandering knife thought.

   This time, a group of profound planes is better than going out alone to experience,

   The harvest is really much more.

   Wandering knife thought.

   A few dozen miles away from the Autumn State School,

   In a bush, suddenly, a face appeared.

   "Autumn State faction and Hongshiguan have close contacts----"

   Xuan Qianhe said,

   "The news about the sale in the market is not mentioned at all."

   Ang Tianhammer said.

  "If the news in those towns is so detailed, how can we use it,

   In some cases, even if those people in the market know, they dare to sell? "

   Meng Dali said.

   "How many golden core monks are around us."

   "More than a dozen golden pills came with the maid, but one didn't leave."

   Xuan Qianhe said.

   "Look over there."

   stretched out his hand, a starlight shot out, unfolded, a huge boulder appeared in front of several people, but there was a faint human form in the boulder.

   "His escape method can't hide our Starlight Dao."

   Ang Tianhammer said.

   "The Zhoutian Star Array has been established for a thousand years, and the mystery in it is already equivalent to some advanced Taoist books."

   The positions of more than ten golden cores have all been marked by the monks on the plane of Shanhua.

   A few faces, and then retracted into the grass, there is already a space in the grass,

   There are more than a dozen golden pills on the flower plane of the mountain, all here.

   Meng waved his hand vigorously, and the figure of Qiu Guoguan appeared.

   "Once a battle occurs, we rush in and take the Wandering Sword first; if we are a master, send a message to Elder Quinn.

   Let Elder Quinn teleport from Tieding Pass. "

   Meng Dali said.

   "If Elder Quinn can't stop him, then call Master,"

   Xuan Qianhe said,

   This exploration mission, but it took a few years,

   They all felt that as if decades had passed.

   This exploration mission is enough for these golden cores to cultivate for a hundred years at Tiedingguan or Biqiu Mountain.

after a few days,

   sitting with a wandering knife, the waiter came in,

   "Growers, the planting materials you want are ready."

   took a storage bag and gave it to the wandering knife.

   looked at the knife, and indeed, all the planting materials he needed were already prepared.

   The wandering sword hand shook, and there was already a pile of talisman in his hand.

   This time, I wandered around the knife, but put a few different materials together,

   reached out his hand and took out a few talisman, reminded the law,

   These talisman, a roll toward these materials,

   Several pieces of different materials, surrounded by talisman, began to refine,

   After a long time, a few pieces of materials have been refined into a magic weapon-like substance.

   Within a few days, these materials have been refined into more than a dozen crystal-like substances.

   The wandering knife walked to the medicine garden, beside a medicinal material, placed a crystal,

   After a while, clap your hands. "Implantation has been done."

   The wandering knife said to the waiter.

   "The red hairpin fairy said, this time the reward is fine gold, bring it."

  The waiter shook his head: "This time, the effects of the planting technique must be fully revealed before you can get the fine gold."

   "Well, the effect of this implantation technique will take several months to fully manifest. I will come back in half a year."

   said the wandering knife.

   turned around and walked out.

  Autumn School came again from the Red Hairpin Villa, wandering around the knife, feeling that it is getting more and more complicated,

   Maybe, Yuan Ying Hua Shen has enough ability to deal with it like this.

   Wandering Knife, the three-diamond flower god, has long lost interest in staying in the Qiu Guo faction for a few months.

  The waiter stood in front of the wandering blade: "Want to go? Wait until the effect of this planting technique comes out."

   The wandering knife swiped the waiter, and the waiter had already taken a few steps back.

   Suddenly, three figures are already standing in front of the wandering knife.

   are exactly the three golden cores that the wandering knife saw on the way.

   There is an extra flying sword and a shield in the hands of the Wandering Sword.

   just hold it by hand.

   Flying sword, flashing shield~www.wuxiaspot.com~ landscape, starry light,

   Deep and distant, but heavy as a mountain!

"Step aside----"

   said the wandering knife.

   is surrounded by Taoism, the whole person is like thunder,

   The three golden cores did not move, their robes flashed, and they turned into battle armor. On the head, a monk in the cyan battle armor said: "You should stay!"

   Hovering knife with a mouth, a warhammer, has already smashed at the monk.

   Warhammer is as fast as thunder!

   At such a close distance, this monk has a shield in his hand!

   There was a huge shock, and Mars shot hundreds of feet!

   This golden core monk, push a few steps!

   The figure of the wandering knife suddenly sprang out!

   The sword light flashed, crossed towards the wandering knife!

   Wandering around with a sword, a shield!


   A touch of a sword and a shield, sword light fragments, landscape fragments, shooting hundreds of meters!

The sword beside    is like a beast!

   Wandering Dao Sword Art urged, a brave sword light flashed,

   has made a few clicks on the opponent's sword art!


   The opponent's sword tactics exploded, and the flying sword shook, it was already injured!

   "This person's spirit is far beyond us!"

   The monk in cyan armor shouted!

   The wandering knife has rushed out dozens of feet.

   At this time, all the nearby prohibitions have been activated,

   The forbidden law turned into thunder, and the flames were big waves, and they slammed toward the wandering knife. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, give a reward, and your support is my biggest motivation.)

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