Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2389: conflict

She's a maid's maid, so she's treated like this.

Without the magic tricks he gave Qiuxian, Qiuxian could not advance to the golden core.

Qiuxian's tactics for cultivation are average.

Wandering Knife thought, Fa Jue rushed into the mountain.

The Four Diamond Flower God, the highest grade of the Golden Core monk, the Taoist show, the average Golden Core is not an opponent at all.

Wandering Knife returned to the shop, a few more monks from the foundation building period came in.

Bring out some medicinal materials and ask for alchemy.

Wandering around the knife and took a look: "These medicinal materials, you need to make alchemy, and you lack some auxiliary medicinal materials.

There are iron ore discounts. "

The iron ore collected by the Wandering Knife was refined into platinum, and the profound iron gave the Ang Tian Hammer,

Create some cheap magic weapons used by monks in the foundation building period.

During the foundation building period, the monk took out some profound iron ore,

Looking at the wandering knife, it was indeed the profound iron ore produced by Xuangu faction, but it was only six hundred!

"I said, these profound iron ore, there are a few less, a middle-grade immortal stone, you can buy a dozen pieces of profound iron ore.

I will gather these supplementary medicinal materials for you to make alchemy. How to say, you should have hundreds of middle-grade immortal stones. "

Wandering Knife has opened a shop here for several years.

The nearby monks in the foundation construction period, everyone knows that ordinary pill prescriptions and wandering knives can refine the pill between the top grade and the best grade.

With the level of the monks in the foundation period, it is generally impossible to refine a medicine of a higher level than the top grade.

Hundreds of middle-grade immortal stones can make a better pill than the top-grade pill. It's not expensive.

Take the Xuangu Mountain's Xuan Iron Ore, and get a discount.

It can be said. They took the medicinal materials to the Wandering Knife to refine the pill that exceeded the top grade,

In Hefang City, the price of the elixir that exceeded the top grade at auction was only one-tenth.

"Most of the Xuangu Xuan Iron Ore here is the Xuangu Iron Mine I used to save. Nowadays, someone outside is paying a high price for the Xuangu Iron Mine Xuan Iron Ore.

Said the monk during the foundation period.

This is Quinn, Yuantie. The golden core sent by the Red Wolf,

As a result, the iron ore purchased by Xuan Qianhe, Wandering Knife, and Ang Tian Hammer was greatly reduced.

Wandering knife thought.

Fortunately, the fuel used for alchemy was refined from the mystery of the fire system in the starlight. No need to spend a lot of fairy stones.

Ordinary monks, with a few hundred pieces of profound iron ore, can't do it.

The wandering knife nodded: "Okay------"

The monk in the foundation building period brought the profound iron ore.

A few more monks came in,

As soon as he came in, he walked over to the placed pills.

The expressions of these cultivators who came to make alchemy during the foundation-building period changed.

"This is not in Cairenfang City----"

A monk in the foundation building period did not finish.

The cultivator next to him hurriedly winked at him. The man looked at the alchemy furnace with the wandering knife and stopped talking.

"Can it be refined that day?"

A monk during the foundation construction period asked the Wandering Knife.

"Nine days."

Wandering knife said, ordinary monk. It takes dozens of days to refine such a pot of pill.

He hovered around the knife. It can't be refined anymore.

"it is good."

These few monks in the foundation construction period said, and quickly walked out of the shop where the knives were hovering.

"Then show me this bottle of pill."

The red robe monk who came in pointed to a bottle of pill.

Wandering knife walked over, opened the pill, took out a pill,

There seemed to be a jungle appearance on the pill, which made people see that the pattern seemed to be portrayed by someone.

"Absolutely more than the top grade pill-----"

Outside the shop, the few monks who had just come in during the foundation construction period said.

"Take a look,"

This red robe monk, with all his hands, grabbed at this pill,

With a flick of the wandering knife, he has already caught an empty spot.

"Don't show me----I see, these medicinal pills are just the level of middle-grade medicinal pills!"

Said the red robe monk.

"Yes, in my opinion, it is the level of Zhongpin Pills."

The monks who were with him during the foundation construction period roared.

"The power of Cairenfang City is not small---"

The few monks in the foundation building period at the door showed a look of disgust,

Stand a little further away.

I saw that with a wave of the wandering sword hand, he slapped the red-robed monk on the face,

It seemed unhappy, the red robe monk, his body shape changed one after another,


The whole fan flew up and landed outside the shop, hitting it a few times.

The Wandering Knife slapped again and slapped at the monk who spoke,

As soon as the monk's sword art was reminded, he was going to slash the wandering sword!

"Boom----" Again, he flew out of the shop.


Wandering Knife said towards them.

These monks hurried out of the shop where the wandering knives,

Going far away: "Who said he was in the foundation building period? I think he has the golden core cultivation base."

Said the red robe monk during the foundation period.

In casual cultivating, even if you have advanced the golden core, open a shop for refining tools, and you often have it.

If it was the Jindan cultivator who opened the shop, then the handling method would be different again.

These monks have gone away.

"In these shops, don't be polite with them."

Xuan Qianhe came over.

"Queen, Yuantie, and Red Wolf collect profound iron ore, and the amount of profound iron ore we can receive is getting less and less."

Ang Tian hammer came over.

"I have used a lot of auxiliary materials for alchemy."

Wandering knife said.

A few days later, the Wandering Sword was making alchemy, and another monk came in and looked at the Wandering Sword.

Surprised, the cultivation base of the Wandering Sword could not even be clear to him, the Golden Core monk.

He walked to the pill furnace of the wandering knife and took a look.

In this pill furnace, the flame of fuel burning looked very clear.

"I said, the fuel you use for alchemy can be compared with the fuel of a lower-grade immortal stone."

Said the Jindan monk.

In the world of cultivation, there are all kinds of magical techniques. It's not surprising that a piece of low-grade immortal stone is made of fuel.

"I am alchemy. Didn't you see?"

Wandering knife said. Without the permission of the alchemist, others cannot approach the pill furnace.

This is the rule of the cultivation world.

The Jindan brother stood a little farther.

"I'm from the Cairen Chamber of Commerce, and I'm here to visit."

Brother Jindan said.

"You from the Cairen Chamber of Commerce are very interested in other people's alchemy secrets-you don't even understand the rules."

"Curious, haha."

Brother Jindan said.

He sat down and said, "I said, you refine the pill. The price is too low. In Cairenfang City, it's hard to make a pill---"

Said the monk.

Cairenfang City, three thousand miles away from here, how to say, it is a market, not a few casual cultivators can open it.

"I make alchemy, but collect some profound iron ore. You make alchemy, in order to earn immortal stones, we do not conflict,

You Cairenfang City, don't have to make such a big battle. "

Wandering knife said.

"In this way, the base-building pill that you refined is beyond the top grade. We have all-inclusive packages in Cairenfang City. The price is absolutely high."

Said the Jindan monk.

An anger flashed through the heart of the wandering knife,

The pill that I refined is all inclusive, so I don’t want to exchange mystery iron ore?

Four diamonds are amazing, middle-grade immortal stone. Where do you see it?

"Friend, I'm not interested. Please---I've been polite enough."

Wandering knife stretched out!

Wandering Knife didn't want to fight, even if it was a refining tool, others would find it.

The refined pill is all covered by Cairenfang City, so I don’t need to refine it.

There are not enough rules and magic weapons, and there is no cultivation base for thousands of years,

Du Yuanying Tianjie, the best, it will be like a big head.

"You're pretty good, think carefully---"

Said the Jindan monk.

"Don't think about it, please -----"

Wandering Knife said,

The Jindan monk went out.

The Wandering Sword passed by: "Xuan Qianhe, Ang Tianhammer, you said, in Cairenfang City, do you know that we have the Three Diamond Flower God Peak cultivation base?"

Xuan Qianhe immediately passed over: "The guards in this city know that we have the three-diamond flower **** cultivation base. Will the Cairen Chamber of Commerce not know?"

Ang Tianhammer came over: "Your place is lively, do you want us to come over?"

"No need to----"

Wandering knife said.

In the afternoon, when the wandering knife finished the meal, several monks came over.

"Alchemy -----"

A monk in a red robe took out a large package of medicinal materials.

Wandering around with the sword, all these monks are golden cores.

Used the method of convergence skills,

The specific repair is not clear.

"No, there is a golden pill so soon---"

Wandering Knife thought, how to say, this is in Fangshi.

On the plane near the planet Earth, in the city, monks generally do not make trouble.

At least, it's going to leave the market.

The Wandering Knife Art Jue urged, Dao Fa urged it, but there were thousands of armors, which could not be seen from the outside.

The monks who perform exploration tasks from the plane of the mountain flower to the plane of the garden wave are equipped with ten thousand heavy armor and ten thousand shields.

This red robe monk, flipped his hand, and already clasped the hand of the Wandering Sword!

This red robe monk is a four-diamond flower **** mid-term monk!

The cultivator who has reached the middle stage of the Four Diamond Flower God can already practice various powerful spells.

Wandering Knife failed to escape!

"did not expect----"

The thought of the wandering knife flashed, and the magic arts urged with all his strength,

Several other cultivators have already used their swordsmanship with all their strength,

The sword light flashed, and it had illuminated the entire market,

Slashed towards the wandering knife!

In the other hand of the Wandering Knife, there was already an extra flying sword in his hand, and the sword light flashed, slashing towards the four-diamond flower **** holding his hand.

The sword light swept away, as if there were thousands of mountains and thousands of waves!

The four-diamond flower **** mid-stage cultivator, did not expect the Wandering Knife to be so brave!

Fa Jue urged, a sword light toward this Qianzhong Mountain, Wanzhonglang cut, and then suddenly retreated.

"Boom, boom, boom"

Wandering knife even hit three swords!

Three thunder and fire rushed up!

The four-diamond flower **** mid-stage cultivator was happy!

This is the sword of three golden core cultivators!

The wandering knife should explode suddenly!

However, the Wandering Knife did not explode as he expected,

One step back, "Peng----"

Has rushed out of the shop wall!

In an instant, together with the refining furnace of the wandering knife, several nearby shops,

Together with the owner of the shop, they burst into thousands of pieces!

This move of both parties is to attack with all strength!

After the wandering knife stood, it was already a few steps back!

Obviously ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has suffered a lot!

These monks were surprised but a flash,

As soon as the sword tactics reminded him, he was about to rush towards the wandering sword!

A one-foot-old warhammer, as if swept from the sky!

In an instant, these cultivators felt at the same time, like a mountain of pressure,

The four-diamond flower divine sword art urged, and slashed towards the wandering knife!

Several other monks, being swept by this warhammer, already felt their bodies pause one by one!

The gravity of this warhammer is amazing!

But it's turning around and blocking the warhammer!

"Boom-----" A thunder fire rushed to a hundred feet! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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