Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2503: Douxian Stone

Young Master Yu Sheng and Qiu Xian looked at the flower basket, Qiu Xian's face also showed admiration.

Only this kind of big chamber of commerce can make this kind of magic weapon like a vase.

Wandering Knife looked at this flower basket and was taken aback!

A few more flowers, indeed very rare flowers from Linggen.

These plants, over a thousand years, the mountain flower plane has also collected dozens of them!

The flowers that bloom are for the heads of the mountain flower plane, Elder Pharmacy,

Magic weapons will not be refined with these flowers,

Because these flowers are really precious,

Besides, using these flowers to refine magic weapons is a complicated and relatively long process.

At the level of the mountain flower plane, most of the functions can be done with ordinary precious materials.

Of course, some of the special functions of precious plants cannot be made with precious materials.

This is precisely the preciousness of this Hundred Flower Blue.

The waiter of Shengbao Pavilion was explaining the strange power of this magic weapon.

Beside, dozens of monks were already standing, and the wandering knife stood among them, inconspicuous.

These flowers are refined as magic weapons, of course the Wandering Knife knows,

However, Wandering Knife considers whether these flowers can be used for planting!

If the trainer who refines the Baihualan uses ordinary techniques, even if these flowers are purchased,

It may not be possible to replant it with the skill of Wandering Knife.

"This Hundred Flower Blue is so strange and magical, but the price is one million top-grade immortal stones, which is really not expensive."

Said the waiter of Shengbao Pavilion.

One mouth is all the fairy stones in the storage bag taken out by the wandering knife.

However, this Baibao blue flower. The year is long enough.

Even if it is not used to replant. It can also be refined again,

With the refining level of the Wandering Knife, refining this Hundred Flower Blue again will increase its power several times!

"Okay, this magic weapon is good, I want it"

Yu Sheng said.

"I have one and one hundred thousand top grade immortal stones."

A monk next to him said, with a rough face,

By his side. There is also a beautiful female partner, with an oval face and skin like white porcelain, looking at the flower basket.

"I'm out of 1.3 million top grade immortal stones."

Wandering Knife spoke,

This Hundred Flower Blue, it can be re-refined, or refined for Tiangong Hall,

Even more did not want Young Master Yu Sheng to get this Hundred Flower Blue.

Young Master Yu Sheng's face changed, and he seemed to please the beauty.

But someone came out to compete for the flower basket, how can you make him bear?

"1.4 million top-grade immortal stones!"

Yu Sheng said.

One time increase in price is 100,000 top-grade celestial stones and 1 million middle-grade celestial stones.

"One hundred and six million high-grade immortal stones."

Wandering Knife said,

"One and seven hundred thousand high-grade immortal stones!"

The monk with a rude face said that the sisters around him giggled, making them even more beautiful.

"One nine hundred thousand high-grade immortal stone."

Young Master Yu Sheng's face was already a little distorted.

The Wandering Knife didn’t speak anymore. For those plants, buy the whole spiritual roots at this price, and buy a few plants together.

But 1.9 million top grade immortal stones.

"Two and one hundred thousand top grade immortal stones."

The monk with a rude face said, looked at Qiu Xian, and said to the glamorous female cultivator next to him: "How can he compare to you, only you are worthy of possession of these flowers."

Upon hearing this, Master Yu Sheng was furious.

"Do you know who my master is?"

Master Yu Sheng shouted.

"I care who your master is, don't pick up girls if you don't have money."

The monk with a rough face sneered.

However, looking at Young Master Yu Sheng, he did not immediately increase the price.

"My master is True Person Xuangu!"

Mr. Yu Sheng said,

This said, Xinghe's face of the rough monk was obviously taken aback.

"It turns out to be a real master Xuangu, I don't want this flower basket."

The monk with a rough face said.

Dozens of monks who were onlookers all looked disdainful, but no one spoke.

This real Xuan Gu is more powerful than he looks

Upon hearing his name, these three diamond flower gods did not dare to fight with his apprentice.

This Young Master Yu Sheng turned his head and said to Qiuxian, "Qiuxian, I will give you this hundred blue flowers. From now on, we will be friends."

It's so straightforward!

Everyone present, regardless of men and women, flashed this thought in their hearts.

"Hum, I'm not interested in this Hundred Flower Blue."

Qiuxian became angry and turned to leave.

"It's been a long time since I've been out shopping, I saw this kind of person today, tusk."

Wandering Knife said,

In the silent hall, his voice was extremely loud.

This Young Master Yu's face was angry, and then he was cold!

Knowing that his master is True Person Xuangu, he still dared to stand up, definitely not an ordinary person.

"Who are you?"

The Wandering Knife took a step forward and raised his head: "Passers-by, just can't understand your horns, those hundred flowers blue, 2.1 million immortal stones, I want it."

The Wandering Knife wanted to take down this Hundred Flower Blue, not to give it to Qiuxian,

The flowers in this Hundred Flower Blue are very precious, and the other flowers are also very good.

After all these times, he has determined that most of these flowers can be taken back and planted again.

Slowly, more flowers can be cultivated.

Masters like Master are collecting precious plants, planting and training them, not to mention myself, but the four-diamond flower god,

The Four Diamond Flower God said to the Jindan Brothers,

Participating in the fortress battle consecutively, Wandering Knife knew that the Four Diamond Flower God was just a stronger fighter.


Master Yu Sheng pointed at the wandering knife, angrily unable to speak.

Mr. Yu Sheng has a background, millions of top-grade immortal stones, he took out,

However, he was unwilling to buy tens of millions of middle-grade immortal stones to buy magic treasures to give to a woman.

As soon as his face changes, he wants to have a seizure, just look at it. This is Shengbao Pavilion. He also can not offend the forces!

Seeing the Wandering Knife took out a storage bag. The waiter took it, took a look, and nodded.

Hand the Hundred Flower Blue to the Wandering Knife, and the Hovering Swordsman shook his hand, already putting away the Hundred Flower Blue.

Young Master Yu Sheng snorted and said to Qiu Xian: "Qiu Xian, let's go! Go to other shops and cities."

Qiuxian nodded. Together with Yu Sheng, he walked out of the city.

Hovering knife happy.

Although it is a bit more expensive, Immortal Stone is not very precious to the Mountain Flower Plane.

The wandering knife walked towards the outside of Baibaoguan,

The monk with a rough face looked at the Wandering Knife and walked up.

"Friend, this hundred flower blue. Give it to me, how about it. I will give out three million top-grade immortal stones,

My friend, with your cultivation base, you are not an opponent of Brother Xuangushan. "

Wandering Knife looked at this rough-faced monk, ordinary three-diamond flower **** cultivation base,

A monk who can take out three million high-grade immortal stones with one mouth,

The cultivation base is definitely not bad.

"Friends, thank you for your reminder, but this hundred flowers blue, I hold it useful."

Wandering knife said.

"You take three million top-grade celestial stones and buy a Hundred Flower Blue, you are really willing."

"Well, let’s not conceal it, a few plants in your Hundred Flowers Blue are very important to me. Can they be transferred to me?

In the past, I talked to this Saint Treasure Pavilion and wanted to buy those kinds of plants. However, Saint Treasure Workshop not only sold those plants, but must also refine these plants into flower baskets and sell them together. "

The monk with a rough face rubbed his hands and said.

Sure enough, it was for the precious plants in this flower basket.

"These plants are also useful to me."

Wandering knife said.

Suddenly, Chuanyin came over: "Brother Dao, I am chasing wave knives. Give him this flower basket. This person has a lot of friends. We are about to date him."

Wandering Knife looked in the direction of Chuanyin,

On the street in the distance, a monk, looking here,

A diamond flower **** cultivation base.

Chasing wave knife, the men of Red Wolf and Yuantie,

One hundred and ninety years later than Wandering Knife Advanced Jindan,

"It's none of my business if you want to associate with him! I bought this Hundred Flower Blue with my own fairy stone!"

Wandering knife said without hesitation.

You need this Hundred Flower Blue relationship, not just bidding, but now.

When I'm stupid.

Red Wolf has four diamond flower gods, and I have four diamond flower gods, each has its own tasks, who will buy whose account.

"It's okay if you want this Hundred Flower Blue, the 2.1 million high-grade immortal stone is here."

Wandering Knife said,

You chase wave knives and run errands with Red Wolf and Yuantie!

Let's talk in front of me.

The disciples who participated in the foundation building stage of the battle of the Shaking Sword Sect back then were the Red Wolf, Yuan Tie, and the Wandering Sword.

This wave of disciples chasing wave swords was a monk in the Qi training period.

When he heard the wave of chasing sword, he didn't even take part in the battle of Zhanhuoguan and the battle of Biqiu Mountain.

Participated in the battle of Huduiguan,

The contribution of the mountain flower plane, the immortal stone obtained, are far inferior to the wandering knife.

"Brother Dao, this is an investigation task assigned by the sect, so, do you a favor, how about one-third of the flowers transferred to this monk?"

Damn, these forces, relying on the Red Wolf River Yuantie to press me?

Wandering Knife is a little unhappy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Okay, come over and tell him, I can give him one-third of the flowers, but he wants to sell one million top-grade fairy stones. "

Wandering knife said.

"Okay, I will try."

Chaser came over, "Major Chongxian, why are you here?"

This monk with a rough face is called Chongxian Zhenren,

"Chasing wave knife? I buy magic weapon here."

Real person Chongxian looked at the chasing wave knife and said lukewarmly.

One diamond flower god, if you want a river three diamond flower god, how can it be so easy,

Most people don't like it at all.

"Brother Dao, why are you here?"

Chaibo Dao looked at Wandering Dao in surprise.

"Went around this Shengbao Pavilion, I heard that this Shengbao Pavilion has many things."

Wandering knife said.

"You know, that's great. Chasing wave knife, you quickly talk to this monk. Can you let him transfer me some flowers?"

The real person Chongxian looked at the chasing wave knife, smiled immediately, and told the story again.

"Brother Dao, this is my friend, look, can you take care of it."

The chasing wave knife said to the wandering knife.

"Oh, since you have spoken with the chasing wave knife, this Chongxian, what kind of flowers do you want, let me talk about it first.

Wandering Knife said,

Master Chongxian said the flowers he needed.

When I heard the wandering knife, there was something I needed.

"This kind of Nine Bull Flower, I need, the other flowers you want, along with one third of the flowers in the Hundred Flower Blue, one million high-grade fairy stones, take it.

When Mr. Chongxian heard it, he hesitated for a while. The flowers sold by Shengbaoge have been around for quite a while, "OK" (to be continued)

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