Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2515: Spring Mountain Sword

"First refine it for me---"

"Refining for me, I took a lot of Xuangu Mountain's profound iron ore—"

During the foundation building period, the monk held up the storage bag in his hand, his eyes flashed with eagerness, and moved forward.

"Don't worry, everyone has it."

Xuan Qianhe smiled.

Refining the materials and magic weapons of the Golden Core period for these monks in the foundation building period can be said to be mutually beneficial.

He felt that this was good, and Elder Quinn was right.

I and the Wandering Knife, Ang Tian Hammer, are here to collect platinum,

Platinum Essence is enough to collect, and one person can refine a rule magic weapon with a dozen rule runes, it is enough.

This garden wave plane, for yourself and the Wandering Knife, Ang Tian Hammer, you can leave,

Related to God? You don't need to care about so much, you can't care about it.

More than a dozen regular runes, as the core rule magic weapon of the formation, can be said to be the rule magic weapon of the starting level.

However, the rules and magic weapons of a few people gathered together, and it should be okay to cross Yuanying's catastrophe.

While refining materials and magic weapons, while practicing Taoism,

Soon, after another year and a half, the Taoist book given by the elder Chibian, it can be said that the practice has become formal.

Lingering knife feeling,

The Taoist book given by the elder Chibian is more mysterious than the one given by Chairman Qian.

It has only been a few years, and my own Taoism has improved again.

This year and a half, the purchase of the profound iron ore containing platinum, seemed to have an explosion,

It is equivalent to the platinum refined from the purchase of Xuan Iron Ore in the past few years.

On this day, one person came to the shop of Wandering Knife and bowed his hand to Wandering Knife.

"Brother Dao."

Wandering around the knife to take a look. It is a chaser. Mana flow on the body. A lot better than before.

"Are you Advanced Second Diamond Flower God?"

Wandering Knife said,

"Thank you Brother Dao for teaching the Fa."

Chasing the wave knife said.

"No thanks, you have advanced to the second diamond flower god, how do you plan?"

Wandering knife said.

"Continue to perform exploration missions on the wave plane of this garden, and accumulate enough sect contribution points."

Chasing the wave knife said.

"That's fine too."

Wandering Knife said, the second diamond flower god, did not collect too many precious medicinal materials,

The pill to increase spiritual consciousness used in cultivation. The pill that harmonizes Yin and Yang mana,

Most of them rely on the Shanhua plane to supply, and it is indispensable to accumulate enough sect contribution points.

"Brother Dao, I heard that Qiu Xian and Yu Sheng are going to have a wedding."

Chaser said cautiously.

"Ah----" Wandering Knife stood up and sat down again.

For a long time, the wandering knife said: "I rely on-----I thought it was a fresh relationship, how can I think of it. It's only a few years..."

The look of the wandering knife is calm after chasing wave knife

Sat down. Sip tea,

"Brother Dao, I am interested in the more powerful lord, Brother Dao, you are the **** of four diamonds, and people look chic.

It is talented, but how can it be compared with those who are more powerful. "

Chasing the wave knife said.

"Daxueyuan, you know about the mission of Master Canglu."

Wandering knife said.

"I see, Zong Bianhan told us, let us explorers walk towards the edge of the snowy field.

How many of us one diamond flower god, two diamond flower god, can we compare with Yuan Ying flower god? "

Chasing wave knife answered.

"Over the snowfield, if you go, be careful."

Wandering Knife said, but looking at the situation of the chasing knives, most of the chasing knives will not go.

Chasing the wave knife is right, so what about talent these days?

After talking for a while, Chasing Knife arched his hands: "More than a thousand miles away, there is a tavern. There are many adventure teams resting there, drinking, and many beautiful women.

Brother Dao, why don't we go have a drink. "

Sure enough, the wave chasing knife didn't mention going to the snowfield.

Hearing a lingering knife, he nodded simply: "Okay, go have a drink!"

When I heard that Qiu Xian and Yu Sheng were going to hold a wedding,

There was a little excitement in the heart of Wandering Knife, but this excitement lasted for a few moments,

It has become one of the love affairs in the thousand years of practice.

After leaving the city, walking out dozens of miles, rushing into the mountains and forests,

The Dao Fa is exhibited, and the Botanical Escape Method is unfolded,

Has disappeared.

After a long time, in a small town more than a thousand miles away,

It is still the tavern where the wave chaser once came,

Chasing wave knives and wandering knives into the tavern, in the tavern, several beautiful women are singing and dancing,

The faces and figures are all good,

The monk in the tavern was whistling while drinking wine.

"It's a new band again, not bad."

Chasing wave knife watching.

After the singing and dancing, a beautiful lady walked towards the monks in the tavern holding a plate.

The monk took the coin and threw it to the plate.

The chaser threw a piece of gold into the plate: "Beauty, where do you come from."

The beauty smiled and said a place.

Then walk away,

Chasing wave knife looked at this beauty, and suddenly, someone walked by.

"Chaibo, this colorful jade is quite good. Would you like me to introduce it to you."

Looking at the wandering knife, this person's face is long and narrow, with his beard curled up. At the peak of the foundation building period, it looks like he is in his forties.

It's much bigger than chasing wave knife and wandering knife

"The monk at the beginning of the foundation period-but it's okay."

Chasing the wave knife said.

"Recently, is there any news?"

The monk nodded: "In the control area of ​​the Demon Race, I found a place where spiritual energy converges. There are many monks who have already practiced in the past. How about it? Are you interested?"

"Oh, let's hear the details."

Chasing the wave knife said.

"This place where spiritual energy converges is definitely not so good. Otherwise, why don't you cultivate yourself."

Wandering knife said.


This monk at the top of the foundation building period was not angry, looking at the wandering knife.

Mixed outside. The eyesight is natural.

He knew it. The wave chasing sword is the golden core monk, and the monks who come with the chasing wave sword are definitely not too bad.

"This is Brother Dao. This is Chunluan Sword."

Chasing the wave knife said,

Upon hearing Chunluan Sword, Chase Bodao called this man "Brother Dao."

A master who is definitely much higher than the chasing knife.

He arched his hand toward the Wandering Knife: "I have seen Brother Dao, I don’t know if Brother Dao is at the peak of the foundation construction period. How dare I go deep into the area occupied by the demons. A few years ago, Chasing gave me a golden eighth grade gold core to use. The flying sword, I hold this flying sword. In this area, I can barely enter the demon-occupied area to listen for news. If I want to enter the demon-occupied area to practice, my cultivation level, once I meet a master----"

The chasing wave sword transmits the voice to the wandering sword: "This Chunluan sword looks older than us, but in fact, it is only three hundred years old."

Several people talked.

"You, a cultivator during the foundation construction period, know that a new spiritual gathering place has been discovered in the area occupied by the demons. Not bad."

Wandering Knife said,

He is the Four Diamond Flower God, and he doesn't necessarily know the news.

"Brother Dao, we are casual cultivators, haha, this place where the aura of the human race gathers, how can we practice, go to the demon occupied area to try our luck, no, this place where the aura gathers, we discovered three years ago Yes, I wanted to tell Chaibo that Chaibo hasn’t come for a few years.”

Chunluanjian said.

"I went to practice."

Chasing the wave knife said.

"Oh, it's not bad to be able to make such a discovery in the area occupied by the demons."

Wandering Knife listened, and asked in detail about the situation of this spiritual energy gathering place.

One thousand six hundred miles away from today's border.

Some are far away, one thousand and six hundred miles, if organized monks appear to occupy it,

The demons must send troops to fight,

Wandering Knife thought, if the Tianpeng Mountain monks and the Shanhua plane monks of Tiedingguan occupy this spiritual gathering place, they will have to build a town, and this town must be built by Xuan Tie at least.

Chasing wave sword and Chunluan sword, and talked about some other news,

After finishing talking, Chaibo took out a jade bottle and gave it to the past.

"These are some medicines that harmonize Yin and Yang mana, not bad."

Chunluanjian took the jade bottle and nodded.

"The pill that you brought to reconcile the yin and yang mana is really good. If I have the insight of the golden core realm, I will advance to the golden core, and I will be sure."

Chunluanjian said.

"You are not, looking for the Dongfu of the Jindan master, so long has passed, there is no news at all."

Wandering knife said.

"The Jindan masters on the human side found a few cave houses, but when I hurried over, the cultivation techniques in them were long gone.

The place where the spiritual energy gathers that I just mentioned is likely to be the cave house of the Jindan master, but I can't make it through, how can I explore the Jindan monk's cave. "

Chunluanjian took a sip of wine, this is the best wine in this pub, but Chunluanjian's face showed some depression.

"He is three hundred years old, and his base-building life is about to arrive. Don't you teach him the Golden Core Avenue?"

Wandering Knife said to Chasing Wave Knife.

"Brother Dao, you don't know how precious the Golden Core Avenue is in this casual cultivation. Many advanced Golden Core practitioners rely on the golden core monks' cultivation techniques discovered in the Golden Core Monk's cave. ,

Me and the Chunluan Sword, but after listening to some news, it is easy to teach Jindan Avenue there. "

Chasing the wave knife said.

Hearing the words of Wandering Knife, Chasing Wave Knife made sense.

Thinking of how easy it was for me to give Qiuxian, I taught Jindan Avenue,

At that time, there was also a way to show off his awesomeness and high cultivation base.

What about now?

"In this way, that day, Brother Dao and I will accompany you to the place where the spiritual energy converges. You can find out if there is any Jindan master's cave."

Chasing the wave knife said.


Chunluanjian said.

Take a trip to the area occupied by the wave of swords and swords, and this sect has done a lot of exploration tasks.

Wandering knife thought.

Go to the place where the aura gathers, and the Wandering Sword is also willing to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ where different auras gather, you can practice different planes of mystery.

Not to mention the four-diamond flower gods, ordinary Yuan Ying flower gods can cultivate.

On the Garden Wave plane, the human occupation area cannot develop.

It doesn't mean that the occupied area of ​​the demons cannot develop.

"Chaibo, Brother Dao, I will call that Caiyu and her companion over, as soon as Caiyu hears that you are Jindan monks, she will definitely come over.

These monks in the foundation construction period, don't they just want to associate with the Jindan monks. "

Chunluanjian was very happy and said politely.

"That's good---" Chaser nodded.

Chunluanjian walked out of the tavern, and after a while, Caiyu and a beautiful lady followed Chunluanjian.

Chasing the wave knife and beckoning, the waiter came over: "Wine, the best." (To be continued...)

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