Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2553: Official seal

When Ang Tian Chui came back,

Go straight back to where you live, but Fangshi didn't go.

Spinning swordsman, Wanzhangbing,

It's just a partner you met in the adventure.

The celestial stone earned in the adventure,

Everyone takes their own.

The county magistrate, Ang Tianchui, was exchanged for the beast of beauty.

He didn't have to go to Xuanjian Swordsman, Wan Zhangbing explained.

Early morning,

Ang Tian hammered out of Fang City,

Walked towards the official department.

The special battle has arrived first.

As soon as the special battle came to him,

The few staff assistants from yesterday,

Which staff of the officials, which faction.

"Tianhammer, your article is well written, otherwise,

There is only one servant of the faction leaning towards the Good Prince,

This county magistrate is not so easy to delegate.

The county officials are vacant, and the bureaucratic factions staring at the side,

I don't know how many are there? "

Said Zhanzhan.

Ang Tianchui wrote that article,

Zhuanzhan felt that in this respect,

It's really far.

Take another look at Ang Tian Hammer,

Maybe, this day the hammer,

In the officialdom of Daren,

There is a possibility of rising.

To Ang Tian Hammer,

That is more enthusiastic.

"After so many years of cultivating, you can write good articles just as well.

Not worse than me. "

Ang Tianchui said.

I am very happy to fight,

Modestly: "Where---"

The carts of the cabinet members of the official department entered the official department compound one after another.

Zhuan Zhan and Ang Tian Hammer are going in.

Several guards stepped forward,

Arched his hand towards Ang Tian Hammer,

A smile on his face: "Congratulations to the new county magistrate for taking office."


Ang Tianchui said with a smile.

In the mountain flower plane, the cultivation base broke through the realm,

The monk of the mountain flower plane,


Take out a piece of gold,

Give it to the guard leader,

The guard leader took the gold and smiled.

Ang Tian Chui between each other.

As if falling from the sky to the earth,

should say,

this moment,

Only then did Ang Tianchui realize that,

I came to the world!

Walk into the official department,

Those few clerks. Hurry up to meet up.

Towards Zhuan Zhan and Ang Tian Hammer hand over: "Congratulations to the new county magistrate."

Zhuan Zhan looked at Ang Tian Hammer,

But he refused to take out the gold.


As a good refining material,

There are a lot of Ang Tian hammer gold.

Take out a piece immediately, with a big fist,

Give it to the clerk standing in the front.

Several clerks. But startled,

This is too much gold.

Suddenly remembered,

This person is a new official,

One by one took it with a smile.

"Please come with me, and I will take you to the place where the formalities are done."

Said the headed clerk.

During the special battle, Ang Tian Chui followed this clerk.

"Tianhammer, you have given too much! Here. There are as many people of any identity, there are rules,

You give too much here, but it’s not easy to give when you get inside. "

Speaking of the special battle to Ang Tian Hammer,

How appropriate should that status be given.

"If you give too much, these clerks can't get that much.

They must give at least half of the extra gold. "

Said Zhanzhan.

"Damn, it won't work if you give too much. This is much stricter than the rules of our cultivation world."

Ang Tianchui said.

Walk into a building.

"Official seal, here is the document."

Said the clerk.

Speaking, sang loudly,

"Yuanshan's new county magistrate came to get the official seal of documents----"

Towards Zhuan Zhan and Ang Tian Hammer hand over.

Exited this hall.

This hall. It's not where he can come.

Immediately, in this hall,

Clerks came,

Towards Zhuan Zhan and Ang Tian Hammer hand over.

"Who is the new magistrate Tianhammer of Yuanshan County?"

The special battle took out the gold medal and gave it to this clerk,

Pointing towards Ang Tian Hammer: "This one next to him is."

The clerk took the gold medal: "Please come with me."

Holding the gold medal and the sky hammer, he went to a clerk.

This clerk,

The pattern on the robe is red, embroidered with a monster,

You can tell at a glance,

The official rank is relatively high.

This monster graphic represents an official rank several levels higher than the county official.

In this staff,

It's just a host of services.

The clerk offered the gold medal,

The official with a red pattern on this robe took the gold medal and looked at it.

Putting down the gold medal, then he gave his hand to Ang Tian Hammer: "Congratulations."

The tone was flat.

Officials everywhere have seen them.

Ang Tian Chui took out a piece of gold,

There are a few big fists.

Put the gold aside: "It's up to you to take care of it."

The man nodded, his expression on his face was slightly relieved.

The clerk who brought Ang Tian Hammer,

Holding the gold, walked towards the wing of the hall.

This person took out the official seal, the document,

Let Ang Tian hammer sign for it.

Ang Tianchui received official seals and documents,

Turn around to go.

The official spoke: "I know a talented person, my former classmate, good writing, not bad knowledge,

The salary required is not high,

I wonder if the magistrate is missing a gentleman? "

Ang Tian Hammer heard from Zhu Zhan said,

The officials of these officials have past classmates who could not pass the fame exam.

Some, just ask the officials of these officials,

In the newly appointed officials,

Get an escort.

Of course, the same classmates,

The official of the staff is willing to speak,

It's definitely a good relationship.

Who dares not follow a new official with an average background.

Accept these people as husbands,

Where the officials are in charge,

There is a reference.

"I am a new officer, it is better to have a gentleman."

Ang Tianchui said.

The clerk who went to put gold in the wing came over.

"You bring Mr. Xuan over to see the county magistrate."

The official said.


The clerk bowed, not surprised at all.

This Yuanshan County is rich in products,

but. There are many monsters, and some monsters have been discovered recently.

General officials are not willing to go there.

This Mr. Xuan, even though he is a classmate of Master Cang,

Only learn in one body, there is no need for such a big difference.

However, bad luck. Did not pass the exam.

People are poor and have no money,

Master Cang introduced this gentleman from Yuanshan County to Mr. Xuan,

In the eyes of this clerk,

I'm already talking about classmate friendship.

After a while,

The clerk came with a middle-aged man.

From the war with the demons,

Mortals generally practice martial arts,

Like literati,

Even if you can’t afford medicinal materials for martial arts,

Contact some internal skills.

This middle-aged man has the basic cultivation base of Innate Martial Artist,

but. Full of clothes,

Patched on it,

Has washed white.

This Mr. Xuan arched his hand towards Master Cang.

"My old man, thank you for taking in and living, and for giving me an escort."

Master Cang waved his hand: "We are classmates, this is what we should be. This is Tian County official."

Mr. Xuan bowed his hand towards Ang Tian Hammer: "I have seen Lord Tian."

The official rank of Lord Cang was several levels higher than that of Ang Tianhammer.

At least the prefect.

He can call Ang Tian Hammer to be the county magistrate,

Mr. Xuan,

Can only call Lord Ang Tian Hammer Tian.

"Don't dare to be, in the future, we will be together, you're welcome."

Ang Tianchui said.

The clerk stepped forward.

"Master Tian-----"

Ang Tianchui took a look,

This is what people say, when the matter is over, it should be out of the staff.

Ang Tian hammer arched his hand towards Master Cang. All smiles: "Farewell."

Master Cang also arched his hands towards Ang Tian Hammer.

Although the officials of Ang Tian Chui are poor,

But how to say,

They were introduced by Prince Shan.

The article written by Ang Tianchui,

All the officials above the head of the staff department knew the content of the article.

Of course, it caused a full house of exclamations!

This person is a monk and wrote a good article,

In the future, there may be a future.

of course,

No one can say anything about officialdom.

However, Master Cang bowed his hands and at least maintained the basic etiquette.

Ang Tianchui and Mr. Xuan walked out of the staff.

Met the special battle,

Introduce both parties.

I heard that the special battle is the worship of the Prince's Mansion,

Mr. Xuan quickly surrendered to the battle.

"Sky Hammer, when do you plan to go to work?"

Specially asked.

Although Daren has a vast radius,

For ordinary people, it is far enough,


Once the official went to the staff department and accepted the official seal, document,

Within a month, he will arrive.

"I'm in this country, and I don't know anyone, so, in the evening, I have a treat, the best restaurant,

Call someone to come over and make a decision exclusively with you. "

Ang Tian Chui said,

Took out another piece of gold the size of a fist,

Give it to Mr. Xuan.

Mr. Xuan reached out and took it.

A hand, but there is no overly surprised expression on his face.

I have stayed in the country for a long time, and this little gold is not in my eyes.

"You send someone to bring Mr. Xuan, but you buy some spare items. I'll go back and get a salute."

Ang Tianchui said.

This is for Mr. Xuan to buy some clothes and outfits.

A wash of white clothes,

Ang Tian Hammer couldn't pass it anymore.

New officials are always a little ostentatious.

Ang Tianchui and Mr. Xuan carried a bag to take office,

In Yuanshan County, who can afford it.

Fighting nodded, waved,

The monk in the Qi refining period came over.

Zhanzhan ordered him.

The man nodded towards Mr. Xuan: "Please follow me."

Mr. Xuan said to Ang Tian Hammer, "The owner, I want to buy a better camel cart, the gold is not enough."


Ang Tianchui remembered,

I have never urged the sword light magic weapon to fly,

Do you think of traveling by car?

"To buy a better camel car, at least three pieces of gold like this."

The special battle is moving towards Ang Tian Hammer.

Ang Tianchui accepted the official seal, the document, and invited the husband,

Is already a genuine county magistrate,

Specialist is the gentleman of Ang Tian Hammer,

These things,

It is handled by Mr. Xuan.

There are some things that it’s not easy to do special battles on behalf of Mr. Xuan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is the rule,

It has nothing to do with how high your cultivation base is.

Ang Tian hammer took out another piece of gold, one foot in radius.

Give it to Mr. Xuan,

Mr. Xuan embraced his arms.

This piece of gold is more than one hundred catties.


Mr. Xuan nodded.

The monk is really different from ordinary people.

Mr. Xuan is a monk in the Prince’s Mansion,

Walked a few streets,

In a large car dealership,

Various camels roared.

"I am familiar with this car dealership."

Said the monk in Prince Shan's Mansion with Mr. Xuan.

Mr. Xuan has been in the country for many years.

He knew that there were quite a few people in the palace,

Relying on the rewarded elixir,

Entering the Qi training period.

The real world of cultivation has nothing to do with them.

Gold, for these people,

Same as ordinary people.

Mr. Xuan took out the square piece of gold and gave it to the past.

The man took the gold and nodded.

As soon as Mr. He Xuan walked into this car shop,

A buddy greeted him immediately.

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