Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2557: Players

"Master Tian, ​​don't you want to get more gold and treasures?"

Mr. Xuan said. High quality update

"Of course I want."

Ang Tianchui said.

"If you want to get more gold treasures, you have to climb upwards,

Master Tian took the road of Prince Shan’s Mansion,

It would be a shame not to be a prefect. "

Mr. Xuan said.

It seems,

Mr. Xuan, I am very interested in getting promoted.

Ang Tian Chui thought.

"Got it."

Ang Tian hammer nodded,

Said to Mr. Xuan, "I will take care of these things."

Ang Tianchui has been in Daren Country for these years.

I have heard of all kinds of Taoism in the officialdom.

If I can serve as the prefect,

Mr. Prefect,

If there is a way,

It is enough to serve as the master of a county,

It is the position that Bo is in charge of.

Mr. Xuan’s classmate,

But it was hosted by the staff,

If you are promoted to prefect,

Master Cang, the head of the staff,

It is not difficult to arrange for Mr. Xuan to be the county head Bo.

However, Ang Tianchui still focused on the document.

But for a long time,

Mr. Xuan said: "Huh? The patrol team in Yuanshan County is short of more than 30 people!"

"let me see."

Mr. Xuan gave the document to the past.

Ang Tianchui took a look,

The general content of this document is like this.

Because the people of Yuanshan County have repeatedly requested the patrol team to fight against monsters and monsters,

Many patrol teams were killed.

Although the patrol pair has increased the treatment.

Hiring people everywhere. High quality update

Still unable to supplement the patrol to the original personnel.

The situation of the agricultural team is compared with that of the search team.

Not much better,

The mountains, water and fields are under the management of the agricultural team,

Patrol frequently,

Inevitably encounter monsters and monsters.

The same lack of more than ten personnel.

Ang Tianchui took a look at this person. It's really good,

The position that really wants to fight and fight,

Although the cultivation base of Innate Martial Artists has become popular,

However, no one wants to go.

Ang Tian Chui originally thought,

These monsters, beasts are chaotic,

My four diamond flower god,

One shot.

Most can be driven away.


It took only three days to reach the Yamen of Yuanshan County.

Read this document again,

Ang Tian Hammer has changed his decision.

This Yuanshan County is not owned by Ang Tian Hammer.

He raised the sky hammer, why bother about it.

Ang Tianchui continued to read these documents.

Mr. Xuan took a look,

Ang Tian Hammer is not enthusiastic,

Had to continue reading the documents.

After a day,

These documents are probably finished.

Ang Tian Chui spoke,

"Mr. Xuan, now it seems that these monsters, monsters,

It does hinder agricultural production,

However, to fight against these monsters, monsters,

Follow the rules,

In this way, Zhang Bang recruited people and filled the vacancies of the patrol team and the agricultural team. "

Ang Tianchui said.

Ang Tian Hammer did not draw his sword in anger,

Urging to escape light, sword tactics,

Go and fight those monsters, warcraft,

Make a victory or defeat. High-quality updates are here

This is obviously beyond Mr. Xuan's expectations.

Mr. Xuan bowed his hand,

Responded and went out to handle the matter of listing.

It's already evening,

Immediately, a servant came in,

Ask Ang Tian Hammer whether to eat.

Ang Tian hammer nodded,

After a while,

A servant came in,

Tidy up the room,

Bring in dinner.

Ang Tianchui finished dinner,

The servant came in again and packed up.

They also brought hand-washing water and towels.

Ang Tian hammer washed his hands,

With emotion,

This is the same as opening a store in Renhefang City,

Everything has to be compared by yourself,

It can't be compared.

Renhefang City,

The shop was opened to collect the black iron ore with platinum,

In recent years,

I received the black iron ore with platinum,

It is getting less and less.

After more than ten years,

There is not much difference between opening a shop in Narenhefang City.

During the foundation building period, the monks refine alchemy and refine tools,

Pill practice once every ten years,

Refining a device is very common.

Ang Tian Chui thought for a while,

I used my sword to find a chance in Daren country,

To be an official in Yuanshan County,

Yuanshan County’s patrol team and agricultural team lacked personnel,

And no one is willing to apply,

Write a message,

Sent it to the wave chaser,

Ask the wave chaser,

Let him ask about Jian Xianke, Aotian Sword, Jian Xuantian,

Would you like to come to Yuanshan County, Daren, as a patrol and agricultural team?

If the chaser is willing to come, that's even better.

This message was sent to the wave chaser.

Xuan Qianhe and Wandering Knife,

Be a magistrate yourself,

Is it possible for them to be patrolmen under their own hands?

The patrol team and the agricultural team are under their own hands,

Patrol team, agricultural team,

It can be said,

His men are now.

Chasing wave knives was originally for exploration tasks,

He might come,

If the chasing knife is willing to come,

On the plane of mountain flower,

Contribution points of own school,

One more sum.

This information is sent through the communication circle,

A cup of tea time,

The chasing knife information has been sent.

"Brother Tian, ​​it's great that you made a county official.

The monks from Tianpeng Mountain were just a patrol captain,

Of course I am willing to come, Jian Xianke, Aotian Sword, Jian Xuantian, I will talk to them. "

Chasing the wave knife said.

The monks of Tianpeng Mountain,

Become a patrol captain?

Ang Tian Chui thought.

They are all arching in this world.

after a few days,

Outside Yuanshan County,

On the cart,

Chasing wave knife and sword celestial walked down.

The joy in Chaibodao's heart.

He came here without telling Zongbian Han,

Zongbianhan is the second diamond flower god, the cultivation base of chasing wave swords,

Also improved to the second diamond flower god.

The side is cold, and no patrol team chased him.

Brother Tian became a magistrate, I didn't expect it!

Relying on my own cultivation skills, I joined the patrol team as a deputy captain,

should be no problem.

Once a deputy captain becomes ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the contribution point of the wave knife on the plane of mountain flower,

It will increase a lot.

As soon as the celestial chasing wave sword and sword walked into Yuanshan Pass,

Just saw,

Recruiting posts for the search team members and agricultural team members.

"I'll go to the patrol team, you go to the agricultural team. Enter the patrol team and the agricultural team, and then contact Tian Ge."

Chasing the wave knife said,

"Okay, it's all about this time."

Sword cyclist voice transmission.

The recruitment points of the patrol team and the agricultural team are not far apart.

Chasing wave knife walked into the recruitment point of the patrol team,

In a large courtyard, a few monks were sitting in the Qi training period.

The patrol team, in the organization of Yuanshan County, played against the combat power,

It is already the most demanding.

Those who came out to recruit were just a few monks in the Qi training period.

In the entire compound, there are stone piers and stone tablets.

There is a row of weapons in a small martial arts field.

A few mortals at the peak of Innate Warriors,

Is lifting a stone pier, playing stone cards.

These are for the patrol team.

Chasing wave knife thought,

There are not many people who come to apply for patrolmen.

Chasing the wave knife walked in front of the monks,

One hand: "I'm here to apply for a patrol team."

Smiles appeared on the faces of these monks: "Welcome, tell me your hometown and name."

Chai Bodao said his hometown and name.

"Seeing those stone piers, at least five hundred catties of stone piers must be lifted.

That stone, a punch was passed, and a punch mark was to be made on the stone.

Lift the stone pier and pass the stone pass,

Drill weapons. "

Said a strong man. (

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