Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2562: 0 spike

(m) These writing officials,

The documents of Yuanshan County must be drawn up by them.

Wenshan County, how many crops are produced in a year,

Of course they do.

If this crop is three times the normal crop, not to mention all promotion,

Half of the promotion in the county,

The crops of Yuanshan County,

Can be self-sufficient.

"Don't worry, you just need to plant these seeds,

Look at the production. "

Mr. Xuan waved his hand.

This official official with a pen handed over to Mr. Xuan.

Out of the wing,

Arrived in the office wing room of the writing official.

Upon entering the wing,

The eyes of other officials,

Already glanced over.

"Huh, huh, huh---"

A cup of tea time,

This official man with a writing brush has finished writing on his hand,

Walked to the host of the official staff,

A hand over: "Squad leader, I have something to do, take a leave, three months."

The organization under the main body is called the class.

Squad leader, the youngest official in the officialdom.

"Ask for three months. In this way, I will ask for instructions."

The squad leader took a few glances at the writing official.

Turned and walked out of the office wing of the writing official.

Bypassing several wing rooms,

Arrived in a wing room, the decoration is better than the wing room where the writing officials work.

Walked into the wing room,

Bo Zheng is writing his documents.

This squad leader walked in and gave his hand.

Regarding the three-month leave of the writing official,

Say it in detail again.

"Oh, Mr. Xuan called him out?"

Only then urged Bo to stop writing with interest.

Mr. Xuan, it is nothing more than a classmate who is hosting the staff.

Could it be that this Tian County official has another amazing move?

Only then did he nod his head thinly: "Quasi----"

The squad leader gave his hand.

Get out of the wing room where you can dominate the thin office.

I walked to the wing room where the writing official's office,

Nodding to the writing officer who asked for leave: "Leave a leave."

This writing official handed his hand: "Thank you squad leader."

Turned around and walked out of the county government office and walked toward an alley next to the county government office.

Walked into the alley, walked around a few times, and walked into a house,

He worked as a writer in the county office for ten years,

Bought a house in this house,

Washing must go to the yard.

Packed up, he walked out of the alley,

On the street,


A camel cart came towards him,

There is only one camel beast.

The carriage, the worst kind, is made by craftsmen.

He talked with the driver for a while,

Got in the car,

In the afternoon, I have arrived in front of a big mountain,

Got out of the car.

Into the mountain,

It was late, and various beasts in the mountains cried.

He reached a mountain col.

In the mountain col, there are dozens of families,

A peaceful mountain village scene.

He walked into the mountain village and walked to a bungalow,

Came back once a few years ago and cleaned slightly.

Has fallen asleep.

Qin Zao, the sun is falling,

He has come to a field surrounded by mountains,

Holding an iron **** in his hand, I planed towards Tian Yi,

First shave off the weeds in the field.

No farming for many years,

The action looks rusty.

However, I quickly became proficient,

He is approaching the realm of Innate Martial Artist,

He arrived at the county office. Get the exercises, medicinal materials,

Only then began martial arts training.

Ten years, but practiced to the peak of acquired martial artist.


Farming is easy.

After a while,

After the weeds were planed, more than three hundred pits were dug out.

Every seed is put in a pit,

Cover it with soil,

Start to carry water and water.

far away,

The residents in this col, have risen up,

Started to work,

Seeing this official at work,

One by one, surprised.

"This is not about Yue Yun, who should be a book in the county government office. How come back to farm?"

However, Yue Yun is already the book office of the county government.

Before Yue Yun finished his work,

They dare not bother.

Yue Yun finished his work,

They all came over,

Say hello to Yue Yun.

Yue Yun nodded: "Ask for leave in the county government office, come and relax."

Said about Yun.

When everyone heard it, it was worthy of being a book-runner in the county government.

Farming, find an excuse,

It's all so fresh.

Yuanshan County Office,

More than a month passed,

Organized several activities to fight monsters,

Although the agricultural team,

There were also casualties of congenital warriors.


The performance of the sword cyclist,

Definitely the best in the agricultural team.

This point, in the agricultural team.

All the team members agree.

and so,

The magistrate issued a document, appointing the sword cyclist as the captain of the agricultural team.

Everyone thinks that this is a matter of course.

Official documents issued,

The promotion of Jian Xianke is finished.

Ang Tianchui transmitted the sound towards the chasing knife.

"Chaibodao, you said, should I go to Master Xuan's house as a guest?"

After listening to the wave knife,


It seems that this Ang Tian hammer is tempted by Miss Xiuwen.

should say,

Ang Tian Hammer, intending to stay on the plane of Yuanbo.

After chasing the wave knife, I told Ang Tian hammer so much,

Other stations on the Shanhua plane already have supervisors.

Which station do you go to?

It all depends on the face of others.

"Brother God, they didn't send out an invitation, you go to Uncle Xuan's house this time,

This initiative fell into the hands of Uncle Xuan and Xiuwen.

Why don't you let the seeds cultivated by Mr. Xuan be cultivated,

Absolutely, a squire will come to you. "

Chasing wave knife with a laugh.


Ang Tianchui said.

"What do you think of raw yellow?"

"The price of this raw yellow has already exceeded that of gold, the staff,

It is said that Yuanshan County is rich in production,

In my opinion, it does not mean that Yuanshan County is rich in crops, but the original yellow produced in Yuanshan County.

The price is high. High yield.

However, I think this original yellow is indeed a treasure. "

The chasing wave knife pointed at Ang Tian Hammer to transmit the sound.

At the beginning, the special warfare told Ang Tianchui that Yuanshan County is rich in production.

Ang Tianchui arrived in Yuanshan County and took a look at various documents.

Even the crops we eat must be given relief by the prefect,

This is so rich in production.

It took a few days to figure it out,

What people refer to is raw yellow!

The concepts are different.

"This original yellow. There must be a lot of Golden Core cultivators passing through.

I didn't see that Golden Core monk could tell the peculiarity of this original yellow. "

Ang Tianchui said.

"Regardless of him, we charge more raw yellow. These days, I usually go to the shops selling raw yellow."

Chasing the wave knife said,

They are not short of gold.

Another half month passed.

In that mountain col.

Yue Yun looked at the crops that were already tall,

These crops have grown ears,

About ten days earlier than ordinary crops,

He was stunned,

For this month and a half, I took water by myself,

Same as ordinary crops.

More than a thousand crops grow on the ear of a plant!

More than 300 crops,

Every crop is the same!

The elder has more than a thousand ears of crops!

Many years of bookstore career told him,

If these seeds can be promoted in Yuanshan County,

The credit is not small.

A house outside the county office,

A figure walked into the house,

Once in the house. Magnificent.

This man walked through several halls,

Only then did I find the talented person.

This person gave a thin hand at Caizhu,

Started talking,

There was shock on Caizhu's thin face!

"You can see clearly. The ears on every crop are the same?"

This man stretched out his hand,

A look of eagerness.

"Absolutely see clearly, more than 300 crops,

Every crop has ears,

There are more than one thousand crops on each ear! "

Only then did he stay for a while.

"You can still plant it once this year, and it's winter.

This crop must be promoted throughout the county, and it will take at least one year.

However, this credit is still not small.

Mr. Xuan, I don’t want to give this credit to myself.

How can we share this credit? "

Only think about it.

He has the ability to focus on thinness, of course he has a background,

In Yuanshan County these years,

Relying on the original yellow, I really made a lot of money.

However, if you want to be promoted,

You have to have political achievements,

In this way, the staff can speak easily.

Mr. Xuan wants to be an official,

Only when Bo wanted to be promoted.

Both sides care about it.


Only then did Bo beckoned to this person: "You come here with your ears."

This person rushed up,

Then I strongly advocated Bo and told him,

The man nodded repeatedly.

It's really high.

This man walked out of the mansion where the talent was in charge.

after a few days,

Yuanshan County Office, in the lobby,

An official enters the lobby,

He bowed his hand towards Ang Tian Hammer: "Uncle Quan sent an invitation to invite the county magistrate and the chasing knife to a banquet.

Thanks to the magistrate and the chasing wave knife for conquering the monsters and creating peace for the people. "

Hold the invitation card in both hands and send it.

Ang Tianchui took a look at the invitation,

Written literally,

The literary talent is good.

Ang Tian hammer nodded,

"You go and tell, of course I will go to the banquet on time."

The official turned and walked out of the lobby.

The chasing knife transmits the sound,

"My God, this grandpa sent an invitation.

Uncle Quan, but the second richest man in Yuanshan County.

I said, my god, you don't have to worry about the rich coming in. "


Ang Tianchui nodded,

The mind is no longer in the office,


It's almost noon,

Ang Tianchui said: "Come on the sedan chair."


The official sedan has arrived in front of the lobby.

Ang Tianchui sat on the official sedan,

"Get up on the sedan chair and go to the whole mansion."

Ang Tian hammer.

The official sedan walked through several streets,

Arrived in front of a mansion.

A fat country squire, dressed in luxurious clothes,

Has brought a group of servants,

Standing at the door,

I saw it at the reception banquet,

One of the squires who sat down first,

Uncle Quan, with his servants, kneeled and bowed towards Ang Tian Chui.

Ang Tian hammer nodded.

A vacant hand waved: "Get up, don't be polite."

The host and guest entered the mansion of Uncle Quan,

The grandeur of the mansion,

Not worse than Uncle Xuan’s,

After a short greeting, the food was served,

Various mountain treasures were sent up.

Ang Tian hammer ate,

"Not bad."

Ang Tianchui said.

"I heard that Tianda likes music. I have a little girl who is willing to play kites for Tianda!"

Uncle Quan said,

I heard that outside the banquet hall,

A cry came: "Really? Call it up quickly."


The fire badger who came with the chasing knife,

Holding an animal leg, eyes widened ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and looked at all adults.

"It's not pretty, our uncle can't look good at all----"

Said the fire badger.

"Oh---shut up."

The chasing knife yelled at the fire badger,

The eyes of the whole hall looked over,

Chasing the wave with a smile: "Lack of discipline ----"

"Well, such a monster beast with character is really rare."

Uncle Quan said.

"Then there will be love."

Ang Tian Chui said,

Grandpa was happy,

Shouted: "Come on, please miss." (to be continued...) m

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