Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2591: Promotion

An official came down from the car,

Smiled at Ang Tian Chui,

"Congratulations Gao Sheng. // Baidu search: reading novels //"

The official said,

Ang Tianchui took a look,

It was one of the officials who greeted himself at the front of the local officials’ department,

.I haven’t seen him for a few years, he is already a seventh-rank official.

Equal to yourself,

"Thank you for your help, please come in."

Ang Tianchui said.

A group of people entered the county office of Yuanshan County.

Sit down, everyone.

"Master Tian, ​​the staff has issued a document, and he has been promoted to the prefect of Gu Songzhou.

Within a month, go to Gu Songzhou and transfer to the prefect. "

This said,

In the lobby,

All eyes looked at the Ang Tian hammer,

Ang Tian Hammer has risen so quickly?

However, in this lobby,

Officials of Yuanshan County,

The official rank is not as good as the Ang Tian hammer,

Despite the complicated vision,


Smiles appeared on each of his faces.

Ang Tianchui stood up,

Take the paperwork with both hands.

This official scooped out another document,

Loudly said: "Please Yuanshan County patrol captain chasing waves forward."

When everyone heard it, everyone looked at the wave chaser,

Is there a good thing about chasing wave knife?

The chasing knife came forward,

Step forward,

He bowed his hand towards this official.

"I am chasing wave knives."

The official nodded,

Scooped out another document,

"The official department issued a document, appointing Chaibo Dao as the head of Jinmo County in Cangwu Prefecture.

He said,

Chasing wave knife overjoyed.

Reached out and took the papers,

The magistrate of the Paradise Palace faction.

Not in Cangwuzhou?

In this way, myself and the magistrate of the Paradise Palace faction,

Don’t you see each other often?

After thinking about it,

I am the second diamond flower god,

The other party is a mortal,

I need to be afraid of him.

Chasing the wave knife thinking,

Going to Miss Gu’s Manor,


Just tell Ms. Gu the good news.

Promoted to the master so quickly,

In the eyes of Miss Gu,

The impression must have risen.

The expression on Mr. Xuan’s face is wonderful,

His expression changed again and again,

It took a while before he recovered.

His face was already serious.

Only then looked at Mr. Xuan,

With a face of gloat,

To get along for a few years,

. He already knows Mr. Xuan,

Before entering Yuanshan County,

Just a poor man.

These few years,

Although I received some gifts,

However, that little money,

Want to be the master.

Not enough.

After reading the document,

Just went to the restaurant for dinner.

Everyone drinks toast,

The scene is very lively,

Mr. Xuan was absent-minded,

The chasing sword is the master first than Mr. Xuan,

For everyone in Yuanshan County,

I didn't expect it.

The sky hammer gave gifts to Master Cang,

Take the servant with you,

Originally thought,

There should be one's own affection.

It seems that

This affection,

It's far from enough for my classmate.

Mr. Xuan realized that

Officials and improper officials,

It's a completely different world.

You think it’s a lot of love,

In others,

Maybe it's just an impression.

Mr. Xuan has no thoughts for this

Lord Han from the staff toasted,

This Lord Han was in the staff department back then,

He and Mr. Xuan,

I have had a few contacts,


Everyone is humble,


Lord John,

He is already a seventh-grade official.

Ang Tian hammer came over,

"Prepare a hundred catties of gold for Lord John."

Upon hearing the voice of Ang Tian Hammer,

Only then did Mr. Xuan react: "Oh-----"

Go out of the banquet hall and handle it.

Looking at the yellow gold bars,

Mr. Xuan sighed with emotion.

"Classmates, how can it compare to gold bars."

Lord John looked at the box,

Smiles all over his face.

A hundred catties of gold,

For him, an official who runs errands,

The friendship is not shallow.

"It seems that Lord John really wants to make my friend,

Then I was disrespectful. "

Lord John said.

"Where? It's my honor for Lord John to accept some gifts."

The banquet is over,

Lord John is just a messenger,

It’s not good to stay in Yuanshan County,

Hand over,

. Take the team goodbye,

Mr. Xuan put Lord Han in the car,

Lord John looked at Mr. Xuan,

"Old Xuan, work harder. You should be the master.

There are a lot of candidates introduced from various aspects. "

After that, I got into the cart.

Mr. Xuan thought,

"Sure enough, I have to work harder."

From other officials in the staff department,

The same need to move around,


Master Cang can't help himself,

Do this step,

This step is up to you.

The officials of Yuanshan County watched the convoy of Han adults go away,

Put your hand down,

Everyone thought,

Who can be lucky,

Taken to the prefecture as an official?

Just saw,

Mr. Xuan waved his hand: "Yue Yun, come here."

Yue Yun, deputy head of the clerk class of Yuanshan County, walked over.

Mr. Xuan ordered to Yue Yun,

Can be brought to the state capital by the Lord Tian,

This appointment is definitely one of them.


Ang Tian Chui has been in Yuanshan County for several years,

Although he has done a few big achievements,


bsp; But the monk’s Taoism,

Played a big role,

The officials of Yuanshan County,

Didn't play a big role,

There are not many contacts with Ang Tianchui.

This is the monk magistrate,

Different from ordinary county officials.


Ang Tianchui greeted the officials of Yuanshan County.

"Everyone come to the county office and have a meeting together."

Ang Tian hammer said,

Everyone walked towards the county office.

Ang Tian hammer was transferred away,

However, he was promoted to Yuanshan County as his boss.

The officials of Yuanshan County,

Hurrying to fawn.

Everyone sat down in the county office,

Ang Tian Chui spoke,

"In the past few years I have been in Yuanshan County, everyone has been very supportive of my work.

I thank you all! "

In the lobby, there was applause.

"Everyone did a good job."

Ang Tianchui said the names of several officials,

These officials were flattered to hear ~www.wuxiaspot.com~.


Ang Tianchui's conversation turned: "The leader of the sword cyclist of the agricultural team,

The performance is particularly good. I propose that the leader of the sword cyclist team be the deputy leader of the agricultural team. "

He said this.

The leader of Yuanshan County Agricultural Team was the first to stand up,

Loudly said: "Tian Da Ren is really accurate, I usually watch the chasing wave knife diligently, it is a good material for doing things.

I totally agree with Tianda's proposal. "

Everyone knows now,

It turned out that Ang Tian Hammer was rushing to promote the sword cyclist.

The rush leader of the patrol team and the river leader of the business team,

Agree immediately,

The big and small officials of Yuanshan County in the lobby,

They all agreed.

This will fall apart,

The captain of the agricultural team wrote an official document.

The content is to promote the sword cyclist to be the deputy captain of the agricultural team.

Ang Tian hammered out the magistrate's seal!

Sword cyclists from outside the county government came in,

He bowed his hand to the officials in the county office,

Scoop the official document,

The deputy captain of the agricultural team of Yuanshan County officially took office.

A few people in the lobby,

Ang Tian hammer, chasing wave knife, sword fairy guests all smiles,

Only Mr. Xuan,

The smile on his face looks like,

So reluctantly,

A few people in this county government hall,

I have not been promoted.

How can you make Mr. Xuan laugh,

"Mr. Xuan, there is something for you to help.

Can you help me to send the letter of appointment to Mr. Xuan, Mr. Quan’s house,

I want to marry Xuanxiuwen, Miss Quan Danhong.

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