Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2616: flood season

   These few officials of the governor’s office,

   received the receipt,

took a look,

   "It's almost noon----"

  A little official said,


   The sun is only a few feet high,

   "Captain Ao, let's go to dinner together.. read."

   said the little official who notified Aotianjian to come over for acceptance.

   "Okay, go to the restaurant."

   Aotian Sword named the best restaurant in Dun County.

  The little official guarding the warehouse smiled on his face and greeted the little official at the governor’s office.

   "Go, let's go together."

   and a few officials from the governor’s office,

   walked out of the warehouse.

   "My lord, these have nothing to do with these little officials.

   Why bother with them. "

   said the little official who called Aotianjian over.

   Aotianjian nodded and said to the little official,

  " Come according to the rules,

   What to do, just do it. "

   "Thank you, Captain Ao."

   The little official said,

   This meal is in the best restaurant in the county,

   While eating, the atmosphere is quite harmonious.

   Of course, after eating,

   One gift per person.

   These few officials from the governor’s office walked out of Dun County contentedly.

   Aotianjian returned to his office room,

   Compared with the prefectural offices, the deputy captain of the county’s industrial and commercial team worked,

   is just a small room,

   can't even compare to the rooms of ordinary large families.

   Aotian Sword urged the communication circle,

   An image of Ang Tian Hammer emerged,

   Aotian Jian said today's affairs.

   Ang Tianhammer smiled wryly.

   "Several counties have received the materials allocated,

   The same situation as you encountered.

   That's it, don't worry about these things. "

   Ang Tianhammer said.

   "My God, the supplies are not enough,

   The effect of transforming the field is not the best.

   But, Brother Tian uses Taoism,

   should have a supplementary effect. "

   Aotianjian said.

  "Aotian sword, according to my rules,

   Break a mountain, easy----

   It is not easy to transform a mountain into a good field.

   I’m just a four-diamond flower god, monk Jindan,

   is not a god. "

   Ang Tian Chui sat on the seat of the prefect,

   It seems,

   is already a little serious.

  "My god, since this project has been rolled out,

   At least, the fields around Bihe look decent. "

   Aotian Sword said,

   Ang Tianhammer nodded: "That's the only way."

  "Brother Tian, ​​these fields, you don’t need to make them too well,

   Yesterday, I saw a few squires---" Aotianjian said what he saw during the meal yesterday.

   Ang Tianchui smiled: "There are many such things. I gradually get used to it."

   closed the communication circle.

   One thought,

   Brother Tian married a beautiful woman,

   I enjoyed it,

   I'm used to seeing problems.

   A few days later, the application of compound fertilizer began.

  This process,

   There must be certain requirements.

   Aotian hammer again visited various townships.

   has been busy for another half month,

  Bihe River has started to rise, and the spring flood has begun,

   The vision of the entire Gu Songzhou,

   all stared at Bihe.

   The high-yield crop seeds that Ang Tian hammer took out are good,

   Chunxun used to plant seeds,

   can also be harvested.

   "This year's rain is not small, and the flood season is not easy."

   Inside the prefect Yamen,

   Everyone is talking.

  The upper reaches of Bihe River, there is a lot of rainfall in Gusongzhou.

   only ten days,

   Bihe in ancient Songzhou,

   The water surface is almost level with the river bank.

   The staff of the Ministry of Engineering,

   all went up and patrolled the embankments,

   sponsor level,

   can receive the report in the hall,

   There is no host level,

   Don’t even think about enjoying yourself in the hall.

   On this day, the minister of engineering is looking at the official document.

  He is quite nervous. In previous years, the water surface was almost level with the river bank.

 Small gaps and dangers have begun to appear.


   The sound of footsteps quickly walked towards the hall where the Ministry of Industry Office official's office.


   A small official walked in,

   said loudly to the Minister of Industry.


   the Minister of Industry said sharply!

   There must be a small breach!

  "To this day,

   Hongfeng has reached its maximum value in previous years,

   Everything went smoothly without any breaches. "

   said the little official.

   didn't come to report the breach?

  " Didn't you even show up in one shot?

you sure! "

   The expression on the face of the Minister of Industry,

   suddenly became unbelievable.

stand up,

   This little official handed the report up.

   "Sent here with a camel beast this morning."

   The Minister of Industry took a look,


   There are reports from small officials who patrol the embankment everywhere,

   There is no gap in the embankment.

"it is good----"

   The Minister of Industry is overjoyed,

   immediately walked towards the prefect lobby,

   reported to the Tianzhifu.

   The prefect of heaven read the report and nodded: "Yes,

   This is the commander-in-chief of this prefect, and this has allowed the spring flood this year to pass safely. "   Ang Tianhammer said,

The Minister of Industry, it’s not surprising at all,

   Such a good thing,

   The Ministry of People’s Ministry puts on itself,

   is strange.

   "That's, the gods and martial arts----"

   Minister of Industry,

   said immediately,

   talked for a long time,

   Ang Tian hammer nodded,

   "You did a good job of this matter."

   The Minister of Industry is overjoyed,

   talked for a long time,

   Tian Zhifu finally said a positive sentence.

   The Minister of Industry has just walked out of the lobby.

   Ang Tianhammer's communication method ringed.

   At a glance, it is a water-splitting beast.

   Fen Shui Beast's face was cold.

   "Lord Tian, ​​you made the field, the King Guan Dao of Kunwenjiang sent someone over.

   wants me to send water,

   Drown out most of the Tianda man-made fields! "


   Ang Tian Hammer is not lightly surprised.

   Ang Tian Chui transforms the field in Bihe,

   This Tian Yi made it,

   Achievements are not small,

   Based on the previous experience,

   will never be so safe,

   As expected,


When    came, it was Yuan Ying Hua Shen's men.

   "Where is the person sent by King Guandao."

   Ang Tianhammer said.

  " is the water wolf spirit of the three-diamond flower god. It has already rolled back to Wenjiang,

   The family is the subordinate of Guan Dao Wang, come and leave if you want. Said the water beast.

   said that the water beast,


  His order to King Guandao,

   is more difficult to do ().

   can cultivate to the four-diamond flower god,


   has been hundreds of years.

   speaking tactfully,

   "I will come to you immediately."

   Ang Tian Chui said,

   went back to his room,

   Fa Jue,

   People have already left the prefect of Gu Songzhou.

   Master Prefect,

   will not go to court for a few days,

   This is too ordinary~www.wuxiaspot.com~ body shape,

   Ang Tian hammer turned into a dark yellow escape light,

   has rushed into the air,

   towards the direction of Tianbi Dongfu,

   Flying over like lightning ().

   Just a few moments,

   He has flown to the top of Tianbi Cave Mansion,

   Dao Fa,

   the dark yellow escapes the light,

  The distance is one foot,

  Bi River has separated,

  In an instant,

   He has arrived outside Bihe Dongfu,

   The water wave shook,

  Fenshui Beast has come out,

  "You are not in charge of Guan Dao Wang-----

   don’t listen to him,

  If the King of Swordsman comes over,

   I called the Wandering Sword, Xuan Qianhe came over.

   Ordinary Yuanying Flower God, I am not afraid! "

   Ang Tian Chui said,

  Difenshuibeast thought,

   Look at their strengths,

   Once they join forces,

   Ordinary Yuanying Flower God is really not afraid ()!

   "I can leave it alone,

   But, the water wolf spirit said,

   If I don’t send water,

  The King of Guandao came to Bihe to send water by himself,

   I want to leave it alone. "

   In this water beast,

   This water divider, an ancient alien species,

   Although not much,

   But this sword master, there is a bit of fear.

   If the person occupying the Tianbi Cave is an ordinary four-diamond flower **** monster,

   He Guan Dao Wang,

   Yuanying Flower God,

   I send water when I come over,

   No need to say hello! (To be continued.

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