Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2617: Huoluoshan talk

next to,

Yan Pang Dao immediately said: "I also merged with the mystery of the water system.

The water system training seat in there, give me one... "

The Hongpao guest immediately showed upset on his face.

"You cultivate the profound waters, I did not cultivate the profound waters,

Xuan Qianhe, the mystery of our cultivation and integration is the same.

Tell me, what should we do? "

His fusion of profound mysteries is the same as Xuan Qianhe,

It’s a combination of plant, fire and earth.

Seeing that I can't profit,

Call Xuan Qianhe up,

As your own ally.

"How to do it, integrate the four elements of mystery,

The water system is just right. "

Xuan Qianhe said,

Come out of the Fanhuadong Mansion,

Wandering Knife, Xuan Qianhe, Ang Tian Hammer felt that,

To the mystery of Taoist mystery fusion,

They seem to know a lot,

The possibility of their fusion of four elements

It seems to have improved a lot,

"Four elements are fused together,

Is that easy?

Fusion of the four elements of mystery,

The cultivation base of the Four Diamond Flower God Peak,


You can consider going through the catastrophe of Yuanying Flower God,"

The Hongpao guest is not as optimistic as Xuan Qianhe,

He did not have the adventures of Fanhuadongfu,

And there is no special tactics taught by Chairman Qian,

In the realm of cultivation,

Compared with the wandering knife, Xuan Qianhe,

It's already a lot worse!

"This fire gong has been on the mountain for hundreds of years, I think.

I'm going to use it for the fusion of the four elements. "

Said the red pao guest.

"With your talent, it should be possible for more than a hundred years.

There are so many Taoist books in the school, but they are not free. "

Ji Yuanjian said.

Mountain Flower Plane for a thousand years,

Collected jade slips of ancient monks,

It seems like a mountain.

Shanhua plane sorted out many high-end books from it,

Like a Taoist book that combines several rules,

Of course very few,


Dao books about the fusion of several lines of mysterious Taoism.

But quite a few.

"Well, the sect contribution points I have are just exchanged for a high-end four-system fusion Taoist book.

Hyun Chinwa,

You and I exchanged a different Taoist book with four elements of mystery fusion,

Let's exchange views, how? "

The red robe guest said to Xuan Qianhe,

This is for Xuan Qianhe. Things that are beneficial to Hongpao guests,

Xuan Qianhe nodded: "Yes, what you need to exchange for a high-end four-system fusion Taoist book

Contribution points cannot be collected for hundreds of years. "

How can the high-end four-system mystery fusion book be so easy to exchange.

No significant contribution points,


At this time. Jiuyuanjian spoke,

"The place where the spiritual energy of the water system's spiritual veins gathers,

Than the spiritual veins on the land, the seat for the golden core monks to practice,

Much less.

You said that there are more than a dozen golden core monks in the Great Sword Hall.

The spiritual veins of the water system there,

A seat for the golden core monks to practice.

Maybe, just seven or eight.

Seven or eight is hard to say.

The other Jindan monks of Huoluoshan,

Those who practice water system Taoism,

They need to practice seats,

What to do then? "

This said,

The four diamond flower gods here are silent.

Can feel the four diamond flower god,

I have read a lot of practice books,

of course I know,

The training seat of the water system spirit vein,

Compared with the training seat on land,

Less is more!

"If there is extra training seat, of course you can give it,

If there is no extra training seat,

You talk to them,

To carry forward the style, be patient for the time being. "

Xuan Qianhe said,

Xuan Qianhe said,

The red pao guest was silent,

Can exchange and fuse the Dao books related to the four elements of Xuan Qianhe with Xuan Qianhe,

The possibility of his fusion of the four elements of mystery,

Will greatly increase ----.

These are the training seats of other monks in Huoluoshan,

He would not fight with Xuan Qianhe.

"If you don't give a seat for practice, I can't tell them."

Yan Pangdao said.


Xuan Qianhe and Wandering Dao were upset,


The distribution of benefits is not negotiated,

This monk from Huoluoshan,

May not move.

"In this way, the medicinal materials and treasures in the Great Sword Hall,

We take half,

The other half belongs to them, this is always fine. "

Wandering knife said.

Yan Pang Dao did not speak,

"Yan Pang Dao, everyone is the same,

Don't ask too hard. "

Wandering knife said.

At this time,

The red pao guest spoke,

"Yan Pang Dao, how many training seats are there in this water system spirit vein,

This is determined by nature,

If you don't lay down the Great Sword Palace, no one knows. "

The red pao guest said,

But he was on the side of the wandering knife,

Yan Pang Dao glanced at the red pao guest dissatisfied.

However, he knew that

The monks of Huoluoshan,

there's a few,

I have a good relationship with Hongpao Ke,

If the red pao guest proposes,

To attack the Hall of Great Swords with Wandering Sword and Xuan Qianhe,

Those few golden pills will definitely agree,

Dadao Palace, but a Yuanying Flower God,

A few of them go, the Yuanying Flower God,

Customers can't take advantage of it,

Yan Pang Dao looked at Ji Yuan Sword again,

Ji Yuanjian said: "I see, the red robe guest is right.

Don’t lay down the Great Sword Palace, who knows,

There are several training seats there.

First take the treasures of the Great Sword Hall,

It is enough to give them half. "

Yan Pang Dao turned around to transmit the sound of Jiuyuan Sword: "I said,

Sweeping Sword, I know, your mind is weak,

However, this benefit cannot be ignored. "

Yan Pangdao said this.

Jiuyuanjian is not happy,

"Yan Pang Dao, I know, you want to be the leader of Huoluoshan,

But how many medicinal materials can you provide these monks,

This Huo Luo Shan was laid down by the suggestions of several of them. "

Ji Yuanjian said.

Everyone is a four-diamond flower god, without fusion of four elements,

Who will serve who.

these years,

Brother Huoluoshan,

The monk at the top of the four-diamond flower god,

There are several.

"So, talk to them first,

If there are extra training seats in the Great Sword Hall,

Talk to whom.

They are willing to participate, go together,

If you don't want to go, don't force it. "

The red pao guest said,

Don't look at the red pao guest who looks hot~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His words are reasonable.

Hongpao Ke and Jiyuanjian both said this,

Yan Pangdao nodded.

"it is good."

The three of them walked out of the hall,

To the monks on the burning mountain,

Walking to the hall of cultivation.

Wandering knife and Xuan Qianhe are drinking tea here.

But for a long time,

The golden core monks who practiced in Huoluoshan,

All walked into this hall,

"When Ang Tianchui became the prefect, such a good thing happened. Of course I am willing to go."

A Jindan monk said,

"Yes----a collection of Kunwenjiang,

There are definitely many good herbs.

It's great to be a prefect. "

The three-diamond flower **** peak monk next to him said,

This monk,

Before coming to Huoluo Mountain,

But in the early days of the Three Diamond Flower God,

Coming to Huoluoshan for decades,

It is already the pinnacle of the Three Diamond Flower God.

"I said, those little monsters in the Great Sword Hall,

We captured the Hall of Great Swords and continued to let them serve,

Collect medicinal materials and treasures in the Kunwen River. "

Beside, a three-diamond flower **** peak monk said.

All the golden core monks who practiced in Huoluo Mountain,

Everyone agreed to join the battle.

When I heard about Ang Tian Hammer, he became a prefect,

Encountered such a good thing,

Everyone's eyes are shining.

Yan Pang Dao felt that he gave Ang Tian Hammer again, which was much better than that!

"Okay, let the monks in the foundation-building period urge the magic circle,

We set off. "

Yan Pang Dao said,

Now everyone nodded. (To be continued...)

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