Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2627: Caiyu enters the palace

Don't think,

I found a few colleges,

There are some common qi training techniques,

The four-diamond flower **** cannot understand the method,

No one.

Wandering Sword and Xuan Qianhe said,

There are many people with this strength,

There are really mysterious Taoist books,

Was taken away by the cultivator long ago,

After reading this college,

It's about to be released.

After releasing the list,

If it hits,

Seek a better official position,

If not,

Back to Gu Songzhou,

Although several people think,

My article is well written,


The imperial examination is hard to say.

Just walked to the street,

In the crowd, a few people passed by,

It seems to be bright and luxurious,

Here, it is more conspicuous.

These people did not look in the direction of the college,

The wandering knife can see,

These people are not Chunluanjian, Caiyu and several female companions?

The cultivation school of Chunluan sword and Caiyu,

Founded by a disciple of the same master of cultivation for thousands of years.

It seems to be a different faction,

In fact, they are the same school.

Last time,

They were besieged,

The Wandering Knife saved them,

I said so well,

It’s best to bring the Golden Core Realm Upgrading Knife Belt Diamond Flower God out again,

This is good,

Only a few years ago?

Look at the highest-quality colored jade among them,

Six-Rank Golden Core!

Chunluan sword, close to the sixth-grade golden core!

They had a good adventure in the bustling cave mansion,

The advanced speed is fast.

Several golden pills came together,

Can already resist the three diamond flower god.

Here, there are not a few gold cores.

It can be anywhere.


Wandering around the sword, but looking at a monk who was walking with Chunluan Sword and Caiyu during the foundation period


This monk during the foundation period,

But Chuanzhe was dressed in casual clothes worn by a small official.

This is a small official,

The grade is about the same as the captain of the county's patrol team and agricultural team.

Hook up with officials?

These are four golden cores!

Wandering knife came to be interested,

General things,

.Four gold cores are not available.

Divine thought moved.

A ripple flashed across the space,

There is already an extra mark on Caiyu's battle armor.

The street is bustling,

After a few steps, no one was seen.

Several people returned to the premises,

The conditions in this premises are average.

But there are many Juren,

After eating,

Everyone got together and talked about poetry,

Strange things everywhere.

After talking about it, I fell asleep.

at night,

The wandering knife pointed at Xuan Qianhe's voice transmission,

"Shall I go out and see?"

"The monks you saw during the day. Are they Caiyu and Chunluan Sword?"

Xuan Qianhe said,

Although Xuan Qianhe had never seen Caiyu and Chunluan Sword,

But I heard the wandering knife said.


Wandering knife nodded.

"A few of them, serving as the Garden Wave Plane Committee, are they serving dishes?

Our four diamond flower gods, rules and principles,

The same as the imperial examination!

A few of them, Sixth-Rank Golden Core,

Soon Wave Plane Committee randomly came out a master,

A few of them can't hold it.

Watch them walking with the official.

That scream,

I really thought it was glorious and wealthy,

At your fingertips? "

Xuan Qianhe looked disdainful,

From Xuan Qianhe's view,

These monks. Casual identity,

Had an adventure by chance.

I have advanced to the sixth grade golden core,

I don't know who I am!

"The noble person who doesn't know where, invited four golden core monks,

Let's see, there should be no hindrance. "

Wandering knife said.

"So you want to see if there is any benefit,

Well, our Taoism, here, is enough to come and go,

Look good. "

Xuan Qianhe said.

Xuan Qianhe and the wandering sword flickered,

Has rushed into the shadows,

But in a few moments,

There have been prohibitions on the streets,

To pass this prohibition,

Not the shadow escape method can pass.

"Didn't you mean that the dedicated consecration of the Royal Prince's Mansion,

But a flower god,

This prohibition was set by at least the Three Diamond Flower God. "

Xuan Qianhe said,

"The consecration of the Royal Prince's Mansion is the **** of flowers,

This is what Ang Tian Chui said,

I think, for the masters of the Prince's Mansion,

Ang Tian Hammer didn't have much contact. "

Wandering Knife said,

Xuan Qianhe has released a brilliance,

Take a photo of the prohibition in this shadow!

In an instant,

The prohibition sent out a wave of fluctuations,

Has opened a hole,

Xuan Qianhe and Wandering Knife,

Rushed past the prohibition,

Rushed through several prohibitions in a row,

Used a lot of houses,


A magnificent house appeared.

"Prince Paradise? This palace,

It's really predestined with our Shanhua plane.

You have been here, in this palace of Paradise, and you have found the Ang Tian Hammer. "

In the shadows,

Xuan Qianhe said.

"Rules and Dao Fa have been practicing for so many years,

Can't the mortal prince's mansion enter? "

Wandering knife dismissed it.

In fact,

The Wandering Master Dao was surprised,

"We have all practiced the earth rule runes,

.The soil system rules are the best. "

Xuan Qianhe said.

"it is good----"

Wandering knife and Xuanqianhe Dao Fa reminded,

In the shadows,

Has turned into a deep yellow brilliance,

Like a boulder,

It's like nothingness,

From the street,

Lean towards the Paradise Palace,

When it comes to prohibition,

This deep yellow brilliance strikes,

Toward a roll of prohibition!

In a few moments,

Has rushed past the prohibition,

The prohibition was not damaged at all.

Rule of law,

There is also the shadow of the golden fruit in the God’s house.

This level of prohibition,

In a few moments,

Has been unlocked.


The wandering knife came,

I think the prohibition is average,

This time,

Infiltrate in the way of Taoism,


Forbidding Bidaya to pass much more.

It took half a day,

Wandering sword and Xuan Qianhe came to a house,

I saw this house,

Very beautiful.

"Looking at the decoration, you can tell at a glance that the woman lives."

Wandering knife said.

"This, let's go and see, this is for their beauties -"

Xuan Qianhe looked at the house.

"The Palace of Paradise, not a good place,

We are for their good. "


The deep yellow brilliance is flushed,

Has rushed into a pillar.

Along the pillars,

In an instant,

They have entered a room,

Three beauties Jindan,

They are all sitting and talking.

"These beauties are good,

You soak that colorful jade,

Other beauties give me bubble. "

Xuan Qianhe said.

"If you want to practice the four-diamond flower **** peak,

Comprehend Yuanying Flower God,

You can't do it in a hundred years. "

The adventures of these disciples on the plane of Shanhua,

Far from having as many committee members,

Commissioner Qian has begun to integrate the four rules of integration,

These disciples,

Trying to integrate the four elements of mystery,

Distance to realize the realm of Yuan Ying,

At least one hundred years of cultivation.

After the Yuanying catastrophe,

Even more so that their mana,

Achieve quite strong!

The several Yuanying elders of the mountain flower plane think,

These disciples,

Without considerable risk,

Has been able to practice the Nascent Soul Dao Fa,

It’s really cheap because of these elders,

"Sister Caiyu, you said, Paradise Palace wants us to join this summoning formation.

Summon powerful creatures in the devil world,

Is it really as good as they say?

I always feel that

Need three golden core sisters,

This seems a bit absurd~www.wuxiaspot.com~A companion of Caiyu said.

"A few of us, in our own school,

Medicinal herbs used for cultivation,

Mostly not,

Enter the summoning circle of Paradise Palace,

Paradise Palace can promise to give us what we need for cultivation

Give us medicinal materials, why not do it? "

Beside, Caiyu's companion said.

"Said it is to cultivate to the diamond flower god,

With the diamond flower god, how can there be such a good practice,

Since it's here, get those medicinal materials first. To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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