Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2629: The protagonist who increases skill

Every team of strong men beheaded once in the big pit,

As if there is blood,

Rushed into this formation,

The mysterious Taoism that runs in the formation,

It seemed a little more bloody.

After a long time,

In this big pit, the corpses are piled up like a mountain.

"Six hundred people have been killed, yet this formation has not been activated?

This summoned monster of the demon world must be very strong. "

Wandering knife was surprised.

Blood sacrifice, summon this alien creature,

Generally used.


Have killed so many people,

The formation was not activated.

With the four-diamond flower **** of the wandering knife,

It is also very tough.

"It must be very tough-----"

Xuan Qianhe said,

In Xuan Qianhe's tone,

It's so happy!

Of the three of them,

During the exploration near Renhefang City,

Wandering knife got an adventure,

The repair is the highest.

Ang Tian hammer went to be an official,

A few years of work,

The repair base overtakes the wandering knife,

Definitely got more adventures.

Xuan Qianhe’s cultivation base,

Has been dropped a lot by the Wandering Knife and Angtian Hammer,

This makes Xuan Qianhe hard to accept,

Xuan Qianhe’s cultivation method,

It was originally the most aggressive of the three,

It stands to reason,

The realm of Taoism should be the highest in Xuan Qianhe,

Don't think,

The worst of Xuan Qianhe!

Since arriving at the plane of wave,

The decent adventure Xuan Qianhe had,

Is to enter Fanhuadongfu,

This is the adventure of entering Fanhuadongfu,

It was the Wandering Knife who sent a message,

Let him pass by Xuan Qianhe,

Xuan Qianhe himself,

In the garden wave plane for decades,

Have never had a decent adventure.

even though,

It can be seen that

The monks traveled and explored in place,

There are few adventures,

Like Xuan Qianhe staying on a plane for decades,

But it is cheaper for the wandering knife,

Into a decent cave.

However, the wandering knife is really uncomfortable,

this time,


It was an adventure that I personally discovered.

"It's time to recite the spell----"

The fifth-rank golden pill next to True Person Xuan Hong said,

"You come to read-----"

True person Xuan Hong said.

"This book is in your hands."

The fifth grade golden pill said,

Who chants the spell,

Whoever is possible,

Put your own coordinates,

Put it in the devil world.

Seeing the real person Xuanhong and the fifth-grade golden core push around.

Next to the foundation construction period,

The man in luxurious clothes takes a step forward,

Toward the fifth-rank golden core monk shouted: "You come to read---"

Wandering knife sees,

This person, he really made alchemy back then,

The few monks in the foundation building period who often accompanied the three princesses over to watch.

This fifth grade golden core monk was furious,

Didn’t you just see that True Person Xuan Hong was promoted to the God of Diamond Flower,

I have not been promoted to the flower **** with diamond?


Although this person is a monk during the foundation period,

The representative is the palace!

These five-rank golden core monks,

From the hands of Master Xuan Hong,

I took the Taoist book and started to recite.

This book is translated from the book of the devil world,

And ordinary Jindan training system,

slidely different.

The five-rank golden core monks began to chant,


One by one real mysterious characters,

Just jumping out of his mouth,

As soon as these characters appear,

Like lightning,

Throw into this circle.

In the circle,

Immediately sent an invisible wave into the void,

It looks like

It's like water waves.

The fifth grade golden core monk chanted halfway,

A vortex has appeared in the sky,

Every whirlpool seems to pass through a space,

The center of the vortex seemed to be connected to the space far away.

The fifth grade golden core monk,

Read this book to most of the time,


From the center of the whirlpool,

A blood-red brilliance came out,

In an instant, it rushed into the altar,


In the big pit in front of the altar,

All flesh and blood,

Has rushed into the altar,

Following this blood-red brilliance,

Rush to the center of that whirlpool!

"Kacha, Kacha----"

From the center of the whirlpool,

As if there was a chewing sound.

After a while,

The flesh and blood of these hundreds of people,

This is the end of the transmission.

There was a roar like thunder,

Passed from the center of the whirlpool.


This roar,

Is talking,


A blood-red brilliance,

From the center of the whirlpool,

In an instant,

Cover the three princesses of this Paradise Palace!


The three princesses of Paradise Palace screamed.

The whole person becomes like red jade,


The cultivation base of the three princesses of the Paradise Palace,

But it is improving rapidly.

But half a tea time,

The aura of the three princesses of Paradise Palace,

Has broken through the golden core period!

Chunluan sword and Caiyu and Caiyu's companion,

Only then did I know,


Who is the protagonist in this circle?

It was this inconspicuous female nun during the foundation-building period.

"It's impossible to advance to the Golden Core so quickly---"

Xuan Qianhe said.

How complicated is advanced Jin Dan?

To understand the realm of Jindan,

Condensate the golden core, cross the golden core catastrophe!

The existence over the whirlpool,

Just reach out!

"It should not be the golden core! It is the same as the demon monk,

The path of physical training,

Condensed into the core of Taoism,

It is equivalent to the mage among the demons. "

Wandering Knife said,

Take the golden core monk’s jump path,

Jin Dan is not the difference between battle Jin Dan and magic Jin Dan.

Of course, after advanced elixir,

Monks can choose their own practice path,

Or it is mainly to practice sword art,

Or it is mainly practicing Taoism.

of course,

As Jindan advances,

Once you get to the diamond flower god,

Practice sword art,

Practicing spells, you can practice together!

The situation is different like the three princesses,

Condensed a core of Taoism,

But there is a difference between being good at Taoism or good at fighting.


The core of this kind of Taoism is not comparable to Jin Dan.

Of course, the core of this law,

Can also evolve,

Evolve to a level beyond the average Yuanying Flower God.

of course,

The price for this kind of cultivation,

Not an outsider.

No more than ten moments before and after,

The Taoism of the three princesses has been upgraded,

The blood red brilliance is collected,

Just saw,

The three county chiefs fluttered,

It looks brave and heroic.

The three princesses, toward the center of the whirlpool,

A salute,

"Great God, please increase my strength tenfold!"

Said the three county lord.

The voice was beautiful.

"Ten-fold increase? You dream of raising these sacrifices a hundredfold and then ask me!"

This time,

At the center of the vortex,

The roar that came was human language,

Help the three princesses condense the core of strength,

The monster at the center of this whirlpool,

Have learned the human language of the Yuanbo plane.

"I already have such a sacrifice here."

The three princesses smiled and said,

Smile like a flower,

This said,

Caiyu’s companion,

The face doesn't change,

Chunluan sword and Caiyu were shocked!

They come here,


On this circle,

The four of them have the highest cultivation base!

"Get out of here!"

Chunluanjian shouted!

Just saw,

Chunluan sword, Caiyu, and Caiyu’s companion standing at the feet,


A mysterious rune rose up,

In an instant,

The four of them have been restrained!

of course,

The four of them stood on this circle,

Body protection,

Of course it is urged.

These runes are one liter!

Put them together with the Taoist method of body protection,

Cover it together!

They reminded Dao Fa at the same time!

Turning into thousands of sword energy, water waves, flames surge toward this big net!

This big net deformed for a while,

There was a thunder-like boom!

The runes of this big net become thinner,

Recovered quickly!

"Without the cultivation base of the Three Diamond Flower God, it is impossible to break away from this method."

Xuan Qianhe sneered.

"The medicinal materials of the Palace of Paradise are so easy to use? I really think I am a great god."

Wandering knife said.

These few people don’t listen to the wandering knife,

Make the wandering knife feel funny.


These people are lucky,

every time,

Can run into his wandering knife.

"However, these people can't be taken away by the powerhouse of the demon world.

They went to Fanhuadongfu,

Fanhua Dongfu, you can't let such a strong person know,


This kind of strong come to the garden wave plane,

The benefits of Fanhuadongfu,

We can't get it. "

The wandering knife said,

Xuan Qianhe nodded repeatedly.

The life and death of these golden core monks,

He Xuan Qianhe would not take it seriously,


Such a strong person, if they come to the wave plane in the garden to find Fanhuadongfu,

Right with him,

It may be a monk in the transformation stage of the Giant Rock Shrine,

Xuan Qianhe's thought changed,

This blood red brilliance,

Has turned into a giant claw!

A shield came quickly,

Like thunder and lightning,

Has become a few feet old,

One block towards this giant claw!


There was a huge shock,

The whole space shook violently,

In an instant,

This shield has been beaten for more than a hundred meters,

Directly embedded in the rock wall,

Immediately, the prohibition in the rock wall has been activated,

In an instant,

A burst of sword energy,

Has suddenly blasted onto this shield,

A touch of sword energy and shield,

It turned into a huge fireball,

The entire shield was covered by the exploded fireball.


This giant hand,

Has been broken up,

one way or another,

This is the Taoism that came from many planes,

Able to span such a long distance,

There is still a powerful force,

This existence,

It is already very powerful.

In this moment,

The shield and big hand touched,

A ripple waved away,

In an instant,

A violent fluctuation occurred over the entire formation.

Can build this summoning circle ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ must be considered,

The power of the creature to be summoned.

The protective circle is of course opened.

However, I did not expect

The confrontation that appeared was so strong,

The shield fluctuates violently,

The person in the shield,

Most of them are already unstable,

Left his position,

In a thousandth of an instant,

Hundreds of sword lights have hit the shield,


The shield blasted a hole,

A sword light rushed in,

Swirl around the monks who were bound by Taoism!

Chunluan sword, colorful jade, big net on the companion of colorful jade,

Has exploded suddenly!

The sword light has flashed,

In the eyes of Chunluan Sword, Caiyu, and Caiyu's companions,

Only then did it leave traces as if flying across the sky.

It seems to give people a kind,

The general feeling of passing a long history!

Several people have advanced to Jin Dan,

Frozen did not see how people made swords.

I saw the shield of this formation burst open suddenly,

The sword light flashed,

The Dao Fa web that trapped a few people has suddenly shattered!

These few people have met today,

A real master of sword art,


A few people’s ears,

At the same time, there was a loud shout. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, give a reward, and your support is my biggest motivation.)

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