Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2641: Sword cut flame

The faces of three monks in red armor,

At the same time the color changes.

"What I said, it turns out that they have invited the Three Diamond Flower God to watch here,

let's go. "

next to,

Said the long-faced monk.

These people,

Able to practice the flower god,

The second diamond flower god, it can be said that he has experienced many battles.

"There is only one battle."

The two diamond flower **** said.


As if the sound of the tide came,

But this tide, as if coming from the air,

In the feeling of these three people,

A hundred miles in the sky,

There are general surging waves.

It feels like a wave, like a mountain.

The person standing in the air,

Dao Fa has been urged.

This person is the Mountain Sword.

"So powerful, not an ordinary three-diamond flower god."

Beside, the flower **** who did not speak said.

"Let's make swords together!

With all their strength out of the sword together, the ordinary four-diamond flower gods must let go,

Not to mention the three diamond flower god. "

The two diamond flower **** in the middle,

A look!

The other party’s three-diamond flower god,

Has urged such a wide range of Taoism,

Three of them,

Don't want to leave here easily,

"it is good---"

At the same time, the diamond flower **** responded.

Dao Fa urges,

Mountains rise up from a flower **** with a diamond,

There is fire on the mountain.

A flame was rising from a diamond flower god,

There are thousands of boulders rolling in the flames.

The three of them urged,

It turns into three flames,

Go straight into the sky.

In an instant, more than forty miles have been rushed out.

Cut at the person in the air far away!

The power that seems to break through thousands of miles of mountains and rivers!

With a wave of the mountain climbing sword,

A warhammer,

Hit one of the flower gods,

The person next to you can't feel it,

This one diamond flower god.

Seeing this warhammer,

Swept towards myself,

As if there are a hundred mountains,

I hit myself,

The warhammer did not touch his sword light,


Your own body protection method,

Like a boulder,

Make a cracking sound!

The activation of the sword tactic,

The speed is reduced by at least half.

This magic weapon is not worse than that monk,

Under the control of the Three Diamond Flower God Spiritual Mind,

Own this belt diamond flower god.

There is no way to avoid it.

He yelled,

There is already an extra shield in his hand,

Sword Jue urges,

The sword light is like stars,

Slash towards this warhammer!

Every star is turned into a boulder burning with flames,

Do not ask to be able to block this warhammer.

Use the strongest sword technique,

Just reduce the power of the warhammer,

Thousands of swords light and warhammer touched,


With a thunderous sound,

The flying sword in his hand,

It has exploded completely.


He held the shield in his hand for a block!

Dharma has been transformed into the shield,

It is the mountains that burn this flame.


This sits on the shield,

Together with the left arm holding the shield,

Blow to pieces together!

Just saw it.

A cyan sword light flashed,

There was already a circle of flames,

Flash towards yourself!


This monk,

Has been chopped into pieces!


The two diamond flower **** and the diamond flower god.

The flame flashed like an explosion,

Has escaped for dozens of miles,


A few sword lights suddenly crossed ten miles away!

Two diamond flower **** and diamond flower god,

At the same time it urged ten thousand flames,

One stop toward these swords!

A vortex of flames,

In an instant,

Turned into thousands of sparks splashing.

The flower **** with diamonds,

With a flying sword, a sword light to urge the hair,

Be cut to pieces!

A dozen blood bursts out of these two diamond flower gods,

The secret call is not good,

Today we are going to be robbed here.

One turn around,

The flames all over his body suddenly exploded,

The whole person has disappeared from a distance,

Escape to the distance,

If the opponent has the same cultivation base as him,

I really can't stop this flame escape method.


Just saw,

Those people,

Reach out,

There seem to be thousands of big waves sitting in the sky, huge mountains,

Around the two diamond flower god,

In an instant,

The speed of these two diamond flowers in the air,

By an extremely fast flame,

The figure of this monk appeared,

But I walked more than a mile,

A flame of sword light swept away,

The monk has his head flying,

Jin Dan rushed,

Has been taken away by this flame sword light.

Although these people are the pinnacles of the Three Diamond Flower God,


In terms of rules,

Already have some attainments.

The two diamond flower **** uses the flame escape method,

They urged the rules and the law,

In an instant, you can escape hundreds of miles of flame Taoism,

Can't move forward.

Absolute advantage in Taoism attainments,

Absolute attainments in magic weapons,

But a few tricks,

These people,

Has been robbed.

Of course, if these three should not be robbed,

The new farm next to Bihe was finished today.

Ang Tian Hammer's official route in the Daren Kingdom ends here.

"Okay, you guys, the golden core has been initially refined,

After getting the memory inside, talk to Ang Tian Chui. "

In the air,

Jiuyuanjian stood.

Just now, he didn't make a move,

A few three-diamond flower **** peak monks,

Dao Fa, Jian Jue a reminder.

Have done things well,

A few three diamond flower **** peaks returned to the resting place,

Began to refine the golden core,

It was early in the morning,

The ancient Songzhou state capital spread.

Last night,

Someone saw Guanghua traveling thirty miles in the air,

Like lightning,

Accompanied by a huge thunder.

In the ancient Songzhou prefecture,

Officials, large and small, know it.

The powerful monk took action,

One thought,

Supervising the impeachment of Tianzhifu by officials under Yushi,

The emperor has given the impeachment memorial and the inspection report of the deputy prefect

Issued to the cabinet meeting.

The monk who shot,

Which aspect is involved---

For these rights struggles,

People in officialdom.

It's clear though.

The officials of all sizes in Gusongzhou immediately pretended not to see or heard anything.

Even the patrol team of Gusongzhou Patrol Office,

Did not patrol the spot where the sword light was shining.

Ji Yuan Jian has already explained the general situation to Ang Tian Hammer.

Of course, Ang Tianhammer is not willing to send a patrol.

The deputy prefect of the emperor, the war participated in the record, and the officials of each department are more.

The emperor gave it to the cabinet,

How dare they take care?

After a day,

Another communication from Jiuyuanjian.

"It's the monks invited to Qiushan Country Qiuhuashan from the special warfare of Prince Shan's Mansion,

These three monks, in Qiuhuashan, have caves suitable for fire and earth cultivating. "

Ji Yuanjian said.

Sure enough, it was a special battle.

After a while,

Ang Tianchui said: "The Dongfu of Qiuhuashan, you figure it out.

Fighting there, he is the worship of Prince Shan's Mansion.

Don't go find him,

If he finds someone, then he can. "

Ji Yuan Jian nodded: "Okay."

But one day,

A sword light appeared for dozens of miles in the vicinity of Bihe in Ancient Songzhou.

It was passed to Prince Shan's Mansion.

the most important,

Xinzaotian beside Bihe River in Ancient Songzhou,

Safe and sound.

In an office,

A waiter walked in quickly,

Toward a special battle.

"Special consecration, the prince would please."

"it is good."

Fight to stand up quickly,

With the waiter,

Go to the hall where Prince Shan is working.

In the magnificent hall,

Special battle walked into the hall,

He bowed his hand to Prince Shan.

"For the special battle, see Prince Good."


The spirit of fighting,

But clearly saw the anger on Prince Shan's face.

"Yesterday, beside the new farm in Bihe, Gu Songzhou,

Sword Qi occurred for dozens of miles!

Is it the one you invited,

Why is the new field next to Gu Songzhou so good? "

Prince Shan said.

"I don't know, I will contact them."

The consecration said,


Prince Shan said.

Special war worship and exit the main hall,

A reminder of the law,

It is connected with those communicative artifacts with the Diamond Flower God in Qiuhuashan.

The three communication arrays with diamond flower gods all send out Taoist signals,


No one responded!

Although as a flower **** with diamonds,

Fighting on the forehead of the Golden Core Flower God,

The sweat has come down.

These three people may have been robbed!

These three teamed up,

But it can resist the Four Diamond Flower God!

Say this,

That Tianzhifu,

Monks in the foundation period,

Masters that can be used,

There are four diamond flower gods?

If this matter is not handled well,

He fought specifically, this Prince's Mansion dedicated to the chief,

But I can't be anymore.

Zhan Zhan thought of a Taoist book in God's Mansion and a few treasures.

Relying on this book and magic weapon,

The special battle is advanced with the diamond flower god,

Advanced Second Diamond Flower God, but it takes more time,

This book was obtained from the Buddhist Scripture Pavilion in Prince Shan’s Mansion.

He has been working for the Prince's Mansion for some years.


In the eyes of the people in Prince Shan’s Mansion,

It's just the jewelry of the past.

I took these jewels in a special battle,

People in the palace feel that the requirements are not high.

He thought for a while and walked to the hall,

"Master, the monks I invited are still in the cave,

Did not make a move,

I urge them. "

Prince Shan nodded,

The news he got,

Tianzhifu didn’t do anything,

"Okay, hurry up,

Tomorrow, the court meeting will come out. "


Consecrated in a dedicated battle,

Out of the main hall,

He knew some monks,

However, most monks who know

The cultivation base does not have him dedicated to Gao.

After thinking about it, now, I can only go there once.

He walked towards the office lobby of the Shi Lang.

As soon as he entered the office lobby of the minister,

He bowed his hand at Shi Lang Kei.

"Master Qing, I'll go out to invite the monks,

However, a few treasures are still needed. "

Qing Shi Lang frowned.

I only took a few gems a few days ago,

This time, I said I would come to the treasure again,

However, this matter is a big deal,


How many warehouses are there in the warehouse?

"Okay, say, I will give you approval right away~www.wuxiaspot.com~King Shi Lang said,

The dedicated war worship said the name of the treasure needed.

Why these monks like treasures that are neither jade nor stone.

these things,

It is a kind of bonsai sculpture.

Shi Lang nodded,

Wrote a note,

Sign your name.

Special consecration holding this note,

Walked more than a mile,

Has arrived at the building,

Next to the building,

More than thirty guards patrolled,

among them,

There are several monks who are in the Qi training period.

Specialize in the opinion room next to the knife warehouse,

In the room,

There are a few small officials sitting,

Succumbed to the battle,

"Fighting for worship, here comes again."

A smile bloomed on Zhanzhan’s face,

First take out a piece of gold,

Have big fists,

Give it to these little officials.

"No, I can only help the prince be more diligent."

These people took the gold,

Look at each other,

Not bad,

The monk, for the gold category,

It's more ordinary.

Took the gold,

Only then did Zhan Zhan hand over Qing Shi Lang's note.

These little officials took a look.

"The treasure this time,

A few of us, we are going to get it together. "


A small official guarded in the room,

A few other officials entered the warehouse together,

After a while,

The sound of footsteps came out,

. Several people carried a stone that was tall,

Came over from the warehouse.

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