Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2650: School officer dispatched

They went out of Huoluoshan,

The training seat of Huoluoshan,

Used for their Golden Fruit Shadow,

Since there is a 300-year priority to use,

This is a training seat for the golden core monks,

Never let it to others,

Let your own golden fruit shadow practice,

Once the shadow of golden fruit has realized the realm of golden core,

The feelings of both sides are united,

There may be a major breakthrough in the cultivation realm.

The cultivation world has been around for so many years,

Various cultivation methods are already widely known.

After eating,

Everyone went back to the cave house to understand this treasure together,

Wandering Knife and Ang Tian Hammer,

Also sent a shadow of golden fruit to the cave mansion to understand this treasure.

The proposal to serve as deputy governor did not pass the cabinet,

Ang Tian Chui knew,

Within a few years,

Serving as deputy governor has nothing to do with me,

Have fun.

The snow in the prefect’s yamen has been cleaned up,

The sun shining obliquely,


Ang Tianchui sat in the courtyard next to the lobby,

Looking at the Taoist book,

More comfortable.

In this weather, read the Taoist book,

There may be progress.

Ang Tian Chui looked at,

Mr. Xuan came in,

Arched his hand towards,

"Master Tian, ​​the governor's office informed,

There are some powerful monsters from Chunluozhou,

Came towards Gu Songzhou here. "

Demons invaded,

There are a lot of monsters on the Yuanbo plane,

Snowy day,

Lack of food,

World of Warcraft scurried across the country on the plane of the garden.

look for food,

Walk thousands of miles, tens of thousands of miles,

This is commonplace across countries.

"Tell the ancient colonel of the Patrol Department. Deputy Colonel Autumn,

Originally because of the chaos of these monsters,

Each country recruited base-building monks in the patrol and defense teams. "

Ang Tianchui said.

The monk, who entered the officialdom of mortals, was approved by the Garden Wave Plane Committee,

Mainly the patrol team.

Ancient school officer. Deputy Colonel Autumn,

Is a monk during the foundation period,

Inside the patrol hall,

There are ten monks in the Qi training period,

Ordinary monsters are enough to deal with.

Mr. Xuan,

For more than a year,

Next to Bihe, the loud noise and flashes that rushed for dozens of miles,

Everyone in Gu Songzhou knows,

There must be strong comprehensions fighting.

Mr. Xuan thought,

These cultivation powerhouses. It's okay with Tianzhifu,

Will these cultivators fight for the new fields beside Bihe?

He wanted to report to Tianzhifu,


Tianzhifu, can you send a master to help the patrol team,


Tianzhifu said no at all.

Mr. Xuan walked to his office,

Give the paper to the small official next to him.

"Send this to the Patrol Department,

The Lord has an order.

The Patrol Department was dispatched. "

The clerk took the paperwork and bowed his hand.


The manpower of the Patrol Department,

It is the most in the state capital.

Of course, it's the same as each hall.

In the prefect’s yamen, there is only one office,

Three wing rooms.

The little official walked into this office.

Colonel Gu is reading a book,

Like Ang Tian Hammer,

I read this book.

Able to be the patrol director of Gusongzhou,

Don't say anything else,

Those pharmacy owners,

That's not flattering.

Don't worry about the pill for cultivation.


It is to comprehend the realm of Jindan.

Don’t worry about practicing pill,

Focus on studying Taoism,

The cultivation realm of the ancient school officer,

The progress is not small.


Colonel Gu has considered,

Crossing the golden pill of heaven,

To refine those protective magic weapons.

In the city of Daren,

There are those magic weapons that suit you.

I heard that there are monks in Renhefang City,

You can hold the black iron ore produced in Xuangu Mountain,

Produce precious materials by yourself,

You can refine the magic weapon of the Golden Core Period.

Daren once used the Xuangushan Xuan Iron Mine,

I have refined a lot of magical instruments,

These artifacts,

Colonel Gu can get some,

Precious materials,

The ancient colonel has collected a lot.

I went to Renhefang City that day,

Refining a golden core defense magic weapon,

Colonel Gu didn’t know,

I went to Renhefang to find people,

It is the shadow of Golden Fruit of Ang Tian Hammer.

This little official came in,

The ancient colonel smiled at the little official.

This is the little official next to Mr. Xuan,

This little official brought the papers,

"Master Tian asked you to patrol immediately,

Defend the border between Gusongzhou and Chunna. "

Colonel Gu nodded: "Okay.

Officer Qiu and I immediately led people out. "

These things,

It snows every year.

Compared with Dang San Xiu,

The work of the Patrol Department is much easier.

The ancient colonel walked out of the prefect's yamen,

The office house of the Patrol Department,

It’s not far from the prefect yamen,

All members of the patrol team,

Office here.

Colonel Gu walked into the patrol team,

"Hello school officer---"

The guards saluted him one after another.

He walked into a hall,

Deputy Colonel Qiu, he works here.

The ancient colonel handed the document to the deputy colonel Qiu,

"Master Tian ordered to prepare for patrol.

Convene monks during the Qi training period. ".

This kind of task, in casual repair,

It's the simplest task,


It is still not something that the peak cultivator of Innate Warrior can participate.

A monk who can't advance to the Qi training period will have no mana, and his spiritual consciousness is not strong.

Although the Kingdom of Darren has distributed some battle armors of the monks in the foundation period,

These armors can bring their own celestial stones,

Urged by divine thoughts,

Still not the mortals at the peak of these innate warriors can spur the armor.

After reading the documents, the school officer nodded: "Come here, gather the monks during the Qi training period!"

After a while,

Between the parties,

During the Qi training period, the monk quickly ran out,

Arrived in the office of the deputy colonel in autumn.

Deputy Colonel Qiu talked about the situation.

"The monsters that came from Chunra State,

The cultivation base is not clear, put on the armor of the monk during the foundation construction period,

Fight with all your strength. "


Ten monks in Qi training period,

Answer together.

These foundation-building monks' battle armor,

Da Renguo bought it from the Garden Wave Plane Committee,

It can be filled with celestial stones as power,

The user needs a certain spiritual mind,

Can drive this battle armor to give play to the foundation-building monks’

Dao Fa.

Able to use the battle armor of the base-building monk as a monk in the Qi training period,

These qi training monks were also satisfied.

These dozen monks got on the camel beast,

A reminder,

Camel beasts galloped on the streets of Gusongzhou.

The camel beast galloped up,

Much faster than a big car.

In the morning, I left Gusongzhou~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and drove hundreds of miles,

Only in the afternoon did he enter Daqingshan County.

Once entering Daqingshan County,

Everyone released their minds and looked around,

"Don't be afraid, if the road is not built in Daqingshan County,

Entered Daqingshan County to patrol,

Usually nothing will happen. "

Colonel Gu said,

There are powerful monks in Daqingshan County,

This powerful monk,

Is a man or a demon,

None of them is clear,


If you don’t build roads in Daqingshan County,

This monk,

They will not care about their patrols.

They entered the magistrate of Daqingshan County,

The magistrate of Daqingshan County came out to greet,

one way or another,

Colonel Gu is the director of the Gu Songzhou Patrol Department.

Have dinner together.

"Let's take a look at the border with Chunna State."

Colonel Gu said,

"Then please take care of everyone."

The magistrate of Daqingshan County said.

This is the difference between them and Ang Tian Hammer.

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