Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2652: Golden Core Monster

Everyone received the sword light,

Show up,

These monks rushing from the air,

On the battle armor, there is a sign that the circle plane has gotten the committee.

It turned out to be a patrol team of the Sono Wave Plane Committee.

The monk of the Gu Songzhou Patrol Department,

Tao Fa was withdrawn.

Take a look at this armor,

The battle armor sold by the Park Wave Plane Committee,

Has the mark of Daren,

Soonpa Committee took a look,

Turn around to go.


The golden core monk,

Look at those flowers and plants,

Just "Huh? Qingshanhua? Not bad."

He stopped,

This Qingshan flower,

But the medicinal materials that can increase spirituality.

The Golden Fruit Shadow of Aotian Sword frowned,

This villa,

The place where the spiritual energy converges seems to be the tightest,

Where medicinal materials are grown outside,

General protection,

How can I think of these giant beasts,

Rushed in,

The power of a few giant beasts,

No longer inferior to Jindan masters,

Broke the ban,

Chewed on these medicinal materials.

When I heard the golden core monk on the wave plane in this garden say this,

The golden fruit shadow of this proud sky sword arched his hand,

"We are cultivating in a casual way, relying on these precious medicinal materials to earn some fairy stones."

"Oh, how many Qingshan flowers you have here, I want them all."

The golden core monk said,

Qingshanhua, among the medicinal materials that increase spirituality,

It's medium grade.

Can really cultivate good,

It is not easy to do.

The Qingshan flowers of this manor look at their branches and leaves. colour,

It is top grade.

Don’t look at this person as Jin Dan,

A certain amount of medicinal materials can be exchanged from the Yuanbo Plane Committee every year,



There are so many monks in the Yuanbo Plane Committee,

How many high-quality products can be exchanged for,


Brother Jindan, Shennian Dao Fa is powerful,

Top grade, middle grade. How can you not know the huge difference in the low-grade medicinal materials?

"These are planted, the others have been sold."

The Golden Fruit Shadow of Aotian Sword said,

The manor he built,

Planted herbs,

Same as the manor of Ang Tian Hammer.

Almost use it yourself.

Even if you want to shoot,

Will also find Kun Mihui and Khenpolan Chamber of Commerce to shoot.

Or, the equipment shop opened by the Shanhua plane itself.

This Jin Dan monk just changed his face and was not happy in his heart.

However, during the foundation building period, the loose repair of planting medicinal materials,

Such a lack of cooperation,


He is a member of the Yuanpa Committee.

At first glance, there are several Gu Songzhou Patrol and Defense Department standing opposite.

The Golden Core monk did not say hello,

The figure is vertical,

Has turned into a retreat,

Speeding towards the distance.

A few monks during the foundation period,

Collect the heads of these giant beasts,

Follow the urge to escape method.

"Damn, without this behemoth's head, we can't remember our work."

An Gu Songzhou guard said angrily.

He cultivated to the standard during the Qi training period.

The monks of the Yuanbo Plane Committee have gone far,

He dare to say.

"At least we are a lot easier."

Gu Guan said.

"Chunluozhou notified. These are the only monsters that came over.

This task has been completed.

Go to Dun County to rest. "

A dozen chapters wide boulder emits a wave of ripples,

Has returned to the rune of the battle armor worn by the monks in the Patrol Department.

The monk of the Gu Songzhou Patrol Department,

Walk towards the county government of Dun County.

Everyone resumed their laughter.

In the manor,

The Golden Fruit Shadow of Aotian Sword waved,

All the crooked plants flashed in a ripple.

Has been righted.

of course,

There are medicinal materials that need to be taken care of.

This Golden Fruit Shadow is performing planting techniques.

The bodies of these giant beasts were put aside.

The materials on the monsters in the foundation period,

Aotian Sword,

I really look down on it.

A few larger figures,

From the hillside,

Ten miles away,

In a blink of an eye.

A red fire wolf, a little smaller than a cow,

A white tiger, six meters long,

A buffalo-like animal, covered with these scales,


He is full of teeth and knows that he eats meat.

If the fire badger is here, you know,

This fire wolf is an offering to Uncle Nuo.

These animals,

Ran to ten feet from the manor,


It looks like

But a few larger monsters,

However, the shadow of the golden fruit of the Aotian Sword,

But he felt the wave of mana like a tide.

These monsters,

All the monsters of the Golden Core period!

A reminder of the Golden Fruit Shadow Sword Art of Aotian Sword,

Sword Qi surrounds.

Many people came today,

The shadow of Jin Guo is here to cultivate medicinal materials where the spiritual energy gathers,

I don't want to deal with these people at all.

The fire wolf spoke,

"This monk,

If you don’t want to eat these monsters, how can you give us some food? "

The fire wolf has been worshipped for many years under Uncle Ruo,

Speaking like people.


The Golden Fruit Shadow of Aotian Sword said,


The bodies of these giant beasts,

Flew up and landed outside the manor.

Fire wolf and companion,

One person made up the body of a giant beast,

Ran towards the mountain,

Although effortless,


Without transformation,

These giant beasts are big,

But after a dozen or so rides,

I have seen a valley sheltered from the wind,

"Just eat here."

Said the white tiger,

"it is good."

Three beasts dragged the body of the giant tiger into the valley,

I took a big bite.

"The three wild beasts all have the golden core cultivation base, count the fire badger,

.An ancient Songzhou, there are several Jindan monsters!

This ancient Songzhou is pretty good. "

County office,

In the office of the business team,

Aotianjian thought.

The monster, absorbs the essence of the sun, moon and stars,

However, there is generally no practice.

Feel the realm of Jindan,

Advanced Golden Core Monk,

That is quite difficult.

Ordinary mortal country,

In several states, there may not necessarily be monsters of the Golden Core period.

This ancient Songzhou state,

There were a few Jindan stage monsters that came up on the initiative!

Of course, the monsters that can advance to the golden core,

It's exactly the same as people.

Of course you know the various rules of the world.

But taking the bodies of these giant beasts,

In the valley,

Bones scattered,

Three giant beasts that annoy Chunna and Gu Songzhou,

Have been eaten clean by these monsters.

The fire wolf shook,

There have been a few more jars of wine.

A few monsters, opened the wine jar and started drinking,

A jar of wine ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ soon finished drinking.

"Good wine, happy, is there any wine?"

Said the white giant tiger.

The Fire Wolf shook his head.

"The wine I brought from Uncle Ruo has been drunk."

"Why don't you make offerings to Master Ruo?"

The blue cow said,

"A while ago, over Bihe, wasn't there a battle for thirty miles with swords of light?"

Said the fire wolf.


A blue bull and a white tiger.

"The sword light is thirty li, that's a master above the diamond flower god."

Blue Bull said.

"That day, the battle happened,

If Mr. enters the communication room, there are communication fluctuations on the super plane.

It seems that the plane leading to is very far away. "

Fire Wolf said,


"So, you don't deserve the worship of Mr. Ruo."

Bai Hu said.

"Of course, in a very remote plane, the other main gods may be quite big."

Blue Bull said.

If a master hears it,

Will be surprised,

These monsters,

The realm of Taoism is quite high.

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