Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2655: spray


The monk who shot,

Much stronger than myself.

Once this faint flying sword arrives,

The golden core monk turned around to urge the escape method.

The surrounding space was distorted,

A reminder of the escape method,

But over thirty feet.

Just saw,

In the distorted space,

Three people came out,

Everyone reaches out!

In an instant,

This Golden Core monk felt,

The sword light filled the space between heaven and earth,

A one-by-one flower **** peak monk,

This Jindan monk couldn't stop a few tricks.

Three one-diamond flower **** monks shot together,

The deputy captain of the patrol team could not stop him for an instant.

I feel that the pressure is as heavy as a mountain,

The speed of Dao Fa is reduced by half or more,

Usually Dao Fa reminds me,

Dao Fa that rushes like a flame,

Now, it seems to be slowly twisting,

Three sword energy rushed over,

This golden core monk,

Seeing myself, the Dao Fa, the Sword Art that I urged,

As if not moving.

Touching these three sword auras,

Blast, shoot!

With a bang,

Flying sword, battle armor, and his body,

Turn into smash!

Jian Guang is spinning,

Hotter than a volcano,

Heavier pressure than Dashan,

Rotate hundreds of times in a tenth of an instant,

These pieces,

Turned into nothingness.

One golden pill turns,

The sword fairy whirled,

The golden core has been taken away.

"The shadow of your golden fruit, this golden pill is your treat."

Said the sword cyclist.

Aotianjian nodded,

"no problem."

The patrolled stronghold of the Yuanbo plane,

Water mirror,

Everyone looked at the thunder and fire in the sky,

The thunder fire splashed late.

"Someone raided-----"

Everyone was in great interest,


The water mirror flashed,

No fighting took place.

At night,

The catastrophe is over,

The robbery cloud flew away.

The monk of the patrol stood up.

Watch this robbery,

They all have different perceptions,

Quite satisfied,

The monks stood up,

Walking towards the outside of the hall.

Walking again and again,

While talking.

"Just a sword. It must be the strong one.

Those monks and monsters who watched didn't dare to take action. "

Everyone is talking.

"This cultivator has at least background."

Everyone thinks together.

Although, there are too many cases in the spiritual world.

This is the monk who has survived the Golden Core Tribulation.

The patrol didn't want to mess with it.

One of the foundation-building monks,

It was the one who was sent to the county government,

Nodding his head while thinking,

Get a quiet sword light,

He has never seen it before,

It should not be the deputy captain.

Let's eat together.

after a few days,

This team leader should lead the tour,

There was a monk who was responsible for contacting immediately,

Urge the communication circle of this captain.

This reminder. There is no response from the communication circle.

This monk during the foundation period,

Several times in a row,

Immediately walked into the patrol captain's office lobby and bowed his hand to the patrol captain.

Let's talk about it.

The captain was surprised and waved his hand.

"You go out first. I care about it myself."

His tactics moved a little forward,

Recent patrol information,

Was mobilized immediately.

After a long time,

The captain walked out of the mountain where the patrol was stationed,

.A reminder of the law,

Prohibit opening,

Body shape,

Has rushed to the sky,

But in an instant, it has gone to the horizon.

A cup of tea time,

Has reached the place where the captain was beheaded,

Dao Fa urges,

But a twisted space appeared,

"There is a diamond flower **** to make a move---"

The captain thought,

Since this patrol, I and the deputy captain

It's the Jindan brother,

other people,

Monks in the foundation period,

Such patrols,

In the battle with the demons,

Rushing the fleet,

Capture a floating spaceship,

Can't do it.

Just like the battle back then,

The golden core monk who couldn't get on with the diamond flower **** died in action,

Not even a spray.

Will he take care of this kind of thing?

Body shape,

Has returned to the patrol base,

Into the stronghold,

"Come here."

The captain said,

A monk during the foundation period came forward.

"If you don't see the deputy captain for half a month, you will say that the deputy captain has left the patrol."

The captain said,

During the foundation building, the monks handed over,


There are many such cases,

Brother Jindan,

How could it be so easy to restrain.

The monks withdrew during the foundation period.

Inside the prefect of ancient Songzhou,

Ang Tian hammer listened to Ao Tian hammer to finish the matter,

Ang Tian hammer nodded: "Good cut,

We regained Huoluoshan back then,

They are just like that,

To today,

No change at all. "

"The golden core monk probably thought that the shadow of my golden fruit was an ordinary casual cultivator."

Aotianjian sneered.

this day,

Ang Tian Hammer's communication array sounded.

At first glance, it was a chasing knife.

"My God, I will come back to see you on vacation."

Chasing the wave knife said,

"Look at me, is it true that you chase Miss Gujia?"

Ang Tian Chui laughed.

"By the way, it happened to be a proposal for Miss Gu Jia."

Chasing the wave knife said.

"Well, now, you have the official body of the master,

To marry Miss Gu Jia,

It should be worthy. "

Ang Tianchui said.

Chasing wave knife as the main thin.

It’s not as easy to achieve political achievements as a county magistrate.

Do something and report to the county official,

Even if you make a great achievement,

Most of it counts on the county magistrate.

Time to act as the master. But for two years,

Chaibodao wants to be promoted to county official,

It's really not easy.

"The magistrate of Jinwu County, how do you get along?"

Ang Tian hammer asked.

"My God, originally, he was kind to me. Somewhat polite.

I manage a lot of things,

After the impeachment storm,

The magistrate of Jinwu County immediately treated me coldly,


He concentrated many things in his hands to manage.

I don't take care of many things, it's relatively leisurely. "

Chasing the wave knife said,

"As soon as I ask for leave, the county magistrate grants leave immediately."

So, chase wave knife,

Not so hardworking,

Took time off. Laiyuanshan County,

See if you can do well with Miss Gu Jia's appointment.

"The officialdom of the mortal world, that's it."

Ang Tian Chui said,

"Fortunately, I found a place where I converge with spiritual energy in Jinwu County,

Let the shadow of golden fruit buy,

A manor has been built,"

Chasing wave knife said happily,

Was at a disadvantage in the struggle with the magistrate’s rights,

The chasing knife didn't care too much.

Leisure has its own benefits.

A master thin.

Only this right,

What can he do with the wave knife?

"In this way, you can ask the leader of the agricultural team in Yuanshan County to serve as the leader to propose you a marriage

I have made suggestions in the state capital,

Promoted him to become deputy director of the Agriculture Department of the state capital.

The state government is reviewing. "

Ang Tianchui said.

Ang Tian Chui felt,

I have become a prefect,

Deal with these things,

We need to have a few more people who are familiar with public affairs,

You can’t just promote the monks of the mountain flower plane,

A monk at the top of the flower god,

Generally practiced for 600 years,

Dao Fa books do not know how many deductions,

Use their abilities to study those imperial examination articles,

For three years,

Examine people in the exam,

Take a place in the Jinshi exam,

Really not a problem,

I don't need to worry about them too much.

"You propose to be the captain and become the deputy director of the Department of Agriculture,

It should be passed. "

Chasing the wave knife said,

"it should be OK."

Ang Tianchui said.

But it can, but the state government must consult.

No wonder,

Ang Tianchui wants to promote the captain to the deputy director of the Department of Agriculture.

This time the impeachment storm,

For the wave chaser,

It does have a big impact.

On the avenue,

In a big car,

Chasing Wave Knife greeted Ang Tian Hammer in the communication tool,

The prefect of ancient Songzhou,

Did not go,

Walked directly to Yuanshan County.

Arriving in Yuanshan County,

Chaser got off the car,

Found a house to live in.

Settled well,

In the morning, Chaser finished breakfast,

Called the guy over.

"Man, you follow the specifications for the big family,

Buy me a dowry gift.

After the purchase, come to me to check out. "

Chasing the wave knife said,

Bring a piece of gold to the guy, but it's not big.

I have been in the officialdom of the world for a few years,

This is the standard for dealing with people,

The wave chaser has been well grasped.

This guy went out,

Just this piece of gold,

The dude who became a monthly income.

Go out in the morning and come back in the evening,

Pick up a gift list,

Arched his hand towards the chasing knife,

"Master, I have all the gifts I bought,

It's already arranged in the yard,

please check. "

The chaser nodded,

Arrived in the courtyard of the building.

In the courtyard of the building, a dozen or so buddies are already standing.

Various gifts,

Fill the courtyard of the premises.

As soon as I saw the man in this building,

Came out with the chasing knife,

I knew right away that the person in front of me was the gold master,

All bowed to the chasing knife,

With a big smile.

Chasing wave knife took a look,

In the dunya,

It's really here,

The same as pomp and lavishness,

speak out,

Isn't it rich?

"Okay, how much is it for loading."

Chasing the wave knife said,

These guys quoted the price,

A listen to the price,

Sixty catties of gold,

Chasing the wave knife took out a few gold tickets, a piece of gold,

To the mansion,

This piece of gold,

For dude and cart.

Another day passed, in the morning,

Chasing wave knife set off in this cart.

In the evening, we arrived in Yuanshan County.

Had dinner,

Chasing wave swords to the house of Master Chong,

The porter immediately went in and informed,

After a while,

Master Chong greeted him.

"The chasing after the master is thin, the rare guest-----"

Master Chong smiled on his face,

In his eyes, he looked complicated.

"It seems that Ang Tian hammer promoted him,

Isn't he happy to be the captain?

It seems that this storm of impeachment,

The impact is not small. "

Chaser thought to himself.

The chasing wave knife became the master in Jinwu County.

The rank is half higher than the captain.

No matter what the captain thinks,

Welcome the wave chaser enthusiastically,

Serve tea.

"Master, I'm here today, I want to ask for a private matter."

Chasing the wave knife said,

Regarding the proposal to Miss Gu Jia,

Said it again,

Let the adults breathe a sigh of relief.

It's not official~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that's easy.

"This way, no problem,

Tomorrow, I will go to Gujia Manor with the bride price. "

"Master, promote to deputy minister based on your age,

It's totally impossible,

Now, it is possible to promote the deputy chief of the knife,

It should be rejoicing. "

Chasing the wave knife said.

The diamond flower **** of the mountain flower plane,

Both decided to pass the imperial examination and enter the officialdom,

It is not difficult for them,

Ang Tian Chui wanted to promote a service familiar with officialdom,

It is understandable.

Seeing the wave chaser walked out the door,

The captain stood there for a long time.

"I heard that cultivation is popular nowadays,

The current emperor continues to sit in town for more than ten years, or even longer,

absolutely okay,

Tian Daren promoted me to deputy minister,

The emperor, but gave Tian Da Ren 13 credits.

This wealth can last at least ten years or even longer,

Isn't it too much of my concern? "

Mr. Chong figured it out,

In the age of cultivation,

Everything is different.

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