Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2658: Shadow of Golden Fruit

Chasing the wave knife into the star array,

Han nodded towards the longitudinal side.

"Start transmitting."


Long Bian Han said,

Attitude towards chasing knives,

It immediately became more peaceful,

A reminder of the law,

The stars flashed,

The wave chasing knife has appeared in the mountain three hundred miles away,

Down the mountain again,

Escape for more than a hundred miles,

This is just a reminder,

Speeding fast in the air.

This is really a martial art.

The fire badger thought.

There are more than a dozen masters in Huoluoshan practicing in the hall,

Although those halls have never been in,


In those halls,

Mana fluctuations from monks’ cultivation,

Like the sea like a deep sea.

Almost every master in the hall has a higher cultivation base than the chasing knife.

Within this fixed barrier,

There are such strongholds,

The buildings and formations in the Tieding Pass,

More powerful than the inside of Huoluoguan,

In and out are all used to transmit.

This is the real Xianjia style.

"Boss, those tigers, wolves and cows, after listening to your preaching,

But I have received a lot of favor from you, the boss,

I told them,

Do something to Master Zhai----"

Don't think,

Chasing wave knife, shook his head.

"It's wrong, Uncle Gu refused to agree, and he betrothed his daughter to me.

Because I am not a county magistrate, the rank is not high.

Even if Lord Zhai stopped chasing,

Hunting that day.

How many suitors have I seen? "

Chasing the wave knife said,

"Oh, I see---"

Said the fire badger.

Promotion is indeed not something that Dao Fa can easily do.

This Deputy Chief Officer Zhai, will not come to provoke the chasing sword,

Master Chaser didn't want to mess with him.

Chasing the wave knife back to Jinwu County,

Once back to the county government,

Arrived in his office.


The little official came in,

"I came back half a month late, the county magistrate didn't say anything?"

The little official nodded: "The magistrate did not say."

Chasing wave knife, this master is thin,

Originally not much power,

For some specific things,

Chasing wave knife is not very concerned.

Take a look at the wave knife.

A stack of official documents has been accumulated.

At first glance, there are some specific trivia.

These are all the magistrate and his husband don’t want to worry about.

More difficult,

Not much oil and water,

All pushed to me.

Chasing wave knife smiled.

Brother Tian is lucky,

He was appointed county magistrate from the beginning,

Don't worry about these trivial matters.

All talk about specific things,

It is handled by the master book.

Many powers are divided between the magistrate,

but. These trivia,

It really has to be handled by the magistrate,

The magistrate did it?

The starting point of being an official is different,

Just a toil,

This is the official rank of the master,

I don’t know how much I want to be a husband.

This new year,

Passed quickly,

Ang Tian Hammer did not go to the country to carry out any activities.

Sixteen thousand pieces of gold were sent out,

Even if Ang Tian Hammer has a golden mountain,

Don't send it like this.

The shadow of the golden fruit of Ang Tian Hammer found another place where spiritual energy converged.

This time, it was found in Nantuo County.

This time,

The Golden Fruit Shadow of Ang Tian Hammer was spent all the way.

Went through the formalities relatively smoothly,

Built another manor,

Ang Tian hammer himself,

. I went to see the stone wall on the said carving a few times,

The carving has been taken away,

This stone wall,

No matter how you detect it with Taoism,

It's exactly like a natural stone wall,

It seems that even if this Nantuo County has a cultivator secret,

Not easily detectable,

That day,

The monks who besieged the three princesses,

Ang Tianchui searched Nantuo County, but could not find the shadow of these monks.


The three princesses have already taken away some of the secrets.


I want to go to Paradise Palace to find the three princesses to investigate,

That's easier said than done.

If Ang Tian hammer is a loose repair,

Maybe go back and venture into the Paradise Palace to explore,

But now,

Don’t talk about the Taoist books on the plane of Shanhua,

The few books that Ang Tianzhu held by himself,

Cultivating the realm of the flower **** of the soul of the sword,

no problem,

A cultivator like Captain Ang Tianhammer, the mystery of Taoism,

It’s not as urgent as ordinary casual cultivators,

In order to obtain Taoism, the mystery of Dongfu,

Dare to go anywhere.

However, in Nantuo County,

Ang Tian Chui found a villa in Paradise Palace.

Just such an ordinary villa,

It was from the Paradise Palace, Ang Tian Chui sighed.

Another golden fruit shadow of Ang Tian Hammer survived the Golden Core Tribulation,

The shadow of the golden fruit cultivates the profound waters,

Those few books are really good,

Once the shadow of Jin Guo has an understanding of the Dao Fa of the water system,

Reached the golden core level,

Ang Tian Hammer’s fusion of the earth element, the plant element, and the starlight element,

The fusion of the mysterious water system,

It is advancing by leaps and bounds immediately!

For Ang Tian Hammer,

The real great thing.

Drew water from the Bihe River to create fields,

Gave myself a thirteen rank kung fu,


Even if someone is dissatisfied with the team,

Finish the prefect of ancient Songzhou by yourself,

Although I can’t get promoted,

It is not a problem to transfer to another place as a prefect.

If in another state,

Find a few places where spiritual energy converges,

That would be great.

Ang Tianhammer gave the Taoist book that Xuan Qianhe and Wandering Dao had read,

As a martial art contribution point, it was put to Tiedingguan.

This time the sect contribution points,

A lot of mountain flower planes have been distributed.

Master, by the pond, Master Quinn,

For this book,

Gave an analysis,

Analyze the results of the deductions of several Yuanying Flower Gods,

Sent to Ang Tian hammer.

Commissioner Qian and Chibian,

No matter how busy practicing,

For those handed in by the disciple,

Taoism helps to understand the magic weapon of the fusion of profound and mysterious,

It's absolutely for you to see, comprehend and deduct.


A few sentences in this book and a scene in the magic weapon,

Fusion of rules,

Equally useful,

The world of Taoism,

Like the stars in the sky.

Several Yuanying Flower Gods re-analyzed and deduced this Taoist book,

Ang Tian Chui relies on this book.

Comprehend the mid-stage state of the Four Diamond Flower God,

Within a few years.

Of course, the treasure handed over by the monk, the Taoist book,

How to evaluate the school.

Except for a few elders, the head.

The other son, absolutely don't know.

Now, among the wandering sword, Xuan Qianhe, and Ang Tian hammer,

Ang Tian Hammer's cultivation base is definitely the strongest.

Ang Tian Chui found,

Of the three,

The worst chance is Xuan Qianhe.

Except for that one time, taking the chance of a wandering knife,

Xuan Qianhe entered the Fanhuadong Mansion once,

these years,

Xuan Qianhe had almost no decent adventures.

Ang Tian Chui was so happy,

Glancing at the bushes outside the office,

The buds

Has stretched out.

Spring is coming.


There was a sound of footsteps,

At first glance, it was Mr. Xuan.

Towards the Ang Tian hammer, he arched his hand.

"Master Tian, ​​it has been a month since Lichun,

The crop has grown seedlings,

Seed it tomorrow,

It didn't rain at all.

Seedlings, relying on the snow in winter,

Support the past. "

"Oh? You go to organize drought relief."

Ang Tian Chui said,

It's almost spring plowing, and there is no rain at all,

Ang Tian hammer really didn't pay attention.


Ang Tian Chui paid attention to the water system Jin Guo Ying's perception of the water system mysterious.

The officer can't be promoted,

How can I worry about these things?

"My lord, Tian next to Bihe,

The cost of irrigating water from Bihe River is not high.

However, other fields,

It will cost a lot of money to divert water for irrigation. "

Mr. Xuan said.

"Then go to the treasury to withdraw money."

Ang Tianchui said, waving his hand.

Mr. Xuan smiled,

he knows,


In need of official business,

. Relatively generous.

Mr. Xuan bowed his hand,

"I've seen it with the Yueting Minister of the Agriculture Department.

Guarantee planting, crop growth within one month of planting,

Last year’s harvest,

It takes one third. "

Mr. Xuan said.


This is the difficulty of the lord of a state.

We really need to ensure crops and fight drought,

That doesn't cost any money.

"You ask the Yueteng official to make a report, I'm sure.

Crops are a big deal. "

Ang Tianchui said.

Mr. Xuan bowed his hand.

"The fruit trees planted in Yuanshan County, in recent years,

They should have a lot of income,

This drought resistance, let them prepare themselves. "

Ang Tian Chui said,

Mr. Xuan bowed his hand,

"The people of Tianda are very right, these fruit trees in Yuanshan County,

They got it almost for nothing, and they didn’t allocate any money.

In recent years, there has been a lot of income,

Let them spend part of their income to fight drought,

This is a matter of course. "

The fruit trees planted in Yuanshan County,

The fruit that bears,

These few years,

It has been marketed throughout Daren.

A lot of gains,

Mr. Xuan looked jealous.

Why didn’t I get a share of income here?

However, when I think about it,

In Yuanshan County,

Not long after I followed Tianda,

The fruit trees created by the people of Tian Dao,

He's really hard to reach out,

this time,

The Lord Tian asked those who grow fruit trees in Yuanshan County to pay for drought relief.

It's totally as it should be.

Mr. Xuan walked into his office,

The Yueting Officer's report has been written.

Mr. Xuan picked up the report of the Yueting official,

Hand it to Ang Tian Hammer,

Ang Tianchui took a look,

One of the expenses,

Is to buy low-grade fairy stones,

Used as a water lifter.

this world,

The skills of the practitioner,

Has entered the lives of ordinary people,

This kind of water pump,

Driven by the lower grade fairy stone,

A water pump,

Put a piece of lower grade fairy stone,

Can be used for a few days,

It can be compared with the water extraction efficiency of dozens of strong men,

Dozens of strong men worked for a few days,

You can buy three low-grade fairy stones.

Ang Tian hammer swipes a big pen,


Mr. Xuan returned with the report,

Go to the Yuet Office for specific implementation.

Ang Tianchui suddenly remembered something.

Reach out,

The communication instrument opens,

The image of Aotian Sword emerged.

"Aotianjian, you are the deputy captain of the industrial and commercial team in Dun County,

Have you seen those machines driven by celestial stones,

Can we use our mountain flower plane for alchemy,

.Use the fire mana in the starlight to refine fuel instead? "

Ang Tian hammer asked.

The alchemy fuel refined from the mountain flower plane,

With the starlight drawn by the Zhoutian star formation,

Draw a simple rune,

Push these stars towards those runes,


A cup of tea time,

Thousands of fuel can be produced.

"Of course ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I have tried it a long time ago.

These machines, the application of celestial stone,

Relatively low-level,

It is purely to excite the fairy stone and use it as motivation,

Unlike the magic weapon, the naval gun of the airship,

Prompt the fairy stone to be used as mana,

Don't even need to change the rune?

These machines can use the alchemy fuel we refined,

Seriously, low-grade immortal stone,

The monks in the foundation period can also be used for cultivation,

Used on this machine,

What a waste. "

Aotianjian said. (To be continued...)

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