Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2663: Lord

"It seems that the prefect of this day is an incredible figure."

Mr. Rui said.

"Every shot is big."

The deputy governor said,

"I wonder if I can do it well this time."

Mr. Rui said,


Mr. Jun Deputy Prefect and Mr. He Rui,

Have tea together again.

After drinking tea for a while,

Mr. Rui said goodbye.

Out of the gate of the residence of the emperor and deputy prefect,

Distant horizon,

As if there was a flash of lightning,

It seems to be red again.

The prefect of ancient Songzhou is on the plain,

Can see the sky far away,

This lightning, the distance passed,

It seems to be hundreds of miles away.

Hundreds of miles away,

In the sky,

The rain has stopped,


Dark clouds in the sky,

Has been broken up in half!

Thousands of dark clouds,

As if shrunk,

Spin quickly around the water trap,

In front of the water dividing beast, stood a male monk in a azure robe.

I saw this male monk with a slender face and sword-like eyebrows, raised high.

As soon as I saw it, I carried a shadow of evil!

Just now, this monk,

From a hundred miles away, a blue rose bloomed,

Has a radius of thirty feet,

This blue rose flower,

It is unimaginable hot.

A cyan rose flower exploded,

This dark cloud a hundred miles around,

It was blown up in half.

The remaining dark clouds.

Because of the magic weapon that Ang Tian hammer brought, it didn't explode.


As soon as the monk came to the front of the water beast,

The water trap felt a great pressure,

Fire Elemental Infant Brother!

The Fenshui Beast immediately sent a communication to Ang Tianchui.

Let Ang Tian Hammer come quickly.

However, the rain has even led to the Fire Element Yuan Ying monk.

The water beast said,

The entire garden wave plane,

There are not many Nascent Soul cultivators who practice fire system Taoism.

"You monster, dare to rain here!

Recklessly, though. This magic weapon is good. "

Said the Tsing Yi monk.

"I rain here, what does it matter to you?

You are a human monk, why stop me from raining? "

The water beast roared.

I rain here,

There is no treasure cave.

This said,

The face of this monk in Tsing Yi changed.

Water dividers rain here,

It is really good for the ancient Songzhou monks.

For a while,

I don't know what to say.

Can't help but look serious.

"My mouth is good at speaking!"


A cyan sword light slashed towards the water divider,

This sword light flashed,

Like a cyan flame.

Just landing from nine heavens!

There is an extra three-pointed fork in the hand of the water divider,

In an instant,

Thousands of dark clouds are urging to rotate,

One stop toward the cyan flame sword light!


A loud noise like a huge thunder spread out of Baili.

Thousands of dark clouds,

Shoot around!

The Fenshui Beast was beaten and retreated violently!


The magic weapon that Ang Tian hammer gave him,

It revolves around the water divider.

The fenshui beast relied on this baby and did not receive any serious damage,

Looking at his three tines, Guanghua has already dimmed a lot.

And the magic weapon that Ang Tian hammer gave him,

It's not on the same level at all.

The difference between the Four Diamond Flower God and Yuanying Flower God is really big!

The water divider looked at Bihe,

Just saw,

A ripple appeared in the space not far away,

One minute for space!

A figure walked out of the space,

"Where is the monk, dare to make trouble here!"

Holding a long whip in his hand,

The long whip shook,

A wave of fluctuations like a mountain,

Exudes to the surroundings.

"who are you?"

The monk in Tsing Yi asked.

The identity of this Tsing Yi monk,

In this plane,

Can't talk nonsense,

Just saw,

This monk who walked out of space,

Dao Fa urges,

The jade bottle orbiting around this water trap,

Flew towards the monk's hands,

In an instant,

It has been in the hands of this monk.

"This magic weapon-----"

Said the water beast.

This magic weapon is not a defensive weapon,

But it is much stronger than the magic weapon that the water beast refines itself.

"This magic weapon is not a shield.

You always have a shield yourself. "

The monk team said,

The water trap had to shake his hand,

A shield has been taken out.

This monk in Tsing Yi took a look,

This monk,

It's a group with this monster beast.

One more four-diamond flower god,

He is equally sure,


It may take a long time to fight,

Fight for a long time,

Will it disturb the people of the Garden Wave Plane Committee?

Just saw,

The monk with the long whip spoke,

"To fight, I've been here."

As he said, his figure shook,

Flew towards the place where Bihe and Gunwenjiang converge.

"A four-diamond flower god, dare to be so arrogant."

This Tsing Yi monk smiled!

The figure shook, chasing the monk,

The water beast hesitated,


That day, I saw a few monks with the prefect,

Each magic weapon is powerful,

These people go together,

This Yuanying Flower God,

Not necessarily an opponent.

I have already played a few tricks with this Brother Tsing Yi,

How to go and see.

Body shape,

Flew towards the distant light,


The figure is not very fast.

I remembered what the Brother Tsing Yi said to himself.

Could it be that

Drought in several states around here.

Is it related to this monk in Tsing Yi?

Dishui beast sweat is all down.

A Yuanying Flower God cannot do this.

There must be a strong altar.

The water beast is not flying fast or slow,

Flew over the confluence of Bihe and Gunwenjiang,

Entered the territory of South Xuanzhou.

Fight against Yuanying Flower God,

The power is considerable.

No wonder the prefect came to Nanxuanzhou this day,

Just saw,

A place above,

Five monks stood in the air,

This monk in Tsing Yi. Standing in the middle,

Both sides looked like iron,

Full of mana,

As turbulent as a wave.

For a while,

No one dared to attack first!

"Everyone, be careful, this Venerable Qiangwei deserves to have fought against Master.

I have practiced the rules of the fire system,

Far more than me. "

A monk in a red robe said,

It is the Hongpao guest.

A few of them are cultivating in the cave mansion in the Kunwen River.

Anyway, they took the talent exam,

It takes at least three years to participate in the palace exam.

Dongfu like Kunwenjiang Shuifu,

Of course I practiced hard.

This Tsing Yi monk,

It turned out to be in Tianpeng Mountain back then,

In order to compete for the Wuyang Yuhui Mine,

Venerable Qiangwei among the nine Venerables of Jihuohaihai who fought with Commissioner Qian!

Not seen for hundreds of years.

This person has advanced to the Nascent Soul,

But think about it.

Able to have the honorific title of the Lord,

Regardless of strength,

Absolutely green monk,

More valued,

of course,

More promising.

It is the same on which plane, which main **** is under!

Of course, these nine sages openly intervened in Tianpeng Mountain,

Attacked Tianpeng Mountain again,

Not talking about others,

Tianpeng Mountain,

Certainly for the situation of these nine Venerables,

Detailed investigation,

Therefore, Ji Yuan Jian, Hong Pao Guest, Yan Pang Dao,

As soon as I heard that this person was Venerable Qiang Wei who had fought against the Qian Yuan committee,

Although one by one rushed out of the water mansion,


More nervous.

They are nervous,

Venerable Qiangwei was even more surprised,

These few,

All are four-diamond flower gods, there is a three-diamond flower **** peak!

These three diamond flower **** peaks,

It's a mountain sword!

But a little big country,

Where are so many four-diamond flower gods,


The magic weapons held by these monks,

Exudes a wave,

Let him fluctuate like a flower god,

"The rule magic weapon, at least, among the flying swords in the hands of these cultivators,

There are a few regular runes that can emit such fluctuations. "

Venerable Qiangwei, as the Fire Elemental Flower God,

Has begun to comprehend the rules of the fire system.

The level of refining, of course, needless to say,


For hundreds of years,

She only refined three fire runes,

I don’t know how many precious materials are used,

Therefore, he saw that the Ang Tian Hammer and the Water Beast were in the same group,

Not afraid at all.

Defeat these two four-diamond flower gods,

But spend more time,


Looking at these five monks,

Everyone’s flying sword, magic weapon,

Several rule runes have been refined,

He just broke down.

As the Fire Elemental Infant Flower God,

The level of refining is by no means comparable to that of a general refining master.

I also know how difficult it is to refine rule runes.

These four diamond flower gods, three diamond flower gods peak,

The magic weapon in hand,

There are so many regular runes?

He wanted to urge the escape method to escape.


The rules fluctuate and lock him,

It seems illusory,

It's as if Mount Tai is pressing on the top.

The water trap next to him looked,


These people are standing in front of them,

It's like a huge mountain.

Even if I try my best to urge Dao Fa,

Can't get in the same way.


Ang Tianchui shouted.

He is the prefect of Gu Songzhou,

There is absolutely no time to oppose this Venerable Rose here.

A reminder of the five-person swordsmanship,

The sword light seemed to sweep across the night sky,

Slash towards Venerable Qiangwei!

Like thunder, like lightning!

The cyan flame burst out suddenly!

Like a huge flower blooming,

In an instant,

There seems to be thousands of cyan flame sword auras,

Slashing towards the sword light,

"Boom, boom, boom!"

In a thousandth of an instant, there seemed to be thousands of flames, and the sword light exploded,

Not much change,

It was a collision between the cyan flame and the sword light that had been cut!

It seems that there are thousands of fireballs exploding in a thousandth of an instant,

Any mortal fireworks,

It can't be compared with one thousandth of this scene!


An angry howl ~www.wuxiaspot.com~A cyan flame burst out of the fireball exploded with thousands of knives,

In an instant, it has been hundreds of miles away,

The monks of the water beast,

The trail of this cyan flame is invisible,

If you really want to fight this Tsing Yi monk, how many moves can you block?

The monk from Tsing Yi appeared,

One move to disperse the dark clouds,

The monk in Tsing Yi turned into a flame to escape,

It's just a tea time before and after.

The fighting place of several people was touched by the aftermath of this battle.

A hill,

It's gone.

"Different beast, most of this rainfall has been done,

First go back to the cave house to rest. "

Ang Tian Chui said,

A mountain was exploded into nothingness,

There will definitely be monks coming to check.

"it is good."

The water beast said,

Body shape,

Has returned to Bihe.

These people are awesome,

Yuan Ying, the flower god, beat him away with one move,

It seems that the damage is not shallow.

"I returned to the prefect of Gu Songzhou,

We say what to do in the communication tool. "

Ang Tianchui said.

A few people urged their bodies to roll back Wenjiang's rollback Wenjiang,

Back to the prefect of ancient Songzhou, the prefect of ancient Songzhou.

Ang Tian hammer returned to the prefect of Gu Songzhou,

Dao Fa urges,

The communication circle opens,

"You said, what should I do with this matter?"

"You mean, should I report to Master?"

A water mansion in the Kunwen River,

A few people sitting together with Qianyuanjian, Yanpangdao, Hongpao Guest, and Tashanjian. (To be continued

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