Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2665: Yuan Ying Jin Guo Shadow

The magic weapon detects the whereabouts of the caster.レm thinking of the customer レ in the best"

In the Park Wave Plane Committee,

In a hall,

There was a roar.

Immediately the waiter came in,

Busy for a while,

"It can only be determined that it is not the Fire Elemental Infant Flower God of Yuanbo plane who presides over this circle."

After hearing the words of the Jindan waiter,

Chairman of the Garden Wave Plane Committee,

True person Chi Xuan has a face like iron.

"Call the core members to come."

Zhen Ji Xuan said,

Half a day,

The core member of the Garden Wave Plane Committee,

Already gathered in Chi Xuan Zhenren's office lobby.

True person Chi Xuan said the result of the investigation again.

"Everyone talk about their opinions."

Chi Xuanzhen said.

"The flames falling in Nanxuanzhou,

There is already a fire cultivation base of Yuanying Flower God,

This person is not from the plane of the wave,

However, in our committee, there are several Yuan Ying Hua Gods. "

The fat core committee member said,

This person is just the four-diamond flower god,

Everyone stopped talking,

If there are enough Yuan Ying Flower Gods in the Yuanbo Committee,

Rain before the mountain,

Where can I enter the core committee of the Park Bo member,

Take the seat of a core committee member?

Rain in front of the mountain is a foreign Yuanying flower god,

Join the Sonnami committee,

The conditions are not high,

All core members can accept,

This allowed Shan Qian Yu to become the core member of the Soonpa Committee.

After a long meeting,

Zhen Chi Xuan waved his hand: "The meeting is over. This matter,

Send someone to pay attention. There are clues to deal with. "

Everyone walked out of Chi Xuan's reception hall.

Send someone to pay attention?

Three diamond flower god, four diamond flower god,

Can you follow the actions of Yuanying Flower God?

Send four diamond flower gods to track the Yuan Ying flower god,

It's similar to delivering food.

in one day,

This news spread to the major factions of the Yuanbo plane.

Of course I got the news.

The edge knife entered the Tieding Pass controlled by the mountain flower plane,

Walked into the hall of Meng Dali,

"They are not going to be held accountable on this matter.

It may be a monk of the main **** of Huola.

Not the main **** monk. It is impossible to have such a powerful magic weapon. "

The edge knife said to Meng Dali.

The mountain flower plane is already stronger,

The Tianpeng Mountain with its original heritage,

Of course not too bad.

"It is possible, but this matter,

Our monks were not involved. "

Meng Dali said.

You Tianpeng Mountain, there are already three Yuanying Flower Gods.

Although the monks of the main **** of Huola,

Not dealing with Mount Huoluo,


The monks of Mount Huoluo,

You can handle Tianpeng Mountain.

Mountain flower plane. There are three more monks, advanced four-diamond flower god,

Meng Dali was considering how to deal with these four diamond flower gods.

"We will pay attention to this matter."

Meng Dali said.


The side knife nodded,

Out of the office hall of Meng Dali.

The edge knife Yuanying Flower God walked out of the hall.

Walked towards his office hall,

A disciple of committee member Shanhua,

It's not as enthusiastic as Commissioner Qian.

A month passed,

The autumn harvest in Gu Songzhou has begun,

After a year of drought resistance,

When it's time to harvest,

Of course, Ang Tian Hammer has to check everywhere,

To the people of Gu Songzhou, the squires said,

It is his prefect,

Guided drought resistance.

Spent half a month in the field,

Mr. Xuan told Gu Songzhou’s reaction to Ang Tianchui.

Ang Tian Hammer’s reputation,

It has gone up a lot.

Ang Tian hammer returned to the prefect,

It's autumn already.

Master has read this book for so long,

There is no response.

Ordinary Taoist books of Yuanying Flower God level,

Commissioner Qian only needs to watch for a few days,

Can make a general idea.

Ang Tian Chui thought,


Thinking of the communication circle,

one look,

It is Commissioner Qian, full of joy.

"The Taoist book you brought is good, really a good disciple,

Listen, let me tell you the detailed notes of this book. "

Upon hearing this from Commissioner Qian,

Ang Tian hammer was full of emotions,

Worship on the plane of mountain flowers for nine hundred years!

This good apprentice,

This is the first time I have heard Committee Member Qian tell him.

Commissioner Qian began to explain the content of the book.

That said, one day and one night!

Ang Tian Chui listened,


I feel the sky is like a mountain flower falling down,

Team understanding of the whole world,

They all seem to be different.

"Based on what you have said today, it is not a problem to cultivate the Nascent Soul Realm."

Commissioner Qian said,

Ang Tianchui is overjoyed,

. Immediately knelt down and thanked Master.

"The Shield County you said is not bad, I will send a shadow of Golden Fruit over,

You arrange a patrol for him in Dun County. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Ang Tian hammer and joy.

Master sent a shadow of golden fruit to Dun County,

Bitie Dingguan is a hardened backing.

Commissioner Qian closed the communication circle,

I didn't expect it,

Ang Tian Hammer,

Among all flutes, the first to realize the realm of Yuan Ying.

The Taoist books spoken by Ang Tianchui are helpful to the integration of the four rules!

A four-diamond flower god, in Gu Songzhou, had such a encounter.

Commissioner Qian was interested in Gu Songzhou.

Otherwise, the Qiang Committee will send a shadow of Jin Guo to station in Shield County to be a patrol member?

The book that Ang Tian hammer brought over,

It has reduced the forty years of deduction by the Qian Da committee.

The four series of rules were successfully integrated,

Already very close.

Of course, very close to the word.

For Yuanying Flower God,

At least calculated in decades.

Even other Yuanying Flower Gods,

There are quite a lot of clone deductions,

The avatar of Commissioner Qian is rather mysterious.

Commissioner Qian deduced for 40 years,

At least comparable to other general Yuanying flower gods,

Deduction for three hundred years!

Ang Tianhammer said that Dun County has such a strong ban,

The shadow of the Golden Fruit of the Four Diamond Flower God passed.

The repair base is a little worse.

Commissioner Qian thought,

A move of mind,

The shadow of a golden fruit,

Has rushed out of the top door.

Four diamond flower **** peak cultivation base,

Mana fluctuates like chao tide!

"I will help you overcome the Yuanying Heavenly Tribulation."

The shadow of the golden fruit nodded.


after a few days,

A plane near Dameng Pass,

On a barren mountain.

Thunder is rolling,

Dark clouds cover thousands of miles,

Brother Jindan knows that this is the Yuanying Heaven Tribulation!

Although it's the Yuanying Heaven Tribulation,

There are still a few sword lights,

Furiously charged towards the center of the robbery.

Those who want to pick up the bargain,

There are many in any plane.

Can resist the heavenly thunder of the Yuanying Heavenly Tribulation,

There are at least four diamonds in the mid-term repair of the flower god,

The magic weapon is quite powerful,

The robbery of Yuanying Tianjie.

I didn't come to them,

Break into the mine robbery center.

no problem.

A sword air, its sè blue,

I don't know where it came from,

But as if flying across the starry sky!

A few sword lights, under the heavenly thunder of the Yuanying Heavenly Tribulation,

Ten miles apart.

A sword light touched this blue sword light,

Immediately blow to pieces!

It can block the sword light of Yuanying Tianjietianlei,

Before this blue sword light,

Can't block a sword!

A few other sword lights were surprised!

Turned around and wanted to run,

This blue sword light flashed,

The distance doesn’t exist,

There is another flame together with the flying sword, magic weapon, monk in the flame,

Explode together as sparks in the sky!

Jian Guang turned again,

A few miles away,

As if it didn't exist,

Another black sword light,

Exploded to pieces in an instant!

In three instants, beheaded three four-diamond flower **** or above cultivators,


The crowd of monks who came to comprehend the catastrophe,

Step back a hundred miles!

People approached towards the center of the catastrophe,

"Which law system does the green sword light just now belong to?"

Asked the monk.


A large group of monks who felt the tribulation of heaven,

No one can answer,

far away,

Several Yuanying flower gods came to realize Yuanying’s tribulation,

All faces are ashen!

this problem,

They are the Yuanying Flower God,

The same cannot be answered.

Just that sword,

These few Yuanying Flower Gods can follow,

Can't take it down!

After three days,

The dark clouds in the sky cleared,

A figure went to the horizon in an instant.

This time the Nascent Soul Tribulation passed smoothly,


The master who issued that green sword,

No one can see!

Next to the teleportation array,

A figure walked in,

It looks like

Similar to ordinary monks in the foundation building period,

The golden fruit shadow of Commissioner Qian,

Du Yuanying’s catastrophe,

Feeling the completeness of the catastrophe,

What it consumes is just some mana,

Immediately you can go to Daren Country, Gu Songzhou on the Yuanbo plane.

Soon after this golden fruit shadow walked on the teleportation formation,

There was another monk during the foundation period,

Walk the teleportation array,

This is the shadow of the 30 golden fruits of the Chairman Qian,

Commissioner Qian had the shadow of thirty-six fighting golden fruits,

All reached the four-diamond flower **** cultivation base,

The shadows of these golden fruits,

Will go to mortal countries on all planes,

Take the imperial examination,

Use this to enter the local officialdom.

The deduction of the fusion of the four series of rules,

Within thirty years, you can succeed.

The shadows of these golden fruits,

But in desperate need of knives on all planes, looking for a place where aura converges,

Cultivate to the peak of the Four Diamond Flower God,

Crossing Yuanying's catastrophe.

There is no place where the spirits gather,

Even the shadows of these golden fruits,

For the understanding of Taoism,

Has reached the level of the Yuan Ying Flower God that integrates different rules and Taoism,

If you want to cultivate the profoundness of the plane, cultivate to the peak of the Four Diamond Flower God,

.It's not so easy.

Practicing the profoundness of the plane, cultivate to the peak of the Four Diamond Flower God,

This is the shadow of these golden fruits, the focus of cultivation!

Starlight mysterious, biased towards pure combat!

Commissioner Qian already knew,

By the pool, the mystery of the starlight and the mystery of the plane are merged,

Why are you so interested.

An autumn scene,

In a mountainous place like Gusongzhou,

Don't have a charm.

A big truck drove into Gu Songzhou,

The passengers got off the cart,

A monk in yellow clothes,

I approached the ancient Songzhou prefectural office~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I approached the ancient Songzhou prefectural office,

Ang Tianchui heard immediately: "I am the clone of the old money."

Ang Tian Chui was surprised,

Master this clone,

How strong is the cultivation base?

Arriving at the prefect Yamen, next to it,

I don't know anything!

I am the four-diamond flower god,

In this way, this golden fruit shadow from Master,

The cultivation base is definitely above the Four Diamond Flower God.

Ang Tianchui was in a trance for an instant.

Master’s clone,

Four diamond flower gods have been repaired,

Xiuweibi is strong!

"Come here."

Ang Tian Chui said,

A servant came in,

He bowed his hand towards Ang Tianhammer.

"There is a man in yellow outside the door, a friend of mine from afar.

You bring him in. "

The government clerk gave his hand.

Rich, I don't know how many friends, relatives and friends come to take refuge.

See these things a lot,

Step out of the prefect yamen,

A man in yellow, in his thirties,

Is carrying a burden,

In the prefect yamen.

Ya Yi stepped into this person,

There was already a smile on his face.

"Master, are you a friend of the prefect?"

The man in yellow nodded,

With a smile on his face,

Originally as a patrol member,

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