Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2675: Mullard

That monk holding a long banner, built a cottage,

Let the monks of the mountain flower plane feel pressure,

The red pao guest commented on the yin fire of this monk's cultivation,

Three diamond flower gods can resist,

Below the three diamond flower god,

Once this yin fire burns to the body,

Although not physically destroyed like the real man with a twisted sword,


lost heavily!

"Using the cold water cultivated in the starlight to resist this yin fire, the effect is good."

Said the red pao guest.

"Then we go to Huoluoshan to practice Starlight Cold Water."

Immediately, there was the Aotian Sword, the Sword Xuantian, and the Sword Xianke dispatched the shadow of Jin Guo,

Go to Huoluo Mountain and practice Starlight Cold Water.

Especially the sword cyclist.

Need to condense the starlight cold water,

This cottage built by monks holding long banners,

At the border of Chunna State.

Of course, condensing starlight cold water,

Hundreds of years ago,

The mountain flower plane is already a common exercise.


From the starlight of the Zhoutian Array,

There are too many types of condensed mana,

The average monk cultivates several kinds of mystical fusion,

Advanced with diamond flower god, four diamond flower god,

There is not enough time for cultivation,

Where can I practice more types of mana?

The monks of Huoluoshan returned to the training seat to practice,

It's early summer.

This year,

There is some rain, but not much.

The altar set up by Venerable Rose,

The influence of the released Taoism is not so easy to eliminate.

Ang Tian Chui thought.

Mr. Xuan came in.

He bowed his hand towards Ang Tian Hammer.

He looked at Ang Tian hammer.

It's a bit complicated to say.

"Master Tian, ​​the prefect Wen of Chunluo Prefecture, has been promoted to the deputy governor of Xuanluo Dao."


Ang Tian Hammer is a four-diamond flower god,

In an instant, I was a little speechless,

Xuan Luo Dao is in charge of South Xuanzhou and Gu Songzhou. The governor of the three states of Chunna.

Deputy Governor of Xuan Luo Dao,

It is Ang Tian Hammer, an official rank that does everything possible.

It’s good now, and it’s in the hands of the prefect of Chunna Prefecture.

The official position of the deputy governor was not alarmed at all.

Although not like ordinary officials,


The divine light in Ang Tianchui's eyes flickered violently.

After a long time,

Only then has the energy eased,

"Fortunately. I am a monk with a rich treasure. A strong cultivation base,

There is no need to be promoted like other officials.

As if the future is dim. "

Ang Tian Chui said,

Mr. Xuan took a look,

Ang Tianchui's face changed a few times,

Back to normal again.

I admire it.

Ang Tian hammer waved,

Mr. Xuan withdrew,

Ang Tian Hammer opened the shadow of the golden fruit of Chairman Qian,

Tantian’s communication circle,

this matter,

It must be said to Master.

It seems to be a vast space,

In the vast space,

With a shield,

The figure of Tan Tian, ​​standing on this shield,

This shield,

It seems,

But an iron shield!

But there is a radius of thousands of miles,

County Magistrate Yun has gone to serve as deputy prefect,

The new county magistrate did not arrive,

Everyone is more leisurely.

Tantian attached his spiritual thoughts to the 300-year-old grass,


Is boring.

Don't think,

The rules of the Tantian team are integrated with the understanding of Taoism

Like the body,

Days passed,

Realize this shield.

Tan Tian felt that this shield was absolutely different from the shield he made.

The magic mirror of thousands of miles,

Is transformed by Taoism,

This shield is a real entity!

The physical shield has a radius of thousands of miles,

The magic mirror in the shield,

How big is it?

With Tantian’s current knowledge,

Tan Tian couldn't think of it.

Tan Tian felt all his strength on this shield,

From this shield, there is no mysterious wave,

On a shield like a mountain,

All that came out were fluctuations that Tantian could not understand.

In this fluctuation,

Part of it is the fluctuation of rules fusion,

Tan Tian felt,

The fluctuation of this part of the rule integration,

But in the fluctuation that can be felt,

The basic part is average!

in other words,

Feel the fluctuation of this rule,

Cultivation knives are not expensive, but the fluctuations of integration are fundamental!

After half a month,

Tan Tian is on this grass,

Felt the fusion of rules,

Relatively fragmented,

Of course, there is a fusion of fire rules and other rules,

This is exactly what Commissioner Qian needs.

Tantian attaches his spiritual mind to the other refining plants and medicinal materials he planted,

The medicinal materials and plants grown in Tantian

Evolved, but a few,

The evolution of these stars is not significant.

Tantian’s divine mind attached,

I can't perceive such a sight at all!

In Aotianjian’s medicine garden,

There are other slabs of grass,

These slates are only a few decades old, a hundred years old,

This 300-year-old grass,

It’s a benefit granted by the Mountain Flower Plane to the Golden Core monks,

Aotianjian planted these grass,

Mainly for the fruit of Bancao,

Used to calm the spirit after deduction!

that is,

For Bancao to evolve, it takes at least three hundred years!

The shadow of the golden fruit of the Aotian Sword, of course, found that this grass,

Growth is rapid.


The medicinal materials in this pharmacy,

The effect has become much better!

Shennian explored on this grass,

It is just a grass that grows faster.

There are many precious medicinal materials planted by Aotian Sword in this medicine garden.

Attach divine thoughts to plants for cultivation

It is a common practice method.

Even the shadow of the golden fruit of the Aotian Sword is attached to the divine mind.

Of course it is attached to precious plants.

Will not attach divine thoughts to this grass,

The more precious the plant,

The plant mystery that can be felt is stronger!

Every monk who practices plant mystery knows,

and so,

Although it took a long time to receive the communication from Ang Tian Hammer,

There was no displeased expression on Tan Tian's face.

Some adventures, but you must have a certain strength,

To get it.

A monk who really has a blend of different rules,

A few more,

Will attach divine minds to a 300-year-old grass,

Three hundred years of Bancao, the fruit that bears,

For the monks who have merged different rules,

Just up to the standard of food.

"Go ahead, what's the matter?"

Commissioner Qian said to Ang Tianchui.

Ang Tianchui talked about the situation in Chunluo State.

"So that's the case."

Commissioner Qian thought.

On this grass, I found such benefits,

The Astral Taoist monk holding a long banner,

Build a cottage there,

God knows why?

Originally, monks involving different main gods,

Tan Tian didn't want to care about this.


I realized this shield from the grass,

Tan Tian nodded.

"I gonna go see,"

Tantian walked out of Dun County,

When I arrived outside Dun County, I stretched out my hand to remind me,

But it urged the super plane communication array,

Take this thing,

I told the body, Commissioner Qian.

Commissioner Qian nodded.

"I'll come right away."

It is related to the integration of different rules, of course it came over immediately.

Tan Tian nodded.

Body shape shook,

Has rushed into a stone on the side of the road,

But a cup of tea,

Tantian has arrived in Chunna,

Outside the cottage!

Ordinary cottage,

It seems,

But there is mysterious and mysterious,

Tan Tian reached out and pointed.

A wave of water appeared,

After a while,

He took a step,

Has walked into this cottage,

After a while,

Has passed the protective formation outside,

At first glance, there is a large square inside,

on the square,

Groups of people are practicing,

Or punch or meditate.

They practiced and radiated true energy,

For Commissioner Qian,

It was loud like a flood.

As they practice,

The whole person seems to be frozen!

There are several large pots beside it,

In the big basin, all are fire-like medicinal materials,

Those who boil these herbs,

It's blood!

These monks practiced for a long time,

I have to eat a bowl of herbal soup.

Commissioner Qian took a look,

. To protect the magic circle of this cottage,

Has another magical effect,

Gather Yin Qi!

Here is a place where Yin Qi converges.

Tan Tian watched here for a long time,

Divine Sense has entered a thousand feet deep,

No others were found.

Unlike the slab grass in Dun County,

of course,

There is also a medicine garden here,

Planted a lot of negative medicinal materials,

These herbs,

Kun Mihui and Khenpolan’s Chamber of Commerce,

There are many,

Not out of stock at all.

With Tantian’s cultivation base, the realm of Taoism,

Going into the ground a thousand feet deep, no abnormalities were found,

This cottage is mainly a place where Yin Qi converges,

These people are cultivating a kind of yin method.

It seems that

This monk holding a long banner,

I want to start a school here.

Tan Tian thought,

Of course, this has nothing to do with Tantian.

As a booster of the mountain flower plane,

Many planes have opened equipment shops,

See all kinds of things,

This matter will be dealt with by the great benevolent country and the respected great country.

Tantian entered the prefect of Chunluo Prefecture,

Sweep away the spirit,

The prefect of Chunna Prefecture,

There are descriptions of people who walked into that cottage.

At first glance, he walked into the cottage, and Tantian,

Seen in that square,

But there are a dozen people missing,

One thought,

Those people are all qualified for practicing the Xuan Yin technique,

Missing people,

Of course it died during cultivation,

This kind of person is also found in the golden core of the mountain flower plane,

Practice the Taoism of the cold system.

Tan Tian returned to Gu Songzhou,

I repeated the results of the investigation,

"The one who walked into the cottage probably summoned it with a spirit spell,

They are all suitable for practicing Xuanyin's kung fu.

It seems that I really plan to start a school there.

Of course, this matter is managed by the Plane Committee. "

Tan Tian said,

Say this,

Of course, it is to let Ang Tian Hammer not to care about this matter.

Ang Tianhammer arched his hands: "Yes."

Just a few days,

A sound transmission sounded in Tantian's ear: "I have already come."

Commissioner Qian is here,

Of course only Tan Tian knows ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Tan Tian nodded: "This grass, you can feel it."

"I brought some older medicinal materials, which you planted in the manor."

Commissioner Qian said,

Tan Tian nodded,

Ang Tianchui picked up the tea cup and drank,

As if in the blink of an eye,

Months passed,

Autumn is here,

These months,

Tan Tian and Ang Tian Hammer

I looked at the entire Dun County again,

In addition to the several manors already built by Tantian and the manor built by Aotianjian,

Other places,

I couldn't find a place where medicinal materials used by the practitioners could be grown.

Other places, completely

All are like ordinary rocks!

This frustrated Ang Tianhammer's desire to intervene in Dun County.

Who can make one's own cultivation level impossible, not the Yuanying Flower God,

Can't find the evolution of that grass.

"Mr. Xuan, that Chunluozhou, still has not appointed a new prefect?"

Ang Tianchui asked Mr. Xuan.

"No, with that cottage, I heard Master Cang say,

Many officials are willing to go. "

Mr. Xuan said. (To be continued...)

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