Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2678: Sword swept the sky

In the blood splashing,

The monks of the Patrol Department of Gusongzhou stayed!

The swordsmanship of the mountain-treading sword, luck,

The practice secrets they came across,

This is the standard.

All the roadblockers roared wildly, flashing cold light in their eyes in an instant,

Rushed up.

The roaring face, the long hair that was infuriated,

The shape is really strong enough!

"It's the cultivation base of Qi training,

It became very crazy. "

The Mountain Sword said to the red-robed guest,

The Mountain Sword didn’t use much cultivation,

The swordsmanship used is the mountain climbing sword.

"Master of Soul Dao,

It can allow them to advance from ordinary warriors to Qi training monks in a few months,

It is definitely the most basic preparation. "

Seeing a spear stabbed over,

The red pao slapped a half-moon cut.

The spear swung to the side,

This person has been chopped off his head and shoulders!


The ancient office screamed loudly.

It has been more than a hundred years since the peak of the foundation period.

No matter how blaming this new monk is useless.

As an official,

Lost this escorted crop,

Even if he is related,

Don't even think about being the colonel of the Gu Songzhou Patrol Department.

The Gu Tingguan's heart burst into flames!

The sword art flashed,

In an instant, continuous ripples generally vibrate a hundred times,

The spear was swung away,

The heads of several Xuansong Village people flew up.

The blood of the monk during the Qi training period rose to several feet!

In a few months,

Promote to the Qi training period.


Combat experience. It can't be compared with the monks who have practiced for decades.

The battle armor of the foundation period burst out suddenly,

Jianguang crossed vertically and horizontally,

Touch the opponent's spear,

Make a loud noise,

The sound of Jianguang cutting into the opponent’s bone armor,

Opposing spear,

Stabbed to the body of the battle armor of the foundation period,

The sound of peaks bursting on the battle armor during the base-building period.

Screams---generally from monks in Xuansong Village.

The bone armor on them is refined from ordinary animal bones,

How can it be compared with the base-building battle armor refined by Jinggong.

how to say,

These battle armors were once the equipment of the Garden Wave Plane Committee.

Not too bad.

In the battle armor, a cultivator in the patrol hall grumbled.

Opposite, with his sword light spinning,

A monk from Xuansong Village wearing bone armor,

Has been cut into several pieces.

but. On the battle armor of the foundation-building monks who have been hit by several spears,

Some cold rushed in.

The Qi-training monk in this patrol hall was stagnant.

He is not a true foundation monk,

The cultivator of the patrol hall was shocked!

These Xuansong Village monks,

The cultivation technique is really high!

If he doesn’t wear the battle armor of the monk during the foundation period,

Don't want to kill the opponent so easily.

In less than an instant,

There are more than 30 monks in Xuansong Village,

Has been beheaded in half!

The Red Pao Guest and the Mountain Sword,

The ones who didn't perform were too good.

Four-diamond flower god, three-diamond flower **** peak against monks in Qi training period,

They felt a bit lost in the slashing.

"They have a good fight."

The red pao guest said,

"How to say it, all the way from San Xiu."

Tashanjian said,

Just saw,

A monk from Xuansong Village,

In the screams,

Reach out and pat,

A talisman smashed to pieces.

A howl came from a distance,

As if in an instant,

This howl passed for hundreds of miles!

Unspeakable cold.

Just saw,

A black spot flew quickly from a distance,

In a few moments,

Has flown to the battlefield.

But it is a big head with long horns,

Burning black flames.

A powerful and cold power,

Cover all the ancient Songzhou people,

I saw this head and took a breath!

"Puff, puff, puff----"

All the drivers have fallen,

There are faint shadows,

Rushed out of them,

Was eaten by this big head,

This big head is chewing,

It's really delicious.

This head has a mouth,

Have put the soul of these driving cars,

Take it all!

Monk during the Qi training period, one step floats!

This time,

Needless to say, Captain Gu and Deputy Captain Qiu,

During the Qi training period, the monk turned around,

Run towards the territory of Gu Songzhou.


Captain Gu roared,

Turned and flew towards the territory of Gu Songzhou,

A reminder of the escape method,

In an instant,

.The battle armor of the base-building period has been swept out more than one hundred feet.

The battle armor of the monks during the foundation period,

It’s impossible to fly thousands of miles,

However, flying over hundreds of miles at a time,

The flying altitude is not high,

It is absolutely possible.


The big head smiled.

All flying armors,

Immediately take shape,

Some armor,

Even fell from the air!

All the monks in the battle armor of the foundation period,

Feeling a violent fluctuation in his soul.

This head, released from your banner,

Not what these monks can resist.


There was a loud noise,

During the foundation building, the monks immediately felt,

The pressure on his soul has disappeared.

one look,

The long sword in the hand of the mountain climbing sword obliquely!

This big head,

Has been cut open.

The sword light is like a deep pool,

It's like a mountain again.

But full of this life!


The monks of the Patrol and Defense Agency of Gu Songzhou were amazed.

gather together.

Just saw,

With a roar,

It came from the border between Chunna State and Zunda Country.

A few hundred miles away,

As if there was a thunder in front of you!

The members of the Gu Songzhou Patrol Department turned around,

Escape with all strength towards the distance.

Captain Gu looked back,

Just saw,

At the fleet,

A flame was raised. A blue light,

Like lightning,

Rushed towards the border of Chunna State,

In an instant,

Has passed the sky,

In the sky, a blue and red Changhong appeared across the sky!

This speed, this power,

He has practiced for more than one hundred years.

I saw it once near the martial arts,

The escape of the Four Diamond Flower God!

Four diamond flower god. For the monks in the foundation period, it is a legend.

This Xuansong Village on the border of Chunluo Prefecture,

Actually want two four diamond flower gods,

At the same time!

Captain Gu, just feels cold all over!

Over Chunna State,

Most people in Chunna Prefecture have seen it,

A blue light, a red flame,

Facing a black flame,

Rushed over quickly.

Cyan sword light, red flame and black flame,

One touch in the sky,

In an instant,

As if thousands of fireworks exploded,

A boulder one foot square,

With this burst of fireworks, a touch of flame!

A boulder one foot square,

It exploded into tens of thousands of rocks in an instant!

As if it was an instant,

Those tens of thousands of dollars fireworks are still shooting in the air,

Cyan sword light, red flame, and black flame,

Oppose in the air,


The black flame trembles endlessly.

There are bursts of crackling noises!

In that black flame,

A Tsing Yi monk,

His face twisted,

There are a few sword marks on him,

On the long streamer in hand,

On various heads,

Shi Lai Dao Jian Mark.

In the sword mark, the mountain flames flickered, and the damage was already severe!

On the other side, in a cyan sword light, a flame sword light,

There is a faint golden shield.

I just vibrated the long banner with all my strength,

The soul attack,

To these two monks,

Can't produce much utility.

The soul attack sent will not have much effect,

The mana of this person is a lot on the long banner.

This opponent's sword slashed!

It’s as hot as burning everything,

As heavy as a mountain,

It seemed like waves were rolling.

This monk has scored more than a dozen swords!

"This person's specific cultivation base surpassed the mid-stage Four Diamond Flower God.

But did not reach the peak of the Four Diamond Flower God.

We have cut a dozen swords,

The trauma is not light. "

Tashanjian said,

"Practicing the Taoist method of soul mana,

Once the opponent has the treasure of restraining soul mana,

The combat power immediately dropped! "

The red pao guest said with emotion,

"This symbol made by the golden peach tree is really useful.

With the protection of the talisman, this person just sent a spirit attack,

My soul flickered,

If there is no talisman made by this golden peach tree,

We can cut him a few swords,

It's hard to say. "

Tashanjian said,

The soul of the top monk of the three diamond flower god,

At least three lines of mystic fusion,

I feel the fusion of the three lines of Taoism and mystery,

Already in the gods,

To form a small world,

The spirit of the top monk of the three diamond flower god,

It can be said that the structure is stable,

As solid as a rock!

Where is the general Taoism that can be shaken.

This monk in Tsing Yi, holding a long banner, swayed,

Even shaking their souls!

Tashanjian's heart,

That's that shock!

of course,

The situation of the red pao guest,

It's definitely better than the mountain sword,

Four diamond flower god,

That is the pinnacle of Brother Jindan.

In the heart of Brother Tsing Yi,

It was shocked and angry!

It’s just a fleet of crops,

There is such a master!

Of course, he can go from the Shrine of Soul Chaser,

Call for a stronger master,

But then,

His ability to do things-----

From the Soul Chaser Shrine, you can get the treasures of cultivation, Taoism,

It must be a lot worse,

Now, it's time to reach the top of the four diamond flower gods.

"We are here this time, but we are escorting this truck of crops into Chunna State.

This truck of crops entered the state capital of Chunna, and we didn't care about it. "

Said the red pao guest.

This said,

The monk in Tsing Yi,

A big relief,

Gu Songzhou can’t,

He can develop towards a great country.

for him,

Great benevolent country, great country, not all the same,

As long as it can develop enough power,

I handed in this messenger to the Shrine of Soul Chaser,

Cultivating the skills of Dao Yuanying realm is immediately available.

There is a place for this gathering,


The soul of the monk,

The same can be purchased from the market.

"it is good---"

The Brother Tsing Yi said,

A icy black fire was rolled up,

Rolling towards Xuansong Village.

Back to Xuansong Village,

He urged the exercises to run,

While releasing divine thoughts,

Sure enough, after a while,

Those monks from the Patrol and Defense Hall of Gusong Hall,

Urged to escape again,

Walked back,

This time, the monks of the patrol hall,

Driving by myself,

of course,

Those monks in Xuansong Village whose heads were beheaded,

Were chopped off their heads and taken away,

The medicine he took,

During this period of Qi training, thousands of people are trained,

Not a problem.


The convoy entered the prefecture of Chunna Prefecture,

The crops were delivered to the deputy prefect of Chunna Prefecture.

The monk of Gu Songzhou, after eating,

Walking towards Gu Songzhou~www.wuxiaspot.com~ all the way,

Captain Gu and Captain Qiu,

Facing the red robe guest and the mountain climbing sword,

Don't know what kind of words to say?

After repairing,

That is the difference between mountains and land.

The monks of the Patrol Department of Gu Songzhou,

Only then did I know,

Starting from Gusongzhou,

The kind of wind and clouds that others have appeared to be plain,

That is an absolute confidence! (To be continued...)

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