Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2696: Xuansheng County

Jian Xuantian's table was full of books.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

These are the various records of Xuansheng County for hundreds of years.

Jian Xuantian flipped through it.

Sure enough, hundreds of years ago, the bamboo vines of the monks,

I have been nurtured by Taoism,

Want to breed better varieties.


The quality of these bamboo and rattan,

Reach a certain quality,

No matter how hard you try,

Can't breed better varieties.

Just right,

The monk's Taoism is widely spread.

The quality of ironware has rapidly improved.

The cultivation of bamboo and rattan has ceased.

The bamboo and rattan planted in the courtyard of the county government,

They are all cultivated and transformed varieties.

Jian Xuantian originally fancy the species,

It is the best one among the modified varieties.

"It turned out to be so."

Jian Xuantian said.

I have read the books in the entire Xuansheng Prefecture Treasury for several days.

The harvest is not small,

However, like Ang Tian Hammer, it is easy to get the Taoist Book of Yuan Ying Hua Shen that takes effort to understand.

Jian Xuantian did not have this chance.

These bamboo vines have grown for hundreds of years,

Absorbed rìyuejīnghua,

Hundreds of years have passed,

I hit a plant,

Actually gave birth to evolution.

Or, in a few hundred years, thousands of years,

These bamboo and rattan will also evolve.

My plant rune, developed by the mountain flower plane,

The effectiveness is greatly increased.

This is a good time.

Jian Xuantian washes well and sleeps,

Not a long time.

A few silhouettes, brush. Brush, brush jumped into the courtyard.

One congenital warrior,

The other three, mortal warriors peak.

They shook their bodies,

He has reached the side of the bamboo and rattan that first evolved.

Jian Xuantian used plant runes on every bamboo vine.

but. But ten days,

These bamboo and rattan evolved,

How can it be so fast?

These people stood beside the bamboo vine,

A tall man stretched out his hand,

Press towards the bamboo cane.

"Sure enough, Bi ordinary iron is hard." This person said happily.

Immediately. Several people brought out tools,

Start digging.

After a while. The root system of bamboo and rattan appeared.

"So diligent---"

A faint voice rang.

Everyone has a meal,

A figure is already standing next to them,

A sword in his hand,

There was a cold light in the dark night.

It was the magistrate of Xuansheng Prefecture.


An extra sword came out of this tall man's hand, and it flashed towards

This person is cut!

The few people next to him hesitated,

Swords have been released at the same time!

Jianguang crossed!

Several round objects flew up at the same time.

The blood donation is rushing.

It's just a few heads.

These were the ones who made trouble last year,

This year I came to the county government again.

Jian Xuantian waved his hand is a sword!

"Come on."

Jian Xuantian said,

After a while,

A rush of footsteps came.

Several government officials rushed in. Holding flame in hand,

At a glance, shocked!

"These people trespassed in, and I have already beheaded them."

Jian Xuantian said.

"My lord, forgive me."

These people knelt down on one knee.

Someone broke into the county office,

But the magistrate, do it yourself.

"Clean this up."

Jian Xuantian waved his hand,

Back to his room.

Early in the morning, the sun is shining,

The lobby of Xuansheng County,

Talent Bo, the three captains of Xuansheng County,

Together they bowed their hands towards the magistrate in the lobby.

"Master Jian, please forgive me."

"You guys are free to do this kind of thing."

Jian Xuantian said,

His face is cold.

He said to the patrol captain.

"You have to deal with this matter."

Several people bowed their hands towards Jian Xuantian,

Out of the lobby.

"These people are too much."

The patrol captain said angrily.

"Let us take a lot of responsibility."

Said the agricultural leader.


Said the captain of the industrial and commercial team celebration.

The patrol captain and the agricultural captain are like this,

He is a business captain hard to say.

"Master Qing, this matter---

Master Jian was already considered tolerant.

At least you have to warn them. "

The patrol captain said.


That’s the way to these people,

Several captains on the scene knew it well.

"The people in Wanshange are too presumptuous, so I have to talk about them well."

Captain Qing is upset.

This Master Sword has a lot of power,

The people from Wanshan Pavilion did this, didn't they look for things?

Several captains,

All think so.

Master Qing got on the camel beast,

After a reminder, he drove away to Xuansheng County.

Benz for a while,

Into a valley,

In the valley, a relatively large manor,

Seeing this camel beast coming over,

A few big guards,

He bowed his hand towards this Captain Qing.

"Hello Captain Qing, what gust of wind brought you here today?"

"I want to see your supervisor."

Captain Qing got off the camel beast.

After a while, a man in a robe with rich patterns came out from inside,

He bowed his hand towards Captain Qing.

"Captain Qing, we are in charge, please."

The county official’s office went out of this matter,

These people's faces are all innocent.

Captain Qing felt in his heart.

Follow this person in,

Turned a few turns.

Walked into a luxurious room,

A squire dressed up and greeted him warmly.

It is because of donations that people who have eaten with Jian Xuantian.

"Master Qing, sit down."

Captain Qing sat down and the servant brought tea.

Master Qing had a sip of tea.

Originally wanted to reprimand angry.

From entering to drinking tea,

A change.

See the look of the person in Wanshan Pavilion.

This reprimand,

Master Qing couldn't say it.

"Why did that happen in the county office yesterday?

Excessive, it makes it hard for us to do it. "

Captain Qing said.

In this tone, for Qing adults,

It's tactful enough.

"Master Qing, that bamboo rattan. It should have evolved.

The evolved plants are very valuable.

We must get this plant. "


A few golden tickets are here.

"You just don't need to worry about it."

Master Qing looked at this golden ticket and found one hundred catties of gold.

For the county captain, one hundred catties of gold.

It's a sum of money.

Master Qing pushed the golden ticket over,

"This. I'm just the captain of industry and commerce, I can't control it."


Master Qing bowed his hand and said goodbye.

Out of this Wanshan Pavilion branch,

Master Qing's speed of urging the camel beast has increased even more.

Back to the Xuansheng County Office,

Master Qing wrote a letter and waved.

A pro came over.

"You take this letter and go to the deputy prefect."

Captain Qing said.

This kiss nodded.

I walked out of the county office and got on a camel beast,

A reminder. Towards the prefect Yamen of Yuanshan Prefecture, drove quickly.

After ten days,

Caizhubo walked into the lobby,

Arched his hand towards Jian Xuantian.

"Master Jian, the prefect has issued a transfer order,

Master Qing immediately went to the prefectural office of industry and commerce as deputy director. "


Jian Xuantian said, looking at the official document in his hand,

Don't look at it.

"My lord, do you want a farewell banquet?"

Caizhu Bo said.

"I'm not free, you have to do it."

Jian Xuantian said.

Caizhu thinly handed over.

This Master Sword is too deserted.

Anyway, Captain Qing, it matters.

The county magistrate can leave,

They are the masters, the captain,

This banquet is absolutely necessary.

Wanshan Pavilion Xuansheng County Branch.

A beauty and a squire sat.

Facing this beauty,

The squire's face was quite respectful.

"It seems that I will go there by myself."

Said the beauty.

"Then trouble the early beauty. You can report the evolution of bamboo and rattan.

At least half of this credit must be shared. "

Said the squire.

The early beauty is the highest cultivation level in Wanshan Pavilion of Xuansheng County.

If the early beauty does not go to the county office, who will go?

A branch of a county can be equipped with a monk during the foundation period,

It's already pretty good.

at night,

It seemed like a gust of wind blew through the courtyard of the county government in Xuansheng County.

A faint figure appeared.

A monk who can cultivate to the foundation stage,

Felt immediately,

The entire courtyard here seems to be refreshing.

In the darkness, a bamboo vine shone with a faint brilliance.

The figure walked up to the bamboo vine and looked at it,

"Sure enough, it's different."

"of course."

A voice sounded.

This figure turned around,

A sword light flashed in his hand!

She is a beauty.

"Morning beauty, we meet again, so beautiful,

Want to enjoy it with me? "

Jian Xuantian smiled.

"It turned out to be Lord Sword. I knew Lord Sword was not a mortal.

When I saw it today, my cultivation base was much higher than mine. "

Zao Mei smiled, her smile was like a flower.

"In that case, these bamboo and rattan, in my courtyard,

If the early beauty wants,

This Xuansheng County is full of mountains and plains.

Why do you come to me. "

Jian Xuantian said.

Since everyone has shown the identity of the monk.

According to the monk’s rules,

Whoever finds it gets it.

"I'm interested in this bamboo cane, a bamboo cane, the sword officials can't bear it?"

Zao Mei said with a smile.

one look,

Jian Xuantian didn't react much.

Jian Xuantian's cultivation base is higher than himself,

After all, it's not very useful.

The early beauty shook her body and was about to rush into the air to escape.

Suddenly. "Wow---"

A big wave hit in the air.

Early beauty felt that the pressure was like a mountain!

The sword light in his hand cuts, spins, shakes!

The whole big wave was chopped!

Water splash,

There is a big wave,

As if the entire courtyard is full of surging waves!

Jian Xuan Tian did not move his hand, and the sword could not be released, so Dao Fa was launched.

The early beauty made three swords in a row, and this smashed the big wave!

The disparity in this Dao can hardly be counted by Dao Li!

The early beauty's face changed, and the sword art was reminded.

In an instant, a thousand sword lights revolved around the early beauty.


Towards those big waves,

The big wave has turned into a thousand knives,

Slash towards this spinning sword light!


Thousand swords of sword light burst towards the surroundings,

However, as soon as it rushed into the surrounding water waves,

Become invisible immediately!

They didn’t even urge Sword Art to be issued.

Zao Mei was shocked, she had already taken out an iron sign,

In an instant, Dao Fa urged.


There was a loud bang.

This iron sign turned into a red thunder fire around him!

The big wave hit the red thunder,

Bring out gorgeous fireworks~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Thunder?

Jian Xuantian made one move, originally wanting to unite.

This early beauty and the spirit of the early beauty,

Will be crushed by Jian Xuantian's pinch!


Ang Tian Hammer dealt with Paradise Palace,

The worship of Paradise Palace, but the faction of the Lord of Thunder,

Therefore, all the mountain flower plane monks who came to the wave plane knew this.

Involving other main gods,

The level of the Jindan Brothers must be reported to the martial art.

When I saw the mighty thunder and fire,

Jian Xuantian felt a little frustrated.

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