Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2721: 3 Sheriff's offer

"it is good--."

The prefect of Chunna Prefecture nodded,

To support Wanzhang Whip Museum every day,

It costs more than an army of the same person,

Today, it works.

"College Hua, what kind of treasure does this Immortal Master Wanzhang use?"

The prefect of Chunna Prefecture said reservedly to the Hua school officials.

"You think it's so easy, the altar can be operated with a fire-type fairy stone,

Using fire-type treasures, it’s just a real man who wants to create a three-diamond flower **** who can practice

Fire altar. "

Colonel Flower pouted in his heart.

Treasures useful for the cultivation of the Four Diamond Flower God,

In Xiuzhenfang market,

At least, millions of top-grade immortal stones.

Ordinary four diamond flower god,

Build battle armor, flying sword,

You can buy this kind of treasure, not much!

"It feels warm, flame-lined, red.

You can take it over and have a look. "

Said the flower officer.

The prefect of Chunna Prefecture looked at his husband,

The husband immediately stood up,

"The treasury mainly collects taxes, crops,

These miscellaneous items are really relatively small.

I think it needs to be reported to the governor. "

This Mr. said.

This is euphemistic,

In fact, there is no.

Officials of Chunna Prefecture agreed.

This matter cannot be done right away,

The prefect of Chunna Prefecture frowned.

Sir, understanding of these things,

Absolutely more than myself.

"In this case, report to the governor."

The prefect of Chunna Prefecture said.

It seems that this credit should be shared with the governor.

A camel beast drove into the prefect of Nanxuanzhou.

But this camel beast. But it went straight to the governor's office.

After a long time,

Inside the governor’s office,

In a luxurious hall,

A middle-aged man in official clothes looked at the paperwork.

It was the governor of Xuan Luo Dao.

"Go. Please come, sir."

He said.

After a while,

A middle-aged man in luxurious clothes came in,

He bowed his hand at the middle-aged man in official clothes.

The middle-aged man gave the official document to the past: "Look,

Real man Wanzhang agreed to build an altar, but he needed fire treasures,

This Chunnazhou document says,

It feels warm and has flame lines. Red.

A treasure that can be warm in cold weather.

In the mortal world. It was collected by a wealthy family, or else it would be a tribute.

The gentleman who came in clearly knew what the governor said.

"For a treasure. Not suitable for reporting to the court,

otherwise. Some people say, Master Governor, you can’t find even a treasure.

Master Wanzhang is willing to make a move,

Not even an altar can be built. "

When this gentleman said,

The governor nodded repeatedly.

"Exactly, Master Wanzhang is willing to take action,

How to say, Xuan Luo Dao, want to gather this treasure together.

Report everything, then what do you want the governor of me to do? "

Mr. nodded.

"My lord is very right.

In my opinion, you can set up a list to recruit fire treasures,

If it can be used together, reward 30 catties of gold! "

This Mr. said.

"Well, I think that's a good thing.

You go handle it. "

The gentleman nodded.

In the afternoon, the announcement has been posted to the prefect,

The counties in the prefecture of Chunna Prefecture have been posted on the list.

The prefect issued a list,


A bunch of people watching.

"It's a warm stone, thirty catties of gold, so much."


The person who read the essay exclaimed.

The people next to him were in an uproar.

far away,

Colonel Flower came over on a camel,

Looking at these people,

"Thirty catties of gold?

30,000 pieces of gold, maybe from the Xiuzhenfang market,

Buy this treasure.

30,000 catties of gold is a good refining material. "

Commander Flower thought. .

In a few days,

A patrol team came over,

Arched his hand towards the flower school officer.

"My lord, sir, please go over."

Captain Flower nodded,

Entered an office of the prefect of Chunna Prefecture.

Mr. Prefect is already sitting there.

On the table, there are several red stones.

"Commander Flower, someone offered a treasure, come and have a look."

Colonel Flower took a look,

There is something crystal clear outside,

See through,

But there is no half-point fire fluctuation.

Where is this treasure?

Ordinary gems are not counted.

Just some stones that look better than ordinary stones.

"This, in my opinion, generally, these,

Send it to Wanzhang Whip Museum. "

Said the flower officer.

"Well, every person who offers a stone, give three copper coins!"

Said this gentleman.

Thirty gold,

The treasure offered must be approved by the Wanzhang Whip Museum.

after a few days,

In the Wanzhang Whip Museum, the real person Wanzhang opened an exquisite gift box,

Take out a stone and feel it carefully.

A natural treasure,

Is not identifiable by mortals,

The Four Diamond Flower God’s Taoism fluctuates,

Not necessarily able to identify all treasures.

"There is no Taoist structure at all, no Taoist realm, ordinary stones!"

Really said.

If this treasure is higher than the realm of Wanzhang real person.

The divine mind of the real man was released,


Can let oneself feel the Dharma image brought by the realm of Taoism.

Either the flames soar into the sky, or the warmth like spring, full of mountains and plains.

After reading these few stones, all are so.

This is the real life,

Even the four diamond flower god,

Where can I pick up baby every day?

"Come on."

A warrior came in and bowed his hand towards this person.

Really advanced to the peak of Innate Warriors,

A simple mana core has been outlined.

He can feel it.

In front and people, for their innate warriors,

It is like a mountain of thousands of miles.

Release a mana wave,

I will be crushed!

"Receive these to the warehouse. Tell the prefect of Chunra Prefecture,

This is an ordinary stone,

Let the fire treasures they send back better. "

Really said.


This warrior came up and packed the box.

Watching this warrior go out.

"Damn. Still thinking about not spending money,

Picking up treasures in the hands of earthly officials,

People give 30 catties of gold,

Not even the treasures of ordinary wealthy people. "

The real man shook his head.

However, it was originally an advantage,

The gem was delivered as soon as they were delivered.

Not delivered,

This altar will not be built by itself!

The prefect of Chunna Prefecture,

"Quickly, call Captain Flower over."

The prefect of Chunna Prefecture said.

After a while.

Captain Flower came in.

"Wanzhang Zhenren sent someone over. Those stones. All ordinary stones!"

Said the officer of the team flower.

"Mr. Zun, a natural treasure, very mysterious.

I am a monk in the foundation building period, how can I experience the mystery of this world?

Of course it's better to send it over. "

Captain Flower gave a hand. Said with a smile.

He is a colonel of the patrol team,

Tube patrol.

A natural treasure is very mysterious,

You can't say a word.

"Well, you should withdraw first."

Mr. Zun, waved his hand.

Officer Hua walked out of Mr. Xuan's office room.

I have been in officialdom for a few years,

This face is used to it.

A few days later,

Mr. Zun is a little anxious,

A decent treasure was not accepted!


A sound of footsteps rushed over.

At first glance, it was a bureaucrat.

"Mr. Zun, the three princesses of Paradise Palace are here,

At the gate of the prefect’s office, he said, to respond to the call,

Contribute a good fire treasure. "

This gentleman was taken aback,

For a while, there was no reaction.

The three counties of the Paradise Palace mainly offer treasures,

Come to Chunnazhou?

Who will offer the treasure, this gentleman can't think of,

The three princesses of Paradise Palace will come to offer treasures.

I have been a prefect for so many years.

How can he not know,

What is the identity of the three county lords,

Neither he nor the three princesses are qualified.

"Quickly, go with me to see the prefect."

This gentleman stood up,

And this yaman,

Quickly walked towards the hall where the prefect office was office.

The prefect is sitting leisurely.

With the Wanzhang Whip Museum in Chunluo Prefecture, it has become a lot safer.

The prefect, the original nervousness,

Become leisurely.

one look,

Mr. Zun walked in quickly. .

"Huh, today---"

The prefect did not finish.

Mr. Zun gave his hand.

"My lord, the three princesses of Paradise Palace are here to offer fire treasures."

"Ah---the three princesses of Paradise Palace!"

The prefect suddenly stood up,

Mr. Zun hurriedly let the Ya Yai come forward,

Tell the story of the matter again.

The prefect’s face changed.

Continuous changes!

He, the prefect, is the highest official here,

Yihe Wangfu, the county lord,

It's a ball.

"But I want to build an altar to change crop production.

How could I think that a great **** came. "

The prefect said.

"Why didn't the three princesses come to me to offer treasures to the governor of Xuanluo Road?"

Master Zun grinned,

Laughing is uglier than crying.

"I see, these three princesses came to Wanzhang Whip Hall."

Mr. Zun said.

"This is definitely not a good thing for me."

Said the prefect.

The three princesses of Paradise Palace arrived,

His prefect,

No official power at all.

"My lord, what's the point of talking about it? Go out to meet you.

Otherwise, people say you neglect the three princesses. "

Mr. Zun said.

"Yes, come, a guard of honor, welcome the three princesses of Paradise Palace!

Hurry up and bring the deputy prefect, and please come over. "

The prefect shouted loudly.

After a while,

The gongs and drums sounded together,

The prefect and deputy prefect of Chunna Prefecture, refer to the record,

Take square steps together and walk out of the prefectural office,

Walked toward the big cart that was a few steps at the door,

of course,

The officials in the prefectural offices have gathered.

Next to the cart,

All guarded by strong warriors.

"See the three princesses!"

The three chief officials bowed their hands deeply.

"See the three princesses!"

Ministers and government officials,

All kneeling, see ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The curtain opens,

A proud beauty walked down,

Nodded to the officials.

"Free gift."

To all the officials of Chunna Prefecture,

The three county owners are more satisfied,

What is necessary is this effect.

A maid came,

Holding a box,

It is half a person tall.

There was another waiter nearby,

Open this box and have a look.

A red stone inside, like a rockery,

Has been carved into a bonsai,

However, this stone itself has a good shape.

There are not many carving knives.

Most of the original shape.

Still retained.

Faculty Officer Hua swept towards the bonsai,

Gentle, like the sea.

It really is a treasure!

Commander Flower thought.

"I got this fire treasure by accident,

I heard that Wanmin in Chunna Prefecture needs,

How can I be stingy,

Everyone, please join me,

Go to Wanzhang Whip Museum, take this baby,

Gift to Wanzhang Whip Museum. "

Every official in Chunna Prefecture, from prefect to minister, sweats!

.................................... .....

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