Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2750: Water dividers play

Seeing Jie Yun gathered around,

The shadow of the golden fruit of the sword cyclist,

Immediately send a message to the body of the sword cyclist,


The sword cyclist is dealing with a business matter,

Where can I get away.

I wanted to ask the monks on Huoluo Mountain for help,

The monks of Huoluoshan,

Most of them have served as officials in various countries on the Yuanbo plane,

The body was cultivated on Huoluoshan,

But a few people.

Seeing to be advanced to the four-diamond flower god,

Is it so easy to move?

Jian Xianke sent a message to Ang Tian Hammer for help,

Ang Tian hammer thought,

Let the water divider pass.

Until now,

Those who refuse to go out as officials are generally cultivators.

Thinking of practicing in retreat, guarding the golden core training seat of Huoluoshan,

Three hundred years of cultivation,

You can advance to Yuanying.

of course,

This statement is correct. I practiced in Huoluo Mountain for 300 years.

It is possible to advance to Yuanying.


Since I don't want to be an official,

Sword Xianke already has his own spiritual gathering place,

This benefit,

Why let them know.

I have worked hard to find a place where the spiritual energy converges.

Let others sit and enjoy?

The same door became a servant.

and so,

Ang Tian Hammer notified the Water Divide Beast.

Of course he did,

Want to win over the water divider.

As soon as I heard it,

Protect the law through the golden core catastrophe.

The water divider slashed over with a sword,

The thunder of the Golden Core Tribulation can be smashed!

The water divider is already four diamond flower gods,

Once God's thoughts are released,

Of course I know what the swordsmen think of him,

Frankly speaking.

The water beast is very upset.

Just right,

This mountain villa outside the censor has a place where spiritual energy gathers.

I should go to that mountain village to practice for a few years,

Integrate other Taoist mysteries into progress.

Upgrade up.

Jie Lei banged all night.

In the middle of the night, a figure came over,

Alighted towards the water divider,

Show up,

It is the sword cyclist.

Arched his hand towards the water divider,

"Brother Fen Shui Beast. There is indeed socializing today,

I'm late. "

The water trap nodded,

"Then watch it for yourself."

With that said, escaped lightly,

Rushed towards Chunluozhou.


A manor.

Fifty miles in radius,

But now,

In this manor,

There are people running around.

After hearing the news of the death of the member's body,

Someone has passed it.

"Don't run around!"

Several monks during the foundation building period roared wildly,

Jianguang urged.

A few miles away,

Some of the most panicked servants,

With head and shoulders,

Was chopped down,

Blood splashed.

People in the manor,

Stop immediately,

I had known this squad member and some entourage,

Not ordinary people,

When Feijian came out today,

Immediately behead people a few miles away.

Everyone dare not move!


A blue light appeared on the horizon,

But in an instant,

Has crossed the entire sky.

Towards this manor,

Amidst the blue light, a person appeared,

"You guys, call the servants of this manor,

This manor belongs to me. "

This man said,

Several foundation-building monks were shocked,

Looking at the light emitted by this man,

Its color is as clear as crystal!

Although they were monks in the foundation period,


There is still this common sense.

The monk can emit crystal-like light, at least,

It's the three diamond flower god!


Their identities are different from general casual cultivators,

Although afraid,

But, stand still.

"Your Excellency, we are not able to---"

I didn't finish this,

The figure in the blue light smiled.

"Isn't it the monk of the Lord God of Fire?"


Finger flick,


Several foundation-building monks have exploded into blood fog,

There are not even larger pieces.


All monks who can see have their heads down.

It was too shocking tonight,

These people can be regarded as seeing,

The legendary world of immortality.

The monk in the blue light didn't move,

Several stewards in the manor,

Has turned into a cloud of blood,

There are not even larger pieces.

The fighting in Noori State is cruel.

"Who is in charge here?"



Immediately, not far away,

A middle-aged man ran over tremblingly.

"I am the housekeeper here."

"Clean up here."

Said the water beast.


Said the steward.

At this time,

It's dawn.

The water trap is already standing in the training room,

one look,

This place where aura converges,

It's better than the normal place of spiritual energy cultivation.


Outside of the staff, it was calculated earlier.

Until noon,

The water divider came out of the training room,

The butler has been standing for a long time,

"Master, do you serve food."

The water trap nodded,

The butler walked to the hall with the water trap beast,

After a while,

A table of hearty dishes,

Already set.

Fen Shui Beast had a tea time,

A table of dishes,

Has been eaten by the water trap,

"Not bad," said the water beast.

I used to walk around several nearby states,

You have to pay for meals,


No need to pay anymore.

You can enjoy the delicacies of the world.

"One more table."

Said the water beast.


After yesterday’s scene,

The butler is no longer so surprised,

After a while,

There is another table of dishes.


This kind of life lasted for half a month,

It's the summer of another year,

this day,

Several body shapes.

It fell towards the manor.

"Which expert is here as a guest,

Please come out and answer. "

One of them said.

The blue light flashed,

The water trap is already standing there.

"You guys, who do things for the Lord God of Salo,

Instead, I am a guest,


Said the water beast.

He didn't take the three golden cores on the opposite side seriously.

These people were furious,

Ordinary monks,

Knowing that it belongs to other main gods,

How dare you say it in person?

This person,

Dare to be so welcome!

Lord God of Fire,

Why did you lose your luck in Chunnaju?

It shows that the altar presided over by Venerable Rose, the flower **** of Yuan Ying, was found,

Venerable Qiangwei, of course it’s not easy to directly confront the Yuanying Flower God who met in the Yuanbo plane.


Some of the goals of the main power of Huola cannot be achieved.

Outside the news,

Go on an adventure.

However, the manor was occupied by this monk.

"In that case, see the real chapter, a battle in the air!"

Said the monk.

"it is good---"

The water beast said,

However, the one who spoke to the other side,

Three diamond flower god,

The next two are the flower gods.

The figure is vertical, turning into a blue light.

Has rushed to the sky.

A message,

Sent to Ang Tian hammer.

Ang Tianchui was eating fruit in Guanzhou prefect office.

It's been very leisurely.


On the communication instrument, a message was displayed.

Ang Tianchui took a look,

"The place where the spiritual energy of the main **** monk gathers.

Is that easy to hold? "

To conclude,

Walked into my room,

Body shape shook,

Has left Guanzhou,

Escape for a while,

Like lightning,

Escape towards Chunnazhou.

Red flame hawthorn flowers,

Red is pure, red is dazzling,

But there are 100,000 petals,

Hundreds of feet,

It looks like a sea of ​​petals.

next to,

There is another purple flame,

A cyan flame flashed,

As if falling from nine heavens,

Contains an incomparable trajectory!

The light cyan brilliance flashed,

As if there were big waves,

Touch this flame hawthorn flower,

In an instant,

It seems that there are tens of thousands of fireballs exploding at the same time!

A circle of flames, in an instant,

Spread thousands of feet,

Wave-like fluctuations,

Expanding towards the surrounding.

As if a hundred thunders exploded at the same time!

Although they fought at an altitude of several thousand feet,

This sword,

Most of the monks in Chunnao Prefecture were alarmed!

A look at the height and momentum of this battle,

Needless to say,

The real strong fight,

Repaired almost,

Touch this aftermath,

Become to pieces immediately!

An extra shield is already in the hands of the water divider,

First gear,


The cyan flame exploded,

The cyan sword light in his hand turns,


The purple flame bursts!

The water trap blocks the opponent from making moves,


Mana fluctuates!

"Four diamond flower gods, but the power of the mystical fusion does not surpass me!"

The three diamond flower **** said.


The diamond flower **** next to him was surprised.

You are the pinnacle of the Three Diamond Flower God,

Not afraid of this four-diamond flower god,

We are a flower god,

Not an opponent.

"Three talents."

The Three Diamond Flower God looked at them.

This diamond flower god, stand next to the three diamond flower god,

A faintly mysterious flame rose up,

For monks in the Qi training period,

Simple three-talent formation,

With the diamond flower god,

Immediately there was the cooperation of flame Dao Fa,

In the flame, there seemed to be thousands of thunders spinning.

This blow,

Send out with full force,

The four-diamond flower **** floating ship will be shattered.

The protective array of the four-diamond flower **** flying ship,

Definitely not as good as these three swordsmanship changes with the Diamond Flower God!


not far away,

The space is cracked,

Shoots out a yellow misty sword light,

In an instant, it blasted before the eyes of the Three Diamond Flower God,

These three diamond flower gods felt,

This is as fast as electricity, and as heavy as a mountain!

Regardless of the realm of Taoism or the level of swordsmanship,

They surpassed themselves in an all-round way.

In a thousandth of an instant,


These three-diamond flower gods have exploded into a red flame,

But he himself urged the changes in Taoism,

The deep yellow sword light swept away,

There are already many red flames that have turned into nothingness.

However, this flame body,

But it is the harder one!

With Ang Tian Hammer’s repair,

Encounter a similar opponent to perform this trick,

It's not easy!

"Boom, boom, boom—"

Thousands of fire mines exploded at the same time,

Within tens of miles,

It's already full of flames,


The other two flower gods with diamonds,

I heard the voice of the Three Diamond Flower God,

A reminder of the escape method,


A flame raged on them,

In an instant,

They are already hundreds of miles away.

Flame mystery,

Speed ​​is one of the fastest escape methods.

The escape method continuously urges ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ for a few moments,

These three diamond flower gods,

Has escaped five hundred miles!

At first glance, the other party did not catch up.

Three flames flickered,

Human form has appeared.

The three diamond flower god,

His face is already ugly,

Take a look at the diamond flower **** next to him,


Although incarnate as a flame,


Beaten by the opponent's sword,

Some flames, being meditated in nothingness,

With the strength of the Three Diamond Flower God,

The flame was beaten into nothingness,

I can't recover the same.

"Damn, here in Chunluozhou, there is a place where such strong profound Yin spirit gathers,

It's really not suitable for the monks of the Lord God of Fire. "

The three diamond flower **** said,

Just a trick,

He has to cultivate for at least one year.

Take a look at the diamond flower god,

Although this excuse is a little bit illusory,


They spoke together.

"That's right, it's all to God, let's go back to our station first."

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