Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2754: Daqingtan

A mountain shape emerged,

With a thunder,

Half of the mountain collapsed.

However, the mystery of this thunder’s catastrophe,

The green Jiao in the mountain has quite a comprehension.

"Ang Tianhammer, how does this rule of the earth system compare with your rule of the earth system?"

Xuan Qianhe asked Ang Tianhammer.

"It's far beyond the rules of my soil system.

This Yuanying Heavenly Tribulation, Qing Jiao was over. "

Ang Tian Chui said,

Rule Dao Fa and Profound Dao Fa have been upgraded to a level!

The mountain peaks transformed by the rules of Taoism were crushed halfway,

The ordinary mountain next to it,

But the aftermath of being robbed of thunder touched,

Half of the mountain smashed!

This is the power of Yuanying Heaven Tribulation Thunder!

"This Qing Jiao has mastered the rules and methods, and he is really amazing."

The Yuan Ying Flower God who talked to the rain in front of the mountain said,

"However, he flees the Yuanying Heavenly Tribulation at the place of his hidden cultivation, this place,

He doesn't want it? "

The core member of the Park Wave Plane Committee,

Somewhat puzzled.

The robbery started in less than half a tea time,

Several peaks around this valley,

Most of it has collapsed!

The valley has expanded by more than half.

"I don't know, this Qing Jiao should have been cultivating here for a long time.

Of course I have my own plans. "


After three days and three nights,

The robbery died down,

The volatility of the tribulation fell,

Qing Jiao accepted this tribulation fluctuation,

Originally without horns,

A long chant of heaven.

Qing Jiao's head.

A white jade-like horn grows.

However, the valley where the Qingjiao dragon crossed the catastrophe,

Has become a depth of more than one hundred feet,

A big hole in a radius of fifty miles!

The green dragon hovered in the air,

Turned into a strong man,

Reach out,


A crack appeared,

He quickly rushed towards the Bihe in the distance.

Bihe. From the valley where the Qingjiao crosses the catastrophe,

About fifty miles.

After a while,

Has turned into a river,

Forty feet wide,

13 feet deep,


This river has been connected with Bihe,

The Bihe water rushed toward this jumping river!

Less than half a day,

A river has been created.

Most of the golden core monks,

His mouth opened.


This river, if mortal digs.

There are tens of thousands of people and it cannot be done in one year.

This green dragon,

Completed in less than half a day.

Seeing the Bihe River pour into this big pit,

This brawny man sat cross-legged towards the big pit.

"This Green Jiao, it seems to be here to stay."

The monks around came to realize.

Relying on a move of the Qing Jiaolong just now,

Most feel that

It's not an opponent of the Blue Dragon at all,

There was another speech from the chairman of the Sono Nami Plane Committee,

A reminder of the law,

Turning into escape light, flying towards the distance,

Watching the entire Yuanying Heavenly Tribulation,

I have a lot of insights in Taoism.

The three Yuanying Flower Gods of Yuanbo Plane members stood for a while,

The water waves separate,

A palace has appeared in the waves,

Qing Jiao just made it.

Qing Jiao looked over,

"Chairman, please come back,

If something happens, let this blue-faced person come here to call me. "

It seems that

Qing Jiao really didn't want to join the Yuanbo Plane Committee.

True person Chi Xuan nodded: "That's good."

A beast of legendary level, but a few words,

A little benefit can be subdued.

The figure is vertical,

Turned into a retreat,

In an instant,

Has gone to the horizon.

Ang Tian hammer urged his body shape,

Has flew quickly,

Suddenly, the communication circle sounded.

At first glance, it is a water trap.

The water trap is entangled,

He bowed his hand towards Ang Tian Hammer.

"Brother Tian, ​​this green dragon has a horn,

Is already a half-dragon,

It seems to live in Daqingshan County,

Brother God, take care of me. "

It seems that

The water trap knows,

He is definitely not that Qing Jiao's opponent.

Quickly pull the relationship to Ang Tian hammer.

"Don't tell me, you don't know that Daqingshan's strong man is a green dragon."

Ang Tian Chui said,

This Qing Jiao used the rules to pass the Yuanying Heaven Tribulation,

Once Yuan Ying’s catastrophe passed,

Once Yuan Ying’s catastrophe passed,

The Yuan Ying Flower God on the Yuanbo plane,

Qing Jiao can be regarded as the strongest in the ranking.

The strong people in several nearby states know that,

In Daqingshan County, there are quite strong experts in cultivation.

"My God, I know, there is a Jiao there,

Originally, I thought that he had survived the Yuanying Heaven Tribulation,

Not to the sea, at least, to go to Kunwenjiang,

Don't think,

He blasted the pit with Heavenly Tribulation and lived here,

Now, Bihe's strongest person is not me anymore. "

The water beast said,

Speaking of Qing Jiao not even going to Gunwen River,

The water beast is vague again.

"In this way, if Qing Jiao comes to fight,

You call me, I'll come. "

Ang Tianchui said.

Well, the water beast nodded quickly.

Those few Yuanying Demon Kings in Kunwenjiang,

I also watched the Tribulation of the Blue Water Dragon,

Don't say anything else,

This Qing Jiao’s Nascent Soul Method,

Shocked them.

Think about it, continue to comprehend for many years,

Comprehend a rune of water system rules,

All are extremely difficult.

Qing Jiaodu Yuanying's catastrophe,

In the beginning,

Is the rule of law,

No need to fight at all,

These demon kings know,

How big is the gap between himself and Qing Jiao.

When I heard that Qing Jiao had settled in this Daqingshan County,

He has a good relationship with the water beast,

Of course, he couldn't watch Qing Jiao conquer the Water Divide Beast.

After half a month.

Daqingshan County has an extra large pond with a radius of fifty miles.

There is an island in the middle.

There is a white jade palace on the island,

The water and clouds are like a fairy mountain,

Everybody knows,

This is where Qing Jiao lives.

The green water dragon has been cultivating for many years,

Make a white jade palace,

not a problem.


Fluctuations one after another.

In the Kunwen River and the tributaries of the Kunwen River,

Lightning passed.

this day,

Where the Bi River enters the Gunwen River,

Suddenly the music is loud!

The waves within a radius,

Rise in the Kunwenjiang,

Several people stood in front of the waves,

Holding a jade plate,

In the jade plate. There are all kinds of babies.

next to,

Hundreds of aquariums stood there.

Each played with a different instrument.

This wave,

Like a clipper,

Speeding toward Bihe.

It’s fun everywhere,

Escape light flew from a distance,


The monk on the escape was shocked.

"These few treasures are not the great Yuanying Demon Kings on the Kunwen River.

It's all here!

It looks like it might be to that Daqingtan. "

The water pool where the Qing Jiao lives is called Da Qing Tan.

In this blue river,

Except for Daqingtan,

that place,

Coupled with several Yuanying Demon Kings, holding gifts together.

after all,


For ordinary monks,

It is definitely a legend.

The water beast stood beside the demon king,

Holding thirty water profound fruits in his hand,

It is the best fruit in Dongfu,


Compared with these Yuanying Demon Kings holding the baby,

It's almost inconspicuous.

Play music all the way,

See hundreds of lively monks.

Along the way, to Daqingshan County,

On a wave,

Standing a strong man,

Has been greeted out.

"It’s really an honor for me to come all the way.’

Qing Jiao said.

How do these people say that they are the Yuanying Flower God,

The lord of a water house,

Although Qing Jiao is arrogant,

These superficial efforts must be done.


Looking at the treasures held by these people,

Not Fanpin.

Of course Qing Jiao laughed.

Qing Jiao and these people entered the palace on the island,

"Take tea."

Qing Jiao said,

Several servants who were not completely transformed came up,

Serve everyone with tea.

"Master Qing has survived the Yuanying Heaven Tribulation and built a new cave mansion,

We are here to celebrate, and we brought the banquet,

How about a drink together. "

A demon king stood up and said,

It is the Lord of the Great Sword.


Qing Jiao said,

Although the palace was built,


The Qing Jiaolong only survived the Yuan Ying’s catastrophe,

Not many servants.

These people brought the feast,

Just have a drink together.

After drinking for a while,

Qing Jiao drank happily,


These people are afraid that Qing Jiao will ask for their water mansion,

So come and give gifts.

Qing Jiao laughed: "I am not interested in your water mansion.

I need to practice, just practice it for me where the aura of the water system gathers. "

Qing Jiao said.

The Demon King on the Kunwenjiang became happy now.

This is the best result.

Qing Jiao builds a pool with the help of heaven,

I want to blend the rules of the soil system and the water system here.

It’s like these demon kings,

The rules and laws are average,

Not to mention,

Combine different rules.

Recently, this Qing Jiao felt,

The rules and methods of self-cultivation,

As if it has reached its limit,

Can't move forward,

Then let go of one's own cultivation,

Immediately, it attracted Yuanying’s catastrophe,

From the Yuanying Heavenly Tribulation,

There are many insights,

The banquet ended successfully,

Once the banquet is over,

Green Jiao generally cultivates on the island,

Not much going out.

Daren Kingdom, Gu Songzhou, has a real Nascent Soul powerhouse,

And settled down in Daqingshan County,

Don't say the farther ones.

The capital of a great country,

In the palace,

A middle-aged man in a yellow robe,

It is walking around.

This middle-aged man is the emperor of a great country.

"Sir, this Green Jiao is not under the control of the Garden Wave Plane Committee.

If this green dragon shoots,

In a few days,

The great nation will be occupied by the great nation. "

The emperor of a great country,

Said to the middle-aged man next to him.

This middle-aged man looks,

Full of spring breeze,

But a pair of eyes,

Like a glacier for thousands of years.

"Qing Jiao is a strong Yuan Ying, and should not easily serve a mortal country."

The middle-aged man said,

"The three princesses, the medicinal materials they bought are like mountains,

Efforts to train monks during the Qi training period,

Sir, look at---"

The emperor said,

The last time there was a battle in Noori State,

The monks in the Qi training period mobilized from all over the Yuanbo plane,

There were many casualties.

Although this middle-aged is the four-diamond flower **** of the soul chaser,

But he was unwilling to fall out with the Yuanbo Plane Committee again.

Masters can’t make moves,

The Garden Wave Plane Committee transferred some casual repairs,

These Qi training monks trained by the soul chaser,

Not an opponent at all.


A monk during the foundation building came in,

The face was shocked and angry,

Toward this middle-aged man,

This middle-aged man,

He bowed his hand to the emperor of the great country,

"There is something to deal with in the camp, so let's say goodbye."

The emperor nodded.

This middle-aged man, and the monk during the foundation period,

Quickly out of the capital of a great country,

Dao Fa urges,

Flew more than three hundred miles,

Then came to a mountain,

The mountain is already a luxurious building.

This is a place where Xuanyin aura gathers ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but it is far inferior to Xuansong Village.


In these buildings,

But everyone's face panicked.

The light fell down like thunder,

Escape the light,

There are middle-aged people and monks in the foundation building period,


Someone came forward to report,

"My lord, those thirty qi training monks,

It was gone last night.

I am incompetent, please punish me. To be continued...)

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