Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2758: Ren County

Mr. Xu is sitting,

Playing a magic trick in his hand,

No joy or sadness,

Mr. Xu can be sure,

This brave army,

The big guys of the Plane Committee,

I know for sure!

A person can practice to bring the Diamond Flower God, how many battles it takes.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

This brave team,

There is no master above the diamond flower **** to hold the line?

The monks in the training period wearing the armor of the monks in the foundation period,

There are three hundred sets.

These three princesses are blamed on themselves,

Mr. Xu thinks,


A hundred monks in the Qi training period,

Just want to cross the cultivation world?

A hundred monks in the Qi training period,

Can't stop the trick with the diamond flower god!

A reminder of the law,

There were already a few more liquid medicines that were half of the round beads coming out of the pill furnace.

A county official,

Already looming ahead,

Ren County,

The first county the Brave team encountered.

Looking at the neat line up on the county magistrate,


Respect the army of the great power,

Has been stationed in the county magistrate.

Get off the bus and line up!

"Hold the shield—"

The team is roaring loudly,

Shield in hand,

Raise the shield.

Dao Fa urges,

Mountains emerge!

"Let the arrow----"

There was a roar from the county magistrate,

"Wh, eh, eh—"

A row of arrows suddenly hit the phantom.

The icy cold made the brave soldiers behind the shield

Feeling cold all over!


Shield surface,

Soaring up a flame,

Flushed. Inches high.

The cold disappeared immediately.

"The fire system of these magical weapons has greatly improved."

The county is closed. A monk in the foundation building period said in surprise.

The refining method of the mountain flower plane,

Using ordinary fire runes,

Slightly modified,

You can control the real fire of the sun.

"Let the arrow--"

He continued to shout,

This time,

Several rows of arrows fell into the queue,

Many monks during the Qi training period.

Immediately, the same red flame came up.



Already, a dozen innate martial artists have fallen.

On the congenital warrior,


The same is refined by the real fire of the sun.

The rain in front of the mountain did not know what thought it came from

Don't want

These monks who are willing to participate in the courageous training period,

Too many casualties.


They have no magic power,

Can't urge the sun to really fire,


These are on their battle armor. Installed celestial stone,

You can use your own qi.

Inspire these celestial stones, use celestial stones to urge the real fire of the sun on the surface of the armor,


It takes time,

Congenital warriors can't hold the real fire of the sun.

The sun tempering this armor is really hot,

It looks more restrained than the battle armor!


The protection power drops again.

A few arrows rained over,

More than 30 congenital warriors were killed in battle,

The brave team array,

Entered thirty minutes away from the magistrate of Ren County.

"Sword Qi ready!"

The school officer shouted,

Monks in the early stage of Qi training,

The sword aura emitted,

After thirty feet,

It's not easy to control,

The sword energy released by the monks in the early stage of Qi training,

The distance is thirty feet,

Ordinary warriors can pass by.

However, the training monks of the brave team,

how to say,

There are generally more than a few levels of Qi training period,

The defensive array used to attack the county official can be used.

Eight hundred monks in the Qi training period,

At the same time he swung his sword,

Brilliant sword aura,

Sword shè out of their hands!

What is the brave team,

The garden bō plane committee did not issue a call.

of course,

Those who show sè,

Only Zhu Jidan sent it to,

On this one,

Last time,

The monks in the training period who participated in the Battle of Nooro Prefecture,

Even though it is conscripted,


The Battle of Nooro State is over,

Everyone sent a Zhujidan.

For monks in the Qi training period,

This is getting rich!

Regret for not participating in the training period monks who participated in the Battle of the State

At least ten times the number of thousands of people recruited!

This time,

The conditions stated by the brave team are compared with those of the members of the bō plane.

Not much difference!

Only those who show sè will be issued Jidan.

Can't show sè,

That's not a word from others.


There are eight hundred monks in the Qi training period.


There are strict requirements on the varieties and years of medicinal materials.

The price cannot come down.

Once the monk enters the Qi training period,

Pill, equipment,

No money for that?

As soon as I heard,

Many monks in the Qi training period in the great country have disappeared,

of course,

More than 800 people still came.

Some monks in the Qi training period,

The peak of Qi training period,

The last time I participated in the Battle of Noori State,

Took a Zhujidan,

Take it back and take it,

Foundation building was not completely successful.

This time,

Come join the brave team again.

Fight against mortal nations,

In the opponent's hands, but sent some cultivating monks to participate in the battle,

For the peak monk during the Qi training period,

The risk is small.


Sword energy, flames, soaring splashes.

During the Qi training period, the monks bombed three times,

The Taoist shield in Ren County was blown up,

A gap of ten feet appeared.

The defense of mortal nations,

Really attacked the demons,

How many days can it be blocked?

Commissioner Qian thought.

The team was already shouting: "Kill-----"

The monks shouted during the Qi training period,

Rush into the gap.

Monk during Qi training period.

Mana reminder.

Has jumped up the city wall,

With a wave of the sword,


And their congenital warriors,

A jump,

Zhenqi whirled,

A little towards the wall,

The same jumped up the city wall.


Slashed towards the soldiers of the great nation,

For monks and congenital warriors during the Qi training period,

How to form,

The Yuan bō Plane Committee has done considerable research,

of course,

These research results,

Not necessarily for the use of Daren.


There are a lot of spirits watching the battle around,

Looking at the battle formation of the Brave Team,

How the battle formation is used.

These divine thoughts.

Immediately returned.

The more the monk above the diamond flower god,

The more I know.

Yuan bō Plane Committee,

The formation of monks and congenital warriors during the Qi training period,

Research has been conducted long ago,

Take a look at these,

Know immediately,

I couldn’t get involved in this battle,

Not much benefit.

Leading the team of Tianwumen,

But half of the Qi training monks,


There are 1,500 congenital warriors participating in the brave army.


Rushed towards Renxian County Office,

A phalanx of soldiers rushed over.

Same with a shield in one hand and a knife in the other,

The training monk in front of the brave team,

With a loud roar,

Sword Qi urged,

Shout out!

"Boom, boom, boom—"

Shield fragments, armor fragments, and flesh fragments splashed.

Several gaps appeared on the opposite square.

Only one place,

A team is urging to send the sword art, blocking the sword of the monk during the training period.

The cultivators of the brave team are overjoyed.


The monks in the Qi training period in the great country suffered heavy losses.

A few monks in the Qi training period shouted,

Some took out warhammers, some took out big swords,

Took out a long sword,

Mana rotation,

Warhammers, broadswords, and long swords burst into flames,

The mountains emerged,

Hit this guy in the team's suit,

"Boom, boom, boom----"

There was a loud noise.

Respect the monks in the Qi training period of the great country,

The shield in his hand hits the sledgehammer,

The tremendous power from both the sword and the sledgehammer in his hand,

Let his shield flash,

A flame sword cut in like lightning!

On the battlefield,

All the soldiers next to him,

It's not easy to dodge,


The mountain lines appear on his armor,


The armor and lines are broken together!

Splashing blood!

The magic weapon used by monks during the Qi training period,

At most, the lines formed by mana.

It looks like a mountain,

With Brother Jindan, Dao Fa reminded me,

The mountains are really average,

Not far.

The flame sword is spinning again,

A flying sword came over,

The sword is like jade,

Above the water bō wraps around,

First gear,


The flame sword bounced off,

The flames sent out have burst like sparks!

A middle-aged monk next to him,

Swing this sword,

The team is retreating immediately,

Avoided the fall.

"A good magic weapon, there is at least a mid-term foundation construction period!"

Immediately, these cultivators yelled,

The realm of cultivation has existed for so many years,

The monks lived three hundred in the foundation period,

The magic weapon of refining,

It can be put for thousands of years.


This middle-aged monk is the lucky one,

The cultivation base of the Qi training period,

Holding the magic weapon in the middle of foundation construction,

Although it cannot be fully urged,


With this team,

Enough to fight against the cultivating monks of these brave teams.

Several of them held each other,

The other training monks of the brave team,

Congenital warrior,

Has rushed into the gap of the square formation,

Ordinary warrior soldiers,

Touch the opponent's sword,

The shield has been blocked,

Jian Guang turned, and the head was already rushing up.

Commissioner Qian slashed out.

The opponent’s sword was not cut,

The head is already flying,

This knife still fell,

Commissioner Qian flickered,

Has flashed this knife,

Smashed the shield,


The shield of a congenital warrior on the opposite side was blocked,

All over,

The knife light flashed, the head flew up,

One step,

Slashed over,

Commissioner Qian's knife flashed,

It happened to hit the side of this knife,

The opponent's knife immediately blocked a foot,

Commissioner Qian slashed!

The opponent's head and arms flew up.

There was another knife on the side,

Commissioner Qian’s shield,

Anyone who touches the shield of Commissioner Qian,

Usually a meal!

Commissioner Qian's knife flashed,

The other party's head is already flying!

Regardless of the innate warrior,

Ordinary warrior,

Under the sword of Commissioner Qian, beheaded in one round!

Commissioner Qian made a backhand,

next to,

A soldier of a great nation and a brave team,

Fight against each other,

The sparks flew up and down,

With this knife,

The head of this great power soldier flew up.

The battle between the two sides is now,

Less than half a tea time.

Commissioner Qian only needs to continue to kill a few people,

You can rush through this square,

Go straight to Kufu in Ren County,

If there are Taoist books,

As long as it is different from the classics you practiced,

How many,

Can be a reference.


One person charged the county office,

The identity of the peak of Bi Xian Wu Zhan is too far away,

Commissioner Qian dashed his shield,

First gear,

Beheaded another innate martial artist.


A sword light swept away,

The head of a great nation soldier flew out with his shoulders,

A monk during the Qi training period,

Rushed past the phalanx,


In the shout,

A few more monks rushed past the square during the Qi training period,

For the county government that rushed into the other side,

San Xiu Qi monk and innate warrior ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ ordinary warrior soldier,

Equally interested,

Commissioner Qian just reminded him of the method.

In an instant,

Running like flying,

Followed up.

Ran a mile, made a few turns,

A group of Zun Daguo soldiers rushed over,

These qi training cultivators want to enter the treasury,

Sword Jue urges,

"Wh, eh, eh—"

The opposing soldier and sword light touched the sword light,

It was the limbs immediately, the head flew up, T! .

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