Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2763: From the God Seal

A mountain,

Not high, but tens of miles,

The above facilities,

All carved with bluestone,

Exquisitely carved, atmospheric,

The magnificent construction.

There is a tall temple above.

This is a mountain temple in several nearby counties,

The fallen giant rock is the temple of the **** under the jurisdiction of the god.

These temples,

It is purely for mortals.

Doesn't have the ability to make a considerable monk practice,

of course,

Strong defensive array, no layout.


More than five hundred brave troops,

The temple has been enclosed.

Because there are more than three hundred soldiers and thirty monks,

Enter this temple.

In other words, the Lord God is alive,

This kind of temple dedicated to ordinary people worshipping,

There are also master Jindan masters stationed,

Three hundred defeated soldiers, thirty training periods, base building period,

Just wave and kill!


The main **** has fallen-----.

From the temple of God,

Even more unattended.

Don't say that the main **** is going out, don't bring a few followers.

In that battle, how many subordinate gods fell,

People outside the Juyan Shrine and Biyou Temple didn't even know.

Don't talk about Brother Jindan,

The base construction period when the cultivation base is higher,

They all walked towards that kind of large temple.

Those large temples,

Of course, they occupy some of the best aura gathering places on the entire plane.

Has a strong defensive formation,

There are many classics.

This kind of temple for ordinary people to worship,

Generally, only the monks in the foundation period presided over,

Some monks do miscellaneous tasks during the Qi training period,

A foreign agency similar to the general cultivation school.

Stationed for those monks with low cultivation level.

and so,

These soldiers enter the temple to rest --- there are immortal stones in the temple.

Drove out these hosts,

It didn't hurt them.

From the temple,

Not the average monk dared to move.


This is from the god, in charge of the mountain under the jurisdiction of the giant rock earth god.


From the divine power of God,

Worse than the main god,

Can you really manage the mountains of so many planes?

"From the temple, you cannot use Daofa swords and arrows. Daofa cannon,

Can only organize the forward team and stand up for the forward team,

Immediately send Jidan. "

The captain and deputy captain of the brave team stood,

The brave team holds a bottle of Zhukidan in their hands.

Shouted at the brave team members.

"We can't use Daofa arrows, Daofa cannons, defense facilities in the temple,

Are they all available? "

The monks in the Qi training period said,

For a while,

No one stepped forward.

This is,

The fortress is fighting.

In the temple, facing the opponent's attack,

More difficult to avoid.

"Tao Fa is not uncut,

The Dao Fa, you swing the sword fast enough,

The same can be cut. "

The captain of the base building period said,


All monks in the Qi training period,

Look at the nose,

One by one is like a statue in Dingding.

This kind of battle in the hall,

Compared with the battle in the mountains.

More cruel.

A monk during the foundation period came out,

"I will bless the giant mountain for you,

Mountain is the ancestor of Wanli!

On the blessed sword battle armor, the defense power is increased four times.

Blessing to the weapon,

The power of Boom Slash on the weapon doubled. "

You monk during the foundation period,

Is there such a great power of Taoism?

The monks in the Qi training period and the monks in the foundation period,

How big is the gap?

But a jidan,

The combat effectiveness may be several times stronger.

Dao Fa, how many times can it increase the defensive power of monks during the Qi training period?

If this happens,

The host of this mountain temple,

To the monks in the Qi training period,

Killing and playing in general.

"I use the divine magic weapon in the mountain temple,

Besides, fighting in this hall is really not my strong point. "

The host of this mountain temple said,

His face was generous.

"It is indeed the host, not ours."

The monks were talking to each other during the Qi training period.

This kind of fortress battle in the hall,

Nowhere to flash,

Once the Dao Fa issued was cut.

The monks fell during the foundation period,

In an instant.

"Divine magic weapon, this is a magic weapon created from the divine power bestowed by God."


Anyone who knows the goods.

"A magic weapon created from the gods and divine power, then, when displayed, there must be some

From the influence of the divine power. "

Member Qian’s eyes flashed brightly.

From entering the main **** space,

Up to now, the four series of rules have merged.

Commissioner Qian didn't really have a serious experience of the main god, the magic of the gods.

Now it seems,

This from God,

The same fell with the main god,


His temple will not be so cold!

Commissioner Qian stood up,

"I want to go."

"Good--" the host said,

There is an extra seal in his hand,

Its appearance is like a mountain, verdant and ancient,

It looks like

Holding this big seal is as easy as ordinary people holding the big seal,


A great mountain of pressure,

Pressed toward everyone.

"The power of the diamond flower god?

Being able to be a **** is really mysterious. "

Commissioner Qian thought,

Commissioner Qian’s own magic weapon with diamond flower god,

The monks in the foundation period,

Absolutely can not urge the power of the **** of diamond flowers to come.

The cultivation base gap is too big,

It’s not to urge the spirits,

It can urge the power of the diamond flower god,

Just take this seal,

This host.

You can cultivate to the golden core.

"You are the first to stand up, and you are the Innate Martial Artist.

I will use your defense

Five times more! "

The host said,

Talking. A reminder of the law,

Dayin shoots a brilliance,

Put a hood on Qian.

Sure enough, this mana, compared with ordinary divine power,

Just different.

Commissioner Qian’s Golden Fruit Shadow Array,

Running at full speed in an instant,

Deducing this mana,

On Commissioner Qian’s armor, the uphill pattern of the sword flashed,

Tempering the armor. War knife.

Although the mana is different,

The principle of tempering is similar.

In ten moments,

This presided over the recovery of the law,

I'm sorry,

Commissioner Qian’s Golden Fruit Shadow Array was fully activated,

In these ten moments,

It may take a year for the four-diamond flower **** to play.


The divine power contained in the brilliance of this great seal,

Commissioner Qian didn't really think much about the performance.

Commissioner Qian immediately realized that

From the divine power of God,

Far beyond his own realm.

Commissioner Qian’s armor has gained more than five times the defense power!

There are monks in the Qi training period, one after another.

In the hall,

It is also a monk during the Qi training period,

A monk led the team during the foundation period.

The protective power of the battle armor is tripled, and the attack power of the sword is doubled,

Facing the Daofa arrow shot down,

The same can be a block.

Rushed into the hall,

Definitely enough to fight!

Besides, stand up,

You can get Zhu Jidan immediately.

After a while,

The monk who stood up. There are already thirty people,

All are the peaks of the Qi training period.


Take one zhujidan,

There are many probabilities of foundation building,

Yes, I participated in the Chunna State Fighting Team last time,

Get Zhukidan.

Once the foundation was built, it did not reach the level of foundation building.

This time, the brave team came again,

Seeing that there is a Zhujidan to send immediately,

The armor’s defense power is tripled,

The defense power of the sword is doubled,

He stood up immediately.

The host casts spells for them,

Half a day,

After casting the spell,

However, the host's face turned pale.

"Using this magic weapon, mental power and mana, use together,

It's a pity that such a baby has fallen from the gods,

There is also a higher priest blessing,

This baby, I brought it over, it might not work. "

Commissioner Qian thought,

Just saw,

The captain of the courageous team shouted: "Line up, battle formation!"

About thirty people have lined up and stood,

Loosely arranged battle formations,

Quickly rushed towards the top of the mountain.

"set off----"

The captain of the brave team gave the order.


Daofa arrows are like electricity,

With shining brilliance,

Shot over!

This kind of Taoist sword,

During the team training period, the monks can already hurt,


During the Qi training period, the monk swiped his sword,

Mana shakes,

The arrow shot to the side.

Has the peak cultivation base of Qi training period,

Control over strength,

Is not comparable to the warrior,

Some martial arts tips for innate martial artists,

It can be said that it was smoothly waved.

"Boom, boom, boom---"

In a burst of detonation,

Many monks were covered with ice,


Still rushed up suddenly.

"Since the divine power is really not ordinary mana,

The Dao Fa arrows that we used in the past,

Now, like ordinary ice. "


The monks in the Qi training period who were left behind by the Dao Fa Jian were overjoyed.

Several consecutive waves of Daofa arrows came,

Three monks fell,

But looking like that,

But there is no risk of life,

A row of archers stood on the top of the mountain,


The sword light flashed,

Suddenly rushed in.

Immediately blood spattered from limbs,

Commissioner Qian urged his steps,

The knife light spins, cuts, swipes,

In an instant,

Even cut three people.

Ordinary archers,

The melee ability is normal,

Before these thirty people rushed up,

There is no way to fight back.

One shot Zhujidan,

Peak monk during the Qi training period,

When the captain, all rushed forward.

Send a zhujidan,

Pool up money to buy another one,

Half the people, the foundation is reliable!

In a few moments,

The archers have all been beheaded,


A burning stone,

Boomed from the hall.

In an instant,

At least three hundred stones blasted over,

This is the barrier that three hundred mortals dare to fight against the Qi practicing monks.

"Rush in—"

The monk captain roared wildly during the Qi training period.

The shield flashed in his hand,

A stone seems to be shaken away,


In a bang,

But suddenly exploded,

This monk at the peak of Qi Practicing has a stature,

One step,


Rushed towards the hall,

War armor, shields triple the defense power is really useful.

Shield block, knife cut.

Monks in the Qi training period,

Soon approached the entrance of the hall,


A monk during the Qi training period was hit by a flame stone and exploded.

Several flame stones hit the explosion in a row,

This monk’s battle armor is nothing but fragments,

However, he fell down suddenly!

His cultivation,

It’s not as strong as a three-fold armor,

Rushed into the entrance of the hall,

Four monks in the Qi training period have been lost,

This kind of temple,

The space for three hundred soldiers is already crowded.

Rushed into the hall,

Zun Daguo’s sword and shield hand rushed up,

In the hands of the sword and shield,

Several monks in the Qi training period roared wildly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the sword light flashed,

The opponent's sword light crossed over,

The shields of the monks of the great nation’s qi training were smashed,

Cut over with a sword!


The head and shoulders fly up.

The cultivator of the brave team took a look,

It’s Commissioner Qian,

Among the thirty or so people who charged,

The only congenital warrior! To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m. to read.

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