Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2821: Shenwu Sword Technique

"Open your eyes and see, who am I?"

The captain roared loudly,


The brawny's hand shakes,


There was a muffled noise,

This captain,

The whole turned into fragments.


In the team, the anger during the 30-odd training period,

Other monks in the Qi training period,

Stand and watch.

Some faces even showed mockery,

"It looks like it's a strongman's villa."

Said a monk beside him.


The monk in Paradise Palace was furious,

Looked over immediately.

one look,

It seems to have nothing to reflect.

What is the use of looking for these monks during the Qi training period?

They immediately looked at Qiuxian,

"Master Qiuxian, how can this madman tolerate it?"

"Yes, Master Qiu Xian,

You have to be the deputy captain. "

They are one adult,

Want to use the official position of the school officer to suppress me?

Qiuxian was furious: "This is not an official business, it's out to gather medicinal materials.

What's my business? "

This janitor banged,

Is already at the level of Qiuxian,

I have been in the realm of cultivation,

Of course I know it is great.


A figure flew quickly from a distance,

As fast as lightning,

Falling towards everyone.

To the monk who spoke at the foundation stage, said:

"Lord Lan, it's been a long time since I've seen each other, my cultivation has improved a lot."

The foundation-building monk who was talking smiled.

"Six wolves. How can I compare to you,

You Jindan, in the middle of my foundation period,

Can't stop you. "

"That manor, I heard, is for the military merits of your Chunluozhou combat team

What did you think of buying.

Your members of the Chunnazhou combat team have fallen here,

It really surprised me. "

The six wolves were gloating,

a pair of eyes,

Looking at Qiuxian,

but. It is precisely because Qiu Xian advanced to Jin Dan,


The cultivation base is not high,

Surrounded by mana,

Brother Jindan,

This person called the Six Wolves took a look.

Sixth-Rank Golden Core,

This woman's seventh grade golden core,

The gap between the first-grade Jindan.

The battle is not necessarily won.

There are better magic weapons,

It was a tie immediately.

Such a mountain villa appeared in this grand canyon,

The monks on Knife Hill didn’t know,

There are quite a few Daoshan monks who have visited.


Frozen, no one dared to enter this villa.

Recent years,

Respect the great nation and the grown-up nation continuously fighting,

Various villas,

Strong people have emerged!

Looking at this villa again,

Brother Jindan has an indescribable beauty.

The six wolves saw the deputy captain being bombarded into pieces.

He and Lan Daren from the Paradise Palace had met before.

Paradise Palace,

The monk who wants to fudge,

Far more than expected.

"This man, you, the military exploits of the Chunluozhou combat team, bought this villa?

Bastard "reached out his hand,

Take out a bronze medal,

"You take this bronze medal and let their owner come out!"

The Lan master said,

The six wolves were equally happy.

He was about to see the strength of the people in the manor.

Respect the great country and the great benevolent country at war,

Many strong people have emerged,

I am interested in reading the full text during the years when I was a fortune teller.

With this bronze medal of Lord Lan,

Enter this villa,

It is much better than entering this villa in the name of Daoshan Ten Wolf.

The six wolves escape method,

Has arrived in front of the villa,

Give it with the token,

"This is the token of the Chunna State Fighting Team,

Seeing this card, still not letting go! "

"The ten wolves of Daoshan, live and die!"

The plant demon smiled.

There is already a war knife in his hand,

Tooyama Rokuro took a look,

This person,

It really doesn't give anyone any face.

Sword Jue urges,

Flying sword obliquely!

Three hundred fire and thunder lingered.

The sword flashed,

The Six Wolves felt that,

Like the whole sky,

Cut over here!


A few fire thunders,

Touch this knife light,

His thunder,

It is the cultivation method of the ten wolves of Daoshan Mountain,

The runes that emerge,

The fire thunder released,

Monk’s Taoism,

How mysterious is the condensed rune,

How powerful is the Dao Fa released.

Cut out with this knife!

The Taoism released by Toyama Rokuro,

Completely vulnerable.

But in an instant,

Toyama Rokuro was already horrified,

Then step back!

Just saw,

That sword changed,

In front of Toyama Rokuro,

As if thousands of miles of canyons appeared one after another,

Daoshan ten wolves whole person,

Has been locked by this knife change!

Just saw,

The fire thunder burst into thousands of sparks,


Body shape,

It had already been urged by Escape, and was the first to rush away from the unscrupulous gods.

The monk shouted during the Qi training period,

They rushed to the distance together.

A reminder of Qiu Xian Dao Fa,

Sword light lingered around and looked over,

Bring these Qi-training monks out to collect medicinal materials and minerals,

Earn some celestial stones,

Based on the Taoist knowledge of this man just now,

These monks during the Qi training period,

All be beheaded immediately!

At a glance, the monk looked at the golden core in his hand,

I didn’t care about it at all,

Qiu Xian escaped lightly,

Just keep up,

After a while,

There was a flash of teleportation in the villa,

Commissioner Qian came out of the hall,

Just now, Commissioner Qian was in Dun County to comprehend that shield phantom.

Plant monsters come in,

Tell me what happened just now,

"Well, bring the golden core, the memory belongs to me, and the golden core belongs to you."

Commissioner Qian said,

Originally knew that the ten wolves of Daoshan Mountain were the lord **** of ten thousand thunder,

Commissioner Qian set up a villa here,

But I have been to Knife Mountain several times,

Mainly the entrance to the plane,

these people,

Commissioner Qian did not take it seriously.

However, there are such strong people in the plane,

Just like my own villa,

The flower **** with diamonds can't enter,

If those strong in the plane,

Fanhuadongfu is not open,

Don’t talk about the Chief Qian, you can’t get in as much as you can in the transformation period

Commissioner Qian has been there several times,

No longer interested in that plane entrance.


How to open, when to open,

More things to consider,


It's not a person like me at all, it can be considered.

Took this golden core,

A cup of tea time,

Has completely refined the memory in the golden core,

This golden pill was given to this plant demon.

This plant demon took the golden core,

Hand over,

"The sword technique taught by the master is really magical."

The sword technique taught to him by Commissioner Qian,

It was Commissioner Qian who understood one-third percent of the changes in this gorge!

This is the cultivation base of this plant demon,

All the changes you can practice,

Other changes have involved rules, rules fusion,

This plant demon is not able to cultivate at all,

Taught to this plant demon,

This plant demon,

The same can't practice.

Divine mind, magic power can't keep up,


This plant demon is already the cultivation base of the second diamond flower god.

Commissioner Qian felt,

Around this villa,

The extended spirit,

From the original dozens,

There are only a few divine thoughts left!

The Six Wolves of Knife Mountain,

Can't stop a servant at the door!

This news,

It must have spread throughout the entire knife mountain.

Commissioner Qian was right,

On the knife hill,

Is already messy,

They didn't care about the members of the Chunnazhou combat team who passed by hundreds of miles.

"The sword maker, three diamond flower **** peak repairs, four diamond flower **** cultivation, it is possible!

Then the owner of this villa is not Yuanying Flower God? "

This is on the knife mountain,

Many monks,

The point,

Knife Mountain, for so many years,

There is no Yuanying Flower God stationed,

This time,

Yuanying strongman is here,

Against the many monks on the mountain of swords,

What kind of changes can be brought about,

Or, without any change,

This is the God Swallowing Emperor that the monks on the sword mountain care about.

Those training periods of the Chunnazhou combat team,

It was originally trained by the Garden Wave Plane Committee,

There is also the Paradise Palace,

In this way,

The little treasure of the monk during the Qi training period, the pill,

The monks on the mountain of swords don’t make up their minds,

There is still this vision.

after a few days,

There was no movement in that villa,

The monk on the knife hill,

Then I gradually felt relieved,


The Nascent Soul of this villa,

Not interested in Knife Mountain~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

Just as the monks on the knife mountain look down on the Chunnaju combat team,

Commissioner Qian didn’t look at the knife mountain.

I don’t want to deal with monks from all sides,

Four diamond flower god, ordinary Yuan Ying,

Or have this interest.

Commissioner Qian has no such interest.

The people on this mountain, no matter which side,

Are all fighting madmen,

It's not as easy to deal with outside as the few people in Huaniao State.

Commissioner Qian returned to Dun County to practice again.

Feel the phantom through plants,

And the perception of the real treasure,

A lot of difficulties!

this day,

Xuansheng County,

On the hillside dozens of miles away from Xuansheng County,

Chasing wave knives,

After half a year,

That bamboo rattan,

Has stopped evolving,

The evolution rune has not been deduced.

After a year,

Chasing wave knife is about to be transferred from Xuansheng County,

In general,

Chasing the wave knife's own plant mystery,

Various precious medicinal materials planted by myself,

All have gained a lot of benefits from this evolution rune.

In a good mood, come out to play.


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