Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2852: Strongman Thunderbolt Sledgehammer Pass

Although he was promoted to Deputy Assistant Officer,


The three princesses were originally from the palace,

Deputy Minister of Etiquette,

There is not much power,

The three princesses went to the capital to be the deputy assistant minister of the Ministry of ceremonies

Is it good to have her?

and so,

For a year, most of them were in the Nouveau state,

Enter the capital at this time,

But it's different again,

The three princesses got up,

"Come on, prepare to enter the capital immediately."

This time, he was preparing to guard and guard him.

With a guard of honor, the scene is solemn,

But after a few days,

Only then arrived in the capital,

Upon arrival in the country,

Immediately, officials from the clan mansion came,

Directly invite the three princesses to stay in the palace.

The servants of the three county chiefs stepped forward,

A golden ticket was given to the past,

The official of the clan mansion took a look,

A hundred catties of gold,

The officials of these clan residences,

How can these expatriate princes be generous,

"I don't know the royal family members who came,

What is his attitude towards the things mentioned by the Wan Shan Manager? "

The voice of the three princesses came from the cart.

This time, the manager of Wanshan Pavilion of the Yuanbo plane,

Came to express condolences,

Manager of Wanshan Pavilion,

Proposed further cooperation between Wanshange and Daren,

Of course, the three county owners received the report immediately.

Wanshan Pavilion supports the three princesses,

and so,

The three princesses, their attitude towards other royal family members,

It is quite concerned.

This clan official,

Of course know this.

"Three princesses. Most of the royal family members. They oppose strengthening cooperation with Wanshan Pavilion,

Wan Shan Ge has already cooperated with Daren,

The ancestor fell differently, the high-grade immortal stone veins,

Isn't it destroyed? "

The officials of this government said,

There was a bit of resentment on his face.

The royal estate was destroyed,

Thousands of people were killed!

The three princesses heard,

I wanted to visit other members of the royal family.

Pulling relations.

Looking at the opinions of these royal family members,

My visit this time,

It's not easy to go.

The three county owners got out of the cart,

The opposing team of maids bowed,

one look,

There are already flowers in full bloom beside,

In a blink of an eye, it is already spring,

after a few days,

In the premises.

The general manager of Wanshan Pavilion received an emissary from Emperor Daren.

Originally cooperated with Wanshan Pavilion,

There is no corresponding effect.

Is not ready to further cooperate with Wanshange,

"Of course, there is already cooperation,

Still willing to keep. "

The messenger said to the general manager of Wanshan Pavilion.

The manager of Wanshan Pavilion looked disappointed,

However, he immediately gave his hand to the messenger:

"Of course, Wanshange will try its best to maintain friendship."


Sent in a box,

The messenger opened,

All are big gems, top grade.

Then he smiled and nodded,

Send away the emissary of the Daren imperial family.

The messenger of Wanshan Pavilion,

Open the hyperspace communication array immediately,

After a while,

The image of Qing Lei emerged,

This is not the case with the Yuanying Flower God of Wanshan Pavilion’s headquarters in the Yuanbo plane.

Talk to Qinglei first,

"Master Qinglei, Daren refuses to cooperate further."

Qing Lei's face became stiff.

"It seems that I thought things too easily."

Qing Lei's face was flat.

"As the manager, there are treasures in the top grade fairy stone mine of Daren,

You don't know anything, waste! "

The manager of Wanshange gave his hand: "Yes."

Manager Wanshange closed the communication array.

Qing Lei stretched out his hand and reminded him.

After a while,

Hyperspace images emerge,

A figure emerged,

Like a thundercloud,

There are thousands of miles deep.

Qing Lei repeated Daren Guo's reply.

"Our thunder is the power of the main god,

It’s no worse than the soul chaser, this matter,

A few days later, there will be a reply. "

Qing Lei bowed his hand: "Yes---"

This, but a master of transformation!

In a few days,

In the valley of the headquarters of the Lord of Thunder,

Yuanying Flower God walked out quickly,

Shouted: "Come on!"


The waiter came over,

"My lord, didn't he say that he will be in seclusion for three months?

It will come out soon. "

Yuanying Flower God,

Taoism is profound,

Generally speaking, the retreat lasts as long as it takes.

"All gathered, where is the master of the Lord God coming,

Everything is prepared best, ready to meet! "

The waiter was surprised,

"My lord, you are the Yuanying Flower God. You all say master---."

This Yuanying Flower God waved his hand,

"You immediately report to the Park Wave Plane Committee,

Because the demons killed my brother Wanshange in Darren,

Wanshan Pavilion decided to dispatch the four-line rule to merge the Yuan Ying Flower God.

Dispatch different rules to fuse the two Yuan Ying and Flower God to strike at the sledgehammer pass! "

"Send a master of the four-line rule integration?"

The waiter was surprised,

Able to serve as a connection with the main god,

Although the cultivation base is just an ordinary golden core,


Common sense is definitely better than ordinary Jin Dan.

A master of the four-line rule integration?

This is the decision made by the Lord God,

He immediately became serious,

Arched his hand towards Yuanying Flower God: "Yes"

A dozen people started to get busy,


Will gather towards the square in the valley,

In front of this valley,

Is the teleportation hall,

Just gathered,

In the teleportation hall,

There was a wave of mana fluctuations,


Teleport inside the hall.

The three came out.

Arranged in a fringe shape.

Qing Lei walked beside.

Qinglei, in this valley,

An object everyone admires,

Now, just walking beside,

It can be seen that

The person who walked in the front is amazing.

Together with Yuanying Flower God,

Everyone gave their hands together: "Welcome your lord!"

The person walking in the front.

Without nodding,

Qing Lei nodded towards everyone,


Qing Lei lived in this valley for a few days.

"Qinglei, you lead the way."

The first person said slowly,


Qing Lei nodded and said to the Yuanying Flower God,

"Open the ban."


Yuan Ying Flower God stepped forward,

Reach out,

The valley ban is opened.



Half an ironclad pass,

A cloud of starlight is dim, but very deep,

Beyond the stars, there are clouds,

It's similar to a normal mountain protection circle,

In the teleportation hall of the mountain flower plane,

Meng Dali stood with a few people,

other people,

Has entered the line.

Guanghua flashed,

A figure appeared,

It is by the pool.

"Greetings to the elders by the pool."

Several people gave their hands together,

The etiquette of the mountain flower plane is considered light.

Meet the elder Yuanying, the head,

Just hand over.

I saw the elder by the pool,

A breath of water,

Let the elder pool look,

Like a fairy,


But Meng Dali, who was standing nearby, knew that

The fresh air around the elders of the pool turned,

A few of them felt that

Heavy as a mountain!

"Let me take care of this matter.

Wan Lei Lord God’s four element rule master is gone,

I just left Tiedingguan. "

Chibian said,

I wondered in my heart.

Commissioner Qian has integrated different rules many years ago.

Hundreds of years have passed,

Based on the poolside estimate,

Commissioner Qian Qian may have integrated the three rules,

The fusion of the three rules plus this week’s star battle array,

The four-system rule fusion Yuanying Flower God came to fight the iron and set the pass,

Not afraid at all.

Commissioner Qian just sent a communication,

I have to host it myself,

I just blended different rules!

Although the three rules, how to merge, I know,


At the edge of the pool, he was restricted by his spiritual mind!

The spirit of the pool,

Not enough to integrate the three rules.

Although there is a supply of medicinal materials from the mountain flower plane.

If there is no supply of medicinal materials from the mountain flower plane,

That's even more difficult!

"Let Ang Tian Hammer come over immediately."

Meng Dali ordered the waiter beside him,


The side of the pool waved his hand: "No, I will host here!"

This is what the Chairman Qian said,

Chibian and Meng Dali,

Walk into the center of the circle,

Jin Dan who presided over the circle said immediately.

"A master set off from the Wanshange headquarters, really fast.

Already here. "

The starry sky ahead,

Three rays of thunder appeared,

It's a hundred feet wide and a thousand feet long!

Looking in the past, it is very profound,

But like a river of thunder,

In an instant, it traverses thousands of miles,

The feeling of crossing mountains and rivers,

In a few moments,

Lei Guang has passed the Tieding Pass,

Reach the sky above the sledgehammer.

Starry sky,

Reflecting the changes of thunder,

It seems to change in an instant,

"This is the escape from the four-line rule fusion strongman,


In the formation, all Jin Dan watched the change of the escape light,

Watched for a while,

Meng Dali turned his head,

Looking towards the pool,

Looking at these golden pills on the plane of Shanhua by the pond,

His face showed disdain.

"Elder Pond is really a strong man, he combines different rules.

Contempt for the integration of the four series of rules! "

Meng Dali thought,

But saw,


A thunder appeared,

But a radius of thirty feet!

There are blue sky and earth, mountains and rivers,

It looks like a realm beyond beauty.

This is the case of Lei Fa~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Meng Dali had seen Commissioner Qian use Lei Fa.

Although it was hundreds of years ago,

This state of Lei Fa,

Lei Fa of Commissioner Than Qian,

I don’t know how much higher the state is,

Under this thunder, in the formation,

With ten thousand sword aura shot out,

Every sword aura,

Flushed, fierce,

Like heavy rain, like big waves!


Sword Qi touched this thunderball,

There was not even a ripple on this thunderball,

Swallowed by this thunderball,

Inside Sledgehammer Pass,

There was a cry of exclamation,

Four diamond flower **** shot,

You can't see ordinary Jindan monks.

See you today,

This is called power!

A copper casting gate with a radius of three hundred miles,

The formation that was urged,

No damage to this thunderball.

The thunder ball blasted onto this mountain guard,

As if light and elegant,

It seems magnificent again!

With the domineering domineering king over the world.


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