Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2854: Chief Worshiper Wan Lei

Starry sky,

The huge flowers bloom,

Like a real mountain,

Broad to a hundred miles, bloom proudly,

Crystal clear,

Such as jade as crystal.

I can't see the sword aura anymore,

From how many Jian Qi combinations,

However, on the surface, as if there are thousands of ripples circulating,

It seems that it can be turned into a thousand swords.

The swords of both sides are separated by thousands of miles,

But it is also in the form of flowers,

Flowers, beautiful objects,

It is the pinnacle of sword art evolution!

The flowers that are as wide as a hundred miles slowly rotate,

I don't know where this sword qi comes from and where it is emitted.

For ordinary Yuanying Flower God,

Such sword light,

There is no way to deduct it!

It can't be said to resist.

After a cup of tea time,

A flower that is as wide as a hundred miles of a mountain moves,

Turned into thousands of petals,

Like thousands of brilliance,


Although in the stars,

This loud noise like thunder,

Even through thousands of miles of thunder and fire.

In an instant,

The tens of thousands of sword qi crossed together,

Slash, spin, cross, fly,

It is the humane law is strong,

Able to pass through thousands of thunder and fire,

Watch this video of the battle,


General Yuanying Flower God,

The Yuan Ying Flower God who understands the rules and practices the rules and Taoism,

I can't feel anything from this image at all.

Thousands of swords flashed by,

Yuan Ying Flower God can remember,

But a few sword light trails.

The Yuan Ying Flower God who practices rules and Taoism can see it.

But more than a dozen sword light trails.

Engaging in no more than ten moments,


Jianguang crossed,

After rushing thousands of miles, it stopped.

Commissioner Qian knew,

Both sides wield more than three million swords!

The four-line rule of the lord **** of Wan Lei is fused with the **** of flowers of Yuan Ying

The Yuanying Flower God, who is the fusion of the four rules of the Mozu,

Are not the opponents of the Qian Committee,

Seeing the sound transmission from both sides:

"So. Demon Race and Wan Lei Lord God fight, neither side

Masters who combine different rules. "

"Okay, it's a deal."

The two parties are transmitting in the stars,

Reached an agreement,

The other Yuanying Flower Gods cannot know what they are talking about,


For Commissioner Qian,

As if they were talking not far away.

Seeing these two people flee,

Through thousands of miles of thunder and fire.

Back to the sledgehammer,

The three gods of Wan Lei, the **** of flowers, urged them to escape.

Speeding past the wave plane headquarters of Wanshan Pavilion stationed in the garden.

To the Yuanying Flower God who came to watch,

Don't say a word.

Chairman Qian saw it,

Yuan Ying Flower God, who is a fusion of four rules,

To the ordinary Yuanying Flower God,

It's already so awesome.

These two four-line rules fusion people,

Is not an opponent of the money committee,

Commissioner Qian was unhappy,

Lord God, a command,

The four-line rule fusion strongman will play!

Seeing the Mozu began to clean up the sledgehammer gate,

The monks onlookers dispersed.

Commissioner Qian felt that

That's the confusion.

After a long time,

This lifted the spirits up.

The monk who merged the four rules of the demons entered the sledgehammer pass,

"See your lord."

The demons in the sledgehammer pass fell to their knees,

Taking the lead, driving the Yuanying Flower God wearing a flame armor,

This man fought Qinglei,

Was severely injured by Qinglei,

In cultivation,

Did not go to the core of the formation on duty,

But escaped.

"What's the situation inside the customs."

Yuan Ying Hua Shen said that the four-line rules of the demon clan merged.

"The main gathering place has been completely destroyed,

Some branches are intact, but the supply of aura,

Will decrease soon. "


Said the Yuan Ying Flower God wearing a flame armor.

With that said, give the last jade slip,

At this time, against the big array, the details of the damage to the place where the aura gathers.

Of course, this is the core secret,

The Yuanying Flower God took a look,

"It seems that the sledgehammer is off,

It can no longer meet the cultivation needs of a fortress of three million people. "

He said,

It turns out that the demons have also taken a fancy to this place where aura converges.

Need to use the place where the spiritual energy converges to practice.

The thunder of the Lord Monk,

Most of the elites in Sledgehammer Pass have fallen,


But there are more ordinary demons.

This large gathering place in Sledgehammer Pass,

The demons cannot be made either.


The effect is definitely not as good as natural,


Spend so much copper bricks,

A sledgehammer pass with a radius of three hundred miles is built here.

There is no large gathering place for aura,

The branch of the place where the aura converges, and then decays,

This sledgehammer pass, for the demons,

Little value.

Demons, what is missing is not the site,

It’s the place where the spiritual energy gathers,

It’s not worth his move, a cultivator who combines four rules,

"In this way, you follow the normal procedures to report to the Master Plane,

How to deal with the Plane General Hall. "


With a cold face, he didn't bother to care about such nosy.

Body shape,

Has entered the teleportation array,

After a while,

The wave of super plane teleportation flickered,

The master of the fusion of these four rules,

Has gone missing,


It seems that he is still on the plane under the jurisdiction of the main **** of giant rock.

in the afternoon,

The messenger of the royal family of Daren,

Entered the branch of Wanshan Pavilion stationed in the national capital of Daren.

The branch manager came in to greet.

one look. Is the dress in the palace,

Kneeling and bowing.

How to say,

He is from Daren,

Kneeling one cannot help but kneel.

"Please tell the general manager of Wanshan Pavilion,

Da Renguo agrees to Monk Manshange as the chief worshipper,

However, Lisan princess is the crown prince. Absolutely not. "

This messenger said,

This is an oral statement.

"Yes, I will report it immediately."

The branch manager said,

Immediately send a golden ticket,

The messenger took a look,

A hundred catties of gold.

Send the messenger out of the perfect pavilion branch,

The chief consecration can give,


The prince was born from Prince Shan and Prince Yin.

The branch manager shook his head.

Walked into the communication room,

Open the communication circle.

After a while.

In the communication array opposite Qing Lei,

Yuan Ying Flower God of the Yuanbo Plane Division,

Reported the news to him.

Qing Lei nodded,

With a happy face,

"That's fine, you can contact Li Ke and arrange for the Four Diamond Flower God Peak Monk to take office.

At Paradise Palace, talk to them,

Ensure that Paradise Palace can get more rights. "

The Yuan Ying Flower God of Yuanbo Plane Division nodded.

"it is good."

Darren Kingdom,

Inside the Paradise Palace,

A middle-aged man,

Dressed in a yellow robe,

There is a three-clawed yellow dragon on it.

This is the Prince of Paradise,

Opposite him, kneeling a steward,

At this time,

But finished the news,

To the Prince of Paradise,

I dare not look,


The Prince of Paradise shoots,

The coffee table has been crushed!

"Proposed that the Crown Prince could not be the Crown Prince,

The emperor’s mood can be imagined,


My Paradise Palace’s benefits are not enough? "

The Prince of Paradise said,

My face is already pale,

After a while,

This is just a wave,

"Go and inform the three princesses of this news!"

Wangfuzhong, of course, has a communication circle,

After a while,

The three county owners have received the news,

one look,

His face turned pale.

The Paradise Palace is not as good as this chief worship.

Thought for a while,

The few female gold cores I made,

No one is willing to stay in the Chunnaju combat team,

Only Qiuxian is willing to take the position of Daochunluozhou combat team.

Only then did I think of Qiuxian.

"College Qiuxian, please come over."

The three county lords said,

The waiter hurried out.

After a while, Qiuxian came in,

"Qiuxian, it's impossible to be the crown prince."


Master Wanshange of the three county lords,

Has entered the national capital of Daren,

Has received the decree,

When the chief consecration thing is said again.

Qiu Xian snorted,

Seeing the three county lord's face turn blue,

Quickly hand over to the three county lord.

"I'm sorry, but I said,

How can a mortal palace look in the eyes of the Lord God? "

Qiuxian said.

"Indeed, it is so."

The three princesses sighed,

"For me, the Daren Kingdom officialdom,

It’s no longer useful, I want to develop in the cultivation world,

What do you say. "

The three county lords said,

"Hey, this Palace of Paradise was used as a ladder by Wanshan Pavilion.

Woke up now. "

Qiuxian thought.

"If you want to develop in the cultivation world, the most important thing is the practice.

With the exercises, everything is easy to handle,


With the manpower of Paradise Palace,

At least, to find a few places where aura converges.


In the realm of comprehension, it can be regarded as having a certain development prospect. "

Qiuxian said.

"However, Paradise Palace is a lack of development techniques.

From afar, the ancestors had exercises,

However, the ancestors, together with most of the golden cores, have died,

The exercises are gone. "

The three county lords said,

In that high-grade immortal stone mine, nearly ten golden cores were lost,

But it is the royal family of Daren,

For thousands of years,

Most advanced Jin Dan.

There is a high-grade fairy stone mine,

Has a country,

For thousands of years,

Advanced Jindan,

But a dozen people,

Compared with the mountain flower plane,

There are more than a thousand people in the advanced Jindan on the mountain flower plane.

The advanced golden core of the mountain flower plane,

It is a hundred times the royal family of Daren!

The three princesses said,

Qiu Xian smiled.

"I heard that Daren has a rich collection of books,

The three princesses are now the deputy magistrates of the Ministry of Rites,

You can enter and exit the Buddhist scripture hall of Daren,

If the three princesses took me to the Tibetan Scripture Hall,

See if you can find some books about cultivation techniques. "

The Maid of Autumn Fairy was born,

Among the Golden Core disciples of the Hongshishan Sect, their status is not high.

Qiuxian advanced golden core,

Was sent up and down by Redstone Mountain,

Think it is a miracle.

Break up with the wandering knife,

Profound secret technique, refused to pass a sentence.

I want to get the teaching method that combines different mysteries,

The required martial arts contribution points,

Qiuxian thought,

For hundreds of years~www.wuxiaspot.com~ may not be able to make up these contribution points,

and so,

The school sent Qiuxian to this Chunluozhou combat team,

The contribution points to the sect are more than before,

This is not,

The three princesses were promoted to deputy assistant minister of the ceremony department,

You can enter the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to watch the collection.

For Qiuxian,

Isn't this fortune coming?

"Then, the place where the spiritual energy gathers?"

The three county lords said,

"Go to the Book Collection Hall, and see if there are any books about finding a place where spiritual energy gathers?

At that time, the three princesses can also look for a place where aura converges. "

Qiuxian said,

This last sentence,

The three counties took the initiative.

"Okay, another day, I'll go to serve as Deputy Assistant Officer of the Ministry of Etiquette,

You go with me. "

Qiuxian nodded,

Out of the hall of the three county lords,

Back to his office,

Qiuxian waved,

No, good luck has arrived.

If you can find a profound book,

I have advanced to the flower **** with diamonds with different mysteries,


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