Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2885: Rock Chariot

Thousands of battle armors,

It seems,

The first half is wrapped in heavy armor,

With a cylinder,

The cylinder is less than one foot long,

The seal is full of runes like water waves,

Ordinary monks will know at a glance,

At this time it is a mine cannon!

On every warship,

Standing dozens of aquariums,

Everyone wears heavy armor,

Hand-held instruments,

Screamed straight into the sky,


These shouts,

The thunder and fire that closed with the sledgehammer,

Compared with the thunder,

It's simply not worth mentioning.

At this time,

The monks within thousands of miles,

Before paying attention,

Transfer to these warships.

The bottom of the warship, beside,

A thick mist of water appeared, like clouds,

The warship urges water vapor,

Like a huge jade horn beast,

Rush towards the sledgehammer pass,

Said that these warships are like huge jade horns,

Because, the speed of the jadehorn beast,

It is twice or several times faster than the average camel beast,

The speed of these warships,

It's like a camel beast that runs faster.

of course,

Not to mention Qingshenghe,

Vine Mountain in Tanyuan,

It’s hundreds of miles away from Sledgehammer Pass,

The aquarium army certainly cannot go ashore to prepare,

However, you can’t let the soldiers urge Dao Fa to run for hundreds of miles,


At the sledgehammer level,

Most of the mana of the aqua warrior itself is used.

and so.

The Shui Clan’s Jindan team rushed to the wall of Sledgehammer Pass,

The forward of the battle fleet. It’s still thirty miles away from Sledgehammer Pass,


The spectators on the human side think that

These warships must have rushed into the sledgehammer pass along the gap,

Thirty thousand aquatic soldiers fought in the sledgehammer pass,

The power of the Demon Nascent Soul’s Taoism is hard to use.

this time.

Sledgehammer Pass, it is likely that the aquarium successfully occupied it,

The Shui Yuanying Flower God rushed into the Sledgehammer Pass,

There have been more than 30,000 casualties of the demons in the Sledgehammer Pass.

The demons of the monks in the foundation period touched the aftermath of the explosion,

Become to pieces immediately!

Not to mention Qi Refining Demon Race and ordinary Demon Race.

"Boom and boom----"

The sound of

Passed from beside a mountain.

More than thirty flames turned out from the side of the mountain,

Do horizontal rows.

No, not a flame,


It's a pile of magma,

There is a big iron box. On the big tin box,

There is also a turret-like cultivation item,

On this item,

There is a flaming cylinder,

On the cylinder. The seal is full of fierce flame patterns,

In fact.

This is the manifestation of the flame rune!

Needless to say,

This is the same as the turret on a battleship,

Fire and thunder cannon used by cultivators!

"Rocky Chariot---"

In the distant battleship formation,

Some aquatic people have already exclaimed!

Tan Tian looked at,

Mountain chariot,

In fact, it’s the land tank,

Natuo magma,

It is the rock chariot used to move.

That magma can be put into the magic circle with fire crystals,

Fire crystals are abundant in the devil world,


Precious celestial stone,

It is only used on the turret's thunder cannon.

Can this rock chariot fly,

Of course it can fly!

Really necessary,

Use the fairy stone to inspire the flying circle,

That big iron box and turret,

Can fly.



This rock chariot doesn’t have much combat effectiveness.

Mountain chariot,

It was originally used for ground and underground operations,

Those big iron boxes are refined heavy armor!

As if the runes are laid out one after another,

Rune reminder,

The soil system mana absorbed is much,

Of course, he is quite heavy.

"These rock chariots drove over from that mountain."

On the battleship, a monk shouted,

The demons have occupied this place for hundreds of years,

Hundreds of years of operation,

Of course extraordinary.

The turrets on some warships just started to turn,

The aquatic monk above shouted,

The rock chariot fired,

Flames burst from the muzzle of the rock chariot,

This flame is no more than half a foot long, but like magma,

Six inches thick,

In the flames, there seemed to be tens of thousands of flames, showing mysterious runes.

In fact,

This is the fire thunder,

To urge this kind of thunder,

I have to use the fairy stone to urge the magic circle,

Fire crystals,

Is unable to urge the magic circle,

The structure of such a mysterious fire and thunder,

More than thirty fire thunders passed a distance of ten miles in an instant,

Blasted to more than 30 warships.

Such a speed can definitely hit.

The speed of the monks fighting swords during the foundation period,

It is dozens of times faster than this.

The defensive circle on the ship was urged,

Waves appeared,

Every wave here,

Toughness exceeds refined profound iron several times, ten times,


The fire thunder touches the waves,

It exploded suddenly!

The mysterious fire talisman exploded,

With unimaginable power and pressure.

The water waves exploded like a boulder,

With thunder fire,

Turned into thousands of fragments splashing,

The urging method of the monk during the Qi training period, the magic weapon,

And these fragments,

Dao Fa, magic weapons and the whole person are blown into pieces,

The entire battleship turned into a fireball,


Most of the hull is intact,


In a boat with more than 30 people,

A few monks during the foundation building period jumped out of the boat,

The magic weapon in his hand is broken.

The wound on the body, blood splashing,

This state,

I also want to participate in the sledgehammer pass,

Going up but delivering food,

This is the way of the tank level.

In the rock chariot,

A big guy with a rough face like a rock,

Screamed loudly.

"Brave mountain chariot soldiers, fire!"


The muzzle of the rock chariot,

Flame came out again.

At this time, the muzzle on the distant warship,

Started firing,

In an instant,

There were more than two hundred cyan artillery fires,

Blasted towards the chariot of mountains and rocks.

Cyan fire and fiery fire hit each other at the same time,

Cyan thunder fire and fiery thunder fire soaring into the sky!

More than 30 mountain and rock chariots, all turned into fragments in the blue flame,

Flying towards the sky!


Another thirty warships were beaten into huge fireballs,


The entire battleship formation,

A gap has been punched,

The warship behind,

Bypassing the hit ship,

This will move on towards the sledgehammer pass.

Sledgehammer closed,

The forward of the warship has entered the sledgehammer level,

The sledgehammer closes the sky,

The sword light of Yuanying Flower God,

From the sledgehammer pass,

Has been extended to the sledgehammer pass.


A strong breath,

The sky enveloped,

In an instant,

All the Yuanying Flower Gods who fought,

Already enveloped by this breath,

Tan Tian's eyes shrank.

Yuan Ying Flower God, who is a fusion of four rules,

The four rules of the battle with the Lord Wan Lei that day merged with the spirit of the Yuan Ying Flower God,


In the Qingsheng River,

A whirl of water rushed up,

In an instant,

The water swirled for thousands of miles.

Every spin of water spins,

All sound like thunder!

This water whirls towards the horizon,

As if there are thousands of thunder spinning,

Rushed to the horizon,

In an instant,

All monks below Yuan Ying in the entire Sledgehammer Pass,

Mind has been crushed by this thunder ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ mana is running chaotically.

Let alone combat,

This is the strongman of Biyuan Sea Fire Dragon Palace!

As soon as the Demon Race powerhouse, the Fire Dragon Palace powerhouse came out,

The entire battlefield is depressed!

Everyone heard,

That thunder,

Stayed for a while in a distant place on the horizon,

Together with that incomparably powerful spirit,

Charged madly towards the sky. To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m. to read.

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