Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2895: Magic tricks

After the statue said this sentence,

"It rains for another thirty years,

What kind of rune do you want? "

The statue said,

"It seems that the monk of the soul chaser was killed in the cave,

This person is quite happy. "

Qingqiu Zhenren thought,

"let me see."

Qingqiu Zhenren finished speaking,

The statue refused to say any more,

Qingqiu Zhenren left the temple from God,

Talk to Tan Tianyi about the statue.

"This time I gained the magic trick,

It is good for the integration of Yunxia rules,

However, the harvested medicinal materials,

It is far from meeting our needs for several years. "

Tan Tian said,

Although the medicinal materials are precious, several members of Qian’s Commissioner have combined the rules of the Golden Fruit Shadow,

Taking these herbs is not enough.

"It is good to be able to integrate Yunxia rules.

You said, what kind of rune should I find for the statue? "

Qing Qiu Zhen said,

Qingqiu Zhenren is similar to Tan Song.

"I think you want a rune that blends mine rules and water rules,

You merge the rules of water system and plant system,

Deduce water system rules, plant system rules and mine system rules fusion,

This is better.

Thunder system mysterious,

The body has practiced, is good at it,

To integrate other rules, you must first cultivate to the peak

It's better to practice Thunder Element Profound. "

Qingqiu Zhenren thought,

"Yes, practice other mysteries,

It's better to practice Thunder Element Prosperity. "

The call with Qingqiu Zhenren ended.

The voice of the formation rang,

"A space scan detected,

Very powerful. But the attainments of space Taoism.

Similar to Zhou Tianxing's accomplishments.

The scanning distance in space has reached 300 million miles!

It may be a strong god. "

Tan Tian took a look,

In the Zhoutian star formation,

In the stone chamber where the blue **** seal was found,

A huge space vortex appeared,

The spatial vortex emits unimaginable fluctuations in the ordinary Yuan Ying Hua Shen,

Scan the entire space,


It has far surpassed the nearby starry sky.

The powerhouse,

The integration of rules has reached a fairly high level.

Regardless of whether the spatial attainments are strong or not,

There is no obstacle in the space near the wave scanning plane.


Immediately, there is a powerful escape light,


It seems to fill the entire sky,

Hundreds of golden core monks' spirits rushed out.

But this fluctuates. Like a huge wall,

The spirit of Jin Dan,

As if it can't rush into the sky,

This powerful escape light fell towards the mountain where the stone chamber was located.

This escape light comes from the direction of the Park Wave Plane Committee,

The **** cultivator from the Giant Rock Shrine appeared,

This god-changing monk who chased the main god,

An exhibition of Taoism,

The entire space of the wave plane,

Has been scanned by him,

The God-Transforming Power of the Giant Rock Shrine,

It's strange not to come out.

There is a powerful escape,

Coming from the direction of Biyuanhai,

Same tough,

As if covering the entire sky.

This sledgehammer off,

It is already the territory of the aquarium on the wave plane in the garden,

Bi Yuanhai's transforming god!

The entire sledgehammer pass,

All the monks except Shui were shocked.

Biyuanhai has the power of transforming gods,

No wonder,

Capture the sledgehammer pass from the hands of the demons,

Although Sledgehammer Pass is not fat,


The remaining sites are still quite large.

Three monks of the gods,

The stone chamber gathered in the mountains,

Brother Jindan wants to use the spell to explore,

A reminder of the law,

The water mirror appeared,


In the water mirror,

Nothing is displayed at all.

After a long time,

The three figures rushed up,

Toward the Biyuan Sea, the Yuan Wave Plane Committee,

Zun Daguo rushed away.

"Respect the great country, isn't that the soul chaser master **** cultivator blocking the worship?"

Jin Dan said in surprise.

After a while,

I don’t know where the news spread,

The monks who are going to respect the great country,

It is indeed the god-changing power of the soul chaser!


The whole sledgehammer turned off,

Regardless of the human race, the water race, or even the monks of the demons,

Use it towards the mountains,

Half a day,

Outside that mountain,

There are already tens of thousands of people,

Tan Song came over to watch the excitement,


Invisible prohibition,

Has surrounded this mountain for sixty miles.

Some golden core monks,

Fa Jue fully urged,

Walk towards that prohibition,

Looked invisible,

As solid as a rock!

"This is the way of transforming gods,

It is no regrets in this life to be able to see the powerful Taoism of transforming gods. "

A group of monks in the foundation building period burst into tears,

This is the longing cry!

There are a few of the monks in the foundation period, advanced golden cores,

Powerful in the transformation period,

Most people don't see it once in a lifetime.

After a few days,

The excitement around this mountain,

This was deserted.

The monks in the transformation period are not divine thoughts.

It is mana fluctuations.

This kind of mana fluctuation is mysterious and powerful,

Far surpassed the spirit of Qian Da Committee member's body,

As if you can surpass all obstacles.

Like ordinary matter,

These fluctuations can no longer be stopped.


Divine mind is not omnipotent.

Tan Tian, ​​the body of the Qian Da committee,

All thinking about this issue.

The palace of King Water Eel,

Several strong Yuan Ying men sitting on the Kunwen River.

"There is such a baby near Sledgehammer Pass,

we do not know. "

Qing Jiao almost roared.

"For the strong man's cave house, don't say take some golden pills. Build a foundation.

Those of us. It's hard to find. "

Said the water eel king.

Qing Jiao doesn't have many men,

The sledgehammer pass were all under the strong men of the Yuan Ying on the Kunwenjiang River.

Of course, the king of water eels has to help.

"This Bi Yuanhai's transforming **** is a strong man,

Bi Yuanhai is at Sledgehammer Pass,

It’s a great increase in prestige. We have killed many aquariums in the Kunwenjiang

There are a lot of water system spirits.

It's not as strong as the **** of transformation. "

The Lord of Great Sword sighed and said,

Several strong Yuan Ying on the Kunwenjiang talked for a long time,

Just sigh.

Cangshan, green fields,

The birds and beasts galloped.

Inside Warhammer Villa,

Like a loud noise,

For nine days,

Tan Tian is all over,

Shrouded in the mysterious and mysterious, indescribable brilliance.

This brilliance,

氤氲. Brilliant, brilliant,

It seems to go up to nine days and go down to Jiuyou.

next to,

Banxian walked in,

Hand over to Tan Tian.

"Congratulations, Tantian, Yunxia rules, water system rules, and plant rules have been successfully integrated."

These brilliance are collected.

Tan Tian stood up,


"From the expedition to the Green God Seal Cave Mansion,

It’s been sixteen years,

The real mystery of the magic formula given by the monk,

Sixteen years,

The successful integration of Yunxia rules, water system rules, and plant rules. "

Tan Tian said,

"You originally deduced the Yunxia rule, the water system rule, and the plant rule for many years.

Exactly a hundred years!

Master Fire Dragon, fusion of three rules, is equally promising. "

Banxian said.

"The ball of light given to me by the monk and the ball of light given to Master Fire Dragon are more than double the size.

Besides, the fire dragon merged the three-line rules at the time, and it didn't even start.

With that ball of light, he may have some progress in fusing the rules of Yunxia,

It takes at least a few hundred years to integrate the rules of Yunxia. "

Tan Tian said,

"In this way, you will integrate the successful Yunxia rules, water system rules, and plant rules to me.

I first merged the three rules, and then deduce the other rules. "

This said,

Tan Tian nodded,

"That's it, Qingqiu Zhenren got it from that statue

The water system rules, the runes of the mine system rules,

Deduction for more than ten years,

There is still no successful integration yet. "

With that, I realized my own practice,

Pointing towards Banxian,

Sent over,

Banxian began to practice,

Tan Yuan urged the communication circle,

Said to Committee Member Qian.

"The rules of the light system merge, but a little progress,

This is one thousand and two hundred years since the establishment of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array.

I have a considerable understanding of the starlight mystery, and only then can these progresses be made. "

Commissioner Qian said,

Commissioner Qian deduced the integration of five systems of rules,

Has made some progress,

This has been the perception of the establishment of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array for more than a thousand years.

Only then have these progresses!

Compared with the fusion of four rules,

Progress is already considered fast.

call ended,

Tan Tian began to feel the phantom of the warhammer again.


Warhammer phantom,

No matter what the feeling,

I can't realize it a bit,

Since a few years ago,

This Warhammer phantom has become quite ethereal,

No matter how Tantian feels,

With this phantom, it seems that divine consciousness can't reach it!

after a few days,

But I feel that this divine mind,

And this phantom, as if closer,


Still can't realize it,

Tan Tian was depressed,

It seems that only one's own divine mind is further improved,


This plant grows further,

May be able to realize,

This, within a few years,

Don't think about it.

Tan Tian thought,

Go to Warhammer Guanfang City to relax.

Tan Tian is like an ordinary casual repairer,

Entered the Warhammer Guanfang City,

Looked at some items,

Integration of three rules,

General items,

Tantian is even more despised,

Asked the jade slips that the ancient monks felt,


In the Biyuan Sea,

Some ancient monks felt jade slips,

They are all sold.

Tan Tian asked,

These ancient monks’ jade slips,

Compared with ten years ago,

More than doubled!

"These ancient monks jade slips,

There are prohibitions,

The content inside, is there anything for the monks,

Do not know at all,

The price has doubled, and you can buy good pill and medicinal materials. "

Tan Tian said,

Today, Tantian's three-line rules,

Compared with ordinary Jindan,

It's powerful,


The price of these jade slips is so high,

If Tantian was a monk in the foundation period,

His own cultivation base is not high enough, not enough immortal stones,

It's better to buy pill and medicinal materials from these immortal stones.

"You don't know that,

Near this sledgehammer pass, there was a cave house jointly sealed by three cultivators of the gods,

The jade slips of these ancient monks,

Of course more people want it.

The price has more than doubled, not much. "

The waiter said,

It turned out to be the seal of three cultivators,

To increase the price of jade slips in Guanfang City,

These ordinary monks~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the prohibition of the arrangement of monks in the transformation period,

They couldn't realize it at all,

However, these ancient monks’ jade slips have increased in price,

It's going to be a fairy stone.

Tan Tian thought,

Of course, these fairy stones,

to him,


Walked a few shops,

Bought some jade slips,

Spent 30,000 middle-grade immortal stones,

Immediately prohibit opening,

Ten jade slips,

There is one piece that is useful to the golden core monks,

A hundred pieces of jade slips,

No use to Tantian,

of course,

For Tantian,

Spent 30,000 middle-grade immortal stones,

Take a good time, quite a meal.

Traveled throughout the whole market,

Bought some materials,


Like Master Fire Dragon,

Fire crystals for sale,

Flame fruit, but I can’t see it,

There are three prohibitions set up by the power of God,

Cultivated like Master Fire Dragon,

Coming here, it will not be easy to set up a stall.

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