Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2900: Melee breakout

"Leave the team."

One hundred and fifty people stood up,

Looking at Tantian.

Different expressions on individual faces,

"I am your team leader, Tan Tian,

Forward, array. "

Tan Tian said,

These one hundred and fifty people moved forward, lined up,

Holding a sword and shield, listening to the army go away.

Their faces always have expressions,

It becomes as rigid as an iron plate.

The camel's voice grew louder.

As if emerging from thick fog,

The camel beast rushed towards the hundred and fifty people.

Either tragic, or grief, or courage,


A hundred and fifty people have different expressions on their faces,

Their formation is scattered,

One hundred and fifty people,

Want to stop the camel beast,

Of course there is no need to make a tight formation with cards,

Like that

The camel beast strode across,

They dodge,

Body shape,

The cavalry rushed towards the camel beast.


Someone’s shield and body together,

Slashed away by the thunderous blade of the camel cavalry,

Some people touched the shield and the sword of the camel cavalry at once,

The shield in his hand flew suddenly,


Step forward,

The knife swept away,

Half of the camel cavalry was cut open,

Hard armor,

Compared with the beast-like Mercedes-Benz,

Let the opponent's sword,

Cut away the camel cavalry,

very easy.

The blade of the camel cavalry came thunderously.


Just saw it.

The other party is slightly twisted,

But it was just right to avoid the knife light,

The knife in his hand flashed,



This camel cavalry felt that all the scenery was rising,

The head is flying.

Stride forward obliquely,

Camel cavalry nearby.

Was waving his hand and slashed towards the soldiers of Qingcang Country.

The blade flashed,

Rushed from the side,

Half of this person's shoulder has been cut away.

The soldiers of Qingcang Nation felt,

The slashed sword lightened,


A huge knife mark appeared on the shield,

The figure suddenly retreated.

But survived from this knife.

This new team is really high in martial arts,

I saw the figure flash.

The camel cavalry of the great country,

Has been beheaded.

"Thank you for the team."

He shouted,

Just saw,

The opponent's figure flashed,

In an instant,

It's been more than ten feet,

The blade flashed,

Also beheaded the camel cavalry.


Tan Tian can take care of,

These are the ones around.

The number of sword and shield soldiers of one hundred and fifty people was rapidly reduced.

Seeing that Tan Tian killed ten cavalry in a row,

He doesn't even splash blood on his body.

The remaining sword and shield soldiers,

Moved closer to Tan Tian quickly.

At this time,

Already seen,

The cavalry chasing,

But three hundred cavalry,

Three thousand army,

Mainly siege,

Equipped with three hundred cavalry, it’s a lot.

These three hundred cavalry,

I dare not bypass the hundred and fifty shield soldiers,

and so,

The fighting between the two sides was quite tragic.

The Tantian shield is one block,

The cavalry knife was bounced,

The shield soldier next to him immediately rushed up.

A few knives crossed!

With a bang,

The cavalry of the great nation fell.

In the night,

The impact distance and swiftness of the cavalry,

Much worse,

Now, fighting against this hundred and fifty swords and shields,

Although the initial casualties of the sword and shield were more than that of the cavalry,


After this half tea time battle,

Three hundred cavalry, but they were unable to quickly annihilate these sword and shield players.


The cavalry gathered next to Tan Tian,

They beheaded the cavalry again,

In ten seconds,

Tan Tian's eyes were empty,

Already broke out of the cavalry's encirclement,

However, running like this,

Tan Tian can run away,

These shield soldiers,

Most of them killed!

For a while,

Tantian didn't want all these sword and shield soldiers to be killed.

All these sword and shield soldiers were killed,

The plane evolution point is even more difficult to handle,

Tan Tian shouted,

Turned around,

Rushed in.

Tantian is like a ghost, his sword is like electricity,

Like thunder, shield like a mountain!

The blade of the camel cavalry slashed like lightning,

I saw Tantian's figure shake,

His own saber is like cutting onto a mountain,

The blade flashed,

I rushed up towards the sky,

But the head has already been flying.

All the way to the middle,

Turn and rush over,

Blood, shouts, screams,

It looks terrible at night!

Thirty more swords and shields gathered towards Tantian,


The original one hundred and fifty people,

Sixty people are left.

This camel cavalry team was taking a look,

It's been more than one and a half cups of tea,

Not to mention the heavy casualties of the cavalry,


To find out which way the opposing team should withdraw,

Can't find this,

Back to the original array,

Punishment is indispensable.

"Go around! Go around!"

The camel team was shouting loudly.

Camel beasts began to bypass these sixty people,

Pursue in the direction of the large force.

Tan Tian looked at these sixty people,

Don't say he was hurt.

None of them moved.

One hundred and fifty people,

Able to survive more than 60 people from a cavalry charge of 300 people,

It's already pretty good.

"Withdraw. Who knows. Is there a good place around here?"

Tan Tian said.


A sword and shield soldier stepped forward,

Arched his hand at Tan Tian,

"I am a person at Rainbow Gate, I know,

There is a mountain near here, which is good.

You can go there for a short rest. "

The shield soldier said to rest,

These sixty people all know.

Let's live there for half a month first.

"Okay, go there."

Tan Tian said,

These sixty people,

Walk in that direction,

In fact,

The big troops are also heading towards Rainbow Pass,


The direction is slightly different.

Walked to the side,

It’s just a few miles,

It is already a low hill.

Go along this hill,

valley. There are a lot of streams,

Walked more than thirty miles,

Only then came to a mountain of three hundred feet,

Three hundred feet,

In this world of comprehension,

It's really not high.

one look,

There are several peaks near and far.

It's almost as high as this mountain.

To the peak,

Such a fierce fight,

Everyone’s jerky has been thrown away long ago,

But I brought some water,

Looking for prey everywhere,

Looking for a long time,

Hunted some wild boars, wild wolves,

Fire and roast and eat,

These boars, wild wolves have not finished eating,

It's already daytime,

The sun shines on the mountain peaks,

On the peak,

Clouds gradually rose,

Last night, one hundred and fifty people, against three hundred cavalry,

This morning, I ate roast boar, wild wolf,

Drinking mountain spring water,

It’s an escape,

Everyone is in a good mood,

"The view here is really good."

Some soldiers said,

When Tan Tian listened,

I looked around here,

Watched it again, watched it again,

As if fascinated,

"The view here is good,

But here we are,

Can't stay for a lifetime. "

The soldiers next to him,

"I don't know what the team is thinking,

We want to cross this battlefield,

It needs to be brought by the team. "

The soldier next to him said,

After the battle last night,

Everyone thinks,

Tantian’s combat power,

Can be compared with a few innate warriors,

In battle,

This kind of combat power is very important!

After a long time,

Tan Tian is like a wandering outside of things,

Then I stood up and took a look,

"This place is really nice---"

Tan Tian's face was full of shocked expressions.


This place, including this mountain,

Tan Tian felt,

Compatible with your own cultivation base.

However, Tantian does not urge spiritual thoughts,

Let go of all your senses!

But feel

The mountains, the water,

But it’s so natural, so ordinary,

Brother Jindan banged,

Can blast off a mountain!

Let these ordinary people see,

There is a sense of sublimation.

The sun rises this morning,

Clouds rise from the mountains,

Compared with the soil system, plant system, and Yunxia rules that I cultivated,

Fusion of own rules,

Compared with this mountain, it is a million times stronger!


It feels like it is totally impossible to do.

Standing on this mountain peak,

Looking into the distance,

The low hills that I walked up last night,

It's already part of this mountain.

The hills I walked up last night,

Not far from this county,

Tantian wanted to take up this hill,

one look,

A few hundred miles,

Is close to the county pass,

If all the hills are occupied,

Sure, it involves the county,


Need to occupy the county as well.

Tan Tian thought,

These sixty soldiers have eaten and drank enough,

After a whole day of fighting yesterday,

Everyone started to fall asleep.

This face fluctuates,

How important is it to myself,

Ontology, Commissioner Qian has received several plane fluctuations.


The evolution of ontology,

The same to the three-color spiritual root,

The three-color spiritual root has evolved,

The shadows of their golden fruits are all produced by the three-color spiritual roots.

Cultivate in front of the three-color spiritual root,

The evolution of the tricolor spiritual root,

The same will be passed on to these golden fruit shadows,

In this respect,

The shadow of the golden fruit has already enjoyed the benefits of the evolutionary fluctuations of the plane,

Look at the main committee member Qian,

I'm not enthusiastic about it at all,


Find plane evolutionary fluctuations,

It’s not as good as this mountain with a radius of hundreds of miles,

Useful for yourself.

Back then, to Suijin Dongfu,

Didn’t enter a mountain in the middle,

That mountain is vast,

The entire mountain structure,

Like a huge rule rune,

Commissioner Qian’s soil system rules are so high,

I have a good understanding of that mountain adventure,


This is a few hundred miles,

How does it compare to that mountain?

Not like that mountain,

It can be easily seen that the structure is similar to complex and deep rules,

If the rules are not merged before,

Committee member Qian thinks,

The mountains in that pure golden cave mansion,

Than these hundreds of miles of mountains,

Not only is it hundreds of times bigger,

Of course it is much more advanced.



Tantian has integrated the three rules,

he thinks,

This prescription is a mountain of hundreds of miles,

It seems,

The structure is not complicated,


If it comes to artistic conception,

It’s definitely much higher than the mountainous mood in Suijindong Mansion,

It’s not a fusion of three rules,

Didn’t pass through the pure golden cave mansion,

People of adventure in the mountains,

I can't tell!

Thought of here,

In Tantian's heart, Yijing had an idea,

He walked in front of these shield soldiers,

Shout at them:

"Get up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I can make you live for one hundred and fifty years!"


These shield soldiers,

All jump up.

Fighting day and night,

The artistic conception makes their nerves,


Several sword and shield soldiers looked towards Tan Tian,

"You can make us live for one hundred and fifty years,

I know that your martial arts are strong, but what you said, just kidding,

Congenital warrior,

But a hundred years of life. "

This team may be bragging. (To be continued...)

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