Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2902: War barracks

The mountains flew past your feet quickly,

Towards the grass a little,

The grass just bends slightly.

The figure has gone.

A brawny man,

Like a bird in the mountains.

Square face monk,

Running fast with a few soldiers,

"I have run for three hundred miles,

I can’t even find a larger prey,

This wild wolf is not enough for me to eat by myself. "

The strong man next to him complained.

3 Their battle armor,

Already separated,

Connected with vines in the mountains,

Although the physique has grown,


Barely enough.

"Look at it, the defeated soldiers of Qingcang Nation."

A voice came from a distance,

They this month,

Mainly because of the improvement of melee combat ability,

Increased spiritual mind, able to use storage bags,

Not up to the level of a monk in the general Qi training period,

Divine mind, how can it be cultivated so well?

Looking into the distance,

A group of camel cavalry from a great country in the distance,

He was standing up from the grass.

Ten people,

He has a sharp appearance, cold eyes, and bloodthirsty.

"Most of them are congenital warriors.

An elite investigative team. "

The square face monk said,

"Saw them a month ago,

I turned and ran,

Today, exactly,

Catch alive, the others kill,

The camel beast took it back to barbecue. "

The shield soldier next to him said,

"Well, come on."

Said the soldier next to him.

These people.

Walked toward the great great country cavalry in the distance.

"So bold."

Said the cavalry.


On the camel beast,

The camel beast urged,

Ran towards these people,

Looking at a few people,

Have been in the mountains for a long time,

It must be when the war first started,

The soldiers who retreated from Qingcang Nation.

The shield soldier took out his sword,

One month later.

There is a fight,

However, it feels completely different.

The cavalry on the camel beast,

As if it can be easily killed,

The camel beast rushed towards these sword and shield soldiers,

One point to the side,

The knife light crossed,


The same light flashed.

Slash at their war sword!

Despite the fast running of the camel beast,

The saber of the camel cavalry still bounced.


These sword and shield soldiers took a step back,

The move changed,

The blade flashed,

Puff, screams sounded,

The armor of the three camel cavalry was broken,

The blood was splashing, but still urging the camel beast,

Run away.

The camel soldier behind was shocked,

These people,

Standing, he resisted the rush of the camel cavalry,

Also cut the camel cavalry!

The speed of the knife in his hand slowed by a fraction of an instant.


Blood spattered,

Camel cavalry,

Was cut into pieces by these swordsman and shield soldiers,

Camel cavalry rushed over again,

Cut it down with one knife,

The chopper bounced,

A tall figure swooped up nearby,

The blade flashed,

this time,

This camel cavalry was cut off by half of his body,

Fell from the camel beast.

The few camel cavalry at the end,

Urge the camel beast,

Go around from the side,

Tantian didn't teach them the art of swordsmanship.

Strengthening close combat capability is the main direction,

Not enough spirituality,

Where can I have time to practice Yujian Jue.

Seeing the camel cavalry go away,

These sword and shield soldiers took a few steps forward,

The blade flashed,

The camel beast crashed down.

"Go back with these camels,

Over the rainbow pass,

Qingcang Kingdom mobilized 250,000 troops,

Come to the war,

The two sides confronted each other before the Rainbow Pass. "

The square face monk said,

They came out hunting,

Inquired about some circumstances.

Several people carried the camel beast, although they could not fly on the grass,


Running speed,

It's almost like a camel beast.

After half a day, I ran three hundred miles,

I met Tan Tian,

Let me tell you what I heard.

"Okay---barbecue the camel immediately,

Tonight, rushed to Wengai County Pass. "

Wengai County Pass is the first county where Tantian entered.

Fought for a day,

Evacuate at night.

"A few of us, rushing to Wengai County Pass?"

The square face monk said in surprise.

"This is an order----"

Tan Tian said,

The monks who explored the fusion of the three rules of the soul chaser main **** from the temple were all beheaded.

Commissioner Qian’s soul and mystery,

Have grown even more,

Not only strengthened the tactics of one's soul, but also improved it,

Pass it to them in the talisman,

Already has the soul technique,


The square-faced Shield Soldier and several Shield Soldiers next to each other arched their hands together.

Tan Tianyi said,

They proceed immediately.

Soon, camel meat began to grill,

Two thousand catties of camel meat,

Sixty people, most of them ate!

After eating, meditate,

After an hour,

This is the digestion,

It was already midnight.

These soldiers lined up,

Ran towards Wengaiguan,

In the past, from the outside of Wengaiguan,

Ran here,

They spent most of the night,


From the mountain to Wengaiguan,

Not a cup of tea time.

When the cover is closed,

The square-faced monk stretched over his body,

A little bit on the off wall, the off wall that has been covered with a pattern,

Beside, Tan Tian,

Several sword and shield soldiers.

Has rushed up.

A dozen feet away.

A few soldiers on patrol came back to their senses.

With a knife in his hand,

"Huh, huh, huh---"

The blade flashed,

The patrol soldiers of these great nations,

Heads are already flying!

There is one soldier left,

Watching the knife light flash.

"Say, where is the barracks?"

When this person heard,

Just these people, want to attack the barracks?

Immediately, the location of Wen Gaiguan barracks was announced.

A personal shadow leaps up and closes the wall,

He rushed towards the position of Wengaiguan Garrison Barracks,

Walked a few miles,

Then I saw a team of flames coming over,

The patrol came,

Sword and shield soldiers. Stand still,

The patrol went over.

Walked a few more miles,

The original Wengaiguan county government appeared,

Next to the county government, there is a large square,


Has become a military camp.

There are 1,500 people stationed in the barracks.

At the entrance of the barracks,

But there are more than ten flames burning.

Shine around hundreds of feet.

"Have you taken the flame explosion talisman?"

Tan Tian said,

Square face monk,

Several monks nodded together,

Tantian no longer knew,

Can I get the plane evolutionary fluctuation,

This time,

He once again used a talisman that far exceeded the innate martial artist.

The fireball talisman with the peak strength of the Qi training period.

Of course, five swords and shields, three per each.

Really facing 1,500 soldiers,

Strength during Qi training period,

Increased defense power several times,

More than sixty people,

It's really not enough.

Tan Tian and the shield soldier holding the fireball talisman,

Reached out for a vertical leap,

Has washed up on the roof,

Charged toward the side of the barracks.

To the side,

But saw,

There is an arrow tower on the barracks.

"I'm going to kill the arrow tower, you urge the talisman to be sent from the side,

Fulu was urged and rushed into the barracks! "

Tan Tian said,

Six of them, urging the talisman,

Rush in from here,

The others rushed into the barracks from the main entrance,

If these people can't occupy this pattern,

Tantian, ready to use the talisman in the foundation period,

Tan Tian's figure stretched over,

In an instant, I had already crossed the general streets,


There was the sound of the bowstring pulling apart from the arrow tower.

But one person rushed up,

Those with arrow towers, soldiers guarding the arrow towers,

One arrow shot over is,

This can't be done,

How can it be called a war soldier?

The arrow flies,

This figure flashed,

Has rushed to the barracks,

One step,

Rushed up towards the arrow tower,

The archer wants to shoot again,

But, where is it?

"Block him---"

The archer shouted,

The blade flashed,

This archer is already flying up.

Next to the soldiers,

One holds a knife, the other holds a sword,

Jumped up suddenly,

A little war knife,

Elegant as a fairy,

"Puff, puff---"

This soldier fell,

Kill the archer from Tantian,

The square face monk and several other monks,

Has rushed over,

Rushed to the barracks,

Several people slashed with swords,

Cut directly from the arrow tower,

"Puff, puff, puff---"

There was a muffled sound,

Blood spattered,

The great warriors in the arrow tower,

All beheaded.


The arrow tower next to me wants to shoot these people,

It’s not so easy anymore,

"At the same time urging—"

Tan Tian said,

Several people took out the talisman,

At the same time,

A flame ignited on the talisman,

The original Fulu seemed to weigh half a catty,

This is the fire mana in the talisman,

Has been urged,

Throwing at the tent in the barracks,

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom---"

Six loud noises,

With a big fireball,

Suddenly sounded,

Fireball, shock wave,

Let six tents,

Suddenly turned into a big fireball,

"The enemy is attacking---"


Immediately spread from everywhere in the barracks,


The six urged the fireball,

Throw it further away,

There was another explosion,

Flames, shock waves,

There are already soldiers wearing singles,

Rushed out of the tent and ran around.

At the entrance of the barracks,

The cry of killing has sounded!

The soldiers from Qingcang Country suddenly rushed in.

Part of it fights with the guard at the door,

Part of it rushed into the barracks,

Six fireballs suddenly exploded,

Tan Tian jumped down from the camp,

The blade flashed,

"Wh, eh, eh—"

Screams and blood splashed,

Most of the opponents were not wearing battle armor,

Tan Tian is like a ghost,

I chopped over several in a row.

The square-faced monks followed closely,

In a few moments,

A few of them, over thirty people have been cut down,


This is far from enough.

"The enemy is here---"

There are already thirty people,

Killed with a saber in hand,

The fireball talisman made this barracks a little messy,

However, it is far from being broken,

Tan Tian rushed over,

In an instant,

Among these thirty people,

As if a conspicuous flower bloomed,


Where this flower goes,

There are screams and blood splashing everywhere!

The soldiers of the great nation slashed at this flower,

This flower seems to be in full bloom,

This soldier slashed through the air,

In the next moment,

His head is already flying.


The roar rang,

As if a dozen swords came across,

Like a thunder,

In an instant,

The Tantian Sword spun lightly, cutting out ten swords continuously,

For every dollar,

All blocked it back.

Body shape shook,


The opposing soldier’s head is flying,


The opponent turned around,

He can't cut Tan Tian without turning,

But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the blade flashed, and his head was flying.

Tantian complained in his heart,

No matter how many come,

His identity as the peak cultivator of the innate warrior is no longer the same.

He rushed into the barracks,

More than twenty people have been killed.

These are all soldiers!

Took out another fireball charm,

Throw it a few feet away,

These soldiers retreated,

The fireball exploded,

Several people have been blown up! (To be continued

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