Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2904: Fireball war monk


Shouting loudly,

The magic weapon in the hand seems to be waving wildly,

Three monks in the Qi training period found that

As if the sky is full of fireballs,

At least sixty fireballs appeared!

They urged their swordsmanship,

Turned into a round of rounds,

Several fireballs hit the sword light,

In the huge explosion,

Most of the flames are blocked,


On these cultivators during the Qi refining period,

Has burned,


More fireballs blasted over,

In an instant, these monks splashed with flames all over their bodies,


Crashed down,

Their thoughts,

How could this magic weapon shoot so many fireballs?

I feel that the three of them will shoot fireballs at thirty

During the training period, the monks attacked.

Beside, there are a dozen soldiers who respect the great power,

Bombarded by flame aftermath,

Burn up,


Has fallen!

This scene is really awesome,

These three Qi refiners,

He is the strongest master in Wengaiguan Garrison.

Other monks in the Qi training period,

They have all been transferred to play before the Rainbow Level.

Respect the soldiers of the great country.

Only then rushed towards the gate of Wengai County.

Seeing all the soldiers thrown out of the barracks.

The sword and shield soldiers of Qingcang Country,

Looking towards Tantian,

In the eyes,

It is a deep awe.

This Tantian,

In the look of these shield soldiers,

It's a mysterious character.

One by one magical talisman,

The running water is generally taken out,

And came up with such a powerful magic weapon.

"The leader of the team, this battalion of soldiers,

You are enough to deal with it alone. "

Fang Lian Zhanbing said,

Tan Tian thought,

Plane evolutionary fluctuations,

This time, there must be no hope,

Upon hearing this,

One mouth: "I sent it alone,

Teach you exercises. Let you eat---ah"

Tan Tian's face is high,

Full of style.

Since the team started to fight,

To regain this pattern cover,

The team is upright,

Never put it before.

A few soldiers stood quickly,

Although I was trained,

But, did you survive this time?

In the past, the captain, the team was working, that was a daily training!

"Immediately remove all yamen in Wengai County,

Members of the patrol team, the agricultural team, the industrial and commercial team,

They are still in Wengai County, so I found them all.

This is a positive order from our team! "

Tan Tian said,


These sword and shield soldiers said,

Turned out of the barracks,

Tan Tian looked at this barracks,

The flame talisman was taken out,

Take out a few ice talisman to put out the fire,

I have come out with the magic weapon of fireball,

The military camp is a magic weapon,

It will definitely not come out.

Most of this barracks can be used,

Tan Tian took out a few ice talisman,

A reminder,

A burst of ice rushed towards the flame,

After a while,

The flame has gone out,

At this time,

Sword and shield soldiers, with middle-aged men dressed as traders, came here,

The middle-aged man walked while looking at the barracks,

The army of Qingcang Country,

Rushed back again,

The army of Qingcang Country,

When is it so awesome?

"This is the captain of the agricultural team."

"This is our Tan team."

The shield soldier said to the middle-aged man,

The middle-aged man salutes Tan Tian.

"I have seen the Tan team right."

It turns out that there is only one team.

The middle-aged man thought,

"You immediately summon all the office staff in Wengai County here."

Tan Tian said,

"Yes, the office staff has already partly left.

The rest, in Wengai County,

I will find it for you immediately. "

The middle-aged man said,

After two tea time,

In the barracks,

Fifty people have been standing,

these people,

Is in Wengai County,

The remaining office staff,

They stood one by one,

Looking at Tantian,

Different expressions on faces,

"Now, in troubled times, you don’t have martial arts,

It’s not a good activity, I will teach you magic skills,

Click here to practice magic,

Within six days, you can have a powerful cultivation base.

Stand for me---

You follow the exercises on this talisman and run it. "

Tan Tian waved his hand and said,

The feeling of this preaching is really good,

Tan Tian walked to the agricultural captain,

Holding a talisman in his hand,

Shoot at the agricultural leader,


The captain of the agriculture felt that the mysterious qi was running,

Cultivating the world,

You all know that this is fairy fate!

The agricultural captain is happy in his heart,

Immediately operate according to this method,


Tan Tian took out a piece of Fuluo and took a photo.

Of these forty people, everyone began to perform the exercises,

Originally there was some martial arts, really Qi,

They found that

Even if it's very weak,

And this mysterious mana,

Can be integrated smoothly.

Operate according to the profound technique.

The gate of Wengaiguan,

Tantian didn't send anyone to accept it.

There are only 30 giant soldiers,

Sun rise,

It's past breakfast time.

These forty people.

Has begun to draw mana from the earth.

Tan Tian waved his hand: "Receive your gong, I will be here today."

These forty people received their merits,

I feel that my strength has increased!

This team is right,

Able to take the army to recover the pattern and cover it,

Sure enough, he is a great person.

"You go to the county gate immediately,

Bring all the young men who have a little martial arts. "

Tan Tian said.


These forty officials,

Ran towards the county officials,

Tan Tian said to the square-faced monk:

"You send a few soldiers to look at the county wall."

The square-faced monk nodded,

I believe it,

This huge Wengai County Pass,

It was taken over by more than 60 of them.

It's almost noon,

In this barracks,

More than three hundred people have gathered.

All of these county officials,

Some martial arts.

Tantian gave them a sticker on the talisman.

Fulu turned into mana, memory,

They practice the same.

Tantian's practice,

Ordinary people can practice for a few days!

Tantian asked them to stand and practice here,

This is how we left the barracks,

The square-faced monk has already taken someone to make dinner.

However, this kind of people,

Reinforcement of Zun Brigade,

May come soon,

The square-faced monk and these giant soldiers,

Looks a little nervous.

"Rainbow Guanzhou Mansion, away from this pattern,

At least five hundred miles,

There is a mountain road in the middle,

The great army of the Rainbow Pass,

Want to send reinforcements here,

At least six days.

In the past few days, everyone can practice with all their strength! "

Tan Tian finished speaking,

Started eating with everyone,

Just finished eating,

Tan Tian felt the plane fluctuations come down.

Commissioner Qian has accepted this plane fluctuation several times.

Of course he knows,


I took out so many spells,

Five hundred pieces of Fulu.

In an instant,

A magic weapon that can shoot dozens of fireballs,

For Qi refiners,

Such a magic weapon may be almost the same as an artifact.

Can you still get the plane evolutionary fluctuation?

Oh---regardless of him,

Things in the county,

He let the captain of agriculture handle,

of course. Tell these officials,

Practice must be absolutely diligent.

These forty officials,

Only then did I know,

The soldiers of the Qing Cang Kingdom led by Tan Tian,

But sixty people,

Thirty people were killed!

There are more than thirty people!

They are running around.

Six days passed,

In the county gate, hundreds of people,

It is three inches taller.

Of course, there are really dozens of people,

Reached the cultivation base of Innate Martial Artist.

"Reinforcement from the great power is here.

One thousand and five hundred people will be here soon. "

The Fang Lian monk came in and reported to Tan Tian,

"Okay, let them stop practicing,

Shangxian closed the wall and prepared for battle. "

Tan Tian said,


The square-faced monk arched his hands,

With some confidence in words,

If the opponent’s 1,500 people,

No master,

Three hundred people from me,

You can definitely fight against 1,500 people on the other side,

The three hundred people in the barracks went to Wengai County Pass,

War materials in the previous barracks,

They all accept,

Bows and arrows, swords,

this is,

On the off wall, each set out their positions,

The reinforcements of the great power stopped far away,

Start cooking,

They traveled five hundred miles,

There are mountain roads,

It is certainly impossible to fight immediately,

Tan Tian said,

"Come on, serve!"

This kind of thing,

Officials of Wengai County,

Have done better,

The food is ready and delivered.

Both sides finished their meal,

It's almost noon,

Respect the army of the great power,

Came slowly,

The army is neat,

Holding the sword,

Tan Tian took out the magic weapon,

Aiming at the military formation of the great power,

If there are masters in the army of the great power,

Should be out,

The defense of Wengai County Pass,

Just these few hundred people,

Defeat these hundreds of people,

Wengai County can be recovered,

Most of the county built,

At least has a certain effect,

The road passes here again,

This pattern covers the county official,

It must be recovered.


"Huh, Huh, Huh"

Six figures,

Rushed out of the army,

The armor he wears,

You know at a glance,

It is different from ordinary armor.


In an instant,

Thirty fireballs smashed towards the monk who ran in front,

The magic weapon in Tantian's hands,

In an instant,

More than thirty fireballs were launched,

The square-faced monks,

Have seen,

Still marveling, this is a happy marvel,


In the army of the great power,

Somewhat knowledgeable,

Open your mouth wide.

More than thirty fireballs were launched in an instant,

Brother Jindan can do it,


This is a magic weapon in the hands of monks during the Qi training period.

The monk in the Qi training period of the great country shook his body,

Jianguang cut,

I just want to cut this fireball away,


Only then did he find out,

These fireballs,

Very mysterious,

His figure flashed,

Jianguang repeatedly cut,


Although rushed out of these fireballs!

In the loud noise,

Got a few fireballs,

Ignited a soaring fire,


Walked a few steps and fell down!

The cultivating monk next to him was surprised,

Such a powerful magic weapon,

They are rare,


There are thirty more fireballs,

Covering ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the monks in the refining period next to him hit the epicenter.

The screams sounded,

This monk, take a few steps,

Crashed down,

At this time,

These monks during the Qi training period,

The wall of Wengaiguan,

There is still half the distance.

There are more than 30 fireballs,

Boom over,

In an instant,

The monk in cyan armor,

Screaming, rushing out of the fireball covering,

This time,

He rushed a few feet,

Still crashing down!

Monks in the Qi training period,

Have become ordinary soldiers,

The remaining Qi refiners,

I was frightened and angry,


Before the army,

They yelled, speeding up,

Another thirty fireballs rushed over,

In a bang,

There are monks in battle armor,

Crashed down,


What Tantian can do,

It can only be this way. (To be continued.

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