Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 2908: Dao Fa is strong

On this golden core monk's battle armor,

There are ornaments of the fire sect.

The fire sect, above the gold core,

All are sent by the soul chaser main god,

"The spiritual root that can make people cultivate is the least, ten million middle-grade immortal stones."

This Jin Dan thought.

Made this trip today.

Reach out,

Dozens of sword qi rushed towards Wengaiguan,

Innate warriors in Wengai County,

A few monks during the Qi training period,

These dozens of sword auras,

Can kill them all,

These monks in the Qi training period,

Even Tantian’s recruitment,

None of them participated.

Ordinary officials, monks in the Qi training period are not birds,

Tan Tian didn't have the time to manage these things.

"Puff, puff, puff, puff"

County Guanzhong,

There was a series of muffled noises.

In dozens of houses,

Appeared this big hole,

In the big cave, flesh and blood splash!

Dozens of Qi training periods, several Qi training periods,

Killed by this sword!

This monk walked towards this big tree,

Dao Fa urges,

A brilliance hit the big tree!

Mysterious and mysterious,

Just want to refine this magic weapon.


This mysterious brilliance,

Hit the big tree,

Is gone,

As if sucked in by this big tree,

A face appeared on the big tree,

It is a square meter, grand and solemn,

"The three cultivators of the **** transformation stage have already stipulated,

Brother Jindan is not allowed to participate in the war,

Do you dare to deal with my magic weapon! "

This Jindan monk was surprised.

His tactics.

Hit a mountain peak.

Refining began on the mountain.

I can easily absorb my own tactics,

Showing this face again,

I heard this magic weapon,

It is the team leader of the peak of the innate warrior,

Taken from the strong,

Sure enough,

The strong.

Away from thousands of miles, you can control magic weapons,

The golden core monk, his figure rushed towards Wen Gaiguan!

He is not capable,

Take a magic weapon,

Let five hundred and sixty people practice at the same time.

On this big tree,

Immediately showed sword aura,

Not much, six sword auras,

Slash towards this golden core monk!

It seems. Green,


This golden core monk's sword art is reminded,

Three thousand sword energy,

Go straight to Xiaohan. Profound and bright,

Tightly arranged,

But, touch this green and misty sword aura!

Three thousand swords attacked Xiaohan’s qi,

The speed is reduced by 30%!

Fighting at the level above Jin Dan,

Speed ​​reduced by 30%,

This is suppressed by the power of the opponent’s Taoism,

It goes without saying,

This golden core monk,

I didn’t even have time to recover the urged sword energy,

The body shape urges full speed,


Only then found out,

Urged to full speed body shape,

But most of the original!

He took out his own soul chaser banner,


Take out the speed of the chasing flag,

The same is only half of the original.

"Puff, puff, puff, puff"

These six green sword auras,

As if through a thousand miles of mountains,

These thousands of miles of mountains,

But it is the golden pill of this fire-raising school,

Defensive Dao Fa released.


This golden pill burst out,

One rushes towards the bluestone road,


The green sword spirit whirled,

Have seized this golden core,

Together with the exploded flesh and blood,

Close to the big tree,

This flesh and blood,

Make a tonic for the tree.

This golden pill, entered the big tree,

The teleportation starts immediately,

In an instant,

Has appeared in a house in an area occupied by the demons on the plane of the garden,

The owner of this house,

Sitting and practicing,

The body is blue,

one look,

There is an extra golden pill on the teleportation formation,

He picked up the golden core,

Swallowed in one bite: "Yes, it's already the top of the four-diamond flower god.

Just add magic weapon, temper the body. "

This is the shadow of the golden fruit of Commissioner Qian,

Come to this place where spiritual energy converges,

Only three diamond flowers god,


Thirty years have passed,

Already the four-diamond flower **** peak,

It was about to pass the Yuanying Heaven Tribulation immediately.

The golden core has a natural understanding of the monks’ cultivation of Taoism,

Mysterious and mysterious,


Brother Jindan himself,

To his perception of this golden pill,

It's not as good as the shadow of the golden fruit of Commissioner Qian.

Tan Song sat,

Although he has advanced to Yuanying,

Tansong has integrated the rules of the plant system and the soil system,

We are preparing to deduce the fusion of plant rules, soil rules and thunder rules,

However, the real Qingqiu obtained a warm clothing from the statue that combines the rules of the water system and the rules of the thunder system.

Master Qingqiu’s plant rules, water system rules, and thunder system rules merge,

Progress is relatively smooth,


The rules of soil system and the fusion of rules of mine system,

Not that easy,

It is equivalent to a new integration of rules.

Tan Song deduced slowly,

Just look at this battlefield,

It’s more than a hundred miles away from Wengaiguan,

In a valley,

More than a hundred camel cavalry stood,

The leader of the team is the officer of the reinforcements,

Lord Jin Dan shot,

This school officer, of course, brought the guards,

Followed by myself,

Wengaiguan should be easily accessible,

This credit,

How can it be easily divided by others?

Now, on the face of the school officer,

It's already green,

"After talking about half an hour,

Lord Jin Dan sent a message,

One night passed, and there was no sound in Wengaiguan.


The school officer said,

Urge the camel beast,

Out of the valley, ran into the distance.

Benz for sixty miles,

To the side of a mountain,

The small river flows by the side of the mountain,

A new military camp,

Beside the mountain,

These thousand people,

Not far from the retreat,

Entered the barracks,

The school officer wrote a report,

Called the soldiers next to him,

"Go, take a few people and send this report to the Rainbow Pass Camp.

Please give orders to the army. "

Want to reach Rainbow Pass Camp,

Only arrive this evening.

Daying’s skin came down,

It will be three days at the latest,


After five days,

The soldier who sent the letter came back with Caihongguan Daying’s reply.

"The team is right, the order is coming down,

Stationed in place. "

The soldier said,

I gave the papers from the Rainbow Pass Daying.

Talk to the school officer,

Rainbow Pass for this matter,

Contacted the Zhuhuo faction,


The fire sect said,

The rainbow level will fight, let's say the victory or defeat.

It turned out that the tripartite cultivators agreed,

Brother Jindan is not allowed to participate in the war,

The golden core of the fire sect,

Shot at Wengaiguan,

May be chopped,

The Zhuhuo faction is also not very fanatical against Wengai County Pass,

"Well, follow Daying's orders,

You guys ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ take care of this camp nearby. "

The school officer said,

The soldiers next to him,

Get out quickly.

The school officer sat down and thought,

He is already in the early stage of Qi training,

I should think of ways to improve my cultivation,

As a school officer,

It is not difficult at the early stage of advanced training.

The fruit of the big tree,

Fluctuating like life,

The people in Wengaiguan County,

Passing here,

Watching from a distance,

Half a month passed,

They looked at this verdant,

As if the fruit is full of life,

Already feel yearning.

This is fairy fate.

Lie down in this fruit, you can live two hundred years,

Someone has asked,

This fruit, the next batch will enter,

How long will it be later,

of course,

The officials of the county government warmly received,

Once this fruit can be stationed, receive them immediately.

Tan Tian was very happy,

Among these people, there are really spiritual roots.

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